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Chapter 688 Tensills sell Mars-1 spacecraft

Zhao Wei also encountered the first time, obviously able to experiment, but worried that due to accidents caused major accidents.

This is not only a major accident, in-depth thinking, may even harm the entire earth.

I didn't dare to do experiments on the earth, I think it is very terrible, and I feel very depressed, others feel almost.

As a scientist engaged in theoretical physics research, it can also use the experiment to make verification. As a result, it is found that the experiment is very dangerous. It cannot be verified in the first time, which is the most depressed thing.

This time, it is definitely unable to do it, so that the development of space exploration technology has developed quickly and can find other methods.

Zhang Yi Can said, "Is it possible to do it on the moon? Should be relatively safe on the moon? We have the moon base program, and it has also created a ship ship, which can put the relevant equipment, directly to the moon, Experiments can be made. "

"How long does it take?" Qiu Chengwen asked interest in.

Zhang Qi Shu wants to, "If the speed is fast, it's enough for two or three months? Of course, the premise is to give priority."

Edward - Witten is amazed, "Is it so fast? Your transportation ship has been made? I have paid attention to this matter, it seems to be sent to a moon base car, right?"


Zhang Yiqiang nodded.

Zhao Wei shakes his head, "the moon is not necessarily safe."

Everyone else is silent.

This is the truth.

If the moon has something big, it will definitely affect the Earth.

This may become an experiment that threatens the earth, human beings, even if there is only a little possibility, it must be cautious and careful.

Zhao Wei, "But the method is still there, it doesn't need to be too complicated. If the requirements are not high, it is just a small experiment."

"What we need is just anti-energy barrier, Z wave generator, and space link equipment."

"If you do experiment on the ground, you will be enough for a day, and you don't need much cost."

"I want to guarantee safety, then we need a spaceship, you can turn on the anti-energy barrier, let the spaceship be as far away from the earth, you can start experimentation."

"We don't have high requirements for the experiment, just make a simple verification, so whether it is a Z wave generator or a space link device, you can use the easiest."

Everyone thinks about nod, and the eyes are emitted.

Edward - Witten asked, "So, the spacecraft? I know that the Shi has a spaceship, and others are unclear."

"The Aerospace Bureau also has."

Zhao Wei, "There are four ships that can open anti-energy barriers in China, and there is a ship, there is a space bureau, and the anti-gravity team also has an experimental spacecraft, and there is a spaceship."

The spacecraft will definitely not be used to do experiment, because it is not affordable.

The experimental spacecraft of the anti-gravity team, the technical performance is not up to standard, because most of them are in the near-place experiment, without space shuttle experience.

This technology is not mainly reflected in the electronic system.

Because the hardware has been installed, the electronic system wants to upgrade is very complicated, and it is necessary to prepare, upgrade.

This process takes a long time.

Therefore, the spacecraft of the anti-gravity team can also be ignored, and the rest is the spacecraft of the Saxi and the Space Administration.

The ship's spacecraft is the one that executes Mars mission. The performance is still very good. After returning to the Earth, it has been repaired, maintained, and has been stopped in the launching manufacturing base belonging to the Emperor.

This spaceship does not have a task in a short time, it is best for experimental tasks.

The Aerospace Bureau also has a newly built spaceship. They refer to the spacecraft technology of Emperor, because it is newly built, and there are some technologies that make up the Mars of Shixing, insufficient use, and increase space It is also possible to use it.

The construction of this spaceship is preparing for future emergency tasks.

For example, there is a problem in the problem of moon base, you can use spaceship to support rapid support.

Alternatively, there is a problem in spacecraft, or it can use spacecraft to conduct emergency rescue.


To put it bluntly, it is a spacecraft for space rescue, and there is no task after construction, or it can be used as an experiment.

Zhao Wei is still more inclined to use the spacecraft of the Space Administration, because they do research, and Zhu, space transfer directly related, is parsing space to study the mystery of particle transfer.

In a word, this is the research project of basic theory, rather than research for Elite.

The certification of this study certainly cannot be funded by Elite, and the Sax also does not reason to pay a spaceship.

You know, a spaceship is worth more than 500 billion, and it is only the basic price of manufacturing, and there is no technical value.

If you sell the spaceship abroad, even more than two billion.

So it is better to use the spaceship of the Space Administration.

After several people in theoretical group, I wrote an experimental application material, because they were sent to the scientific and technological department to lead Liu Minister in the Science and Technology Department in the building of the Science and Technology Department.

When Zhao Wei gave it to the application materials, he gave Liu Minister, and he chatted with Liu Minister a few families often, and it is probably a hard class.

Secretary Liu also didn't take serious things. When he returned to the office, the cup of tea was slowly looked slowly, just saw it for a minute, he sprayed a water.


"Apply for an experiment with spaceship of the spacekeeper? And the experiment may also happen, for example, big bang?"

"Then, the spacecraft must have a certain probability?"


Secretary Liu did not sit, he simply called the high-level leader to make reports and said the experiment application materials obtained.

After two hours, the senior leaders came, and the person in charge of the Space Administration, Dunlong, as well as several other leaders, experts, etc., they will listen together, theoretical group research reports and experimental applications.

Zhang Yi Can first speaking, "We analyze the mathematical logic of particle transmission from multiple angles."

"After our research, it eventually describes the space into a foundive 'empty' composition."

"The density of the space is fixed, at the same time, the empty is constantly jumping -"

He said a few results.

After Qiu Chengwen, Edward - Witten, from the existing physical theory and M theory architecture, the math logic of the air.

Qiu Chengwen said that it is better, whether it is light speed, Einstein theory, or other related physical theory, it is a lot of people to know, in order to illustrate the holiday, it will also convince people to certainly convince.

Edward - Witten is different. He also knows the mathematics of the string theory is very complicated. Just find some simple, some difficulties are not talking.

Even if he thinks is simple, most people can't understand.

Even if it is a top mathematician, theoretical physicist, there is no research on the theory, I want to hear what he said is difficult.

Edward - Witten After completing the statement, the meeting was quiet for a while.

Several leadership drums, others have also applauded, and the high-level leaders will kick, say a sentence, "It is a Filz winner, and it is considered to have the most influential theoretical physics in recent decades. The content of the students, Mr. Witten said is high. "

Edward - Witten is very happy to sit down, he seems to feel that everyone has recognized his statement.

Zhao Yi whispers reminded a sentence, "When the leader does not understand, he will say this."


Edward - Witch Teng did not respond over a moment, but next to Qiu Chengwen couldn't help but laugh.

Next, I turned to Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei is the final summary. He started from the latest scientific and technological perspective, explaining the importance of the experiment. "We have a suspected small hydrogen bomb explosion in the last experiment, I believe everyone knows."

"According to my judgment, there will be such an accident because particle stripping and particle transmission have occurred."

"The particles are stripped from the nucleus and transmitted in special circumstances. They collided in vacuum, and nuclear fusion reactions occurred."

"This is obvious that it is not normal, so we have built the theoretical group research."

"Now our research has some results, but it is not sure that these achievements are correct. We do verify through the experiment, but at the same time, we design the experiment, do not guarantee safety."

"This experiment has created a part of the area that exists. If the experiment is successful, we don't know what will happen. Because of this, we apply for spaceship, and the universe you want to complete the experiment."

"The best result is the success of the experiment, and does not accidentally, the spacecraft will return normally."

"Once an accident occurs, the spacecraft may be very bigger."

"But no matter what, this experiment can directly verify our results, and pay more, because once the experiment is successful, we may learn more about the space and learn from this."

The last sentence is quite persuasive.

Zhao Wei's latest technology, including anti-gravity technology, Z wave, space link technology, compressed materials, etc., cover space exploration, military technology, information transmission and material field, each in the relevant fields are crushed Level technology, and created a continuous super high profit, which is also based on these key technologies, and domestic can achieve external technical suppression and deterrence.

Every up-to-date technology can be said to be the foundation of domestic development.

Compared to a new technique, it is nothing to lose if a spaceship is not.

The high-level leaders immediately tattooed.

Zheng Long, the person in charge of the Space Administration, did not think so, he certainly knows how important a new technique is, but the spacecraft used by the experiment is not alternative.

The newly manufactured spaceship of the Aerospace Bureau can be said to be his heart.

This is the highest-end technology, very expensive compressed materials, is also equipped with a fairly high-end electronic system, and various devices inside are also best.

Although the established task of the spacecraft is space rescue, but because of its superb performance, you can do some other work, complete some important tasks.

For example, the planet explores.

If you have more efficient Z wave satellites, you can directly cross-beyond 10,000 astronomical units, explore the planet outside the solar system.

This ultra-high performance spaceship is to lose in an experiment, which is too heartache, and re-manufacturing a spacecraft, it takes a lot of time and energy.

Therefore, Zheng Long put forward different opinions.

Zhao Wei's head, "Emperor's spacecraft can also, but this is not a project of Emotion."

He said it is straightforward.

Because Emperor is a company, it is impossible to losses a super high value spacecraft of the company for basic theory.

There is a problem here that the technology developed by the Basic Theory Institute is not fully owned by him, or it belongs to all.

The theoretical group is the research and development group of the Science and Technology Department.

No matter what kind of technique can be developed, it is not definitely a confidentiality technology in the latest technology field. The main right is all in China. Because of this, the experiment is in the air boat, it is not.

Zheng Long, of course, also understood this, smiled, "Mr. Zhao, you misunderstand what I meant. In fact, I want to say that domestic can be bought to buy Elenet's spacecraft, and use directly for experimentation."

He stood up to other people. Say, there is no other task now, then want to use, you need a certain upgrade, which is used for the experiment. "

"So we can bought the spacecraft of Emotion, I believe that Eleins will not refuse."

Of course, it will not refuse, the premise is the price suitable.

Zhao Wei knows that Mars-1 manufacturing costs are about 50 million.

The Aerospace Bureau is also clear.

Therefore, the meeting will finalize the Space Agency and the Emperor to the purchase of Mars -1 spacecraft, and then modified experiments for the upcoming experiment.

After the end of the meeting, Zheng Long and Zhao Head took the shoulder walk out, and he said on a whisper.

He didn't finish the words, meaning it is very clear, just want to cut the bargain.

Zhao Wei shakes his head, "Yue Xing and Space Affairs Bureau often cooperate, we are a old acquaintance, is it a friend?"

Zheng Long doubt it.

Zhao Wei, "Friends, there will be no pit you, let alone, the Saxi and Space Bureau, there will be many cooperation in the future, there are many exchanges in technology, and there are many exchanges in the business."

"So the specific sale price of the spacecraft is still to talk, Mars -1 manufacturing cost is indeed 50 million, but the sale price will definitely be some, because Mars-1 executes the exploration task, prove the safety, reliability of spacecraft And stability. "

"This negotiation, I will not participate, but I estimate that the price should be less than 10 billion, mainly because Mars-1 is really not necessary, and there is no task for the time being."

"However, you can rest assured."

Zhao Wei finally added, "The Aerospace Bureau bought it, but it may not be lost, because this experiment, the probability of a big security risk is small."

"Although we are very serious, just because of probability, the probability is not high."

"Mars-1 will be applied inside, even if it is a small explosion of the last time, because there is a space cover blocking, it will not be very damaging. So, after the end of the experiment, Mars-1 has a lot of probability, Can return to the earth normally. "

Zheng Long listened to the heart, and then asked immediately. "I thought I didn't come, I didn't come. It turned out to be like this! Zhao Academician, how much do you think is the probability of returning?"

Zhao Wei hesitated, saying, "I don't dare to guarantee this, it is difficult to say."

"This is good."


"You can sign an agreement with the Emotion, if the experiment is damaged, the Sax can make the corresponding compensation, and the sale price will be talked."

"This is good!" Zheng Long suddenly satisfied.

If the experiment has accidents, let the spacecraft will not return normally, there must be financial compensation, and it is also a certain extent to compensate for losses.

Otherwise, the spacecraft who bought the Emperor will definitely not lose!

Although the manufacturing cost is only five billion, the performance of the spaceship is very good, and the task is implemented, it can guarantee safety, stability, and one billion bought is not lost.

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