Rule system

Chapter 544 Dong Lipping: This is absolutely impossible!

The RD region detects the alienation reaction of the protein to the variation of cellular genome, is definitely the big discovery of cancer studies.

Detecting proteins is responsible for the normal operation of the cells, like the 'review department' in the cell, reviewing a part of the operation, ensuring normal work within the cell, but is limited, and the review requires a lot of detection proteins. It can play a certain effect.

For example, when the cells are damaged by external damage, or a viral infection that is largely killed, it will cause a large number of detection protein variations, causing the inside of the cell that cannot work properly and will die.

The RD region detects the protein, mainly for DNA and RNA, viruses are genetics, with the RNA fragment, and the invasion process will be detected by the RD region to detect protein, thereby losing genetic effects.

This is the way the cells resist the virus.

Some viruses that have a strong hidden ability will only make some RD district detection proteins, because the number is too small, it cannot have an overall impact, and the detection effect is completely suppressed.

However, the role of the RD region detects the protein is still very large, and it is determined that the RD region detects the variation of the protein, it can be studied for it.

Cancer is self-variation of self-cultivation, analysis of cancer cells, did not detect the discovery of protein variation in RD.

It is now discovered that the determined signal of the mutation is found, and related research can be performed in this field, perhaps the corresponding drug can be manufactured.

Zhao Wei thought is to expand the signal to detect protein variation, so that the variation really affects cell operation, when cancer cells do not work properly, will definitely can't split, can only wait for death slowly.

In fact, the RD area detected that proteins responded to cellular variations, it is already a great result.

But Zhao Wei believes that just start, he will continue to apply for a project, and speed up the research and development speed of relevant treatment means.

He still remembers He Jinsheng.

He Jinsheng has cancer and how long it is no longer dragged.

If you are friends and family, he will immediately arrange the best treatment, rather than relying on himself, but he has not seen He Jinsheng, just talking about a few words, obviously the relationship is not arriving, spending a lot of money to the other party Degree.

There are too many cancer patients around the world, he can take one of them to take one, but it can't all give the best treatment.

Therefore, Zhao Wei's choice is to study a practical means of pragmatic treatment, not only for He Jinsheng, but also for more cancer patients.

He Jinsheng can't afford it, and the R & D speed must be accelerated.

After studying the treatment method in the group, let He Jinsheng tried, if you say it, you must do it, you can't commit commitment, go to the grave of the long grass.

That's a bit awkward!

The project application, research and development, and it takes a while.

Zhao Wei is unclear, occasionally goes to the school to open a class, complete your job as a professor of the University.

This day is super-calling.

Xu Chao has been responsible for taking Star billion technology company, but the company has no new business, most of the work is related to Yudu robot, and he is relatively unique.

Zhao Wei took the phone to know what is something, only listening to the opposite Xu super excited shout, "Zhao Wei! Zhao Wei! Have you pay close attention to the ratio - the currency? These two days have risen!"

"How much?" Zhao Wei came interested.

"Today is seven hundred dollars!" Xu Chao said excited.

Zhao Wei suddenly lost interest, "" Only 700? I thought it was 10,000. "

"Ten thousand? Do you dream!" Xu Chao real thing, Zhao Wei is actually this reaction, he went to the road, "700 nor a lot, I remember that you have a lot of - special-coins, you should over 10,000 Why do I have a few hundred, seven hundred, hundreds of thousands of dollars, your estimated value is tens of millions of dollars! "

'That is really estimated ...'

The ratio of Zhao Yu's hand has been growing, and it has been more than 50,000, and the acquisition has been stopped half a year ago.

50,000, it is a lot!

He won't go to the long-term mixed currency, 50,000 is enough to affect the market value fluctuations, and then continue to acquire the meaning, because it will become very difficult.

If Bitcoin is all in your own hands, you can directly and a lot of useless data marks.

Zhao Wei wants to say, "how much money is useless, now don't shoot, wait a few years, rising over 20,000 US dollars."

"20,000 US dollars?"

Xu Chao's tone was obviously surprised, "Are you dreaming?"

"Anyway, I like this, you ... casually." Zhao Wei said.

"Of course, listen to you." Xu Chao failed to Zhao Wei, Zhao Wei is not professional to invest, but his investment has almost no loss, almost all earned.

Xu Chao said that than-the-currency thing, and said that the company opened with Sun Liang is a small software company that Sun Liang is mainly responsible.

The company has the investment of Yudu robots, and the development of Yutu robot, do sub-product development and customer maintenance.

Zhao Wei is a small company that knows Sun Liang, hung in the Yutu robot, the development is very good, the employee is more than 30 people.

Xu Chao said that the company has encountered problems, and they have received a large single year, giving a laser equipment manufacturer to control the system. As a result, the laser equipment manufacturer's fund chain has encountered problems. If the bankruptcy is closed, it is attracted to investment. Just drag the arrears.

Sun Liang's company did a few months, and the financial chain also had a problem.

Similar things are very common, entrepreneurship always encounter risks, but for Sun Liang, it is still a blow.

"He didn't tell me!"

Zhao Wei was a little depressed, I thought about it, I got a lot of money, Sun Liang's entrepreneurial funds, it was about to achieve medical websites, about one million.

Now this money is not coming back, the company will definitely lose money this year.

Sun Liang is probably embarrassed.

Xu Chao and Sun Liang cooperated to open the company, and there must be corresponding investments, but the loss is not a problem.

Zhao Wei suddenly asked, "What is the company do?"

"Laser generator, optical equipment, etc., and also cooperate with several optical laboratories." Xu Chao Road, "But this year's development is not prosperous, it seems to be lost."

"This is your future!"

Zhao Wei wants to say, "You go to talk about the income, Sun Liang's order fee is also calculated,"

"Ah?" Xu Chao did not understand.

Zhao Wei continued, "" Mainly in the name of Star billion Technologies, to guide them, support their development, it is best to fight for a large proportion of shares. There is a loss in the future. "

"Good ~~"

Xu Chao still does not understand, "When did you be interested in optical equipment?"

"I have been interested."

Zhao Wei did not explain more explanation, but he continued to interact with the investment.

This is also an investment.

The anti-heavy force devices are definitely not deficient in the beam generating equipment. The relevant procurement is not possible to always pass the relevant laboratory. The large-scale production of the factory is a formal method, laser, optical related equipment manufacturer, and the market is still relatively small, the future is certain Very potential.

After the call is placed, Zhao Wei throws his things after the brain.

Sun Liang's loss, giving the corresponding manufacturer, just a little thing, just a small investment in the future.

However, he quickly thought about the problem, Xu Chao said something, causing his interest, is 'laser cutting equipment'.

Laser cutting, the principle is the use of high-temperature aggregate beam, and the beam focus has been able to reach a high temperature, or because the energy of the photon itself.

If you are associated with a backweight device, the high energy light speed is in the device, which has great energy and has been lost energy.


During the operation of the reaction force equipment, the energy size of the beam loss will affect the anti-weight effect?

This is the problem that I didn't notice before.

Although it is known that the light speed is inside the device, it will convert a lot of heat, but during the study of mathematical theory, the appearance of the anti-gravity effect seems to be independent of the energy of the photon itself.

This is the contradiction.

It is now possible that during the operation of the reaction force, a part of the photons will be lost, and the conversion to the space barrier, that is, the spatial barrier generation, itself is energy consumption.

"Space barrier will consume energy, but in theory, independent of the photon energy and space barrier effect produced."

"It's too contradictory!"

"Among them, there is a problem ..."

Zhao Wei deeply frowned and thoughtfully thoughtfully.


'The problem in theoretical photon energy and the spatial barrier effect of the spatial barrier effect is soon cracking through theoretical analysis.

Zhao Wei's crack speed is very fast, because the experiment has proved that the theory is not a big problem, the least the main direction is correct.

He studied theory, the photon will have spin space barrier effect and influence on the effect that 'the number of photons'.

Energy, and space with a barrier effect is not directly related to the photon, the photon energy because of the impact, a large proportion of 'speed'.

, A straight line potential energy, and the barrier effect of the spatial light propagating spins along a straight line, obviously there is no direct relation.

"In other words, energy and spin manufactured directly related to the loss of photons, and a large part of the potential energy, may have been 'in vain' losses."

"Experimental really detect loss of energy, but the energy is not necessarily converted into spatial separation effect, most likely 'vacuum dissipate', or, to be understood that the chaotic space absorb the impact."

This sounds violate the law of conservation of energy, but the spatial separation is generated, the original physical longer visible.

Space physics today without any understanding at all, chaotic space to absorb the energy, the specific cause is difficult to imagine what effect, or to rely on experiments to discover.


Dong Lihua team on anti-gravity research, found a good way, they are ready to improve anti-gravity device, create new optical conduit with insulation.

"This can greatly reduce the energy loss of the device, is sure to make better ......"

Dong Lihua is full of confidence about her, he felt depressed real team without any breakthrough in anti-gravity research, do not say anything to support the theory, even if only technically, did not have any progress.

Now, with.

They found a suitable insulating material, can replace the original erected pipe passage, it can certainly greatly reduced during operation of the apparatus heat loss.

Dong Lihua said, "Did not we say that part of the loss of light energy converted to the barrier effect of space. If the process operation of the device, the energy loss is smaller, experimental results will be considerably enhanced, so that anti-gravity larger coverage area. "

If you simply do understand, he said, a little does not matter.

Zhao Yi shook his head, "First of all, I support your improvements to the device, device improvements to my research, there are some help."

"But I've had a similar study, the experimental process, the loss of large energy device for the anti-gravity effect, regardless of coverage, or the barrier effect, are not affected."


Dong Lihua completely unpredictable mind, he was sure, said, "This is impossible!"

Zhao Yi ineffectively not continue to explain, but said, "You can try."

"Try it!"

Dong Lihua did not believe in Zhao Wei's conclusion. He felt that Zhao Wei said, it is to deny his physical, for nature, for understanding of the law of the universe, there is no impact on the results in small energy loss,?

Absolutely impossible!

The two said that there seems to have not continued it.

Dong Luhua suddenly put a smile, just like forgetting the things just now, said, "This ... Zhao Academician, our improvement, still want you to point, I am worried, I will have problems on the operation."

This is the key.

Although there is a standard anti-gravity device, some of these principles don't understand, all like the production, there may be a little error, and Dong Lihua's so-called 'physics expert' in the group is not trust, including Interlays from Zhou Guofang, there is no one dare to say completely to the principle of counterweight.

He occasionally complained in an acquaintance, "these experts are not used at all! The above should send some of the truth, true top!"

Now Dong Luhua also rushed to 'excavation' purposes, "he continued," Also, Zhao Academician, I heard that there are a few people in your theoretical research group. I and leaders said, I want to pull one from your group. Our team guides the work ... "

This is the main purpose.

Since the expert 'experts in the team' unreliable ', find a truly principle, and determine that the principle of anti-gravity can only find Zhao Wei's research group.

"The meaning of leadership means that let me ask you to ask, you agree." Dong Luo said that it is expected to look forward to Zhao Wei.

Zhao Yisher thought, nodded, "no problem, I can help you ask, but if anyone is willing to go, I don't dare to guarantee. In this kind of thing, I can't force it, right?"

"Of course! That's of course!" Dong Luo said quickly.

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