Rule system

Chapter 558 Outlooking the Tight Public Operation

Research Institute of Mechanics Engineering, California, Paro Mo, Stanford University.

Mike Belegal and Jane - James are working in the laboratory to study the built-in circular devices.

The circular device looks very high-end, the following intensive coil, thick glassware, and a lot of metal surround, the silver metal loaded in the glassware is shining, and a ultra-thin plastic ball is hovering.

If it is seen by ordinary people, it will be amazed at a scene in front of you, but Bellagal and James are full of face, they have turned around, and the brows are tightly frowned.

"This is impossible!"

Belegal said, "We have long completed repetitive experiments of superconducting and rebellivity, but up to 10% of the gravitational role. First, the large-scale device, want to float, theoretical, minimum to reduce more than 100 points The gravitation of seventy or more. "

James shook his head, "70%, not enough. From the exposure photo, the bigger is less than one hundred tons, may have three hundred tons, 500 tons, or even more, but below the disc Extended flames, it used the propeller, but probably only used to maintain a balance. "

Belegal thinks, "Perhaps the reaction of the reaction will drive air upward, and also bring a part of the role."

James have a mouth, "Do you believe that the wind can blow up hundreds of tons of equipment?"

"After reducing gravitation, only tens of tons." Belegal adheres to its own statement.

James use hard to hold mouth, "Ok, just like you said, reduce the gravitation of 70%, but we still can't do it."



Both people are superconducting anti-gravity devices.

Stanford University has been committed to the research of anti-gravity. Every year, I will put it from 100 million US dollars.

In fact, before Li Ning's superconductance and anti-weight theory, there was already related experiments found that the relevant 'gravity lack of "gravity" is considered to be caused by' mysterious electronic thrust.

As early as more than 20 years ago, the M countries and E national scientists conducted a related exchange of aerospace technology, in the exploration of a thrust generator that controlled gravity.

They believe that this type of research may bring an impact on the development of the aircraft and may develop a new weapon.

At the same time, the M country's NASA, Boeing and some well-known research institutions have begun to involve relevant research.

Stanford University is also one of them.

Last year, M Inter-disciplinary technology company claimed that they designed a so-called "lifter", "lusher" is made into a triangular frame with a light wooden stick, attached to a wire, surrounded by metal foil The film is rounded.

As long as the positive electric wire, the negative electric wire is turned on, the lift will fall away from the desktop and rises to the air.

The Improvement of "Lower Machine" was originally found when a company's electric-optical engineer was found when conducting a laser test.

There is also a similar wire-metal foil component in the laser he experimenting. He has found that the metal foil will have inexplicably distorted movement as long as it is connected to the current.

Next, he also found that if a triangular body formed by a wire and metal foil as a unit, then a larger and heavier "aircraft" can be made by a combination of such cells, and its shape is neither designed to be air. Dynamic profile, no need for moving parts, as long as the current can rise to the air.

Later, there were French physicists, reappearing this trial in their laboratory, and also made quantitative measurements for the so-called "lift". He said in an interview, "I made" lift "can very quickly. Accelerate rising, and can be very stable in the air. "

The problem is coming -

What is the force to push it in the air?

Existing physics cannot explain the "lifter", and related research has also caused very wide attention.

Later, Zhao Wei and Li Ning were discovered.

They released the experimental results, and also published relevant theoretical research, indicating that ion lattice spins will bring backweight effects.

This is perfect explanation, the experimental phenomenon found before.

Stanford University has also increased investment in anti-gravity research. .

Li Ning refused the reason is also very simple. He always hopes to pay attention, but after all, it is already old, and immediately goes to retirement, and then go to work, it is not necessary.

Research on Stanford University can only rely on Zhao Wei and Li Ning's theory to carry out relevant recovery experiments, and continue to expand on this basis.

Mike Belegal and Jane - James, is the core of Stanford University, and they carry out the experiment, and they are still very successful. They are designed, and Li Ning is released. The effect is also Be better.

They have always been convinced that they have done is the cutting-edge research.

The anti-gravity effect can reach 10%, which is already very amazing, and can even drive thin slices, plastic ball, directly rising to the air, not to say the balloon.

Now they only feel sorrow, James sigh, "Maybe we all want to be wrong, it is not superconducting, the photo is not complete, for example, the everyone has a propeller, just in the center, fundamental Shooting. "

Belegal Road, "I also hope to be like this, but theoretically, there is a huge propeller in the center, and the wind is not enough to drive such a large device."

"Well ~~"

James feel very helpless, they can't think of something.

"Professor Belega, Professor James, some people find it!" One shout came from outside.

The two pushed the door together.

A semi-bald fat man stands outside the door, seeing the goal with a review, but it is also very polite to extend his hand, self-introduction, "Pod Krette, five = corner building auster."

Belegal didn't care about it. He knew that the relevant departments will send people to ask, but they did not expect to be a five-corner building.

Representing the military?

Jame is a nod. "We also said in the morning, there will be someone, but it is regrettable." He shook his head, "We have a research on the anti-gravity, only to reduce 10%, no longer High, in other words, that mysterious device, we don't understand, no power. "

"I don't know at all?" Podkrete voice has some dissatisfaction.

"I really don't know."

Belegal nodded, "If we have any news, you will say it, I believe you have also found someone else, right? It is impossible to come to us directly, we have not so much influence."

Podkrete thought, "Do you have any guess? Or do you think about it, I want to know some, record it. You know, this is my job."

"All right."

Belegal and James have paid a look, "We believe that it is definitely related to the anti-gravity, China's research is more deep, more thorough, probably because it is ... Zhao Wei?"

"Zhao Wei?"

James nodded, "Professor Li Ning, Zhao Wei and the University of Allabama, delivered anti-gravity related theory, explaining unknown 'Electronic Exercise'."

"Those who are just publicly published, maybe Zhao Wei has other research, you know, the world genius, he should have more research."

Podkrete used to make a mouthful, chanting, "Zhao Wei ... well, so should I go to Tascaroza?"


"Professor Li Ning may know what." James said.


Podkrete reported the message to the five-corner building, and immediately found Li Ning.

After Li Ning and Zhao Wei have been experimental research, the famous gas has grown a lot, because of the invitation of Stanford University, Alabama University gave him better treatment.

Now Li Ning's laboratory has expanded that the school also has specially allocated a lot of funding and let him continue to engage in superconducting gravity.

When there is a mission to find it, Li Ning still stayed in the laboratory, but his state and James, Belegal, surprised to the news on the media, "So big device, how?"

"Superconductance against gravity? It is impossible to promote such a large device, there is definitely a new type of anti-weight method."

He is also definitely anti-gravity technology, but I don't know how to do it.

When the official is coming over, Li Ning said that than Bibelgal and James, because he is some afraid of a special officer.

This is a racial decision.

The M Chinese people have privileges, they are not afraid that they are afraid - the government - the staff, because they know that they will not be arrested.

Black, yellow people will have similar concerns, sometimes, the law is not completely fair, the yellow people are concerned, because the black man can definitely be a M national, and the yellow people, even generations of people living in M The country, will be considered Chinese on the road.

Li Ning received a M country passport, working in Alabama for nearly 30 years, but he still has no absolute sense of security, and it is quite cautious in life.

When he was asked by the anti-gravity and media reports, Li Ning said a lot, but he said that his view was a little withdrawn. "I think it is anti-gravity technology, it is likely to exist with superconductance Direct relationship."

"China has always supported innovation research, for example, they are arguingizing the largest particles of building the world, I think we should increase the investment in research and development ..."

He said in a row, as if everything is considered by the M country.

In fact, Li Ning thinks that it is anti-gravity, but it does not think it is superconducting, because the superconducting anti-weight is the upper limit, he is the theoretical founder, which is better than anyone.

However, he said 'superconducting anti-gravity', one is the theory of superconducting anti-gravity. It is what he is proposed, the theoretical is perfect, and the experiment has proved to rely on Zhao Wei, but the first contribution is the greatest.

Superconductance and anti-gravity are his research, and it will be him.

In addition, I don't want to guide the correct direction ', Li Ning is in the M country, and I have always feel that I don't work, no matter how hard it is, but' Chinese ',' Chinese 'words are filled with life.

If you do a young person, you may contribute to the development of M countries to make better treatment for the future compromise.

However, Li Ning is already older, he doesn't need any good treatment, but it began to think of his Chinese identity.

This statement is a stone two bird.

It is also beneficial to him, but also resist the truth in M.


The capital, news venue.

A large number of foreign media gathered, they all came to the press conference, they would like to know the truth of 'mysterious device'.

The on-site reporter's question from the news officer, and the 'mysterious device' reported.

However, most reporters do not report hope, similar 'mysterious research' is definitely confidential, it is hardly impossible to truly publicize information.

"The news officer will definitely say, 'I don't know what you said,', or 'public opinion is a Du's', or 'I hope is true, but I have never heard similar research'."

There is a reporter.

Anyway, the press officer will definitely say I don't know.

They all want to be wrong.

When the press conference began, there was a Y country reporter stood up, and the press official said, "... we follow international law, there is a research on high-tech research."

"In the most cut-up anti-gravity research and development, we have achieved remarkable results. This is attributed to a number of selfless dedicated scientists, and it is attributed to the battle between the scientific research ..."

"Balabara ~~"

The news officer said a lot of thanks, as if it was in developing a speech.

The audience was shocked.

They still listen to a lot of official 'thanks to the first time, because they are too surprised, but did not expect that the press officially admits this.

Next question, there is a reporter immediately to ask questions. "Can you talk about this mysterious device? What is its name? What is the technology?"

News official road, "second question, I can answer, the application is anti-gravity technology, as for the first question, involving research secrets, sorry."

Next, several reporters, asked questions about technology, research and development, theory.

The news officer's answer five flowers, all kinds of statements, but carefully pondering, you can simply summarize it, "Sorry, confidentiality."

"Next ~~"

The press conference is over.

Most foreign reporters have not been satisfied, but they are still very excited, because the most important thing is that the news officer publicly admitted that 'mysterious equipment' is indeed China's research, and it does have anti-gravity technology.

As for what kind of anti-weight ...

Anyway, it is backweight!

Ordinary people will not go to the principle of anti-gravity technology, and if they are asking.

In fact.

On the public opinion level, the high-level has already studied the countermeasures, the first few times of anti-gravity R & D conference, each meeting two problems, one is a confidentiality problem, the other is the response measures after being exposed.

Now the anti-gravity research enters the experimental stage, the first experiment of the air fortress, must be to let the device heaven, and then want to make complete confidentiality, almost impossible, covering it, not admitting, it is better to recognize .

In the direction of the public opinion, the method should be aimed in a common high-tech.

Research, there is.

Specific, confidential!

At the same time, public opinion should always emphasize that the focus of anti-gravity is in civil use, the development of the space, the military application, emphasizing the 'maintenance sovereign, peace', etc.

In fact, the anti-gravity related research and development, can be confidential, it is definitely the best, it is nothing to do, because the country leads a lot of steps, even knowing the news, there is no theoretical support, I don't have the study.

Now the anti-gravity team uses photon anti-gravity technology, and only knows that it is anti-gravity, and may think of superconductance.

I know that the photons are seriously gravity, I want to study still difficult.

Experts from the anti-gravity team have a speech. They have been used for a few months, and they have not fully understood the basic photon re-gravity theory. In the design of the experimental device, it seems to be aware of what, the detail of the design is also a slogan. .

Other countries have to develop research and development, and it is very difficult to go to this step.

Just like the large nuclear reactor technology owned by M countries, it is the nuclear power aircraft carrier technology. Other countries know that nuclear power principles, but there is no country, can build a large-scale nuclear driving aircraft in the M country.

As long as the core is confidential, the research exposure does not matter.

In addition, the international military situation is different from decades ago.

The anti-gravity is the frontier technology, and even the science and technology of science fiction. It will definitely become the big direction of future development, but in the military, the decisiveness will always be nuclear-bomb.

Nuclear deterrence, the same means to guard the peace, because there is a nuclear deterrence, the future is difficult to have a big war, otherwise it may become human extinct disaster.

China has nuclear weapons, intercontinental missiles, even if there is any high-tech that is exposed, it is not afraid to be spyed.

The tricks of other countries are nothing more than the economy, military, but directly opening a large war is almost impossible.

The high level also thought that another means was to exchange some advanced technologies as the basic anti-gravity technology.

This is Zhao Wei.

The photon reaction force is what he studied. He has a deep understanding of its difficulty, because the internal design and complexity, there is no basic theory support, even if it is to put the anti-heavy force device, give it to other countries to study, other countries The most is the same as the cat, and it is almost the same, but it is impossible to carry out the next study.

Therefore, the theory of having the foundation can grasp the leading rights of R & D.

This dominant is extremely advantageous for the country, while the anti-gravity technology itself cannot bring directly, but also consumes a large research and development investment.

The air fortress, the construction is a large amount of funding, even if it is built, the most is great to enhance offshore defense.

In front of the nuclear deterrence, the high-end technical significance is limited.

In short, anti-gravity technology is exposed, there is also a bad place, completely confidential cannot be done, exposure itself, is also expected.


The National Press Officer is publicly stated that it is indeed researching anti-gravity technology, and has achieved a certain results, showing a look of 'not aware of the country to know', but in fact, it should be tightened.

It is not concerned that the front is immediately transferred to the outside.

The anti-gravity research group continued to transfer in the north, theoretical group relatively simple, the military region of the capital center, gave fixed residence and office.

Zhao Wei and the theoretical group more than a dozen people, together to the new station, they are in the vicinity of the rigorous military zone, the environment is still relatively quiet, nearby the hot spring conference center, walk five kilometers from the surrounding city, and come to the lively urban area .

Zhao Wei is satisfied with the environment, but it is only a certain limit on life, but it is still a sorry, but there is no way.

Now he does research, directly related to future technology, big country competition, and then wants to be easy, ordinary life, is already impossible.

When life can't resist, you can only try to get used to it.

"If the study makes China's technology, military level, far exceeded foreign countries, it will be very much better."

"In addition, more people should participate in research, not one person ..."

Zhao Wei thought, suddenly paying more attention to the finishing work of space theory.

Only the theory is systematically organized, so that more people are more likely to understand, others can participate in subsequent research and development, rather than single relying on himself, even if he is talented, a person can do, how It is better than dozens, hundreds of people, and studying in different directions.

at the same time.

International research on mysterious anti-weight research, the strategy is also the same.

When public opinion is discussing the 'anti-gravity technology', the M country knows that there must be a point to say something, the media propaganda must also focus on it, because the M country's impression of the world has always been the most cutting-edge technology. Whether it is military, aviation, aerospace, or people's livelihood, all are the forefront of the world.

However, China has created a backweight device, and even allowed to increase the equipment, rising to a high altitude of nearly kilometers, and the M country does not know if the principle is completely fog.

How can this?

Regardless of the technology used by mysterious devices, it must not be recognized its scientific and technological content, otherwise it is a major blow to confidence.

So just launch public opinion war.

In the next few days, public opinion changes.

Before, many media were amazed at mysterious anti-weight devices, and some also claimed that China's anti-gravity research represents the international forefront.

The M country officials stand out said, "We have already had related technologies, but it is necessary to build too much money."

"This is not worthless."

"The large device has a lot of defects, such as flexibility, if it is rising to the air, is a fixed target, there is no meaning at all."

"China does not hesitate to consume a lot of money, manufacture this useless device, anyway, we are hard to understand."

"Of course, it is undeniable that China has already caught up with us in the research of anti-weight."

Political - the speech of official officials, let some people be peaceful.

The imperial media of the M country has also become, "" a lot.

Their ordinary people

Most public opinions are now turned, "" China's mysterious device is actually it seems amazing, what is the simplicity of technology. "

"The M country has the same technology, and theoretically research is more close. The Stanford University has invested more than 100 million US dollars in each year!"

"That equipment manufacturing will waste a lot of funds, there is no meaning!"

"It's completely like!"

"It looks scary, actually, there is nothing to use."


The impact of the public opinion in M ​​countries is still very large. European countries will soon be reported to the style, publish a large number of similar comments.

Domestic has also been affected.

Some online celebrities stand out to question, "Why do you want to spend our funds?"

"What is officials doing decisions!"

"What is the meaning!"

Of course.

Most public opinion still supports anti-gravity research, the question is only a small part, after all, the large device has flew over the day, I want to do this, think carefully, don't spend how much expensive problems.

That is a large device of hundreds of tons!

Even if it is the most advanced propeller, it is impossible to let this large device, in the air, the time is a big problem.

While the M country launches public opinion war, the internal is a tense discussion -

"What technology is this?"

"Stanford experts believe that it is not superconductance, but a new type of anti-weight; Professor Li Ning is trivial, he thinks it is superconductance."

"Two statements, how do we go to research?"

"There is too little information now, you can only find relevant experts, special convening of meeting discussions ..."


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