Chapter 239

“Does it matter to the future of the world?”

Su Xi smiled and shook his head.

When the other party said this sentence, he had already occupied the absolute initiative.

Because the other party definitely cares more about the future of this world than he does.

Of course, he cares about the future of this world, and if he can save it, he will do his best to save it.

But unlike restraint, restraint can only choose to save the world, and even can only choose to negotiate with him at this time.

And he can choose not to save the world.

Because he has the ability to travel to other worlds, in theory, even if this world is destroyed, he only needs to take the people he cares about and the qualified people he agrees to leave.

Therefore, when Su Xi heard these words, he knew that he actually had the absolute upper hand.


“First of all, let me tell you what the world has experienced-right~”

Alaya stretched out his hand and said lightly.

As his voice fell, a scene unfolded in front of Su Xi.

“Ten years ago, for unknown reasons, perhaps due to fate~ the world collided and merged together.”

“Integrating with other worlds, this was something we should try our best to avoid as inhibitors, but in the end it happened.”

“It is only the world that is fused, but the world consciousness is not fused.”

“Just when the world consciousness was confused and wanted to argue about who has the highest rights and who is the real master, something happened.”

Alaya pondered for a few seconds.

“That world is coming…”

In the end, Gaia said this sentence.

“That world? Does it mean the world that opened up the battlefield here?”

Su Xi narrowed his eyes and asked.

“Yes, that’s the world, the world that is almost unshakable, just using a little bit of self-defense counterattack power almost wiped us out…”

“No, maybe it is not appropriate to call it the world, it should be called………unknown existence…”

Gaia added.

At least her knowledge would never judge it as a world.

“While we are arguing, that world has descended, or rather, is approaching.”

“Out of inner fear and self-protection, the world consciousness has united.”

“Then now… it is the result of the unity…”

She pointed to herself and Alaya.

Well, united, and then killed by the opponent’s anti-injury mechanism. This is the result of the unity.

“We barely received the heritage of other world consciousness, but because of this we fell into a state of sleep. Before entering the state of sleep, we set up the final barrier and sent out a request for help from other worlds.”

“The heroic spirit transmitted from other worlds has the origin of other worlds. When the heroic spirit exits, we are gradually waking up.”

“Finally, after the heroic spirits entered the Holy Grail, after connecting to the root cause, we finally managed to regain our strength.”

Gaia said slowly.

She never thought that she would have a day to confide these things to other people.

However, the man in front of her is indeed special enough to have the qualifications for her to do so.

“So, what you do the first time you wake up is to shoot at me?”

Su Xi asked rhetorically.

He had some general speculations, and after Gaia’s explanation, he finally figured out the reason.



Gaia and Alaya were both silent.

Although there is no such idea now, they do have the intention to shoot towards Su Xi.

In other words, even if Su Xi chooses to avenge them at this time, it is very simple.

But… they still said it.

After the previous observation and analysis, and Su Xi himself seemed to have deliberately said this to improve the performance of their negotiation capital, they were more sure that Su Xi did not mean to be too prosecutory.

“Aren’t you very happy…”

Alaya murmured silently.

Isn’t it something to be happy to be able to benefit from it?

They both improved their understanding of each other. At the same time, Su Xi was happy. She also extracted enough information from Su Xi’s body fluids to prevent both sides from fighting.

· ····Find flowers·····

Isn’t this the best solution?

Alaya, think so.

As a human restraint, she can understand Su Xi’s thoughts better than Gaia.

“I’m very happy, but others are not necessarily so~”

Su Xi smiled and shook his head.

Of course he is very happy? How many times did he play Sims? How many girls did you get for free?

However, if they wait for them to wake up and find out that those things are not what they have actually experienced, but the tricks of Gaia and Alaya? Isn’t that facing the Shura field?

Although Su Xi has never been afraid of Shura, but sure enough… it will be quite troublesome…

……. …….. …

“No, there won’t be any trouble. Do you have any opinion on your partner who has experienced countless hours?”

Alaya seemed to know what Su Xi was thinking, and responded.

“Have you experienced countless hours with yourself?”

“what do you mean………”

Su Xi frowned slightly, if he understood correctly…

“There is nothing else, that is, the things you experience are real things.”

“It’s just that, for you, it may be just a matter of watching, but no matter who it is, it is a real world.”

“It’s not a fantasy, it’s a real world. Although it’s not a huge world as big as the world we live in, it’s the same size as the world before the fusion, and the same size as our world view of the earth.”

Alaya said word by word.


Su Xi was silent after hearing what Alaya said.

Also, according to their current statement, they inherited the will and power of the destroyed world consciousness, and it is logically possible to create a world much smaller than the current world.


Why………to do such a step?

Although there have been some speculations in the psychology, Su Xi asked slowly.

“Why do you want to achieve this level?”

Su Xi looked into Alaya’s eyes, earnestly like never before. Down.

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