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Chapter 378 Quality Structure Theory

The venue.

Shelden-Grax's expression was very serious. He stared at the stage. The eyebrow wrinkled, and the mind turned into a thought. "It is impossible, it is very coincident, and it is also perfect, logic. A closed loop is formed. "

"The mathematics frames he listed completely, it is simple to get the best, just like the artwork manufactured by mathematics ..."

"How can there be such a perfect theory in the world, shouldn't you? Overall analysis and point argument, the result is the same ..."


"If you jump out of the frame?"

Shelden Grazo Si So suddenly looked up, he took a deep breath, his face was re-exposed and disdainful, and his arm was also hugged.


Zhao Wei's speech has been the final stage. As the comparison function listed on both sides, he made the final analysis. He stopped back to the podium, summed up, "We can see two kinds of symmetry, Their energy determines the direction of evolution of particles ... "

"Here, the argument is over."

"thank you all!"

Zhao Wei concluded the last sentence, and quickly picked up a lot of water bottles. At the same time, the venue also sounded the applause of the roaring version, even a few old rows of old arrivals were trembled, and they did their best. It's good.

"It's a wonderful report! Too exciting!"

Perfect mathematics! "

"I used to heard that before I got to participate in the report meeting, I took a look at the boundary theory. The research did not have too deep, and now I know, this theory is really in-depth research."

"Not only is super-right, maybe other problems can also be solved."

"Hey is new!"

"I feel that in another angle, I learned about my microscopic particles ..."

Front row.

George-Smite stood up. He eventually said to the front of the hand, said to Edward - Witten, Yang Tang Ning, Yi Chuan Min and others. "I started to see the boundary theory of the particles, I know that it is a very potential theory. It is brand new, analyzed to particles with energy composition. Now I believe that it is true, but it is not only theory, but the micro true, otherwise it will be so coincidental. "

He refers to a portion of the integration of combined energy composition.

Yang Zhenning nodded, "Yes!"

"Very classic!"

Yi Chuan Min, said, "I have seen the paper in the laboratory. I immediately attracted the content, and the new particle mathematics explained, it is difficult."

George - Smart continued, "I decided, after waiting for it, let the cosmic center should add the boundary theory of particles!"

He is the person in charge of the Cosmology Center of the University of California, which is fully able to determine what the cosmic center is specifically do.

Edward - Witten laughed, "Princeton has set up research team, specializing in the boundary theory of particles, but I think, after the report will pass, they will pay more attention."

He said that he smiled, "But, in the future, you will like the young people in the string, and you will also like the theory of Zhao Wei, and they may even prefer Zhao Wei's theory."

Several people are talking about it, coming next to a cold snoring.

Shelden Gramia was unconscious, and he asked Zhao Yu on the platform. "I think, should there be a problem time next?"

Many people have seen the past.

"Of course, it is time to ask questions now." Zhao Wei asked, "Mr. Grand, Mr. Grand, did you have any questions?"

Shelden-Grawl is nodded and said, "I admit that your theoretical logic can form a perfect closed loop, but all are just your own architecture, perfect mathematics does not represent perfect physics." He said that I thought about Edward - Witten, meaning clearly that the string theory.

Edward - Witten is dissatisfied, "What do you want? Grax?"

Shelden Grax turned his head to Edward - Witten, quite unfriendly said, "Now I ask questions, please don't interruption, it is very important."

Edward - Witten snorted.

He continued to look at the stage, "We all know that the particles do not make a single energy, there is quality, the Higs mechanism illustrates the quality of quality acquisition. Although the quality of most particles can be ignored, the physics is a rigorous discipline, theory Physics need rigorous. "

"Einstein's theory, the quality will cause space to shock. Your argumentation has wold the quality and bypass the role of the four vigorously, and the quality will enter the gravitation ..."

"You call the argument, ignore the place that may cause problems, but the quality of the particles can't be around, it is not open!"

Shelden Grax's tone is very powerful, which believes that he is said, the person who is invited to listen to the report is definitely enough, they all understand the meaning of Grax.

Zhao Wei's super-symmetrical problem argument, bypassing the quality factor that may have an impact, but it is certain that the quality of the quality will be more complicated.

Zhao Wei listened to the frowned and stood on the stage.

The venue was quiet for a while.

Edward - Witten Teng, "Grax, you are really reasonable, but whether it is the boundary theory of particles, or the argument of super-right issues, just completed, only from the energy level, your requirements are too high. ? "

"I just said true."

Shelden Grashiro, "I admit that the mathematics architecture on the stage is very perfect, but the perfect does not necessarily represent the correct representation, because the quality discussion is missing, the place where the problem may cause problems, can only be called a" super-right problem 'Energy argumentation. "


Others also reacted, and the field was suddenly discussed.

Shelden-Grax is really reasonable, and it has also been a key place, but even if so, it can deny Zhao Wei's results, and a single-ended angle discussion, it is already very great.

If you really join the quality, it will definitely be the big results of the vibration biology.

"The discussion of energy composition is already."

"Zhao Wei's theory was originally from the perspective of energy composition, he shaped a perfect mathematical architecture."

"Quality is another problem."

"Even if you put in the experiment, the quality of the particles is also ignored."

"If you expand the composition of ninety-nine-nine percent of the neutron, protennel, quality, is a strong role, and it is no problem."


Most people still support Zhao Wei, but I feel that I have not introduced the problem of introducing quality, I feel a little imperfect.

Edward - Witten and Shelden Gramoxes argued, "" The problem of introducing quality, and the current report is not related. I have been doing the boundary of the multidimensional space, the energy angle argument ", is Part of the study, the next stage is the introduction quality. "

Others listen to the head.


Any study is gradually gradually, and the introduction of quality will definitely make the problem more complex, complete the evidence of energy perspective, and discuss the problem of introducing quality, and it is also a normal research process.

Gera Xiao disdain, "That is your question, I just put forward a question." He said that it also added, "the research of multi-dimensional space? You want to join hands to break the space, let the Brenchi Tiger Legion to conquer the earth?"

Edward - Witch Teng's teeth, "Yes, you guessed, our ultimate goal is to solve you stubborn, ugly, annoyed old man."

"Maybe Wei Zhenti will help me." Grandiane didn't care.


Zhao Wei was silent, and the eyebrows were tight. He has always been in the mouth. "Quality will cause space to shock ... Quality will cause space shock ..."

"The quality will cause space to shock?"

"Einstein's theory, the spatial shock produces gravitational, but why the space will oscillate, maybe it is not a vibration caused, but the space rejection?"

He thought about his eyes, "Why will there be a space exclusion? According to Edward's statement, quality is high dimensional substance, low latitude will reject high dimensions ..."

"So the space will reject quality, squeeze, and cause gravitationality."

"Two things that are also squeezed by space, will form an eye-catching shock wave, which is called gravity."

"The reason why gravitational is very weak (relative to power) is because the 'density' of the three-dimensional space is fixed ..."

"If this is the case, quality logic should be resonant or other reactions that cause multi-dimensional spatial boundaries, thereby having particles have been given to quality, and it can be said that quality is squeezed into three-dimensional space ..."

Zhao Wei made a thinking.

The product of the high latitude of the quality will be rejected by the three-dimensional space, which can explain why quality things, no pure energy is fast.

For example, the photons are not mass, it is the pure energy consisting, and the speed can be reached.

If it is converted to a quality particle, as long as there is quality, it is impossible to reach the speed of light, that is, the speed of light is the fastest speed of the three-dimensional space, and the mass of the particles will be rejected by space at any time, the stronger repulsion, the stronger The lower the highest speed reached.

This space of space can be understood in a way of dusting.

For example, put a mouse in a two-dimensional space, because it only has a very small portion in the two-dimensional space, and more parts are in the three-dimensional space, the movement of the two-dimensional space, Subject to the three-dimensional space part.

"This is not to ..."

Zhao Wei thoughtfully wrinkled, and then simply shook his head, to explore thinking with three-dimensional imagination, and finally the math demonstration is reliable.

He is moving.

After Sherden Grax made a question, Zhao Wei was in the podium, and others were a little worried, and the host had inquiry, he just shook his head and said that he didn't matter.

Now Zhao Wei suddenly turned around and picked up the black pen and wrote something on the big white board. The complex content of a row was written.

The venue is quiet.

Others don't know what Zhao Wei wants to do, just look at what he wrote.

At the beginning, Zhao Wei just lists the contents of the energy demonstrations that have been analyzed, and then add new things, then they are calculated, calculated, calculated ...

"What is he calculating?"

"It seems to add some of the new content, but it seems to be the energy architecture of Fermi, is doing calculations?"

"Affirmation is related to Fermilla."

Edward - Witten basically understands, he is very sure, "he is giving me a fragment in the energy point of Fermi, which is to continue to subdivision." He said that there is some uncertainty, "perhaps Is it for different particles? "


Shelden Gramiao disdain, "What is the meaning, the introduction quality is the key, and then the segment is only energy."

George-Sumt expression didn't move. "I know that there is a theory that human life is in the virtual world, the entire universe is virtual. Since it is virtual, why is there no shielding function?"

"High dimensional guys, do things are too rough? Damn, I want to shield this old head."

Gerax still thought that Sumt said, heard the end of the breath did not mention it. He bite his teeth. "I don't regret it now!"


"Two years ago, I should first marry you a few words, then shield you, boy!"

Sumt took his hand with his hand, full of uncomfortable, "What is going on? No signal, sorry."


Zhao Wei wrote a white board.

The moderator expects to encounter similar situations, making the staff to move two whiteboards, are listed on the podium.

Zhao Wei continued to write a whiteboard. He almost not thinking about it. The people under the stage also looked quietly. Even if they speaking, they were very small, but he was written later, and the people under the stage couldn't understand. .

The same as Edward - Witten, he has some doubts, "He seems to be jumped?"

"The third line of line seems to be the result of the previous combination, but how did he calculate it?"

Edward - Witch Teng can't believe it, he let the back of Philippeno helps to calculate, "I don't understand anyway, you can't understand."

Philippenko, the name is Alekse, is a professor of astronomy of the University of California, Berkeley, is also George-Some colleagues. He and Edward - Witten are also friends, listening to Edward, he can only laugh at it. Put, calculate it.

Since it came out.

Edward - Witten said that there is no mistake, he refers to the third line of the third line, is indeed a combination of several columns, simplifies results.


"How is this possible?" Edward - Witten was surprised to open his mouth, "Does he don't have to calculate? How did it take a result?"

If it is a simple calculation, it is possible to understand that genius's mentalness is definitely different from mortal, but Philippen is calculated for three more than three more, and the results of Zhao Yilian on the stage do not have to give an answer. .

Perhaps Philippen is a bigger blow, he is depressed, "I finally knew the gap between genius."

"I also know."

"me too……"

Zhao Wei on the stage is very fast, everyone's thinking can't keep up, simply waiting for the final result.

I still heard the dialogue between Edward and Philippen, Suddenly, Philippopo said that Zhao Wei on the stage was carried out, almost equal to the process of doing research, and they did not even think on?

Zhao Wei calculates the results directly, they don't know what the result is doing ...

This gap is too big!

Edward - Witten Long sighed, responded to the call, "I also know."

Sherden Grax is also the same, he does not recognize the theory of Coscence, Edward - Witten is his 'academic death enemy', but he has to admit that Edward - Witten is the top genius of mathematics.

Now I'm looking for Said Hua - Witten, I'm worshiping?

Zhao Wei ...

Sure enough!

Of course.

Shelden-Grax will not put sigh on his face. His look is still cold, and the capacity does not explain what. In fact, many mathematicians who completed great achievements do not have people with computing power. .

at last.

Zhao Yu wrote three whiteboards.

When the moderator began to worry about 'no other big whiteboard supply', Zhao Wei wrote the last line of the last line in the lower right corner of the third whiteboard, then threw away the pen in his hand, and retired from the edge of the podium. Looking far away from the contents of the three whiteboards, a smile is coming on the face.

He, completed!

Zhao Wei looked at the general, then he took a sigh of relief, strong down the joy of the heart, turned to the stage, showing the whiteboard to everyone, said quietly, "My latest argument -"

"The energy composition of the particles, the relationship between the quality, and the impact of the quality, that is, the energy arrangement change characteristics ..."

"I call it, the quality of the quality structure."

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