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Chapter 661 of the Tight Time

The power of the World-1 Mars detector released by Mars-1 spacecraft is shocked.

The international space field has been constantly transmitting Mars detectors to detect activities on the surface of Mars, and the most important Mars detectors emitted in the past are affected by energy and information transmission.

On the one hand, it is energy.

If it is a traditional battery technology, the Mars detector will be affected by battery power, and it is not working too long.

Later, with the development of solar technology, Mars detectors generally operate in the mode of solar charging, but because Mars exist at an atmosphere, the solar panel will receive the seasonal impact on Mars, even if the solar energy is full, Mars detector will also There is an insufficient electricity supply.

Two years ago, Mars detectors launched by M countries used more advanced nuclear energy patterns, but because the quality of the detector is limited, only the simplest nuclear power mode, nuclear energy conversion power, or even more than solar charging Technology, but the win is stable, longer service life.

In addition, the detector will always affect the influence of information transmission. .

The current frequency signal is not universal.

Mars is the farthest distance, even more than one million kilometers, even if the electromagnetic wave is also transmitted for 500 seconds, plus information conversion, instruction interpretation, etc., the time consumes a bit long,.

Several probes that launched to Mars, the energy service life has not ended, and the links directly and the Earth surface lost links, the most important reason is that there is no timely operation, causing the Mars detector to fall into a dangerous environment.

The above two points are the key to limit the operation of Mars detectors.

Emperor-h1 type solves the problem of energy and information transmission. Energy is a single crystal fan leaf in solar transmission technology. Non-delayed timely operation.

The two technologies are added together, at least in theory, they can always work.

When the international public opinion continues to discuss, the astronauts have completed their work, and they returned to the spacecraft.

The host of each TV station also begins, Mars-1 spacecraft returned to the Earth, "Mars-1 spacecraft relies mainly on transmitting solar energy, as well as loaded solid fuel, get rid of Mars gravity, then rely on Mars Zeng Wave satellite, establish a space shuttle, return. "

"The whole process uses many of the cutting edges."

Although the TV host is just a simple introduction, it is still very shocking, from the Earth and from Mars, the technical difficulty is not a concept.

Regardless of whether the returned task can be successful, as long as theoretical skills can be done, it is quite a quite.

For human star exploration, Mars detection is a history full of failure.

Among them, the most failed, the E-Space Bureau, they have started Mars probation in more than 50 years, and there were more than 20 related tasks before and after.

In the 1960s, in 1960, the front E State began Mars's probe tasks, and they launched Mars detectors to Mars.

This launch task has achieved success, and it is also an excellent successful experience in the history of Mars in the E country.

Two years later, the former E-fire launched Mars 1 detectors. When the Earth was 100 million kilometers, the detector and the ground lost connected, and there was no news again, and during the same period, the additional Mars 1962A and Mars 1962B were detected. , Also declared a failure of launching.

After two years, the first E has once again transmitted detection, and once again, it ended, although the detector successfully reached the Mars, but because the solar panel was damaged and did not send any data to the Earth.

The former E-E-Air Bureau insisted that it is worthy of being affirmed, they can say that they have repeatedly defeated, and after the year, the results are still ended.

Continuous failure did not hit the confidence of the former E-Space Agency. After four years they continued to transmit the detector, and two were fired, one of which was launched for seven minutes, because the engine failure exploded, another one Then pending the ground in less than a minute.

After more than a year, they continued to launch three times. After a breath, there was a mistake after the first detection, and the reason for the unknown, the front E State did not recognize the launch, the second detector successfully arrived in Mars. The surface, became the first human artificial object in history, but because quickly met the sandstorm, there was no link to the link, and the third detector was successfully landed in Mars, but encountered the same sandstorm, resulting in the same sandstorm I lost the connection only for twenty seconds.

After that, the first E-fire launched Mars 4 to 7th, and the direct launch of four detectors, the fiveth successful thinking of the Earth sent back sixty images, and the task stopped after nine days, other probes All the machine landed failed.

Later, several Mars probing tasks were carried out, and a part was issued after launching, and a part was after entering the Mars orbit, it lost communication with the Earth.


Seven years ago, the E-States rebooted Mars mission. The probe machine was also equipped with Mars detectors in China.

no doubt.

The E-Space Agency's detection of Mars is a history of continuous failure. There is also a very small number of success, but it is still unable to cover a lot of failure. Of course, it is not possible, and the E-Space Branch detects Mars to repeatedly defeat. Spirit.

Internationally, M countries have relatively successful detection of Mars, but success is only relative, and they have half the probing activities, and finally ended by failure.

Half of the task can be successful, it is very impossible.

Now the international information about Mars is mostly the success of the M China, including photos, atmospheric analysis, soil conditions, and so on.

Now, the first time I have issued the task of Mars surface, I will directly complete the manned login, and release the ultra-high-performance Mars detector, the task is now brought back to a lot of data.

This can be said to be a huge success in the history of human exploration of Mars.

When the task live broadcast, the international discussion is still not stopped, but it is getting more and more hot, and the company has increased, the international reputation has increased, and a large number of media reports are inseparable from the 'Domestic Agency.', ' Words such as Elenet '.

This also allows the reputation of the Shixing Company to catch up with space exploration technology companies, becoming the most popular, and is considered the most powerful private-Ying Space Explorer.

It is a discussion everywhere, and it is shock everywhere.

The focus of public opinion mainly surrounds the 'five astronauts to log in to Mars', the performance of ' -H1 detector', the 'spacecraft release replenishment device', etc., many people also pay attention, Mars-1 spacecraft can successfully return Earth.

If Mars-1 spacecraft can successfully return to the earth, Mars exploration tasks can be said to be perfect.

Whether the Mars-1 spacecraft can successfully return to the earth, in fact, it is very meaningful, and the markers have the ability to go to and from ultra-distance planet.

This is mainly because of the technology used by Mars-1 spacecraft.

First, it is space shuttle.

Mars -1 spacecraft can quickly arrive in Mars from nearly 100 million kilometers, and can reach the distance between the farther planet, the planet and the planet, which can be said that it is no problem.

In addition, it is from Mars, which uses space solar transmission and anti-gravity technology. Even when the distance from the distance, the energy is not limited, everything is not a problem, and the anti-gravity technology will not be high due to gravitation. What will be different.

In other words, use the anti-gravity technology to increase the spacecraft, whether it is similar in Mars or the earth, technology is similar, even even consumes energy, there will be no major gap.

This is a human exploration space, exploring other planets, extremely important technological leaps.

That's right, it is an outcome.

There were also precedents of landing in other planets before, just like Apollo Month, astronauts successfully returned to the earth, but slammed from Mars and took off from the moon is completely two concepts.

One is very close to the moon, and it is 30,000 kilometers away from the Earth, and it can be said to be 'near eyes.

Another important point is that the force of the moon is small and there is no atmosphere.

The latter is critical.

In the process of a planet, the influence of the atmosphere is very large, and the atmosphere will affect the land, and will affect the lift.

Mars lifts and moon boosts, and the technical difficulty is completely on one level.



TV live broadcast has ended, but Mars exploring the task has not ended yet, and it has been the most critical time.

Just like the international discussion, return to the earth from Mars to Mars from the Earth, it is too much difficult.

This exploration task is the key.

The international cases of exploration failures in Mars, the united Mars exploration tasks of the Unit and Space Administration, all of which are the latest technologies, but many people are also unknown.

High-level leaders are very tight, he is still constantly inquiring technical issues, hoping to know more about the return process.

Ok, communication is still maintained.

Although the large space transmission link is broken, the Mars-1 spacecraft will link once every half hour, in order to report safety and tasks in time.

In fact, Zhao Wei returned to the spacecraft. He continued to emphasize technology, and the equipment did not use, and used two "due to fruit law" to determine the situation of Mars-1 spacecraft.

Mars-1 spacecraft did not have a high consumption problem before his eyes, and he continuously added that the learning coin can be judged, and the returned answer makes people peace.

This is the best news.

Now Mars-1 spacecraft is slowly lifting, but it is necessary to reduce energy consumption, and the ground can only keep the link, and slowly wait for the progress, and other can't do anything else.

In the command room of the Aerospace Bureau, many people have closed their eyes, they hope that prayers can play a role, the spacecraft will be safely returned.

At this time, the control room of the Mars-1 spacecraft.

Lu Xiaowei, Zou Yongcheng is also tense, they are sitting in the spaceship, what you need to do is to stare in data, preventing adverse weather, or other emergencies.

When there is no similar situation, they can do just waiting.

The mood of astronauts is more embarrassing than others, because they are direct participants, and the test of spacecraft is high, only Zou Yongcheng and Lu Xiaowei have been involved.

That time, it was a spaceship of the spacecraft, and only 50 kilometers from the surface of the Earth, the gravitation of Mars, the air data and the earth were different, and there will be some differences.

For example, in terms of Mars, it has risen to more than 50 kilometers, almost in 'space', and the definition of the earth's space is a hundred kilometers away.

Mars-1 spacecraft is slowly lifting, and the route of the empty is straight, and when the surface is close to the surface, because the air resistance affects, the spacecraft is air density detector, the detector shows the air The density is lower than a certain value, and the impact on the spacecraft can be accelerated laterally.

The way the spacecraft accelerated is very simple, that is, the center propeller is tilting, the spacecraft will follow the tilt, so that in the process of continuing to increase, slowly acceleration towards one direction, and the spacecraft will get more and more higher, more and more quick.

The calculation data of the task is that the spacecraft will surround the Mars, it can accelerate the extraction of Mars.

When the spacecraft continues to surround the surrounds of the Mars, it is possible to use the transmission solar energy, completely full of the battery, and then use the remaining solid fuel, solar energy and battery energy, and promote the open space cover and flip to Z wave satellite The free space shuttle is returned to the earth.


The speed of the spacecraft is more slower than expected. After seven days, the ground received the news sent back to the spacecraft. They are already 30 kilometers from the surface of the Mars, and the test data is safe and can begin to speed up.

The message in the ground is, "Everything, you will be judged."

"Everyone believes you!"

This is the encouragement.

In fact, this time, several astronauts are very nervous, because the acceleration of spacecraft is not a simple control, the slope of spacecraft is likely to have problems, and even the possibility of direct crash.

As a captain, Zou Yongcheng is very nervous, his cheeks are sweat, the expression is very dignified, and the other people open the mouth, "it's now!"

Other people nodded firmly.

Lu Xiaowei said, "Captain, you decided!"

Others have followed the sound, "We believe in you, the captain!"

"Captain, no problem!"

"Everything is the same as the plan, the spacecraft is slow, which is also normal, no problem!"

Several people said that simply put their hands and encouraged each other in this way.

Zou Yongcheng took a deep breath, bowed his head and looked at the exercise rod, and then looked up and looked at others.


When the flying ship suddenly swayed, quickly tilt on one side.

The control room also came to Lin Sheng's scream, others are very nervous, all have to grasp the safety armrests.

They feel that the spacecraft suddenly sinks, just like falling, after it is toned, the spacecraft is just tilted, it will be stable.


Everyone has become a calm, and then stare at the test data. It feels that it is a newborn.

"no problem!"

"Safe! Success!"

"Haha, I said no problem!"

"Who just shouted out, scared me!" Suddenly a few people looked to Lin Sheng.

Lin Sheng opened his mouth. He even had a bit of a bit of fleeing. It's good to be used to it. They can't bear the ability to have a standard astronaut's heart. Even if they are also difficult to maintain absolute calm.

Zhang Liping immediately operated the link ground, and the report was reported, "report!"

"Here is the Mars-1 spacecraft, distance 35:77, tilt 13 degrees. The spacecraft has accelerated!"


At the same time, in the control warehouse of the spacecraft, it can hear the opposite noisy transformation of the electronic sound, and a chaotic representative, the excitement and joy of the ground command room.

The commander of the Mars Mission of the Aerospace Bureau also said with an exciting tone. "Congratulations on you, the hero of Mars!"

"You have already spent the most dangerous moment, as soon as you follow the original plan, you will be able to return!"

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