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Chapter 679 Space Trip begins

Space Agency and Elitar Company introduced the moon base, aerospace centers, etc., and suddenly caused the venue vibration.

Each of them is involvement.

Many people can't help but talk about the lingering, "Not only the moon base, the plan of the space center is also very heavy."

"If you can build a super telescope on the moon, the distance and clarity that can be observed will definitely improve several times, or even dozens of times."

"The Aerospace Center is developed by this, and it will definitely attract astronomers from the world."

"It seems that the world space must see this space center."

"The moon base is really too big, although there is already relevant plans, but every development is delayed for decades, who knows if it can be built for decades?"

"Emperin announced, this company has developed very fast, and each plan can be achieved for a few months, and they should have a clear timetable."

"There is also related technology!"

The last point is very important, when entering the reporter questioning, the first question is related to the technology.

Reporters who know the Saxi Space Project directly asked the key points, "Moon Base Plan, definitely urge large amounts of materials, equipment and instruments to transport a large number of moon surface? According to our understanding, Eli is developing a space transport Ship. So, is the plan related to this ship? "

The Zhou Kai Manager, who is representative of Emix, saw Zhao Wei, and immediately replied. A special moon car, accurately, should be a moon base car, the monthly decoration base car can carry a large amount of materials, equipment, and can launch the work astronauts to maintain a few months of life, or directly communicate with the ground. "

"The moon base car will be an important ring, because the work of astronauts is to find the location suitable for the construction base."

"And our shipping boat, will be completed, and enter the test phase."

Zhou Kai said a lot of content, and broke the news of the moon base car, causing the second hot discussion of the venue.

Subsequent reporters, most of them are related to technology, but soon, as some reporters stood up and ask questions, the topic seems to be turned into a direction, "The moon is the satellite of the earth, is the planet owned by human beings, so rushed to build the base on the moon Is there an intention of the moon in advance? "

This problem is more worried, just like the Space Agency and the Emperor plan to build a moon base, the purpose is to take the site on the moon, in advance, rather than for scientific research.

The 'home rights' of the moon surface will also cause the academic and public opinion hot discussion.

First of all, the land of the moon is definitely no attribution, saying that all human beings are not wrong, saying that no one has, and there is also no mistake.

The leaders of the ASA Zheng Longmai said, "Everyone knows that the land of the moon is not at home, we have built the base in the moon, and we do not need to pay land users to any country and institutions."

This sentence seems to have some interesting suspicion, causing a laughter.

Zheng Long continued, "Our purpose is not a circle, it is obvious, we want to do research, hoping to build a large telescope on the surface of the moon, build a region of astronauts living, work."

"If other countries and institutions have the corresponding plans, of course they can do this."

"In addition, according to international law, when a piece of land does not belong to the right, it is not within any national sovereignty jurisdiction, as long as the country can exercise the priority to occupy the right to occupy the actual control and actual administration, put the land in In the national control range. "

Zheng Long quoted the situation of the owner's place 'first' first, it is equal to it directly, "We first establish the base on the surface of the moon, then the area near the base, the area where controlled area can be accompanied by domestic."

This kind of saying is to do.

Although the "International Law" covers only in the Earth surface, it is also reasonable because there is no new "Accommodation".

Of course.

In fact, it is not important, other countries and institutions have also hoped to be able to 'circle' on the moon, but they did not do it temporarily.

The huge funds, energy, braving huge risks, the result is to go to the moon's "no mainland", obviously very uncomidized.

Subsequent reporters ask a lot of normal, some reporters care about research issues, "Will it welcome the scientists of other institutions after the month is built?"

"Do you allow for other agencies to park, astronauts, enter?"

Similar problems involve, the moon base plan is done in China, or invited other agencies together.

Zhao Wei took a question, "our moon base, which will also become an international moon base station, welcome other agencies and scientists to join the plan."

"However, here I must explain that the Base of the Base of the Base, which will be put into large amounts of funds, technology and future for the plan."

"This is also the basis of our cooperation between us and Space Administration."

Zhao Wei's words are very unexpected, because in the field of space, many people bundle the Space Agency and Eleumes, so that the Shixing Company looks like a normal operation.

Now Zhao Wei pointed out part of the partnerships and clarified the relevant interests, which is also equal to the commitment of the shareholders and investors.

This doesn't seem to be important, it is actually very important.

Because Emixing is a company that is operating, it will be very huge, and the relevant input is not visible to the reward.

What can the moon base brought? Where is the profit?

These are unclear.

Any normal operations cannot only be put into investment, which is a professional R & D institution, rather than wanting to achieve a profit, and companies who do not have to be able to do investment.

The launch will last for a long time, but there are still many reporters that they have failed to ask questions.

Most of the questions are all the Space Bureau, the technicians of the Saxi Company answered, Zhao Wei, Zheng Long and other leadership, first left the scene.

They left and conduct internal meetings.

In fact, Elexing has a clear 'profit plan.

First, it is the manufacture, sales of small spacecraft. Then you need to use the ship, and you will also use other aerospace products.

Although it is impossible to sell large carriers, relatively small, technical low-end transport ships can be sold outside.

In addition, Elox also plans to make a small-scale detector produced outwardly from the super-large Z wave device established by the moon as a springboard.

These small detectors will fly to the asteroid belt, Kieb belt, and even more distant Alt Clouds, detect those asteroids and comets, explore their components, once found planets with significant value, There is a planned 'mining'.

Subsequent mining requires a large number of technological research and development investment in the need to be formed.

This is the resource mining in the solar system, and will definitely become one of the important profit points of the future.

Of course.

Now, 'Milting' plans are still early, only simple plans, but the Sax is already in the probe for mass production, and the initial design work.



Sightseeing boats entered the fifth round of test because it was the internal confidentiality test and was not known by the outside world.

In the first half of the spacecraft launched, Zhao Wei and senior leaders entered the spacecraft, and visited it all over again and found that there were some changes in the inside of the previous test.

For example, there are a few 'deluxe rooms', 'Deluxe room' is the two rooms that fight together, with advanced space links, radar communications and other devices, and even a small screen, direct link to the outside camera.

The decor of the 'luxury room' is relatively extravagant. After walking, it feels like living is a hotel, not on the spaceship.


This is prepared for high-level leaders and Zhao Wei and others, and it will be put into use in the future, but some equipment will definitely be removed.

In addition, there are some other changes, including unnecessary changes.

Zhao Wei pays attention to the seat of the front row in the exhibition hall, more than a seat belt than the back, and has more emergency oxygen cylinders, even special circumstances, to ensure safe space clothes, it is placed below the front seat, drum The drum holds a seat while the seat is much luxurious.

In exchange, it is a bit awkward.

High-level leaders and Zhao Wei are sitting in the front row of the exhibition hall, next to a group of people, even two gun security.

The exhibition hall is a hall.

The surrounding walls are various introductions, most are the space-related, sightseeing boats, but also reserved a part, give the 'space trip' Make a picture and text description.

There is a large screen in the center of the exhibition hall, directly linking the camera outside the hull, can be seen outside the distance.

When the takeoff time is ten minutes, there is a large number of people on the ship, including some technicians and flight career.

These are staff.

Among them, the flight attendant is the most professional, they will be the first service staff of the spaceship.

These are not a general passenger, they have been recruited for a few months, and the shortest has been trained for three months. It can bear long-term weightless environments, which is also detailed for very internal equipment, travel requirements, etc. To understanding.

There are more than 35 passengers on the ship. They are to do service work, and they are also the first time to board the ship, intercroped the process of service work.

Most of them are male, mainly because of the need for good physical fitness, and very calm mind, in order to make the right emergency response, in addition, the training process is also very hard, the initial registration is more eliminated.

The timeouts of spaceships are still very good, and there are 10,000 pieces of a single holiday. Every time they are space, they will get 10,000 additional subsidies.

In other words, as long as you follow the space on the sightseeing boat, you can say that you can get 20,000 salary for two days.

Now they are in the internship, the salary and bonuses that have been taken are eighty percent. Considering the majority of passensities, they are specialized graduates, and the salary level can be said to be quite high.

When the time was going to take off, the broadcast had reminded the sound.

There is a passenger to help the high-level leadership, and the upper body and the legs are all fixed in the seat.

In fact, normal take-off only requires a seat belt, because it is not like a plane takeoff, the slope is straight into the high altitude, the spacecraft is straight to the sky, but also relying on anti-gravity technology takes off, experience the weight loss Feeling, it will not have too big bumps, which is more stable than the plane takes off.

The high-level leaders have been remembering, and the seat belt will look at Zhao Wei and strangely ask Zhao Wei. "Why is you only tied one seat?"

"I am young, not afraid!" Zhao Yule said.

Some senior leaders are somewhat unclear.

Soon he found that it was tied to the legs, not a good sense of sensory, because he only felt the weight loss, he was lightly fluttering.

When others are on the seat 'electric leg', he can't do it. It is depressed immediately. "Solve! Help me unope! You are a seat belt, I am two, depend ! "

Others don't know what to do, or Zhao Wei unlocked his seat belt, and then smiled and helped.

In fact, the ship's takeoff process is very safe.

Everyone has entered the 'half-lost' state, and one is because of the impact of the large proportional anti-gravity effect, it can make people feel lost, and the two spacecraft are accelerating, there is an upward force.

The two are combined, it is like a half loss.

In addition to the feeling of 'half-lost', there is no other feeling, because the spacecraft is rapidly accelerating, and the camera outside the hull is closed, the screen of the exhibition hall does not light, and I can't see it all.

The senior leadership asked, "Is it now? How do I feel?"

"It is estimated that it will be over 10,000 meters? It is definitely over the clouds." Zhao Wei looked at the time, and the rough estimate said, then simply stood up, "I still go to the room, the room can be seen in the room. Outside, I can't see anything here. "

"Yes, return to the room! Back to the room!" The senior leaders also realized that the exhibition hall is mainly large, and many people can stay together, but because the screen does not light, it is not worth it here, it is not enough to get on the room.

The high-level leaders also release the seat belt, and some people have in the past, and they walk in the room.

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