Rule system

Chapter 541 10 J-40, $ 10 billion!

J-40 is an event is a big event and the core part of the Air Show.

When the J-40 is about to be unveiled, there are few people in the exhibition hall, unless the necessary personnel work in the hall, others have arrived outside.

The staff of the Air Show, including the Kunlun engine, like the ordinary audience, they all don't know that J-40 is really unveiled, and very curious and expectation.

Zhang Gangchuan is different.

As a leader of the Kunlun group, one of the leaders of the Aviation Group R & D project, he certainly knows J-40 will be unveiled, but he also went outside, and the heart is the same curious and expected, because he has not seen it. J-40.

After the J-40 debut, the rest of Zhang Gangchuan is only shocked.

"Sure enough, science fiction is the future, there is no wonder to crown 40 code."

When the Fire Eagle-1 model is fixed J-40, Zhang Gangchuan is also on the spot.

At that time, Zhang Gangchuan did not care too much, just sighed Zhao Wei's genius, and be a fighter design that can be amazed, but the design is only a design, no one, no one knows how much technical obstacles will encounter.

In these technical barriers, there may be some challenges that 'can't break through'.

The high-rise of the aviation group initially judged that the Wars-1 distance molded minimized eight years, ten years, and even longer, but did not think that after the prototype group was installed, there was no problem, but he completed a series of test.

It can now be said that the technology is almost mature, and the engine is perfectly matched, and the speed is coming to react.

Zhang Gangchuan is really unimaginable. Why Zhao Wei can be so far to design the 'sci-fi' fighter, which can quickly improve and achieve this level.

In addition, WZ-type engines have also completed debugging, and the Wars-1 can be said to form a perfect match.

Think again……

Kunlun Union has a lot of technical talents. Debugging the Kunlun engine is delayed, and the WZ 2 engine that is debugged will have been delayed to the present, there are still many small problems.

The Hawk group completed the highest-end engine and the design, debugging, and perfect of the fighter; Kunlun group tested a low-end engine, until now, there is no completion.

Both comparison.

Zhang Gangchuan is depressed, I want to vomit blood, he can only think about it, "can't be with Zhao Qi! You can't be with Zhao Yue! That is not human beings!"

This brainwash is still a role.

When I returned to the exhibition hall, I found a group of people surrounded the Kunlun 2 engine booth. Zhang Gangchuan felt more depressed.

As a leader in the engine project, the leader in the bias, Zhang Gangchuan believes that there is still a scholar pride, his pride does not allow yourself, standing on the booth, 'business flicker' ...

That's right!

The current job is flicker!

The WZ secondary engine is renamed the Kunlun secondary engine. It is in a confidential consideration. There is no way to consider there is no perfect engine, but it has been perfected to the booth. It is enough to support large quantities, export?

"This is not equal to being a lie!"

"Deceive or a large group of relevant media reporters, aviation professionals, and even some national air arms representatives ..."

Zhang Gangchuan suddenly felt that his 'liar' was highly high-end, and he flicked in the aviation field.

"Nothing is nothing ..."

He has a bitterness, but he has to continue to keep smiling, as if everything is in mastering, and there is absolute confidence.

Then he walked over.

"The total design is coming! It is the design!"

"I'm coming!"

"Zhang Gangchuan, Zhang total design, one of the big men in China! He has always been the leader of the Kunlun Group!"

"To say aviation engines, Zhang Gangchuan is the first finger in China!"


A large media reporter surrounded, the camera lens flashed, they were like a star, greeted Zhang Gongchuan.

Zhang Gangchuan stood again in the C bit. There is an European reporter immediately. "S., Mr. Zhang, is the J-40 fighter load this engine?"

"It is not convenient to disclose."

Zhang Gangchuan shake his head, "I can tell you that J-40 is loaded, the airline is the latest, the world's top engine."

This answer is very official.

The surrounding media reporters have understood nods. They have been used to the official way to talk, and every sentence must be deeply understood.

An old journalist explained to the young reporters, "You must clear the meaning of clearing, my experience is much more."

"I just said that it is not convenient to disclose. If you understand it is confidential, you can't say it, you think too simple. In fact, this means that 'answers cannot be said directly from his mouth, you need to understand yourself', So there is only the sentence that is next. "

"That sentence seems to be nonsense, in fact, it is to think deeply, J-40 engine is developed by the aviation group, and this Kunlun in front of the aviation group is also developed."

"Aviation Group may develop two top engines in a breath? Of course it is impossible."

"So the answer is already very obvious, the J-40 is equipped with this engine, or this engine upgrade version!"

"Oh ~~~"

The young reporter suddenly realized that his brain was twirls, and it was so simple that the logic was so simple.

He followed him, "The name of this engine is Kunlun 2 engine, the standard is exported. Then J-40 is equipped, yes, it is definitely the Kunlun engine!"

The old reporter carefully looked at the young reporter and took her head with the eyes of the scorpion.

The next question, "Before the Kunlun engine also has a model display, it also announced some performance parameters, but this gap in front of him is very large, can you talk about specific reasons?"

Zhang Gangchuan immediately said, "Technology is developing, technology is progressing."

"We have been committed to the research and development of engine technology, and encounter unimaginable resistance during the process, and it has more difficulties."

He didn't answer your front.

Mainly because the face is not thick enough, he can't say that the Kunlun engine and J-40 have nothing to do, just say that he leads the team, develop the resistance encountered by the Kunlun engine, and strive to overcome difficulties.

The reporters immediately recorded.

This young reporter responded faster, he said, "I have prepared it before, I know that the last Kunlun engine show is still four years ago, he means that in the past four years, Kunlun Group work Let the technology have great progress, only the results of the present, right? "

"So again, J-40 is equipped with Kunlun Engine."

"In this way, the public information of the Kunlun engine is still very useful, and can be developed in this direction, can you get a high-end engine with J-40?"


Next to a few European and American reporters, listening to the statement of young people, suddenly made records quickly, they couldn't help but remember the Chinese sentence, 'The long river was placed in front of the waves, and one generation is more than one generation.

have a look!

This aftermath, it's amazing!


The Booth of the Kunlun Second Engine, assessed the professionals of various air users, including the details of the engine, including manufacturing, assembly, and specific parameters, and continued to understand the power excuse, electronic control system, etc.

These questions are obviously interested in the engine.

Zhang Gangchuan is very understanding of the secondary engine. He made an answer one by one, and also found that people around him, there is no first question, but it is surprised and admired.

Then he found that he would enjoy this feeling. He became the focus of everyone, and the mentality became completely different.

Fudge ...

I feel like it is very good!


At the same time, J-40 is completely fired on public opinion. Ordinary people are not concerned with the engine, they care about the fighter.

J-40, firing all over the country, all over the world, all over the world.

A group of stunning photos were put on the Internet, and a shocking report was released, and it was circulated at a very fast speed and attracted the attention of countless people.

J-40 is not only a technology product, or a very important fighter, attracting naturally more public opinion, but also rose to the national level.

Many national nature have made reports and expressed concern about J-40, and some Western media also expressed concerns.

The M country's "Washington Post" said, "From the j-40 debut process, flexibility, flight capacity, speed, etc., completely different from F-35, it is a single medium-sized fighter."

"In aerospace engine technology and fighter design, China is likely to have caught up and even surpass M countries."

The European media is similar.

This argument with the J-40 form and show the speed, flexibility, stunning the field of public opinion becomes more and more markets.

Some Western politicians have begun to make for the expression of public opinion.

For example, some politicians say, says, "J-40 is just superfluous. This design certainly ancient big flaw, but did not show it."

"China's aviation technology can not reach this level."

"What we see is not necessarily true, but perhaps ready for a long time, the product is used to deceive public opinion."

There are some politicians, military sources said, "will continue to focus on the case of J-40's."

There are leaders of several countries, in an interview talked about the J-40, and have to express their views, "perhaps superfluous, may be true, being unable to say what we also need detailed information intelligence services."

"But what is certain is that China's approach is wrong, they should not put too much energy on military technology, but should be limited to military aspects of development, world peace is the common goal of mankind, they reduce military-related investment, more focus on the development of people's livelihood ...... "

While others said, "We will continue to focus on the case of J-40, the future in the military, there may be the possibility of cooperation with China!"

"Congratulations to China has made a major breakthrough in the field of aviation!"

Some positive armaments small countries, it expressed interest, "I am very interested in the J-40, hoping one day to witness. Yes, on our territory, belongs to us."

"We will fight and Chinese air force cooperation, expand exchanges of aviation technology."


International public opinion on major divided into three areas, some friendly countries congratulated unfriendly Western countries expressed concern that neutral countries are concerned, interested, and even expressed the hope that in the future be able to buy J-40 fighters.

and many more.

Stations in different countries, to express the meaning is completely different.

However, it is exactly the same, most people on the J-40 are full of curiosity and optimistic about the ability of J-40 fighter, especially some military enthusiasts, but also to find relevant information in all aspects of J-40, I would like to find some clues.

It is of course impossible.

Currently, J-40 yet only one, WZ-A1 engine also produces only a dozen, because the development process is very fast, do not have any information leaks before, but the most performance tests, when it was photographed ordinary people.

Those interested in J-40 countries, not just interested in it, and some local tyrant countries also directly sold.

- East St States.

The ST country is a traditional 'petroleum mighty', and they are also the allies of the M countries, but because the border has M countries more important ally, and they are still a dead enemy, while they are friendly, some things will always produce Not small friction.

In the military, the ST country is limited to the best equipment, nor is it supported to develop your own industrial system, and you need to seek other countries.

China and ST countries have always had cooperation, and have signed a military purchase list.

Now the ST country has found China's better fighter, there is a prince who participates in politics as a representative, quickly coming to Zhu Cheng, finding the high-level leader, talking directly, talking about buying J-40.

That is of course impossible.

"J-40 is a non-selling product!" The senior leader shook his head directly.

There is a saying that there is no non-selling item in the world. If there is, it is not high enough.


The prince of the ST country believes that there is enough to buy everything, directly open, let the price of Zhang Gangchuan almost nodded, "Ten J-40, $ 10 billion!"

Ten, one billion!

The senior leaders heard a bit, and the heart of St Guardian is really a mighty country.

The manufacturing cost of J-40 is indeed high, but a $ 200 million dollars are also enough, in the international market, M countries's F-35 is sold to the allies over 20 million US dollars.

Of course.

The St States must not buy F-35, the M Congress will consider the interests of YS countries, and they will not sell F-35 to ST.

Now that the representative of the ST country is a billion dollar purchase J-40, which is clearly hope to enhance the armament and have five generations of fighters.

This is equivalent to the proposal.

Even if J-40 is sold to $ $ nipple, the ST country means that it is enhanced and China's cooperation, and the order of ten billion US dollars will serve as knocking bricks, hoping to sign larger orders in various fields.

The ST country is definitely a super big gold owner, and their military procurement is tens of billions of dollars.

The senior leaders think about it, or let the people explain that the J-40 strategy is importance, and by the way, the five-generation fighters of other models can also be considered to develop cooperation with the ST country.

Zhang Gangchuan, I knew that it was an empty gloves, but they had to gratifying, "Gao!"

The aviation group has other models of five generations in R & D, which is J-31, but J-31 still exists in the design, saying to the ST country, must have let the other party invest in R & D fees, the technical personnel who have put it related, It can be produced in research and development.

Of course, the cooperation between the international military research and development is usually like this. The technology is the core thing. There is no more money without technology, but there is no meaning.

The State representative clearly cannot decide cooperation, and can only express attitude, understand the intention of cooperation, and the content.

In the end, both sides have signed orders regarding Kunlun 2 engine.

ST national prelilence purchases fifty Kunlun secondary engines, unit prices are $ 2,1 million, and will be delivered within three years.

The parameters of the Kunlun secondary engine are sufficient to satisfy the ST country, the engine can support four generations and more fighters, technically improved, for example, design double-driven, is enough to support higher performance fighters.

Even if I can't support the single five-generation fighter, I have to know that the five-generation fighters are not only the engine, the most important or other performance, not just the engine.

The use of the Kunlun secondary engine is still very much, heavy fighters, reconnaissance machines, etc. can be used, not necessarily, if the fighter is used, the engine is purchased separately.

The ST country is only purchased alone, but they still hope to cooperate production.

Just 50 sets of orders are not possible to support cooperation production, and further cooperation only has the only way to sign more orders.

But undoubtedly, cooperation between the initial contact between the two sides can say that it is perfect.

Subsequent cooperation can continue to talk.

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