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Chapter 577 makes Zhao Wei!

People who have not participated in space connection technology, it is impossible to think of spatial information transmission technology and anti-gravity relationship, but considered to be two different directions.

In China, this is also the case.

In the eyes of the top scientists of the theory of anti-gravity theory, the theory and technology of anti-gravity is the expansion of superconducting anti-weight research.

The first is Zhao Wei and Li Ning cooperated to develop a superconducting anti-gravity theory. Later, the team dominated by Zhao Wei, to study the theory and technology of photons.

The current spatial information is transmitted, which should be a new technology.

Although the principle of spatial information transmission is not clear, if there is a spatial transmission of conventional understanding, the biggest possible is based on multidimensional spatial research expansion.

The study of multidimensional space is Zhao Wei and Edward - Witten 's project.

The M country also found a little confidence, such as some media claimed that "anti-gravity technology and spatial information transmission technology, all related to M country scientists."

One is Li Ning, one is Edward - Witten.

The theory of anti-gravity has been announced, and many enterprise institutions have got anti-dynamic devices and patent licensing, as well as launching related research, and seems to have no secrets.

The current spatial information transmission technology is still unclear, but the situation of public opinion is, or is civil-oriented, there is no intensive confidence in China, but public news, the big probability is intended to lay the civilian field.

The international response is not too strong, but curious is the situation.

Edward - Witten became a focus.

If you find a person who knows the space information transmission technology abroad, Edward - Witten is definitely not open, everyone feels that the presence of space transmission technology, high probability, and multidimensional space research.

Edward - Witten is a string theory expert, and the study of M theory with Zhao Wei, he will definitely know some news.

In fact, Edward - Witten didn't know.

When seeing public opinion messages, Edward - Witten also believed that the research of multidimensional space is related, but he is very clear about the research progress of the multi-dimensional space, and their theory is only promoted to the quality point, studying the material structure of M the theoretical multidimensional space. And just reactive to the mapping under the Trism Theorem and the Temmeric Norms.

In the process of doing research, they proved Liman guess.

It's just so.

At that time, the world pays attention to the proof of Liman's conjecture. It is not interested in the results of M theory, Edward - Witten only feels very depressed, only one person will return to Princeton and continue to engage in related research and finishing.


Now Zhao Wei advances the research to 'spatial information transmission'?

How can it be!

Edward - Witten's first reaction is not believed, but he doesn't blame Zhao Wei to tell himself, because involving spatial information transmission technology, it is definitely a strategic level technology, which will cause subversion for communication technology, not to openly open of.

His second reaction is a smoking.

see it?

"At that time, I have been promoting the progress of M theory, and the results are not intended, and even some people say that I am neuropathy ..."

"The results of it?"

"Zhao Wei has studied the spatial information transmission technology!"

"Liman guess is really important, but it is only based on mathematics, and spatial information is transmitted, it will become the technology of subverting communication system!"


At the same time, Edward - Witten also continues research thinking, their next study, will shape related to multi-dimensional spatial boundary, normal logic is compared with existing results, go to micro quantum physics, and Contact Higs Theory and go to relevant mathematics derivation.

After completing this phase of research, you may implement 'breaking multidimensional bounds' to achieve so-called 'dimensional transmission'.

"Is Zhao Wei have been completed? He cracks the boundary of the dimension?"

"So, the information is transmitted, it should be that the particles jump from the three-dimensional jump to the high dimension, then return to three-dimensional ..."

"This has established a space pathway."

Edward - Witten Pioneering Thinking to think deeply, similar scientific theories have a lot, in fact, most of them are just imagined, such as cockroaches in sci-fi movies, or other technologies that can jump space.

That is not a technology, it is a fantasy.

Edward - Witten 'Fantasy' is much higher, he is thinking based on mathematics, is based on scientific way 'break space', and because of this, he found that it wants to construct such mathematics, its difficulty and The complexity is far beyond imagination.

In fact, he has this idea.

In Edward - Witten's understanding, the space only has dimensional division, three-dimensional space is the three-dimensional field, his research is defined by the three-dimensional space, is' does not exist, other particles, can accommodate quality And the virtual virtuality of energy.

Since the space is empty, there is no need to analyze, express.

He has never thought that the space can be analyzed, or the space and particles will respond, even if you work together with Zhao Wei, the foundation is that the three-dimensional space will squeeze the quality point, and it is just a 'definition'.

So Edward - Witten can only think of M theory, high dimensional space.

When the space information transmission caused a hot discussion, many people came directly to ask Edward - Witten, and he didn't explain his point of view. The study may have broken high-dimensional restrictions ... "

"Balabara ~~"

Edward - Witten said a lot of piles, which made people feel very fantasy, but they have to listen patiently, and the media reported all the content, and the follow-up analysis is, "Although it sounds very fantasy, In fact, the mathematical perspective is reasonable. "

"The information transmission involved in the space must think about high dimensions."

"Human profit needs to usher in the era of breaking the dimension space! Create a spacecraft that get rid of the sun gravity, realize space jump, and it will be expected in the future."

"Now our research is very close, continue M theory research, maybe it will find some unusual ..."


The above views are based on, Edward - Witten 's description of spatial information transmission technology theory.

There is also a possibility that there is no spatial information transmission technology at all.

There are many scientists stand out, "It is impossible to break space at all, with the theory and technology of human beings."

"All related research will not result, the relevant public opinion is just a fantasy!"

"The so-called spatial information is transmitted, it is likely to just release the smoke bomb."

"Spatial Information Technology, in fact, 'space' and technology have nothing to do, just expressing the imagination, embarrassment, rather than really having a so-called space technology ..."

This statement has got a lot of recognition, but there are still many people, hoping to speak in fact, they pay attention to the news of the Space Information Technology Company, and also care about the so-called 'Thirteen Cooperation Enterprises' news.

In the next period of time, the relevant news is not, it can be said that it is a calm.

Space Information Technology Co., Ltd. is only formed, and there is no research and development, technical information, and the person in charge of the 13 partners. For the 'spatial information transmission technology', it is also closed, and the news related news is only public. Invest in funds to some R & D content.

These disclosed R & D projects are mainly optical electronic technology, photoelectron material, fine chemical manufacturing technology, and so on.

Therefore, the research and development related to the optical electronics is considered to be the development of 'anti-gravity' technology.

High-end manufacturing, material-related research and development, is the normal research, enhance your technology, ability to improve product performance, increase the competitiveness of the international market.

This is only.

Two months later, the relevant news is very small, some media is reported, all think that 'space is just the name', and others are all incoming, top technology discussions, or surrounding the anti-gravity.

Investigation progress in anti-gravity technology, compared to more people.

This is mainly because the anti-gravity is a new study. After the authorization of the enterprise institutions, the research will continue to be discovered and progressed.

For example, the HAN's research team has improved the anti-heavy force devices, manufacturing a diameter of 20 m backgr-repeat devices, and successfully allows the device to be suspended to three kilometers, while lasting for seven hours.

The famous aircraft manufacturing enterprise, Barba team, announced the research of 'anti-gravity aircraft', and they have been transformed to the device, completing the experiment of letting the device floats for one hundred kilometers.

Although the speed of the anti-gravity plane is only 20 kilometers, it is also very amazing.

Puba also announced cooperation with the famous aviation engine company to improve existing aeroeirs, allowing it to be installed on the counter-repetition device, and allows the anti-heavy force to mention more than 100 kilometers per hour.

The company's spokesperson expects, "The advantage of the anti-gravity aircraft lies in load, its load can easily exceed the existing maximum transporter, in addition, the anti-gravity airplane does not need special airport, both take-off or landing, only needs A piece of empty. "

"We can even design the anti-gravity airplane of the sea space ..."

Ordinary people are very expected, but in fact, professionals know that Puba's research has no deep technology, and their speech is also a loophole.

For example, they did not talk about energy consumption at all.

The anti-gravity aircraft does have the advantages such as load, and the energy consumption is?

Also transport a thousand tons of goods, energy consumption is ten times that of ordinary transporters, and it is definitely better to use several ordinary transport aircraft.

Power consumption is a key issue!

If the energy consumption problem can be solved, the anti-gravity technology application will become very broad, and the team in which most anti-gravity technology has been in depth, almost study energy power issues.

Other news about the anti-gravity device is also a source of origin.

A lot of companies buying anti-heavy power devices have built a special 'anti-gravity experience museum' to let ordinary people experience space feeling.

Of course, the price of anti-gravity equipment is high, the price of space experience is also very high, but it can spend money to experience weight loss, still attracting many people, every space of the space experience, has a large group of people in the long team.

The people who have purchased the anti-dynamic device have also obtained a lot of attention, they invite reporters to experience the weight loss and accept the reporter's interview, and immediately get the first version.

This also makes more rich hearts, and the orders of the aviation group have been replaced by two years.

and many more.

The anti-gravity technology is the focus of public opinion.

At the same time, Zhao Wei is very low-key in doing research. It has a very fast medium, and Zhao Wei is related to the news, it is related to Zhao Wei Lab.

Zhao Wei Lab disclosed research progress, announced a method of improving the treatment of cancer, by extracting the corresponding protein from the bat body, implantation into the human blood, can effectively inhibit the diffusion of cancer cells.

This news has attracted great attention.

Zhao Wei Lab has become an internationally recognized top medical research laboratory, and the R & D issued by the laboratory will receive a lot of attention.

It is now released that new cancer treatment methods is found, and it can effectively inhibit the spread of cancer cells, causing a lot of vibration.

At this time, the influence is reflected.

When the news is officially released, some companies relying on the manufacture of chemotherapy equipment, inhibit cancer drugs, immunotherapy, the stock price is immediately falling, some small businesses have even fell more than 20%.

The international media reported a detailed report, many reporters also went to the medical center to interview, hoping to get the first hand.

In fact, R & D is still in progress.

The progress now is just determined that the detection protein extracted in the bat body is effective in removing cancer cells in the blood.

This progress is listed on the relevant drugs, and it takes a year to be more than one year.

But subsequent research and development, it is not possible to carry out the laboratory.

Laboratory decisions and pharmacists cooperate to develop, and expand the scale of drug experiments, also allowed drug companies in advance, high-volume extracting proteins and artificial synthetic proteins.


The laboratory found a collaborative drug enterprise and signed a related cooperation agreement.

Because the front is a laboratory study, the protein has also been proved to be effective for the effectiveness of cancer treatment, and the agreement is very advantageous.

The first is to recover the research and development funding.

Cooperative pharmaceutical companies have taken up 500 billion feet, follow-up and funds, are also paying for cooperative drug companies.

The reason why it is only 500 million funds, mainly because of the extension of drugs, drugs can effectively inhibit cancer cell spread, but this effect is enough to seize the 'cancer chemotherapy' market, commercial potential is too big.

In addition, it is a patent issue.

The agreement stipulates that the R & D team receives 15% of the drug marketing income, the duration is five years after the drug is listed.

The key here is 'marketing', rather than 'profit', that is, drugs sell one billion, and the R & D team gets fifteen billions.

Although only a short five years, it is definitely a huge income.

Others are some of the relevant details of the research and development, and the relevant benefit distribution is carried out within the Institute.

During the previous research and development, the research institute has invested 10 million funds. The laboratory has been invested of 30 million, and Zhao Wei has taken up tens of millions.

The final distribution plan is that the subsequent patents are divided into three points, and the research institute is also three points. The laboratory gets nine points.

In addition, it is a secondary five billion R & D funds.

This part of the funds and research institutes are not big, and it can even say 'there is no relationship', because the project is all the laboratory, the research institute will enjoy the patent, but the funded feedback is the 'research team', or understand the laboratory Unique.

However, Zhao Wei decided to give 20 million to the Institute, "to invest 10 million, more than half a year, have got up to 20 million, the director of the director, you will really do business, make it!"

Yan Xuelin didn't know whether it was crying or laughing. It's like Zhao Wei, I have invested 10 million funds. I gave it 20 million in half a year. I also enjoyed three points of patents. The future will definitely bring source. Source constant income.

Now the study of each year's patented earnings, more than two hundreds of millions of RMB, has become the most important biomedical research institution in China.

Maybe it may reach five hundred million and even more than one?

Yan Xuelin is very expected.

However, there is no harm without comparison.

Zhao Wei Lab is a bit independent, and the least economical is independent, they have a lot of money than the research institute.

The research institute has a high income, but also 'supporting' 10 laboratory, a few billion funds have sounded very much, the overhead is very large, the project investment exceeds only one billion, scale expansion, increase, equipment maintenance, Daily management, logistics protection, etc., all aspects require funds.

What about Zhao Wei Lab?

The researchers only have five, including a pair of subsechnologists, and internship researchers, there is only twenty people.

The laboratory equipment is maintained, and logistics support is the research institute.

At the same time, Zhao Wei laboratory has developed, easy to take out 30 million funds, the annual income, is not less than the research office.

In the future, there will be more!

Nine points!

Yan Xuelin thought that he was dripping in his heart. He had no regrets did not take all fund support, 50 million R & D funds, and the shrinking is also able to eat.

Of course.

Zhao Wei laboratory is a rejoiced, one tenth of more than four billion funds, most of them put in the laboratory account, and zero head is directly taken out by Zhao Wei as a bonus allocation.

The Biomedical Institute is a research institution belonging to the university, which is equivalent to a state supported by the country, and the salary of researchers, and the bonus is the upper limit.

but it does not matter!

Zhao Wei decided to give each researcher, equipped with affordable housing, and said that it is affordable housing. In fact, it is to buy a new building in the surrounding opening, and assign one for each researcher. In the future, there is a sub-research staff with enough R & D contributions, or you can apply for 'affordable' housing. "

After listening to the news, I suddenly felt out of the water.

Dai Tianqing also specifically founded that he would like to join the Zhao Wei laboratory. After being refused by the black face, he even suggested that Yan Xuelin 'left.

"If you don't make this, Zhao Wei is good, old, I think you can retire in advance, and it is glorious retirement."

"After Zhao Wei, Zhao Wei served as director ..."

"Balabara ~"

Finally, Dai Tianqing was stabbed by the office.

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