Rule system

Chapter 650 is not easy to detect the compressed magnification.

The goal of the original establishment of Emperor Technology is to make a functional small spaceship. It has no technical obstacle for spaceship surrounded by the earth, and there is no technical obstacle, and the anti-gravity propeller can be used as spaceship.

However, exploring the functional spaceship required by the universe, but also on the original basis, it will become more complicated.

However, the core technology has already, and other functions have not absolute technical obstacles.

This small spacecraft, which needs to perform space shuttles to arrive in Mars and land on the surface of the Mars. After performing a series of tasks, then take off the shuttle channel to the Earth, and perform landing operation to return to the earth.

The difficulties of this process are mainly concentrated from the surface of the Mars.

Take off, it is definitely necessary energy support, and the spaceship is only provided by the large light energy receiving converter.

So the spaceship before the takeoff, it also takes a certain amount of time to accumulate energy and slowly rely on the anti-gravity characteristics.

The time required for the entire takeoff process is expected to be more than a week.

Although there are still some problems in technical difficulties, it is not unable to overcome.

When the small spaceship enters the manufacturing link, the Emperor and the Space Board are entangled together, whether to 'manned' to Mars execute the task.

'Manned' is achievable.

The small spaceship is named 'Mars-No.1' spacecraft, Mars -1 applied the latest technology such as anti-gravity, anti-energy barrier, and light energy receiving, because the application of anti-gravity technology, Mars -1 expected to have seven tons .

This weight and the design of the large frame can be used in the center position, add a medium-sized manned control cabin, and the space of the cabin can reach 30 cubic meters, and foot can be used for three astronauts.

Manned, and without manner, the difference is very different.

The most important difference focuses on the function of spaceship in spaceship.

If it is a spaceship without carrier, it is necessary to set it, just like performing a mandator, no one, is flying according to the established route, then return directly after the task is completed.

Manned spacecraft will add a lot of controllability, space ship execution tasks, will also become more flexible, and more tasks can be completed.

For example, retrieve the soil of the surface of the Mars.

This task is placed on a spacecraft that does not manage, and it is completely seen in the sky.

If it is placed on the manned spacecraft, you can manually operate the spacecraft, you can retrieve more Mars soil.

In addition, there is still a big meaning, which is true lading Mars.

Domestic exploration of the scientific and technological of the universe, there is indeed the top technology, but there is no logo.

If you can complete Mars, it must be very meaningful.

In terms of the Saxi and Space Agency, I have conducted two negotiations, and I didn't decide whether to execute the task.

Normally, the first time is definitely not manned, and the space shuttle does not have a precedent, and the manned spaceship will go to space shuttle, and then descend Mars to perform the task. During the process, it is also the first time. It will increase risk.

Even if there is a little accident in the middle, it will become a big event that is not reversible.

However, there is no problem in technology.

Do not manage, safety.

Manned, the benefits are there, the first time I am on the first time, complete a few first time, the task can be perfect, because there is astronaut's operation, even other tasks can even add other tasks.


In the continuous tangled discussion, Zhao Wei's attitude is very critical, even can play a decisive role.

Because of this, Zhao Wei did not express his opinions. He knew that he would express his opinion and would play a decision-making role.

Zhao Yuxin is hoping to manage, because there is no problem, and can be completed, whether it is for domestic or companies, it can be said to have a huge meaning.

However, even if Zhao Wei has no way to guarantee, 100% security during the implementation of the task.

This is where the problem lies.

Zhao Wei did not have a way directly. He listened to many people's opinions, asked several familiar leadership, and continuously contiguous with the Space Agency, and finally he decided to see several astronauts cultivated.

In the beginning of the establishment, Er Xing began to cultivate astronauts, the scale of capital investment has exceeded 200 million yuan, but because the time is still very short, signing the astronauts of the Sunda, still retreats in advance, or 'has Retired '.

Of course, there are some newcomers, choose to join the Elite company, and it is slightly more powerful.

There are five astronauts who are in the Saxi Company, and there are five astronauts that enter the space execution task, all of which are all in the Saxi and Space Administration.

This is definitely that Elenet pays all the expenses.

In order to make a decision as soon as possible, Zhao Wei directly went to the training center. He saw a few astronauts. Every astronaut was done because they were trained in the process of spending very high.

It is much better now because there is anti-gravity technology to simulate space environments, but training consumption is still very expensive.

Several astronauts belong to Yixing Company, Yang Xuesen, Lu Xiaowei, Zhou Jin, etc., as well as Zhang Liping, a female astronaut.

Among them, Lu Xiaowei's oldest, Zhang Liping second, has come to the age of retirement.

General astronauts have to cultivate more than three years, they can perform tasks in space, Lu Xiaowei and Zhang Liping are in the seven-year training. Seven years is not continuous, it is three and a half years in front.

They have not become an astronaut's space to perform tasks in the best age, they can only wait for retiring.

This is a regrettable thing.

However, the establishment of Emixing gave them a chance, Lu Xiaowei and Zhang Liping chose to retire in advance, directly signing the Saxi company, I hope that there will be a chance to have a chance to be space in the future, becoming a real astronaut.

After Zhao Wei gave the training center, and several astronauts met each other, they went to the restaurant to dine. Astronaut's meal is particularly prepared, they can keep them living.


Zhao Yu asked, "You also hope to implement the task in the space?"

"Of course."

Lu Xiaowei uses to force his mouth, very excited, "My biggest dream is to enter space. It turned out to go to the space station, but two selections failed."


"Height!" Lu Xiaowei, "I have a little too high, it takes two centimeters, the height and weight of astronauts need very standard."

"Yes?" This Zhao Wei did not expect that because of the astronauts in the impression, it seems to have short?

"The situation is not necessarily."

Lu Xiaowei seems to know Zhao Wei's ideas, explain, "Because there is very few opportunities in space, it must choose the most suitable."

"But now I am also satisfied, half a year ago, I took a backweight propeller, a 3-type, and implemented the docking space station energy."


Zhao Wei listened to the nod.

Because it is the satellite of Emix, the implementation of the task will also consider the signing of the Sunday.

The astronauts here all take the anti-gravity propeller, some have no task work, only followed by experience, and completed as part of training.

Zhang Liping also said his own ideas, "Zhao's academician, I also want to real implementation of the task. I have become a female astronaut since a little dream, but because it is a girl -"

She said some helplessness.

It is not a matter of astronauts' work more suitable for men, but because there is no physiological problem in men, physical fitness is better, and it will be unclear.

Zhao Wei silently got a small party, suddenly asked, "Now there is a chance, but even I don't know if I have an accident."

"Here, I can say that there is a certain danger, in space, you know, if there is a problem, any problem, maybe -"

He did not continue to say, and he understood the meaning.

Several people look at it.

Lu Xiaowei immediately said, "I accept the task regardless of the danger."

"Why?" Zhao Wei frowned.

Lu Xiaowei firmly said, "If you live another year, two years, even if there is a chance to have space, my age has no hope, so I have to seize the opportunity, any chance!"

"My dream of this life is to implement the mission in the space, even if only once, not always."

"This makes me feel that there is no meaning in the past, and there is no significance of life, so even if the danger is high, I have to seize the opportunity, even if the process will sacrifice life!"

Zhang Liping followed the excitement, "I am the same! I hope to become astronauts since I don't have any danger! Zhao's academician, if there is a chance, you must consider me, I am really -"


Zhang Liping doesn't seem to know how to express it, and the sound is swallowed. Finally, "I believe that I can live back, I believe I will regret my choice."

Zhao Wei listened to a deep breath and heavily headed.

When he listened to the idea of ​​astronauts, he suddenly felt very touched, change it on himself, he does not necessarily make the same choice.

Everyone lives in the world, the most important, most valuable is life.

If a thing is possible, the risk of sacrifice is enough to prove to pay attention to this.


"I will help you fight!"

In the end, Zhao Wei decided, and also decided to increase the development and manufacture of the spacecraft, used to strengthen the safety of the manned cabin, and increase the cabin industrial facilities.


After Zhao Wei made a decision, I have conducted a third discussion on the Contacting Aerospace Bureau.

This time he took out his attitude and thought that he should directly carry out manned exploration, his attitude played a decisive role.

R & D manufacturing suddenly increased the 'manned cabin', the relevant technologies also tend to handle, such as increasing the control room, increasing two controlled robotic arms, but also increased the landing plate.


At the same time, the Saxi and Space Agency have also identified the contents of the task.

The original task content is unchanged, an increase in the fixed cabin, the fixed cabin is a special material, which can be fixed to the ground, can withstand the mainstorming environment, and still have compressed glass holes, can see the outside of the cabin .

The fixed cabin also hoards a certain living materials, a toxic gas filtration device, and some highly compressed oxygen cylinders.

This cabin will be placed in a relatively safe area of ​​Mars, and there is also a fixed, special material, which is fixed, special materials, in order to explore Mars in the future.

If the task can be successful, the future Mars will always represent the flag.

At the same time, there is another Mars related task in the future, and there are several astronauts to live for a week.

The work of astronauts is to operate Mars -1 login Mars. Subsequently to put down the fixed cabin, operate the soil of Mars, and bring back to the spaceship, then return to the Earth normally.

After discussing the Mars Project with the NASA, Zhao Wei returned to Zhengyang, he had two jobs to be concerned.

One is the Chinese computer technology company, which is open to the universe robot, and the company has formally established, and launches the recruitment work of Macroid. The first step is to recruit core technicians to participate in the research and development of the primary Chinese compilation software.

This job is not just a computer engineer, but also the Chinese research expert, recruiting many experts from the liberal arts, and it is best to have research on Chinese, and understand some computer technology.

Zhao Wei worked with the progress of the new company, and also did the main framework related to Chinese compilation software.

This work is still good, the compilation framework is the most important, as long as the framework does not re-issue, the filled content is problematic, and it is easy to correct.

In addition, it is to open the next development.

He first ordered two directions, one is a small direction, one is a big direction.

The small direction and the exploration of the universe are directly related to Z-wave detection techniques.

If it is an exploration within the solar system, because the scientific community is in the solar system, there have been a lot of understanding, and spacecraft has no too much risk.

Then enter the solar system outside, or is not the same.

No one can know, whether there is a big quarry, or any other star.

Even the asteroids of the universe rubbish, there is an extremely fatal danger of spaceship to space shuttle in space shuttle.

When there is similar situation, the spacecraft that the compressed value is high will instantly dislocation, and the impact of a few kilometers per second is very terrible.

Therefore, exploring the universe also requires detection technology, and the most suitable detection technique is to detect using Z waves.

How to detect?

The means of detecting, it sounds very simple, that is, first zaves, calculates the compression magnification of the Z wave to determine if there is danger on the route.

If there is a small star on the route, the compression magnification is definitely greatly reduced.

It sounds very simple, but it is very complicated because of the space empty, and the compressed magnification of the Z wave will be very high, and the index must be described.

When the compressed magnification exceeds 'billion', even reached '10 billion', '100 billion', it is very difficult to perform instantaneous testing.

Even I only hope to get blurred compressed values, it is still very difficult.

However, if you want to explore the solar system, you must master the relevant detection techniques, otherwise the spacecraft cannot apply space shuttle technology, and the fast-moving universe shuttle is carried out.

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