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Chapter 389 Class combined with Tianqing anti-HIV protein molecule

When Ai Lixin announced that the marker is valid, the small conference room has a crazy, and everyone is very excited.

Their excited discussion.

Although the small protein molecule and bacilli antibody can be marked, the HIV virus can be labeled, and it is not possible to directly solve the AIDS, but the worst is also a very effective means.

Today, the world has no direct means, whether taking antiviral drugs to regulate immunity, or prevent HIV in addition to intracellular synthesis, is an attached auxiliary treatment.

The direct cause of HIV cannot be cured is that he will increase with lymphocytes, which will eventually make normal working T lymphocytes becomes less and less, leading to extremely immunity to the body, to the third stage, that is, AIDS There will be a variety of concurrent symptoms caused by the lack of immunity.

Protein molecules and bacilli antibody bind to HIV viruses, or even marks that have been invaded T lymphocytes, equal to finding potential 'spy' in the immune system.

The 'spy cell' is killed by a large number of kills, and the HIV will continue to spread and develop.

This will definitely play a considerable effect on treating AIDS.

Of course.

Can this results play a lot, or to see a professional drug development, clinical trial, can play a lot of effects, but for the Biomedical Research Institute, they have completed their work, results Quite highlight.

Today is the moment!

Zhao Wei's research team made the greatest contribution, and other researchers were only involved in verification.

Zhu Hong represents the health department, affirmed the results of the Zhao Yue Team, and normally praised Li Ming and Zhang Wei, just orally praised, but he represents the Ministry of Health, there is his sentence, Li Ming and Zhang Wei I will definitely be paid attention to in the top level, apply for project funding, research support, and even the new equipment for the laboratory will become easy.

In addition, in the individual, there is this result to make up, and the future will continue to be promoted.

Zhang Wei is just a kind student. She followed Zhao Wei's results, they were promoted to researchers. I got the affirmation of the Ministry of Health. It is estimated that I will wait for a while, one year, two years, almost enough to become formal. Researcher.

This speed is quite amazing!

Zhang Wei is only 33 years old, and the researchers in two years are only 35 years.

Biomedical research and mathematics, physical fields are different.

Mathematics, there are many geniuses in the physical field, and you can have a lot of great results, plus the aura of graduation, and may become a prospective, researcher.

Research in biomedical fields is a laboratory. It is necessary to support equipment, materials, etc., and individuals will not be able to make great achievements in the age, and must follow the project step by step.

Medical researchers of most doctors graduates, it is already 30 years old, and some results have accumulated qualifications. The promotion of Shunfeng is a researcher, but also is almost forty years old.

The researcher at the Biomedical Institute, the average promotion of the age of forty-five years old.

If Zhang Wei can promote researchers in the 35-year-old researcher, it breaks the record of biomedical researchers. It can be used in the top three, which can be called a star in the field of medical research.

Of course.

Zhao Wei can't be counted.

Zhao Wei is always a special one. He has not been an owner who has become a researcher directly led, and he is a recognized scientific research genius.

The current results are also the core of Zhao Wei. It is the result of Zhao Wei led the result. It is also the inferior of Zhao Wei. Zhu Hong finally said Zhao Wei, but just bitted nodded, because he didn't know what to say what.


Is Zhao Wei still definitely? Does he need to be definite?

Don't talk about what mathematics, physics, information technology, a single saying of biomedical field research, last year Zhao Wei's laboratory, the research project of rheumatoid arthritis, received the first prize of national scientific and technological progress, and completed the same year. Several research.

He has worked with the microbiological laboratory to discover the controllability of viral variants, which has caused great discussions international.

Again ...

He is just a big new life of biological science, and it has helped discover the factors that caused myocarditis.

and many more.

This year, Zhao Wei's laboratory has done a molecular analysis of HIV-toxic genes, causing discussions in international AIDS research, comparing, this project is also 'routine'.

2CV-Bing hydrogen molecules in the previous period, now new small protein material ...

Zhu Hong recalls the summary information to read, and then look at Zhao Wei's young face. I really don't know what to say, and in the end, he suddenly thought of a problem, and suddenly, I opened the way, "The results have already been out. , Very successful, it is really successful! "

"I believe this study will definitely cause great progress in promoting the treatment of AIDS."

"But there is a thing."

"You seem to have not given this newly discovered little protein material? Always call new small protein substances, or housing hydrogen ..."

He said straight to the head, then continued, "Since it is the discovery of Zhao Yin Group, according to the international practice, you should name it in their group, Zhao Wei should be the core of the group?"


"of course!"

Li Ming and Zhang Wei nodded at the same time.

In fact, Li Ming did not recognize Zhao Wei's core, because Zhao Wei almost never directly participated in research, and can wait for Zhao Wei to see the experimental results and give research direction, and now prove, Zhao Wei is very important. He also became orally, and understood why Zhang Wei, Ai Lixin, who had such trust in Zhao Wei.

Zhang Wei, naturally don't say, she is a blind trust in Zhao Wei, as long as Zhao Wei said, even if she used uncertain tones, she will directly hit the right directly.

Zhu Hong smiled, "So we will call him 'Zhao Yi protein', how?"




A quiet session room is quiet.

Everyone feels very horrified, Dai Tianqing, Chen Zhi Gang, Ai Li Xin, plus , the three people's response is the same, it is suddenly smiled in the horror, then reveal the shackles and not polite smile .

Dai Tianqing also took his mouth, it seems to be afraid to tease again.

Zhang Wei, Han Hui, plus Li Ming, looked at Zhao Wei and then looked at Zhu Hong, and it was a bit a little.

Zhao Yi listened to his face.

Zhao Yu protein?

Is there any name more than this?

Zhu Hong seems to be aware of improper, some embarrassment, "I just put a suggestion, as for the name, I can think about it, don't ... Zhao's protein?"



A piece of silence.

Yan Xuelin found Zhu Hong's embarrassment, hurriedly said, "Everyone wants to think about it, everyone wants to think, don't let Zhu Minister think. Nothing is more worrying than thinking about the name."

"Yes, right! That's it." Zhu Hong said with the saying, the embarrassment on his face disappeared.

Dai Tianqing recommended, "Do you want to use pinyin? Zhao Wei, ZY- protein?"

"Medium - Capan?" Li Ming, "Why don't you say the middle - central air conditioner?"

"Hahaha ..."

A laughter of the meeting room.

Dai Tianqing continued, "If you don't add a few words in the name of Zhu, such as Zhao's anti-HIV protein?"

"You have to prevent AIDS!"

Zhao Wei couldn't stand it. He asked his teeth to ask Zhu Hong and Yan Xuelin. "This is the discovery of our group. Our group has the right to name it?"

"Of course!"

"That is certain!"

Zhu Hong shouted, smiled and nodded, "Just like this, Zhao Wei said what is called, what other people have no opinion?"


"I agree!"


Zhao Wei suddenly laughed, "That's this, I think the Dai Ge work is also very big, so let's name it, just call 'combined with Tianqing anti-HIV protein molecule', referred to as 'Tianqing anti-HIV molecule' English abbreviation is called 'DTQ-HIV'. "

"……it is good!"

"English abbreviation is good, yes!"


"This name is interesting ..."

After Zhao Wei said, the meeting room was silent, and it was subsequently supported.

Dai Tianqing listened to the face was black, he hurriedly said, "No, no, no, I am discovered, we are still ..."

His opposition is ignored.

Zhu Hong said nodded, "I called this! Zhao Wei's right level is really good."

Yan Xuelin also said, "Lao Dai, you see Zhao Yucai to take care of you, the results of their team think of you, wait for your name to spread out."


Dai Tianqing found himself against ineffective, how many tragic faces on the face, 'Class combined with Tianqing anti-HIV protein molecule? Others know that the whole name will be made up, a human affected patient called 'Tianqing', constantly fighting with the disease, and finally being tortured by AIDS.

In the end, in order to commemorate the brave 'Tianqing', Zhao Wei's research found new protein molecules were pressed by his name.


In fact, most of the content of the research process is invested and verified.

The most important part of the entire research result is the 'Tianqing anti-HIV molecule' found, traceability of the root or in the experimental trough, and E. coli.

The research institute is impossible to protect the precious variant E. coli.

Part of some samples are prevented from being used in the encrypted repository, and there are also uses to do research, the protection is also very cautious, and there are armed police in the aisle next to the laboratory.

This protection is discussed until he is talking about the drug enterprise representative.

When the study found that the latter was very shocking after the representative of the pharmaceutical companies, and immediately passed the news, and said that a new round of negotiations began.

This discovery is also important than 2CV-Bing hydrogen molecules, 2CV-Bing hydrogen molecules are only adhesive in HIV, and they cannot kill HIV effects.

For HIV and gene fragments inside lymphocytes and gene fragments, the effect of 2CV-Bing hydrogen molecules is very poor, it does not necessarily enter the lymphocyte inside, and what effect will be presented to be studied.

The combination of the celestial anti-HIV molecule 'and bacilli antibody can be used to mark HIV viruses, and the meaning is completely unlike.

If it is the early days of HIV, it may play direct cure, even if it enters the second phase of the disease, it is the non-symptomatic diffused period, and it can play a very good effect, but theoretically because of the body The outbreak of immunity, there will be a lot of symptoms, saying that it is too early to cure, but there is affirmation, and it is possible to achieve cure with other drugs.

The later period is not necessarily.

If it is the later period of AIDS outbreak, a large-scale immunity decline and the infurprudence in the body may make the patient directly under danger, and the symptoms attached will be more serious.

In any case, 'The discovery of' Tianqing anti-HIV molecule 'is more worth more than 2CV-Bing hydrogen molecules.

In addition, 'Tianqing anti-HIV molecules' have no confidentiality, because the variation of E. coli is not controllable, and other variations may be produced in the same environment, perhaps the direct death of large pieces.

So the most critical or mutated E. coli samples, as long as the sample will control the 'Tianqing anti-HIV molecule', it is also equivalent to directly controlling the method of 'artificial manufacturing', and cultivation can achieve large-scale manufacturing. And invested in drug development, clinical application.

The Institute mastered absolute initiative.

Because the value of the results is very high, there is a supervision of the health sector, and the research institute's team's requirements are also very high.

The negotiations have been taken three days.

The two sides signed a heavy contract, and the research institute has got up to 20 million funds, which can be used for development laboratories and rewards for researchers participating in the project.

This is just the most common.

The research institute has also obtained a 'patent to share the income related to the' Tianqing HIV Molecular ', and there will be a percentage of the research institute, and there are three percent of Zhao Wei personal.

The two are only one percent of nine percent, but considering subsequent drug development, clinical research, but also put into large research funds, there is an uncertainty in application prospects, and the total division of six points is not low.

Zhao Wei is the only researcher who has obtained patented expenses, because Variant E. coli and the 'Tianqing anti-HIV molecule' is the group that he led.

In addition, the initial 2CV-Bing hydrogen molecules are also he found.

Zhao Wei got a patent fee as a researcher, thinking about it, but Li Ming and Zhang Wei are very envious.

Although the names of the two have not appeared in the contract of drug companies, there is a total of 20 million funds, and Zhao Xuelin has given a bonus of Zhao Yun Group.

Zhao Wei personal points to six million, Li Minghe Zhang Wei is one million.

Others are red!

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