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Chapter 556, Liman, the proven report

After Zhao Wei, after Weibo, he did not care about public opinion, with the remaining time, with Edward - Witten, and check the report.

They are doing research together, and they are also reported, but they are also assigned to report content.

The report of Liman survivs is divided into three parts, and it is carried out separately, Edward - Wigteng is responsible for the morning report, Zhao Wei is responsible afternoon.

One person is reported or the other person is 'assisted', for example, responsible for answering the question of the end of the report, or supplementing the contents of the reporting process.

In response to the first day, the two had some disputes because Edward - Witten wanted to explain the problem of string theoretical quality.

Zhao Wei believes that the quality of the string theory is shaped, and there is no direct relationship with the prove of Liman's conjecture, it can be taken separately without the need to add the content of the theory.

Edward - Witten adheres to its own point of view, and believes that the part to shape the quality point.

Finally, Zhao Wei still compromised.

Anyway, three days of reporting time is very sufficient, Edward - Witten Want Teng wants to promote the theory of wireship, and it doesn't matter if he goes to propaganda.


The report will come.

The main content of the first day is the argument of even and the number of pixels, and introduces the Liman function to standardize it, simply, it is to analyze the Liman function.

In the morning, I was responsible for Edward - Witten, and after he stood on the stage, he started to talk about the quality of quality. His explanation did attract a lot of people, probably more mainly reason, everyone feels the quality point shape, and Li The proof of mamity is directly related, otherwise Edward - Why do you want to explain?

Everyone listened very serious.

Edward - Write's explanation is also very serious, he is the top most crime in the world, but in so many reports on the theory of top mathematicians, the opportunity is also very difficult.

I have passed in the morning.

Edward - Witten said the problem of quality point, listing a lot of content to analyze, some people fully understand.

Then they were confused.

When I came to ask questions, Thomson stood up and asked. "All content is put together, don't weigh it to shape three groups, Lieman function specification, digital relationship, why to explain so many correlations Content?"

He is a question about Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei and Edward - Witten is okay, one person is responsible for explaining, and another person is complex.

Edward - Witchng is sitting on the podium, Zhao Wei is regretted, because everyone's doubts are rushing on him.

After listening to Tomson, Zhao Wei can only boost helpless. "I think this problem should be answered by Edward."

Edward - Witch Teng said with the voice, "Professor Tomson, do you think that the quality of the quality is very wonderful?"

Tomson Road, "But this has nothing to do with the proof of Liman's conjecture, and finally it is the determined list, you will write it directly."

"Our research process is like this." Edward - Witten found an excuse, "I just put the research process, I hope to provide ideas for your work ..."

This reason ...

Many people seem to be a little truthful, but I don't want to find it carefully, it is a dog-fart.

Edward - Witten is deliberate.

"Go on!"

"Go, let Zhao Wei come!"

"Edward, don't lose your face, come down! No one is interested in your string theory ..."

No matter what discipline is discipline, many people are shouting, really don't give it.

Edward - Wit Tengton is very embarrassing.

Zhao Wei is the way, "Everyone, quiet, the afternoon is my (time)."


At noon, many people were discussing Edward - Witten, and said to him a lot of nonsense, very dissatisfied.

If it is a mathist, the mathematician of the inceptional theory, you will definitely understand Edward - Witten's mood and feel the wonderfulness of the quality point shape.

Unfortunately, most of the mathematicians do not engage in string theory.

In the afternoon, Zhao Wei came to the stage.

He directly wrote the three sets of columns to make a series of discussion.

Zhao Wei explained the key to the key, he contacted the Liman function and used topology to conduct a series of explanation and derivation.

It is normal now.

After the explanation, the people under the stage are also issued normally.

Zhao Wei explained a lot, I want to understand it, it is not easy, but the top mathematician is sitting under the stage, some of the fine problems must be built, and there is not much problem with the overall grasp.

The question time of all reports, some people stand up or ask for details.

The first day of the report works, ending in many people's raising questions.

Come on the next day.

The large-scale meeting room of the math center has been full of people, many people concentrated together, discuss the boycott Edward - Witten.

"Edward guys, if he said again, we can use leaving to protest."

"The people in the venue are gone, see how he still says theory!"

"Yesterday he said and Liman guess did not have any relationship. I don't know how today? I still feel Zhao Wei's reliable."


Edward - Witten also knows that he seems to have committed anger. He has to check out some of the 'publicity string theory and mysterious mathematics. Column specification analysis.

This part of the study is a normative analysis of the quality point topology.

There is no way to continue the introduction of quality points, and the difficulty is actually a lot of decline, just directly understanding that the specification for the column can be understood.

In the afternoon, Zhao Wei continued to do related analysis.

The difficulty of this part is the highest, which can be said to prove the core of Liman's conjecture, their explanation is very meticulous, and people who want to participate in the report will understand.


The two people have a little overestimation.

Although they explain very detailed, they can completely understand the process, but only a very least top mathematician, most of them have not understood.

When I got a question, many people raised their hands.

In the afternoon, the time plan is an hour, the result is a question lasted for two hours, Edward - Witten is like it is, I have explained a whole, and I feel very tired.

The last day is the key.

In the morning, Edward - Witten did the norms of Fematim, ending the digital regularity, and analyzing the status of the Liman Zeta Function (s).

This part is very complicated, one derivation process, wants to follow the ideas very difficult, Edward - Witch Teng's explanation is very patient, showing a self-confidence of top mathematicians, and each step is clear.

In the afternoon, Zhao Wei made a final work.

Based on the conclusions of the morning, he quickly constructed equation. After a series of devices, he proved the equation constructed, and Liman's function expression (s) = 0, there is a meaningful solution, because The equation can be derived from the solution to the solving in the region, and all meaningful solutions can be derived, both on a straight line.

This is the result.

Trism's main proven content is to prove that all meaningful solutions of equation (s) = 0 are on a straight line.

After everything, Zhao Wei looked at the stage and smiled slightly, "above."

"... is the proof of my and Edward - Witten!"

With Zhao Wei's concluding words, the applause broke the applause, the applause quickly gathered together, everyone is intense.

In fact, there are not many people who can completely follow the rhythm, but the mathematicians who can understand have no big problem, as long as the process does not have a big problem, calculation and derived parts, you can follow the follow-up to verify.

The next answer time is the responsibility of Edward - Witten, some people have sent congratulations in advance, "I listened to the whole process, there is no problem, proves that the idea is very clear."

"Although some detritions steps are complicated, there is no problem in the whole."

"It's really unimaginable. I can see Liman guess prove in the year!"

"This will be a hundred years old, the biggest progress of mathematics, but you are with Edward, I don't feel unexpectedly, I want everyone to think so."


"Congratulations, you have completed Liman guess, believe in history will record this moment!"



The report will end.

Liman guess is that it is not a certain thing, because there is no other person to listen to the three-day report will be, it will be correct, the top mathematician, but also the procedure, no problem, no problem. Some details of the details should continue to be built, study.

The internationally proven to some mathematical conjectures requires the top mathematical institutions.

For example, Princeton High School, Newton Institute, etc.

These institutions organize special teams to conduct detailed research and analysis of proof processes, and find mistakes will be pointed out, and no errors will be disclosed, "believe in conclusion."

When more influential academic institutions are recognized, they will be determined that the guess will be proven.

Some things don't have to consider institutional recognition issues.

Zhao Wei and Edward - Witten, have determined the magazine published in English from the morning.

"Mathematical Journal".

"Mathematics Annual Journal" is the most influential, most authoritative mathematics magazine in the world, even in the four top mathematics magazines, "Mathematical Journal" can also be said to be ranked first.

One is because of high influence.

The other is because the published papers, "Mathematics Journal" issued a period of two months, the annual published paper, the overall number is limited to 100 articles.

Hundreds of pieces are restricted.

In fact, in the past few years, the number of papers published in the "Mathematics Year", no more than sixty articles, and occasionally, it will encounter too few papers, and the new period of publication time is delayed.

The "Mathematics Annual Journal" will publish the papers of the entity, will also issue the corresponding electronic version, electronic version is also the quality of charge, only the paper is released for five years before downloading.

The grade of "Mathematics Journal" is still very high, but it is nothing to do with Zhao Wei, Edward - Witten.

Even if the proof of Liman guess, it has not been recognized, and even has not yet reported. They have already "reservation" the paper release, their manuscripts have been sent, there is no need to make another revision, there are some small problems, editing The department will be modified directly.

As for the correctness of the paper ...

The Editorial Department of Mathematics Annual Journal is not considered, and even mistakes don't matter, just because the speaker is Zhao Wei and Edward - Witten.

This is the influence of the top mathematician.


The report of Liman survived, and truthfully made Yanhua University Mathematics Center for a while.

Although the report will last for three days, but later, there are mathematicians to stay here, and with their peers, the mathematics, the math center of the School of Science, has become a place where they do mathematics.

Zhao Wei also stayed in the math center, can be discussed with so many top mathematicians, and the opportunity is also very difficult.

At the same time, the math center also has good news.

The next day after the report meeting, Wales found Zhao Wei, saying that he was very moving to Yanhua University, hoping to join the math center.


"We will be a colleague!"

Zhao Wei said very enthusiastic, he immediately told the news, the head of the school, the college, and let them help arrange Wales.

Wales agreed to join the math center and absolutely a very good news.

The mathematics center of the previous School of Science, only Zhao Wei is a person 'support, and others are not famous mathematicians.

Zhou Li, it is already tip.


Zhou Li and Wales are not a level, Wales's Malaysia guess proves that it is wrong, but it cannot deny his mathematical ability, absolutely the world's most top.

Now there is Wales to join the math center, which is equal to a "big god ', Wales can undoubtedly bring great help to the mathematics center in the field of education, maybe under his guidance, mathematics center can cultivate Affitzer belonging to its own.

In the past few days, Wales' mood is very ups and downs, and it is very difficult to make a decision that never thought.

Zhao Wei's invitation made him feel moving.

If there is no failure, Wales will not consider working in China, because China is a complete unfamiliar country.

Different now.

Wales does not want to return to the Y country, and come to China is a good choice. At least there will be too many people, always point to him, "see it! That loser, liar!"

"He said that he proved that Ferma guess, he deceived the whole world!"

What is actually?

When it was proved to be wrong, Wales still believes in it is correct.

He is a loser, but it is not a liar.

Wales thought of China's work, changed a new environment, and new life is full of forward, he thinks, "Maybe I can do it with Zhao Wei with Zhao Wei? Complete a world-class results?"

He began looking forward to it.

Zhao Wei did not think much about Wells.

After the report will end, he re-puts the energy and invests in anti-gravity research and is still theoretical.

It is not to say that theory will continue to improve, the most important because several people in the theoretical group, I can't understand his research in a short time.

So Zhao Wei is in person.

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