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Chapter 623 Niu Heng Horse and Snow White

The design work of the spacecraft is completed, and the work of the design team is relatively unlicensed.

Next, various groups will do some details of the details and conduct an initial argument to the construction of components.

The spacecraft design group can only be designed, which can be said to be a talent, have a lot of authoritative talents in a wide range of professional, and they have certain decision-making capabilities, and they can fully open the initial design and manufacturing argument.

This work is not anxious.

The design of the spacecraft has just been completed, and a series of design demonstrations will be carried out, and after the demonstration of the demonstration, and to determine the opening project, the details of the manufacturing argument will begin.

The work of the design group is free, and Zhao Wei's work is also in the case.

Zhao Wei submitted a design report to the superior, and then the news waiting for the capital there.

He didn't leave the capital immediately, but he continued to stay in Zhengyang and other news. It is accompanied by his family. Pay attention to the development of the Saxi Technology. There is time to deal with daily affairs, every day, every day, it is enough to work.

However, some trivial things should still be dealt.

On this day, Zhengyang University once again found the door, invited Zhao Wei to visit the school, they were grateful to the name.

Since Zhao Wei returned to Zhengyang, Zhengyang University continued to invite him to visit. He has already pushed several times, and it will simply agreed.

The Fenghuang Bay Industrial Park is not far from Zhengyang University.

After the work of the day of treatment, Zhao Wei simply took a bus to Zhengyang University.

Zhengyang University is a local university, which is a school full support for Zhengyang, but is limited to urban development, and there is no gorgeous historical background, and it is not easy to develop.

Now Zhengyang University is only an ordinary undergraduate college. There are also some specializing in schools, and the best computer majors have just entered the top 50 in China.

The country ranked first in the country, it seems that there is no big deal, but it is quite worthless relative to the ordinary undergraduate college.

The development of computer majors in Zhengyang University is mainly benefited from the development of computer laboratories, the latter and Zhao Wei have direct relationship.

A few years ago, Zhao Wei came to Zhengyang University to visit the school's computer laboratory. Finally, it is finally proposed to study communication technology in the fields of FSK, MIMO, SDR, while mainstream research is CDMA technology.

The Zhengyang University has set up a determination, recruiting related computer talents, invested tens of millions of funds in several years, only to develop research and development in the relevant fields, but also achieved good results.

Now Zhengyang Computer Lab has been renamed 'Information and Communication Technology Labs', and their research has gained three international patents in 4G technology, as well as seven international patents in cooperation with other laboratory companies.

One of the 4G technology international patents is still very important. From last year, it has brought nearly 10 million patented per year.

This is mainly benefiting from the development and popularity of 4G technology.

Don't take a small time to watch tens of thousands of patented fees, for an ordinary computer laboratory, thousands of funds per year, enough to make the laboratory ushered in explosive development.

At the same time, the laboratory funds are abundant, also benefited from the assessment of the discipline, so that the university's computer is professional, the ranking is continuously advanced.

Of course.

In fact, there is no great role in the latter, just a professional short-term rankings, the only advantage is to let the Zhengyang University's computer majors have a famous gas, only this has been.

However, the computer professional development of Zhengyang University is really a very good, and benefit from abundant funds of the laboratory, it can be added more talents, and even have four computer-class doctors, and also enhances the professional teaching level.

At the same time, Zhengyang official and schools strongly support the development of computer majors, hoping to drive schools in schools in a single discipline.

All of this is not to open with Zhao Wei, you can understand why Zhengyang University invites Zhao Wei, but also said to him.

After Zhao Wei gave the University of Zhengyang, I saw the vice president of the school Liu Zhibei and the School of Information College, and Professor Ding Liqin, a computer laboratory.

A few years ago, Ding Liqin was only 'Ding Teacher', but now has improved to professor.

Under the school's enthusiasm, Zhao Wei visited the information building, computer laboratory and the Near College of Science, and even student dormitory and cafeteria, and then went to the cafeteria for lunch.

I am eating and drinking at noon.

Zhengyang University is very enthusiastic. Liu Zhibei, vice president, gratitude to Zhao Wei, and later talked about the development of schools.

This is a key issue and a headache problem.

Like some companies, enterprises development, find a profit point and direction, maybe a few years ago.

Education, different.

There is a lot of factors that university want to develop can be developed.

For example, policy support, fund, economic environment, and so on.

Even if you have all the development factors, the university wants to truly develop, and the time you need is very long.

Zhengyang University naturally hopes that the school can have better development, but they can find bottlenecks in the laboratory research and government-policy support developed.

The school can't find other development points.

This is where the school management is distressed. Liu Zhibei directly asked, I want Zhao Wei to talk about this issue.

Zhao Wei shook his head, "how to develop, I am really not clear."

Although he brought the development of Yanhua University, he made a certain extent, famous arrival and professional attractive, but the main development is that he has made a lot of research, and has a world. The super influence, a lot of key research and development projects and achievements in the school, and there is direct relationship with him.

Zhao Wei's statement was regarded as modesty, eating, drinking others, and he can only say a few words.

In fact, Zhao Wei also had a university development in his hometown, but how to develop, there is some found direction, he can only say it in the future development direction.

"Shun the future development direction, to cultivate talents in related fields, and improve students' employment and employment quality."

Zhao Wei said several areas, mainly the latest technology, including aerospace technology, high-end materials R & D, spatial link technology, and so on.

In the future, communications will definitely have a rapid development. Other areas include mechanical manufacturing industries, and will definitely follow the fields of transportation, communication, communication, energy, etc., will certainly be affected.

In the direction of the latest technology, the lack of talent is still very much.

Including anti-gravity, space connection, Z wave and other technologies, temporarily lacking high-end theory talents, mainly because the latest technology has confidentiality, and there is no large popularity into civilian fields.

With the continuous development of technology, the future will definitely move towards the civilian field, and there will be more engineering and technical talents.

Zhao Wei did not talk about high-end theoretical research, because for Zhengyang University, cultivate high-end mathematics, physical talents are not practical.

One is that the academic environment does not meet the standard, and the other is that the student quality does not mean.

The more it is approaching the theoretical research, the higher the difficulty, the higher the theoretical research, must be the top talent, want to have success in theoretical research, must be the genius in the genius.

The birth of Zhengyang University is relatively different, it is difficult to recruit tips.

Therefore, Zhao Wei talks about the engineering and technical talents of the latest technology, and there is no major professional in the country in China, and the future talent gap is still relatively large.

Now the latest technology-related R & D, including space link technology that has been covered into the civilian field, the engineering technical personnel used, including some underlying equipment maintenance talents, can be said to be 'large materials, some space link equipment maintenance personnel, even With a master's degree in the head, the doctoral degree is very unnecessary, because their work only needs college degree, it can be competent, just because there is no relevant talent, I feel the latest technology work. It is necessary to be high-tech talents to make this part of the person, temporarily participate in the underlying work.

Zhao Wei said a lot in the training of engineering and technical personnel in front of the frontier, but did not explain how to cultivate specific.

These need people who are professional engaged in educational work in universities to study. He said that the direction will be guided.

Finally, Zhao Wei did a practical promise. "Waiting for the development of the future, the development of the future, will consider recruiting in Zhengyang University."

This promise is very good.

Emixing Technology mainly do aerospace technology research and development, the need is top talent, Zhengyang University is only a general undergraduate college, and there is nothing to say, it is difficult to attract top enterprises.

Although many international companies say they don't value their academic qualifications, they only value their ability. In fact, they are purely lie, they don't pay attention to academic qualifications, but they only enroll in top universities, and then look at the recruitment employees in previous years. Graduate schools will find that most of them are top colleges.

This is not to say that general college does not have talent, but a probability problem, the probability of talents in top colleges, obviously much higher than ordinary colleges.

If you change to the cultivation of the Philz winner, it is difficult to count on a college entrance examination mathematical student. In the future, you can get the International Mathematics Award, and the students of the famous school mathematics. many.

This is the same.

The university in Zhao Wei and his hometown is still very close. He stayed all day after Zhengyang University.

The Capital Meeting is not a meeting, but a series of conferences about the spacecraft project.

The spacecraft project is too large, and must be repeated, repeated discussions, various directions, and various angles to study can we really decide.

As the sponsor of the spacecraft project, Zhao Wei must be to participate in the meeting. He will definitely act as the most important technical core personnel in the spaceship project, greatly may be the 'General Engineer'.

Before the first round of conference, there is still a month or so, while the Zhao Wei is preparing for the meeting, it can easily make a while.

Three days later, Sun Liang returned to Zhengyang to find Zhao Wei, he is not only one person, and it has also brought the unmarried wife of the next.

"Gao Yuan?"

Zhao Wei saw Gao Yuan Zhang Da Kong, and he was really surprised by Sun Liang and Gao Yuan.

In the high school era of memories, Sun Liang really like Gao Yuan, Gao Yuan also seems to have a feeling of Sun Liang, but the student era is a student era, it is already ten years ago, everyone has passed a lot of roads. , Can still be together again?

Zhao Yuli lanted Sun Liang to the side, "I seem to have listened to my brother last year, you have found a girlfriend of the capital, how?"

"This is not a feeling of nothing, cough." Sun Liang quickly ended the topic, "Nothing, Xu Ge is Hu,"

"real or fake?"

"What is true and false? I have never talked about love, always like Gao Yuan!" Sun Liang said loudly.

Gao Yuan is looking at this, heard it seems to be a little bit of shame.

Zhao Wei had a thumbs to Sun Liang, and found that this guy is not just that his face is thick. The means of joining girls is also a lot, and when I look at experience?

Of course.

Zhao Yanye believes that it is not a gossip, especially the gossip iron guys' love experience, he decided to temporarily forget Sun Liang's gossip black history, wait for time to ask for a detailed understanding, then study Sun Liang specifically how to eat .

High school iron buddies are indeed true iron buddies.

Zhao Wei and Sun Liang have never seen a long time, and they are still very kind.

After waiting for the meal at noon, Sun Liang said to go to the Niu Liancai.

"With a gift?"

"That is nothing to do, two hundred bags will be a red envelope." Sun Liang said the small channel, "I mainly want to see, children."


Zhao Wei did not understand.

Sun Liang suddenly looked up his eyes, smirk, "You are not curious, what is the child of Niu He, is growing?"

"- !!"

Zhao Wei heard it, the King of the Niu, the horse, face?

'Niuhe Horse Face'?

"This is also too lacking - Germany!" Zhao Wei took his mouth and thought about Xue Pinggui's long phase, and suddenly became very interesting.

"Go! Go together! I will go to a circle! I haven't seen it for a few years!"

Zhao Wei went to the kitchen to give two gift boxes, pulling Sun Liang's past.

When I went to the door of Buffalian, I just saw a little girl, jumping out from the elevator, she followed a big face, and a little sad middle-aged person.

"Teacher Xue?"

Sun Liang immediately shouted.

Xue Pingzhen saw two people, exclaimed by the doctor, "Zhao Wei! How come you? Also mention something, yes -"

"I heard that you have to have a second child, let's take a look." Zhao Wei explained a sentence, pointed at the little girl, "Your marriage?"

"It's our big girlfriend!" Xue Pinggui said with a smile, immediately gave the girlfriend, "This is Zhao Wei, you have seen it in the news? In the morning, Dad said to you, this is my student, very famous, I didn't expect to see it now. "

"Uncle is good!" The little girl was a little fear, hiding in Xue Pinggui, showing some cute cute.

Xue Pinggui immediately entered the road, "Go up, all go."

At this time, he noticed Sun Liang next to him, thinking about half a day, "You are the one, Zhao - Zhao Liang?"

"Sun Liang!"

Sun Liang heard his face black and immediately corrected.

"Yes, Sun Liang!" Xue Pinggui finally thought, "He is coming with Zhao Wei? It's too polite!"

A few people quickly arrived upstairs.

When I entered the house, I didn't talk about it. Zhao Wei and Sun Liang have also seen little baby, and it is also very cute.

Zhao Wei and Sun Lun have been a small meeting, and care about the recent situation and left.

Sun Liang has always been silent.

After two people entered the elevator, he suddenly said, "You said, why is Teacher Xue, two girlfriends are so cute?"

"I am also thinking." Zhao Yue is nodded.

Sun Liang took a half-day, only to spit out, "This is too magical!"

"The Niu Head Horse, I can have Snow White!"

"What happened to the world!"


Zhao Wei pointed at Sun Liang to laugh, "Your mouth is too poisonous!"

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