…… at the same time.

Compared to Kaido's sudden departure from the Beast Pirates' station and causing a storm in the new world.

The first half of the Grand Line is here.

The force that cannot accept the news of the defeat of the pacifists led by the Flying Squirrel the most.

None other than the Naval Government and the World Government.

The former is because Bai Ye's information is very detailed.

A Navy veteran from the North Sea, nothing more.

Even past battle records and injuries are all recorded.

So even if Bai Ye made such a crazy move as killing the Tianlong people in Beihai.

In this special period.

The Navy Headquarters initially thought of sending a Lieutenant General.

Plus the 'Pacifist' developed by the Naval Science Corps.

This is an extremely powerful battle lineup.

It is almost impossible for any omissions to be made in the operation to capture Bai Ye.

Right now, the Navy Headquarters is focusing its attention.

It should still be the Whitebeard Pirates led by the strongest man in the world.

The result is an action that should be impossible to miss.

Something happened! in this operation.

More than one vital lieutenant general of the Navy Headquarters died.

All the pacifists on the five warships were also lost!

Such a huge loss...


All high-level naval officials were present in the newly reconvened conference room.

Lieutenant General He looked solemn.

Looking at the urgent battle report handed over by Sengoku in his hand

"The results were far beyond expectations...It's even enough to affect our next effort to destroy the Whitebeard Pirates. He looked at the battle report in her hand, her face was serious, she glanced at the lieutenant general and others who had just arrived in the conference room, and continued her analysis:

"And this is not the most troublesome thing...

"The most troublesome thing is that the appearance of the pacifists was originally intended to deter pirates in the first half of the Grand Line. As a result, not only did the purpose not be achieved, but this incident may further reduce the prestige of the navy in the world."

"Warring States Period, this situation couldn't be worse."

He put down the document in his hand and looked solemnly at the Navy Marshal Sengoku.


Warring States also nodded with a serious look on his face.

At this time, after listening to the content of the meeting, all the lieutenant generals could not help but asked immediately:

"Marshal of the Warring States Period...The operation failed? How can this be?!"

"What methods did a retired veteran use?"

"Is there really a huge force behind the other party that wants to recreate the Rocks Pirates?"

Huo Shaoshan and others who were urgently summoned obviously couldn't believe the authenticity of the intelligence.

After all, in order to ensure nothing goes wrong.

It would not affect the plan to deal with the Whitebeard Pirates.

A vice-admiral of the Navy Headquarters.

Five warships carrying pacifists.

This lineup, even in the new world, is a terrifying force that no one dares to underestimate.

Now they are suddenly summoned and told that all pacifists, including a lieutenant general, have been eliminated?

How can they believe it? And it is impossible for even the captains of the Four Emperors to do so, not to mention the flying squirrel's strength. Any message to ask for help from the headquarters? Doubts spread in everyone's mind. However, as Seng Guo spoke, everyone's pupils gradually widened.

"There are no other forces and no preparations. From the beginning to the end, there is only one person on the other side."


"one person?!"

"how come?!"

The expressions of Huo Shaoshan and others changed.

Warring States noticed the eyes gathering in the conference room.

He continued:

"This is the core of why this conference is being held."


Sengoku ordered a telephone bug to record the projection to be placed on the conference table.

As the marshal of the navy, Sengoku issued an unprecedented order.

"From now on, all naval branches in the first half of the Grand Route have entered a state of combat readiness, paying attention to the man's movements at any time, and at the same time...The extermination operation is presided over by the general!"

After the words fell, the faces of Huo Shaoshan and others all changed.

"Great, general!"

"Is the general about to take action?!"

"But at this time, the Whitebeard Pirates will..."

Someone just spoke if they were worried.


When the recording video phone bug played the terrifying picture above of the old, strong man standing alone on the sea, with just one blow, the flying squirrels, including all the pacifists, were wiped out.

The lieutenant general suppressed his words forcefully.

The disbelief in his pupils flashed, showing that he was undergoing a huge shock in his heart.

"One, one blow...How can this be?!"

The Lieutenant General saw the evaporated seawater forming countless clouds of steam covering the entire sea, and finally couldn't help but scream.

…… the other side. maritime

【Ding, your current template unlocking progress increases by 0.5】

【Current: 60.5】


I feel the power clearly emerging in my body again.

Although it is far from the exaggerated power that directly reaches 60 progress.

But the power that is actually improved still surprises Bai Ye.

You know, the progress of unlocking the template at 60.

It has been It was easy for Bai Ye to have the fighting power to stand among the strongest. Bai Ye thought that the speed of the template's improvement would be extremely slow after all. Fully unlocked maybe.


Bai Ye raised his head and looked at the seemingly endless sea.

Put your hand on the flowing blade like fire

"The entire first half of the Grand Line will be easily evaporated, right?"

As a time traveler, no one in this world understands the horror of his own template better than him.

Bai Ye thought that the progress of unlocking it now would be extremely slow.

Now it seems that it is not the case.

"What exactly does the unlocking progress of templates depend on?"

Bai Ye murmured.

It's a pity.

He only opened the system when he was sixty years old.

He cannot answer any of Bai Ye's questions independently.

All answers need to be explored by himself.

But even so.

For Bai Ye, knowing that the template will continue Unlock it. This is enough. After all, the target of his revenge will continue to rise.


I don’t know what the scene will be like then!


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