Yinquan High School 8

the other side,

When the bell rang and all the students rushed towards the classroom door, Kuroko Umekawa from Sakura Country was still sitting in her seat.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to eat, he’s also hungry…

I was beaten so badly by the teacher in the morning that I couldn’t move at all.

At first, it may be because the body’s own protective mechanism temporarily numbs the pain. Umekawa Kuko hasn’t felt that much pain yet.

Towards the end, the pain was heartbreaking and beyond the range of what humans can bear…

Umekawa Kuko made a humble request to the last few male classmates who walked out:

“Can you help me…bring back some food?”

He also knew that asking Weiyi for help was not a reliable thing to do. But now, he has no choice.

You can’t ask the teacher to help bring meals, right?

Several classmates did not embarrass him and agreed immediately.

“I’ll go, this cool guy from Meikawa must be very lucky.”

“In the morning, he asked his classmates to help him go to the fountain to get the rules paper. The other chosen ones were all more or less attacked by the strange teacher, and a few who didn’t come even jumped into the fountain and were eliminated. . He was sitting alone in the classroom without any threats.”

“Now he has asked his classmates to help bring meals, thus avoiding a crisis in the cafeteria…”

“It’s a simple win. Isn’t it the most correct way to clear this dungeon by not leaving the class and asking classmates for help?””Calm down, I feel like it won’t be that simple. The weird rules don’t allow anyone to take advantage of others.”

Ten minutes later, several classmates came back with meals.

Meichuan Kuzi stretched out his hand to pick it up: “It’s so fast. Did you call me back before you had eaten? You guys are so weird…”

When the food was about to be handed to his hand, it was taken back.

One of the tall boys with Chinese characters said: “I helped you this morning because you didn’t report us during class, so it’s even.”

“This time is different, we don’t owe you anything.”

“If you want to eat, you have to help each other.”

Meikawa Kuzi swallowed, his intuition was not very good: “Help, what can I help you with?”

“Simple.” The male classmate raised the corners of his mouth, revealing an evil smile:

“We want to go out to play later. You can talk to the teacher and ask for a leave for us.”

Umekawa Kuzi’s face changed drastically. She asked him to go find the old witch, wasn’t he going to die?

Just kidding, if he doesn’t even do weird things, let him do it as a human…

He looked at the food and decided to give up despite the pain:

“Then I won’t eat at the head office…”

“Whether you eat it or not, you have already taken the time to fight back. It would be unfair to us to regret it now.”

These students were very united and kept emphasizing the words “fairness” and helping each other.

Of course, Umegawa Kuzi is more inclined to think that they knew that asking a teacher for leave was much more dangerous than asking for a meal, but they still used the word “fair” as an excuse to commit school bullying on themselves.

“I also want to help you. But I really can’t stand up like this.” Umekawa Kuzi glanced at her legs, trying to use this excuse to escape.

“You agreed? That’s great. You agreed on your own. We didn’t force you.”

Meichuan Kuzi was stunned, thinking to himself, is this called not cool? It was so obvious that I refused. You are still unwilling to give up…

Then, Umekawa Kuko found that her body was being held by several students from below, soaring into the air, and they walked towards the office together.

“No, I don’t want to go to the teacher…let me go.”

[Sakura Nation’s selected candidate Umekawa Kuko is swallowed by the strange, the world of ghost stories is about to come, the time counts down 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5…]

“Bagaya Road, this idiot Umikawa Kuzi, will he die if he skips one meal? He can’t wait until he’s almost recovered before looking for something to eat.”

“Sure enough, there is no such thing as a free lunch. There is a price to pay for letting Weiyi help.”

“Sakura Country is indeed unlucky this time.”

“Because of his lack of strength, Mr. Xu Ye also got the lowest ranking. He is completely different from him…”

beer country,

Hoffman came to the cafeteria to get food.

Since he was almost crowded by people in the corridor, he had to delay for five minutes and wait for the flow of people to pass before rushing to the canteen.

There was a long queue, and when it was Hoffman’s turn, there were only two dishes left to choose from in front of the window.

This time, Auntie’s hands didn’t shake:

“This classmate, seeing that you are the last one, I will give you more sauerkraut and spicy duck neck.”

“Oh, God, where is the duck’s neck? This is obviously a rat’s head.”

The cafeteria aunt paused for a moment, looking down at the dark food, a look of surprise flashed across her face. But soon, she calmed down her expression:

“What a duck neck, this is a rat head. Bah…this is a duck neck.”

“Hey, you kid, you misled me so much that you can’t even speak…”

Hoffman was extremely angry and crossed himself on his chest: “Oh, God, look, there is a liar here, take her away quickly.”

The cafeteria aunt smiled and imitated his tone: “Oh, kid, you may be blind. Eat quickly, good students can’t be picky eaters.”

After saying that, he scooped out a large spoonful of rat heads and put them on Hoffman’s dinner plate.

[Rule 12: The cafeteria opens on time at twelve o’clock. Auntie doesn’t like classmates who are picky eaters. 】

Due to the rules, Hoffman did not dare to say any more. He sat down at the table holding the dinner plate angrily.

On one side is sauerkraut stepped out with feet, and on the other is a rat head known as a duck’s neck.

Which one should I eat?

But even Hoffman himself didn’t notice that his thinking had quietly changed. After all, sauerkraut and rat heads didn’t look like food for humans.

He could just stop eating, put down his chopsticks, go back to the classroom to replenish his energy, and come out again during dinner. Why do you have to choose?

Hoffman’s eyes turned slightly red. After struggling for a long time, he chose the former.

After taking a bite of sauerkraut, I started to enjoy the food. I ate faster and faster, and I felt like I couldn’t stop. It’s like tasting a delicious dish.

“Oops,Hoffmann was mentally affected. ”

“Quick, send him a reminder message.”

“President, do you want to send it now? We only have one last chance left.”

“Okay, got it, send it now.”

“It’s useless. Hoffman is not in the right state. He didn’t receive anything we sent him.”

At this time, Hoffman saw a patch of scarlet. After finishing his meal, he walked mechanically towards the classroom.

Anyone could see something was wrong.

His eyes became duller and duller, becoming exactly like the students who attended the class in the morning.

People in beer country squatted in front of the live broadcast room, their hearts in their throats.

Could it be that this time, their chosen one will fail again? At that time, not only will the chosen one die, but the entire city will suffer as well.

Damn it, weird rules, why did it suddenly come to the earth? Human beings alone cannot face this kind of difficulty.

Hoffman came to the teaching building and walked into the hall.

The black, red and yellow paint on the wall creates a beautiful scenery.

These colors aroused part of Hoffman’s rationality. He stared at the wall and murmured: “Are these the colors of the national flag?”

“I seem to have something important to do…”

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