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Chapter 527 This is ufo!

The experiment ends.

The anti-gravity aircraft team still has a tension and busy work, each researcher, engineer, including the underlying technical worker, feels full of strength, because they have completed heavyweight experiments and achieved extremely significant results.

"It is definitely historical!"

"This is a marker!"

"I mean more than what the first train, the first aircraft is much more heavy. We have completed the anti-weight! Reverse weight!"

"Not only is anti-gravity, and it is a gravity cut-cut spread. Our project has a core technology. Sentence is old, I feel that I am joking before the beginning of the project ..."

"Indeed, like a joke, just true."

Many people discussed while working, their job is to do experimental summary, calculating the data summary, everything can record things, all record.

After a successful experiment, the experiment summarizes, data records are all necessary to do, but there are still some technicians, I don't understand why they have to do so.

Are some screws installed?


The technical staff of the underlying work is very confused.

This is the explanation of Dong Luhua.

As the person in charge of the project group, Dong Lihua is indeed very complicated. Such a major experiment has been successful, he knows that you have to record all things, all things are not just the core 'within' understanding ', even periphery, Some small details that are not paid must be recorded.

Dong Lihua didn't matter, because several physicists, the most advanced technicians, completely do not understand the principle of anti-gravity, and moved to make a cut-off anti-gravity experimental device, probably it is already possible. The cutting diffusion is also a rotating device, and it does not understand at the fundamental connection.

That is not to understand!

Zhao Wei is just a explanation of how to do experiments, but there is no principle of all.

Do not!

He explained it, but there was no one to understand at all.

In the case of not knowing the principle, Dong Luhua felt that the next experiment, there is no way to do it, and the device is rotated. It must have a lot of technological things, perhaps moving to rotate, probably a little action However, covering the area, the anti-gravity effect, will certainly be affected.

Because of this, Dong Lihua has a very high, small to a screw, must do a detailed record, and his idea is, "Do not understand the principle, you can move it!"

Anyway, the project is doing technology, what is needed, not the research principle.

In fact, Dong Lihua most hoped that Zhao Yu stayed in the group, can explain more, no, preferably half a month, one month, let the technical staff in the group, all understand the principle.

Even if only three, four understand, can also let the next research launched, not just the experimental content.


He didn't decide.

In the middle of the experimental record, Dong Lihua has reported the news to the high-level leader, and there is no unexpected harvest 'huge shock'.

"What do you say? Diffusion of anti-gravity effect, can cover the entire device?"

"Is this technology that can fly directly?"

"real or fake?"

"Is Zhao's experimentation? Also rather away ... Cough, I know, you have a detailed report, I will see."


Dong Lihua's report has not finished, the high-level has received other news. It is reported by Liu Jiankun, and more than one half of the project is the technical personnel of the aviation group.

Liu Jiankun is also one of the person in charge, will definitely know the news in the first time.

Dong Luhua plus Liu Jiankun, two aspects are reported, the news is definitely accurate, the responsible senior leaders are still afraid of having problems, and even directly found Zhao Yu inquiry.

Zhao Wei gave a sure answer.

After the news is undoubted, the high level immediately acts, and immediately decides to organize the second targeted meeting.

The last time, the anti-gravity experiment was successful, and the high-level discussed anti-gravity technology, and the anti-gravity aircraft project group was formed.

This technology said that it is very shocking, but if you think about it, you think about that 'a little technology, you need to study things, take ten years, twenty years, or even the final unsuccessful project'.

Many people look at this, they don't expect the anti-gravity aircraft project group, which can truly study the anti-gravity aircraft, just hope that there is a technical harvest can be, and it is also for the future science and technology development.

Who can think of it for a long time, Zhao Wei has made an experiment, it seems to study the core technology of the anti-gravity aircraft?

The success of this experiment also represents that anti-gravity technology can be drifted alone, which is also to study a new flying mode, and also has a broad space.


The meeting was held.

Participating in the conference is the high-level leaders, military representatives, and representatives of the aviation group, and other anti-gravity aircraft project groups, as well as several machinery, physics academicians.

Of course, I will not have Zhao Wei.

Before the meeting began, the content was already clear, first of all, it was to do technical reports, let all participants of the participation, and how much it has reached by anti-weight cutting technology.

Two is the development of the development of the analysis technology. The short-term definite is a space, military means, or is also a separate study.

Further, it is to study the response method after being exposed.

Regardless of the completion of the project research, it is impossible to make the outside world unknown, and the news may reveal at any time.

Then it will definitely face the pressure of the international community, Western Europe and the United States is certainly unwilling to see that China has mastered the technology they have, and how to deal with it, it must be prepared to prepare.


On the morning of the meeting, Zhao Yu took a special train to participate in the meeting.

When I went to the door, I saw Liu Jiankun came over far away, and I ran a few steps, "Zhao Academician, wait for me."

Zhao Wei is waiting in place.

Liu Jianjun ran over, full face is surprised and helpless, "Zhao's University, you are too busy, only a few months, the anti-gravity is spread. We all don't keep up."


Zhao Wei laughed.

Liu Jiankun continued, "You calculate it, I ran four times this year, I ran four times in the capital, and once I was a meeting, five times! Add other, I feel that I have been running everywhere. You This is given me a workload! "

There is a middle-aged person next to it, "Lao Liu, I want to increase the workload. You are engaged in air, luck is really good, Zhao Academician, when will I give us aerospace group, and how to study? ! "

He said, actively reaching out, "Wu Wenjun!"


Zhao Wei and Wu Wenjun shake hands, the leadership of the aerospace sector, he is aware of several, but Wu Wenjun is still seeing.

Three people entered the venue together.

Zhao Wei is obviously more popular. He can be said to be the protagonist of the meeting. The highest level leader has not arrived. He is surrounded by a group of people, asking the problem of anti-gravity diffusion, can participate in the meeting, not afraid of confidentiality He made a simple narrative, and he said that he was still conservative, and it still caused a surprise.

There is a military big saying, "Zhao's academician, I heard that you will affect the satellite operation? I think it should be set up a counterattack, which is specifically anti-gramcade satellite, waiting for the war, directly Before hitting a few, let the enemy becomes blinking, first send a man! "

"It makes sense!"

"This can be tried!"

Zhao Wei was only smiling. He didn't feel much better, and there was already anti-gravity diffusion technology. Worried should be, in the process of carrying out the anti-gravity aircraft experiment, it will affect satellite operation, targeted manufacturing ' Satellite weapons', basically not compensated, because the satellite is far from the surface of the Earth, single anti-gravity effect, theoretical is only 'influence', can not bring direct 'killing', do a project only for "disgust" It doesn't matter if it is not necessary.

High-level leaders arrive on time.

The first meeting is to make a brief introduction, and then he went to Zhao Wei.

In fact, it should be a representative of the project team, but Dong Luhua said in advance, and there is no substance to technology in the group. It is a matter that is "completely don't understand ', just let Zhao Wei introduced.

In these days, Zhao Wei's research also has gains. It is controlled by experimental test data. He has been perfected with technical theory. He walked to the podium, let the staff find a whiteboard, explain, "I introduce anti-gravity diffusion. Scope."

"The anti-weight cutting, the profile is a straight line. When the device is fast, it will make the surrounding anti-weight effect confusing, and there is a chaotic area, but it is also like a variety of fields."

"This diffusion effect, there is also spread in the horizontal cut surface, but the effect declines very fast, when it is greater than 'R23V2 + ...', it will quickly converge with the number of power."

Zhao Wei said to look at it, found some too deeply, most people can't understand, he embarrassing two, explains, "can be simply understood as, in practical applications, parallel transverse diffusion effect not good."

"The up and down diffusion effect is much better, the diffusion graphics is almost like this."

He spent a graph on a whiteboard and explained, "" like a four-corner star, the surrounding range is inwardly bending ... "

Then he continued to improve the graph.

During the process of explanation, mathematics's things are completely not said, and the content is directly translated into text, and it will make everyone understand.

People in the venue are told.

Zhao Wei said in a row of more than a dozen minutes, and found that people in the venue, the expression became strange, he had some doubts and asked, "What happened?"

Many people don't talk each other.

Finally, there is a military general, opening a mouth, "Zhao, didn't find it yourself? This graphic, if you become three-dimensional, isn't it a ufo?"


Zhao Yi heard it, he mechanically turned his head, and then looked at the graphics painted to find it really like a disc-shaped UFO.

"This ... is a coincidence? Or ..." He suddenly surprised his eyes.

Others are also very surprised.

The anti-gravity is a step study, and the result is very similar to UFO. "Is it true that ufo is really similar to UFO," Is it true? "

"The alien is using anti-gravity technology?"

"So the technology we have now studied, the anti-gravity aircraft to be manufactured is the spacecraft of aliens?"


The meeting felt some flavor.

Zhao Wei was thinking of for a long time, he continued, "Just coincide. Even if you rely on this technology, it makes a counterweight aircraft, but in design, it is impossible to design into a UFO shape."

"That's too wasteful!"

"Everyone is coming."

Zhao Wei explained that "although the anti-gravity effect area is this piece, because the earth is below, it will be influenced by the anti-gravity effect, can be randomly modified, design, or placed large equipment, equipment does not affect."

"If you change it is sailing in the vast universe, the design doesn't have to be so complicated, and a backweight is enough."

Several people heard Zhao Wei's statement suddenly, relying on the anti-gravity technology design aircraft, it does not need to design a UFO model.

That is a waste!

If it is sailed in the universe, it doesn't need to rotate, because the universe will affect the aircraft, just just the nearest planet.

Then only need a counterweight cut surface, it is enough to resist most of the gravitational effect.

This is indeed a coincidence.

In fact, Zhao Yuxin is also guilty, UFO model and anti-gravity diffusion diagram are almost, maybe aliens master higher technology?

What may it might exist.

Just, he did not continue to think deeply. Because he did not master the related technologies, he talked out of his understanding, there was no significance, and he even did not know if the UFO did not know, "due to fruit law" can not give an answer.

So, I don't want to think.

After this small episode, Zhao Wei's explanation is over.

The venue is free to discuss, everyone can express opinions, talk about the relevant views, and the future research direction.

Zhao Wei has a lot of it.

The morning meeting, and his relationship is not big. He is mainly to explain the anti-gravity problem, almost understand the 'anti-gravity theory', the specific technology, how to apply, and he is not directly related to him.

Theory is the most important thing.

Next is to discuss the anti-gravity aircraft, the research direction of related technologies, just let several specialized people, take out a detailed program, and the large direction cannot be determined earlier.

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