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Chapter 664, huge text engineering

Mars exploration tasks officially ended.

The public opinion of Mars exploration tasks at home and abroad has significant differences.

Domestic public opinion is more concerned about the return of the airliners, just like the title of high-level leaders, astronauts are considered to be heroes in China. They have risen their own dangerous implementation tasks, and the perfect completion of the task returned to the earth.

Every astronaut is a hero, they all become the focus of public opinion.

Some media reported a detailed report on each astronaut, and also published a very touching story, the protagonist of the story is astronauts.

For example, Lu Xiaowei.

Lu Xiaowei has been working hard, he has arrived at 40 years old, and it is going to end the golden age of astronaut and start slowly walking down.

He is a kind of astronaut since a small dream. After the astronaut, the dream is to truly enter space.

Now Lu Xiaowei realized a dream, but also became the first person who embarked on the surface of the Mars.

In addition, Zhang Liping is also very worthy of admiring, because he is the first female astronaut in China, executing or Mars exploring tasks, rather than going to the space station, obviously the former is more dangerous than the latter, much more pressure .

Lin Sheng's story seems to be very flat. Many people think that he is very 'lucky', an engineer is selected to participate in the Mars exploration project, and it has become an astronaut.

This will probably become the most dazzling life of life and is the most worthy of memories.

When the domestic public opinion focus is on the astronauts, the astronauts are in isolation, returning from space, they need to be isolated two weeks. .

This is mainly because of the microorganisms that may exist in space.

Although the environmental control of the space cabin and the protection performance of the space capsule is very good during space, it still does not rule out the existence of some microorganisms.

The microbiology is not seen in the naked eye. After some microorganisms pass through space life, they may have changed in high radiation environment, and they may affect the health of astronauts, and spread the development and even possible infectious diseases.

The medical isolation of astronauts is to prevent space life changes to the body, which directly affects the health status.

Space life will make the astronauts' body immunity decline, while the astronauts need to adapt to the Earth's gravity environment for a long time.

This period is a professional medical examination, and the process is completely isolated in one and the outside world.

After accepting medical isolation, when the body is gradually returning to normal, they still need a one-month medical treatment. They will be transferred to the nursing homes, while accepting rehabilitation treatment, while recovering training until body recovery, such as the beginning, I will get back to normal life.

Among the few astronauts who participated in the Mars Explore the task, there are three asted by the Saxi Company, which is astronauts who belong to Elexing.

Every astronauts are very valuable wealth, especially astronauts who have implemented tasks in space, their experience and ability can help more from generation to generation.

Zhao Wei attaches great importance to the astronauts returned. He specially cares about the astronaut's rehabilitation plan, and also finds the responsible doctor to consult, determine that there is no problem, meet the glass windows and several astronauts, Talking about the issue of the task process, then promised high bonuses.

Everyone, 5 million!

This is Zhao Wei and Eleumes, only things that can be done, astronauts are indeed a hero, but they are also ordinary people, family members and friends, living in normal society, money for them is undoubtedly very important.

When I heard a lot of bonuses, several astronauts smiled happy, they also started looking forward to the future.

Several astronauts are actually not big.

Astronaut's golden age is at the age of 40 to fifty, but this age is divided because it is forty years old, rather than saying that forty years old is still very young.

If you don't have a chance to perform the task in space in the age of 4, there is a lot of probabilities in the future.

Now that their future is still very long, it can perform a lot of tasks.

Zhao Wei is more looking forward to them to teach their experience and teach others to cultivate more astronauts.

After the company needs excellent astronauts, especially have the plan of the 'moon base', every time the flight of the spacecraft is needed, and several astronauts are definitely not enough, and the number is more than ten times, dozens Supreme is best.

The international is not concerned about the astronauts, they care about the process and results of Mars explore tasks.

In terms of technical, Mars Explore the mission, the Space Agency and Emixing have demonstrated amazing cutting-edge technology to have seen their top technology capabilities in the aerospace sector.

On the other hand, the results of Mars explore the task, the most direct results are the Mars soil samples brought back.

There were no national and institutions in the world, and the soil samples brought back from Mars-1 spacecraft were very research value.

Before the task begins, there is already national and institutions, contacting the Saxi Company hoping to get scientific research in Mars soil samples.

There are now more countries and agencies, all have to contact the Shixing Company, hoping to get the Mars soil sample.

In this regard, the Space Agency and Emixing have long have an allocation plan.

Mars Soil Samples belongs to the Space Agency and Elit Club.

Domestic must not use so many Mars samples, which can be divided into other countries and institutions, part of the Space Agency is the high-level decision allocation method.

The Mars soil samples got by Emixing Company, some of which were free of charge for several collaborative materials laboratory and R & D teams, and other parts were publicly sold.

Because the soil samples taken are more, the pricing is actually too high, and each gram only takes 100,000 US dollars.

This is already very conscience.

In fact, the company does not sell much, and the pricing is just a symbolic meaning.

If there is a research institution to buy, just buy a few grams, even just one gram, it is enough to develop it.

A lot of international research institutions must be able to get free to get the Mars soil samples for free, but waiting for the sample of the Space Administration, or say that the high-rise to the Space Affairs is required to make a long time, they simply bought the Open Company public Samples sold.

Eleng Company sold a few million dollars in a short time, but unfortunately selling soil samples, there is a time limit, while the remaining samples, it is not easy to sell it, it is not easy, and it is simply strictly preserved, and then give it later. Partners, or otherwise sold.

For example, there is an international cutting-edge jeweler, in contact with the Elite company, intend to manufacture the corresponding jewelery sale in Mars soil.

This is indeed a good idea, but Mars samples are temporarily valuable, it is best to put them in the warehouse, not directly selling.

In addition, some professional institutions in the international organization also play an idea of ​​'space navigation'.

Several foreign agencies asked if they can borrow the Z wave device to shuttle space, including the Competitors of Emperor, Space Explorer.

In this regard, even Zhao Wei has no right to decide.

The space bureau has also received the relevant inquiry, and later, it simply decided to discuss the headquarters and convened this meeting.

Zhao Wei just came to the capital and was preparing to go to the laboratory, and the result was notified to meet.

"Borrow Z Banghang Road?"


"They also have anti-gravity technology, some can also create a stable space cover, which can complete the shuttle through the route."

Zhao Wei took a thinking of the meeting.

Because of the most cutting-edge technologies involved in China, there are three top leaders present, and there are also international strategic experts in China, are the people in China.

Some are prepared for the meeting, and they speak continuously.

It is supported, and the reasons for objection, the reason is that other national institutions will borrow Z-wavefront roads, and there may be risks of technology leaks. In addition, they will have new development in the space field.

For example, other national institutions are also doing Mars exploration tasks, maybe you can get other confidences related to Mars.

For example, they may decide to explore the Neptune or a comet, you can get other space information.

In addition, other national institutions can shuttle space shuttle, and must pass the development of spacecraft technology.


There are also many supported sounds at the meeting, most mainly because other national institutions borrow space shuttle waterways, can increase the influence of domestic international.

Those national institutions that choose to borrow space shuttle channels are equal to joining the aerospace industry headed in China.

It contains a lot of war - slight interests and economic benefits.

In the process of participating in the meeting, Zhao Wei was thinking.

Standing at the Elegar company, there is no doubt that more national agencies will take the initiative to borrow space routes because they need to pay a large amount of money for this.

This allows the Saxi company with new benefits.

If it is standing in domestic, technology, leadership, his views don't seem important. There are a lot of eyes in the meeting than him, and more people are more far.

Therefore, Zhao Wei can only stand in a technical point of view, "From the technical point of view, now the anti-gravity technology of foreign institutions is not mature, the anti-energy barrier technology is equally immature, the spacecraft, core technology and our least There are two or more gaps. "

"This gap is like a computer, and the current computer, appearance, performance, and core technology gap are still very big."

"The technology they have mastered, can also make spacecraft, support the anti-energy barrier, complete shuttle through space navigation, but because of the gap between core technology, they need to invest more money, technology stability is also inadequate."

The last sentence is safe.

Just like Mars exploration, even the most successful M country, there are many tasks and events fail to fail.

Zhao Wei said the view from the perspective of technology, but the meeting was still arguing, and the final meeting still took out the decision-restrictive open space navigation.

For example, there are several institutions to apply for the use of space navigation, and they can be targeted and they must be discussed separately. They must know the tasks they want to discuss whether they agree.

Other agencies use space navigation, all have a detailed understanding of mission, spacecraft, and everything can be said to have the possibility of problems.

In fact, from the results of the meeting, the overall war in China is hoping to reach an increase in international influence and creating economic benefits by means of new technologies, including spatial link technology, spatial light energy transmission technology, Z wave technology, etc. Purpose.

Both are important.

At present, the country's development is rapidly rising, but it corresponds to the speed of development is too fast, and some areas cannot keep up.

For example, a very important financial side.

The US dollar is still the most important international general currency, and domestic needs continue to increase influence, and in various fields, we will increase the results of domestic currency in international transactions.

In this regard, there have been many plans.

Among them, the technology directly related to Emixing is the establishment of new 'energy companies', which is part of the ring solar energy satellite. From Elexing Infinite Power Company, form a new energy company, and continue to study Technology, strive to achieve the RMB pricing of 'transmission energy'.

This is equal to a portion of the interface that opens solar space transmission.

Of course.

Among them, many technical issues require a step by step.

But it is certain that as long as the gathering satellite is divided from infinite power company, it will definitely get a large amount of investment, and launch a large number of cyclic concentration of the cycle, and the source is constantly providing a large number of transmission solar energy, using the application in each line. Industry.

This is also the limit on infinite power vehicles.

Zhao Wei is ready for this, any normal operation, is impossible to hold monopoly techniques for a long time.

Because of this, he lets the company invested a large research and development funding in 'soft technology', grasp the electronics, software, intelligence, etc. to create a better product, in order to stand in the future, but not only rely on Monopoly technology to achieve rapid development of expansion.

After participating in the meeting for spaceshield open, Zhao Wei went to a Hui Tu robot company and went to the newly formed Chinese Computer Technology Company with Yuan Zhongchen.

Chinese computer technology company, mainly Yudu and Emperor, put a large amount of funding for the research and development of Chinese underlying compilation software, temporarily a company's company.

After the company has set up, each department has been divided into various departments, the largest sector is the R & D Technical Department, which has more than 300 computer engineers.

Chinese computer technology companies have just been established, but have already officially entered the R & D status.

Zhao Que is the big direction of R & D, which has developed a general software framework, but the specific person is responsible.

Yuan Zhongchen attaches great importance to the company. He has been staring at R & D progress, "We have brought a lot of orders based on the operating system of Yuetu, but it has begun related compilation, but the most important Chinese identification."

"The underlying Chinese identifies a huge project, we hired more than a dozen Chinese experts, they have been screening the text."

"According to the current speed, complete the screening, identification of the basic Chinese characters, and take the least three months of time."

"This work is the most important, which is also why the company has no need to expand."

"The underlying work is not completed, and more people don't make sense."

Zhao Wei listened to some nodded.

In fact, he is still very satisfied with the progress of R & D, you want to do computer research and development from the bottom, which is so easy?

Foreign decades of computer basic development, but it is not a short time to catch, and now they need to be a constant investment, constantly accumulating, there is enough accumulation to make the foundation, in order to pursue higher levels.

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