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Chapter 570 can explode mystery rays

The aviation group started to prepare the anti-heavy and heavy-to-heavy equipment sales plan, which did not take into account the demand of the rich class, which is also because the time is too short, and the anti-gravity device is open, it is decided by the anti-gravity technical conference, and the anti-gravity technical conference, main The purpose is to exchange technical resources to buy high-tech products for demand.

Patent authorization, selling anti-dynamic devices, the purpose is to recover 'cost', in fact, it is also a decision to follow the anti-gravity technical conference, and a favorable way used.

At the same time, the aviation group did not sell high-end 'equipment' experience.

The company's company sells, all kinds of aircraft, or with aviation, space-related equipment components.

Now the Group suddenly realizes that the demand for the rich class is also very important, because the anti-heavy power device itself can become a 'recreational facility', the least currently, high-end anti-gravity technology, with extraordinary attraction, Naturally has very high commercial potential.

This is also the purpose of a lot of business delegates. The most direct is that Mi Mice, they just want to build space experience.

Therefore, it is also very attractive to the high-end rich circle, which is also very attractive, just like some representatives, "the anti-heavy power unit can be more than the yacht."

The market in the rich class is very large.

There are too many global rich people, the "Forbes Rich List" published worth more than one billion US dollar 'super rich', the number of people exceeds a thousand, not to mention, the value of billions of dollars, the number is fundamental Unclear.

This market is very large, but more critical is that anti-gravity technology is unique to the aviation group, at least in a few years, and only Aviation Group can sell anti-heavy and heavy and heavy power devices.

At the anti-gravity device exhibition, there are many representatives represent individuals and ask for a problem with private purchase of counterweight devices.

What they are very concerned is that how long is the time for ordering devices delivery.

Aviation Group's reply is -

Within half a year!

In other people, the speed is quite fast, so amazing effect, it takes only half a year after ordering, and the manufacturing efficiency can be said to be very high.

In fact, when some people have got the anti-dynamic device, after the dismantling, it will find half a year delivery, and the time is also very long.

Because they will find that the anti-gravity device, there is no technical content inside, there is no need for too high-end electronic chip, the main components needed to have only high-energy beam equipment and special materials manufacturing, other components, including generators, only very Ordinary features, can be purchased directly to the market, even casually replacement.

However, it is necessary to say that there is no technical definitely wrong, and its core is the arrangement of high energy beam equipment, and the control of beam timing when the device starts.

So the core is that they can't understand, the alignment of high energy beams, and the relationship between the anti-gravity effect.

This requires patent licenses.

Patent authorization consists of a part of the higher-end theory, minimizing the authorized principle, knowing the principle of high-energy beam arrangements, they can continue related R & D.

Of course.

In the case where there is no higher-end theory, they can only pass the continuous experiments, after more data, re-derived.

This process is like a particle collision. After a large experiment, a large amount of data is collected, and the principle of re-impurity is collected, and the standard model of particles is completed.

In short, it is difficult to continue research.

Of course.

The anti-gravity technology is a new scientific direction, and it will definitely have a lot of progress in the difficulty in high and multi-institutions, and there will be many progress. Maybe some progress is not.

This is possible.

Domestic self-confidence is that there is a thirteen sets of photons and space provided by Zhao Wei, as well as the password of the gods, etc., the high-end theory of the hundred years, and Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei is the source of domestic confidence.

Other countries, enterprises, and institutions have more scheduled scientists, have a high-end R & D team, waiting for Zhao Wei, a rare genius for hundreds of years.

Zhao Wei is also a research and development of photon anti-gravity theory, and he has certain judgments for research and development difficulties.

In addition, Zhao Wei's confident place is that as long as there is any technological progress in other institutions, as long as it is announced, he can derive it according to the theory, so that new technologies are quickly grasped.


Other countries, enterprises, institutions participate in the research and development of anti-gravity technology, and have some benefits to master higher-end anti-gravity technology, as well as resolution for space.


The sale of anti-heavy power devices is purely to make money.

Money, it is very important.

Various research and development requires funding, nuclear fusion research is more 'no bottom, and requires a large amount of input from the source.

Sales and anti-weight devices are really very profitable, the cost of the device is mainly high energy beam equipment and special material pipelines, and other conventional generators do not need much cost.

A single-layer anti-heavy power device, the cost can be compressed to a million US dollars, considering the future premises, mass production, the cost will definitely be compressed to a lower level.

In the words, selling anti-heavy power devices, easily gets dozens, hundreds of profits.

The results of the anti-gravity device exhibition are all, and the day will communicate with dozens of intentional countries, enterprises, and institutions, but they have not directly signed the patent licensing agreement, involve billions of US $ billion, definitely can't figure it. sign.

The aviation group will also communicate with each representative, and will give them a full time to consider it. Every party is alone, because the demand for each company is different, you need to separate separately, remember After their related needs, everything can be accessed in order to sign an authorization agreement.

Although there will be no direct signing of the license agreement, in fact, there will be nine objects that will be purchased by the patent authorization. It is mainly the representatives of the national scientific research department, and several companies have interested, and the presentation will be estimated afterwards. Minimize 15 points patent authorization.

These ten patents are licensed, representing the minimum of $ 400 billion.

In addition, it is the counter-gravity device sold, and the counterweight device is more popular than the patent authorization, because the price is relatively cheap, the minimum is only tens of millions of dollars.

Mi Mouse is the first signing agreement, they directly decide to order two double-layer anti-gravity devices.

Everyone knows that the subscription of rice mice is just a predetermined effect.

If the effect of the anti-gravity device can achieve the expectations, there will be many orders, and they hope that every rice mouse will have space experience hall to attract more tourists and create higher profits.

Like rice mice, from the perspective of commercial, publicity, profit, consider a lot of companies to buy anti-heavy-to-heavy power devices, but more is private inquiry, that is, the rich people want to purchase.

There are a lot of ideas for rich people.

For example, there is a rich man wearing a hooded, asking if it can put the anti-gravity device, built in his house house.

"I have a villa in D. I hope to build a heavy weight in it, and call it is a weightless space. When I entered the room, I can directly open the anti-gravity effect as it is open."

"The room will be covered by the anti-gravity effect, I can also experience my friends in my home, and I can come together."

"By the time……"

"Maybe a lot of D national stars, all grabbed my house, to experience cool weight, I will definitely become more popular ..."

"Right, I have to put a big bed, rest weight in the room, seemed to be a good experience."

When the rich people wearing hooded, Zhao Wei was standing next to his thumbs.


Put the anti-heavy force device under the room, and open it directly like the lamp.

Although it will definitely have a delay, but in front of the anti-gravity effect, I will wait for a while.

Then, there must be many people will be interested, I hope to come over and experience it.


"Is it like fishing?" Zhao Yisher thought of an adjective.

Although it is already married, he still thinks that the idea is very good, and later buy a super-large villa to build such a room.

Yes, there is also a bed, preferably a super big bed.

The entire room is a bed.



"It is definitely safe!"

"The bed is very soft and lost, you must do your personal protection!"

"Yes, exactly!"

A large group of rich people put a variety of requirements, including all kinds of whispering.

The aviation group is a sender record, which will meet the needs according to different needs, but the service is also charged, and the custom version of the anti-gravity device, the price is also very good.

Zhao Wei felt that he heard everyone's ideas is very good. He let Liu Jiankun pay attention to the needs of the rich, and makes a complete record and gives the content to yourself. Maybe it will bring inspiration to technology, application. Minimally help pioneering thinking.

When the aviation group is immersed in the work of patent authorization and anti-heavy power unit, the secondary market has also been affected by the anti-repetition device, which has become a lot of hot.

Since the anti-repeat device is exposed, Zhao Wei issued the "E-Sub-Heavy Heavy Right Theory", the secondary market has received an impact.

With more and more news of anti-gravity technology, the effects of secondary markets have become larger, the most affected is the field of optoelectronic equipment.

The stock price in the field of optoelectronic equipment has led to nearly one month, and the worst stock market value has been doubled.

New Hui Guangti is the rising 'faucet', has risen for more than a month, and the market value is four times higher than one month.

A lot of experts predict that the gains will continue to continue for a long time.

This is mainly because the market has already determined a message -

The reaction force device requires a large amount of high energy beam equipment.

Previously, new Hui Guanghui is only an ordinary listed company, mainly due to scale and optoelectronic equipment demand.

It's different now.

After the investment of Xinhui Guanghui, Star billion Technologies has risen three times more, and later the country has also carried out a large amount of investment, so that the stock price of new Hui Guanghui continues to rise, and the anti-gravity technology exposure, the new The stock price of Huiluo is already six times more.

In recent days, new Hui Guangtung has risen continuously, and the market value has increased more than three times, and it is also optimistic by the market, and even has a lot of foreign investment, optimistic about the prospects of new glow.

This is mainly because new glow is on high-energy beam equipment, there are many patents, and there are several collaborative top optical laboratories, and they are very competitive in international beam equipment.

In addition, the new glow is exploded, and there is a cooperation with the aviation group.

The two are added enough to support the stock price of new gangradient.

Star billion Technologies investment in new Hui Guangtong has also gains a lot of gains. It has been more than 100 million yuan, and now the value has exceeds 20 million, and even continuously rising.

This amazing return is enough to make anyone shocked.

The most beneficial thing is Xu Chao and Sun Liang. They followed a certain stock, the result was a total of millions of stocks, and suddenly the room became tens of millions, hundreds of millions, they also made a fortune. Even the grandchildren will continue to start.

Start business?

What software is open!

As long as Zhao Wei is investing in investment, it doesn't need to be too high. I have a wave of investment in the wind in a few years, and I will eat it directly.

Zhao Wei is a rapid rise in the second-level market and the new Huo photoelectric stock price.


That is just an increased asset. He holds three percent of the counterweight technology is divided into more valuable money.

Liu Jiankun did an estimate, "now, at least billion dollars!"

Zhao Wei did not care, shake his head, "I don't care, money is just a number, what the dollar is not dollar, it doesn't matter."

Liu Jiankun pulled his mouth.

"That's not."

Zhao Wei hit his head. "My principle is that the money must be taken, not for money, but for rules, system. Although I don't care, I have to give all the researchers to do a table rate, let them Knowing, as long as you carefully put into research, after the results, even if it is handed over to the country, as long as the transformation into the profits, you will never take the one you should take! "

His voice is powerful, as if it is a warrior who is rushing to a front line and heroic disaster.

Liu Jiankun found that he had nothing to say, he smiled and shook his head, "Zhao University, ."

"What's wrong?"

"It is the anti-gravity team, you need you to go." Liu Jiankun became more serious, "they reported that when doing open space cover test, I found a high frequency ray from the space cover and exuded."

"This ray can penetrate heavy metal and does not take any reactions, but it seems to explode."

"Ray, can I explode?" Zhao Wei asked someone.

Liu Jiankun nodded, "The report is said so, because the experimental data is very small, it is a new discovery, it seems to say, blow a car, and some driver is hurt, but it is just a slight injury."

Zhao Wei realized the seriousness of the problem, he immediately told, "I will go."

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