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Chapter 350 Passionate Jiangzhou University

The domestic physics society is not an official agency, but the academic nature of the masses, the established time is very early, and has already had a history of nearly 80 years.

Physical Society is very influential in domestic physics.

Many well-known physicists, physics researchers, and some nuclear physics experts are members of the society, and in the application of physical direction, learn to have certain well-known rights in the world.


Quantum physics is very poor.

The Physics Society will hold an academic seminar in all directions, and quantum physical direction is one of the most influential meetings.

This is related to the lack of quantum physicists in China, and because most excellent quantum physicists are concentrated in the physics department of the Academy.

They can do itself.

Every year, the quantum physics conference is difficult to attract too much attention. The physics of the Academy of Sciences is just two or three people. Others are all universities, research institutions to participate, study, truly fight Thinking, there are not many scholars who come to the meeting.

Xiao Zhibei is an executive directors of the Physics Society, and is also a part of the academic exchange committee, and the organizational physics seminar is to be arranged by him.

In the first two months of the seminar, the place has been scheduled to be in Jiangzhou University, and various invitations began to make a month before.

The academic conference of the Physics Society, does not fix participation, 'physics graduate' above, or free famous physicians, you can apply for participation, but as long as you are not invited, you must pay a certain fee, that is, buy 'Enter Tickets'.

The academic conference must have a certain spending, and some 'participating in the ticket cost' can also fill a majority of expenditures.

In addition, it is an invited physicist and a well-known scholar.

This part of the talent is the core of the meeting.

In order to make the academic seminar, it is necessary to participate in more heavyweights, Xiao Zigu has made a lot of work, and he will write a letter from 100 well-known physicists to participate.

Others of the organizational meeting also wrote a lot of invitation letters.

There is a difference.

Those 'almost impossible to participate', is an official invitation letter, and 'may come to participate', it is to write patiently.


Zhao Wei was returned to 'almost impossible to participate in the' ranks.

One, he is a mathematician, even if it is ranked at physic, because of the "particle boundary theory", he is also hoped in 'theoretical physicist'.

Although Zhao Yu first confirmed the foundation of Higs, but he used a computer method, not a pure physical means.

This result is just the results, it is difficult to use to give him the identity label.

Two, the academic community knows that Zhao Wei almost does not participate in the academic conference.

Regardless of mathematics, physical, computer, biology, whether it is international or domestic, various disciplines, various fields, and many academic conferences have invited Zhao Wei, and the results are rejected directly.

Therefore, Xiao Zigui is just a official invitation email for Zhao Yizhang, or after two more weeks, suddenly remembered the past.

"There is nothing to send an email, and I will refuse it." Xiao Zhibei thought so, I have forgotten it after I sent an email, and I didn't care at all my heart.


The next day, Xiao Zhibei opened the official mailbox, and saw a new reply.

The reply is very inconspicuous in the mailbox, but it is very attractive.

"Zhao Wei? Have him return the email?"

Xiao Zhibei is a bit surprised to open the email, see a short a dozen words in the letter, can't help but smash the eyes, and stare at the screen.

That's right!

Still those words!

"Thank you for your invitation, will you participate?" Xiao Zigui readed it seriously, couldn't help but absorb a sigh of relief, full of surprise and incredible, ..

That is Zhao Wei!

The world's most famous genius mathematician, research results across multiple fields such as computer, physics, and biology, almost never participate in Zhao Wei in the academic conference ...

"Can you invite Zhao Wei? If this news is going out, there will definitely have many people to join?"

"Those who refuse to participate will regret it ..."

"This time is held in Jiangzhou University. Zhao Wei is also barely calculated that it is hometown? Is it because of Jiangzhou University?"

Xiao Zigui thoughtfully, still somewhat uncertain, he didn't know if he was wrong, or really to participate, and Zhao Wei submitted the information, and included the same report.

This matter is uncertain.

He and Zhao Wei are not familiar, but I feel that I will send another email, I don't know how to call, I don't know the number. He simply said things to say things.

is a big massive person in China, and he has been to Europe, which has been analyzed by the collision experimental analysis of nuclear organizations.

is also surprised to hear Xiao Zhibei, "You said, Zhao Wei gave you a message, say he wants to participate in the quantum meeting, and agree to the report?"

Xiao Zigui said, "Yes, emails and information are like this."

"I know."

Zhao Wei gave a sure response, "Yes, isn't it next Friday? I have recently studied the research of physics, just find the inspiration."

Yan Wenyi shouted his breath and immediately told Xiao Zhibei immediately.

Xiao Zhi North is surprised to prepare for work.

Zhao Wei is not a small thing, and the domestic quantum physics conference does not have much influence.

The domestic quantum is very small, the top physicist is in the Academy of Sciences, the meeting is difficult to go to the top character, and most of them are not coming.

Zhao Wei decided to come, the situation is different.

A lot of scholars want to know Zhao Wei, know that Zhao Wei is in the meeting, and people who don't come, maybe they will come to the seminar.

The more physical big cows, the more affirmed the influence of the meeting, the more successful will be held.


Zhao Wei decided to participate in the academic seminar of quantum physics, buy back to Zhengyang's ticket. He is planning to go back to Zhengyang first, then take a bus to Jiangzhou.

His plan is not bad, but it is planned to change.

When I know Zhao Wei will come to participate in the quantum physics workshop, the Nobel Prize winner Yang Tang Ning will call the phone, invite Zhao Wei to go to Jiangzhou a few days in advance.

Zhao Wei took the agreement.

Yang Zhenning is a very excellent physicist. It is discovered that there is a uncomfortable problem. There are many things that can be explored, or it may be helpful to his research.

In addition, the old love is a traditional virtue. Yang Zhenning is a dedicated scholar, and it is really an old. The opening invites him that there is no matter.

Before leaving, Zhao Wei cares about the problem of the book. This time, this time, Qian Hong said, "Don't worry, have been handed over to the publishing house, there is tying, ready to send, should you receive an email? ? "

"Have it?"

Zhao Wei opened the mailbox to see the email sent by the Publishing House, and the copyright fee issued a confirmation account. He quickly filledd it, and the mood suddenly changed.

at last……

Another book is going to publish!

In the perspective of making money, "the boundary theory of particles" is not a good book, can make money to estimate his name, but the meaning of "the boundary theory of particles" is that he is the theoretical physics study of his alone, and "" Zhao's screening method is just an algorithm.

Standing at the perspective of academic contempt, theoretical physics is much higher.

In fact, it is like adaptation of the comparison of TV series and network novels. It can make a TV series to sound, even if there is a few people, the copyright fee is not a few cents, there is also a very powerful ' I feel, and the online novel earns a few tens, millions, giving people feeling is a code word.

no way!

Society is like this.

Regardless of the existence of contemptual appearance in all walks of life, theoretical physics, pure mathematics, and placed in the academic world.

From the perspective of academic, theoretical physics, pure mathematics is high, and there is a certain reason, there is a scientific talent, science is the basis of technology development.

"The boundary of particles" is scientific books, even if it is not possible to be verified, there is a great possibility that it may be wrong, and it is still science.

"Zhao's Screening" is just technology.

Science can support the development of many technologies, and the technical itself has its limitations, which is only a way to solve problems.

Zhao Wei took a good mood and took a plane to Jiangzhou.

He came to Jiangzhou last time, it was more than two years ago, he participated in the math Olympic competition in three years. Remember that the feeling of the time was not good, the biggest impression is to eat Xue Pinggui and Bull Lotus dog food.

Simple dog food is also a dog food, and the process is sorry.

"I don't know how to be bulline, why is Zhao Linlin so beautiful prostitute ..."

"It seems that you must have more fathers."

Zhao Wei took a person who took the pick-up. It is a middle-aged person in the age of 40, and I came over a "Professor Zhao", and enthusiastically let Zhao Wei are sinking.

"Come on!"

"Professor Zhao, here, please get on the bus!"

"Let's go to the hotel first, Mr. Yang Town is already in Jiangzhou University."

Zhao Yu first went to the hotel to put things, and found that the hotel was next to Jiangzhou University, he did not continue to take a bus, but simply walked over.

The middle-aged teacher is the teacher of Jiangzhou University. The name is Shen Chunming. It is responsible for receiving VIPs. He stops the car at the door of the hotel, and he is with Zhao Wei's side, and it introduces the quantum physics seminar, "this time There are many people, there are also academy, and you and Yang Zhenning, in addition, it is said that the Capital University, Shuimu University also sent scholars to participate. "

"It is said that you have to report, right? Can you talk about it, is it related to particle signal?"

Shen Chunming took the initiative to find topics.

Zhao Wei shook his head and said, "I didn't prepare. I think, I will do the mathematical analysis of the particle energy."

Shen Chunming was surprised, "Are you not ready?"

"Is there anything preparation? Just do a report." Zhao Wei said.

"Ok, ok." Shen Chunming is a bit difficult to understand.

Zhao Wei doesn't matter.

He has no research on quantum physics. It is found that the quantum of Sigs is a computer method. Other studies are also string theory, space, symmetry-related content, can contact quantum physics, which is the boundary theory 'content of' particles.

This is a pure theoretical physics, or is mathematical content.

If it is a quantum physics report, he thinks that you can take it, or the boundary of the 'particles', theoretical physical content hook the particles, and before some of his results did not announce.

The boundary of the 'particles', or the energy theory, it is definitely to analyze the particles.

Zhao Wei thinks the most of the photons, because the photons are the most common, clearest, most understood particles, and he designs the "mathematical energy distribution" of the photon, you can directly report it.

Because it is the study, thinking, similar branch of the atria, he is even completely unfinished.

The two came from the main entrance of Jiangzhou University. Zhao Wei couldn't help but stopped. I saw the main entrance to hanging red yellow characters, and the top of the big words "Welcome to Professor Zhao Wei to visit our school!".

The door is still standing several people, very enthusiastic, greeted, causing the security guards of the door, and even people passing through the streets frequently.

There are also two cars to speed up the window, and the people inside are inevitably see.


"It's a bit too high!"

Zhao Wei has a helpless past, and a few people who ushered.

"Welcome! Welcome, Professor Zhao, but I hope you!"

"I heard that you are coming, we will prepare in the morning!"

"This time is equal to being home, Nanjiang is your home, Jiangzhou is also your home!"


Zhao Wei was surrounded by a group of people. It was like a university entrance. It didn't know how far, and I entered a building of some classical decoration.

He was made into a luxury office.

The office seems to be very luxurious, it looks like a TV, leadership will receive a scene of foreign guests, and the two rows of sand will be placed.

There are a few people inside.

Zhao Wei recognized the Yang Town Ning on the right, and the most in front of Yan Wenyi, there are several people in the left, but they are not familiar faces.

When he appeared at the door, the office stood up and welcomed it.

Yang Tang Ning also laughed, took the initiative to extend his hand, "Professor Zhao, long time!"

Zhao Wei and Yang Zhenning shake hands, and then introduced someone to know, it is made to sit down.

At this time, I appeared.

On the left is a physics department of the Academy of Sciences, they have left Zhao Wei.

Yang Zhenning was pulled by Zhao Yu to the right.

Zhao Wei didn't know what to do. He immediately looked at Yan Wenyi. The latter sighed, "I still sit here!"

Yan Wen is sitting in the middle of the left.

Zhao Wei hesitated, and simply sat in the past. He looked at the office of the office, and found that the atmosphere was indeed wrong.

Yang Zhenning is just a smile in him, and others have seen a look at the other people;

"This is ... a stunned?"

Zhao Wei once again looked at Yan Wenyi, and Yan Wentang smiled and gave him the situation.

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