"... For the domestic market, our company's promotion of wireless charging piles in Shanghai is in line with the needs of the people and the development of the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration. This is not the will of other countries."

"For overseas markets, the Chinese side encourages Chinese companies to restrain themselves overseas, abide by local laws and regulations, and be an enterprise and entrepreneur with a sense of international responsibility and meeting the expectations of the local community."

"But our entrepreneurs' honesty is not a reason for someone with ulterior motives to do whatever they want."

"We will monitor the situation closely and take necessary measures at the necessary moment."

At the press conference site of the General Assembly Hall, the shining lens was like a car light on a highway.

Facing all the reporters present at home and abroad, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Commerce of the State of China announced the content with a righteous voice.

Although there was no fierce wording, this statement sounded like a declaration of war, sounding the horn of counterattack.

In fact, it had already begun long before this press conference.

The first is East Asia Power, a fusion energy giant that affects sensitive nerves around the world. In accordance with the requirements of the environmental protection department, it has begun to cooperate with the self-examination and correction of overseas orders. .

not only that.

Like the U.S. Department of Commerce's antitrust investigation of Starry Sky Technology, this is just the beginning.

As the world's largest superconducting material company, Baosheng Group, which once completed the SG-1 superconducting material with Xingkong Technology and provided superconducting magnets for the Haizhou experimental reactor, issued related announcements immediately after, because various For various reasons, in short, the suspension of receiving orders from North America.

The impact of this measure on the Baosheng Group is also not small. However, as a subsidiary of the state-owned enterprise China Airlines Group, sometimes it is not entirely based on profit as an indicator of the top performance.

However, for the fusion power plants under construction in California, and for those companies that are closely tied to the benefits of fusion power plants, it is equivalent to driving them to a dead end, even worse than delaying the core project.

No reason for him.

The core itself will be next year. Even if there are some twists and turns, they have a whole year to repair the relationship with China.

But SG-1 materials are different.

This gadget is the key material for the construction of superconducting magnets used to confine magnetic fluids. Once this gadget is out of stock, the entire project progress must be stopped.

For power companies and public utilities that have almost all their fate in the fusion power plant, the fusion power plant is more than expected midnight, which means a huge loss of millions of dollars.

Then there is space.

On the grounds of infringing the intellectual property rights of Chinese companies, the relevant Chinese authorities accepted the report submitted by the Hangke Group, and included two US construction units participating in the "Deep Space Gate" Lunar Space Station program in the intellectual property infringement cases. Survey object.

It stands to reason that China does not have the right to interfere with US projects on the moon, and in fact China did not do so because it was not necessary at all.

More than 90% of the ground-moon transfer orbits in the Deep Space Gate program are all contracted by Xingkong Technology's Qiaoqiao, and even include Space-X's own cargo.

Others can't control it, but it's easy to control them.

Almost at the same time as the infringement investigation was initiated, Star Sky Technology complied with the requirements of the relevant departments for the first time, and suspended cooperation with the companies on the list for space launch missions.

For a while, let alone the construction progress of the Deep Space Gate was suspended, and even the supply of construction workers was broken!

The most innocent of this is NASA, except for the two US space companies being sanctioned.

In order not to delay the construction plan, and to appease the emotions of the staff in the lunar orbit, Director Carson had to urgently contact the Houston Space Launch Center. The ashes of BFR rockets in the warehouse dragged out and barely coped.

With BFR's earth-moon transfer orbit to carry weight, it is more than enough to send a supply.

However, watching that straight line raise the launch cost by an order of magnitude, Director Carson could not say a word except to cry.

This thing is really, people sit at home, the pot falls from the sky.

And it smashed into the forehead!

From controllable fusion to aerospace, countermeasures from China seem to have suppressed the rainstorm for a long time, pouring down in an instant.

And it is interesting that all countermeasures seem to have a common feature, that is, the fields involved are more or less related to Professor Lu or Xingkong Technology ...

Bewildered by this sudden heavy rain, it wasn't just Bem who didn't think about it, the whole Wall Street didn't think about it.

Few people will doubt that China will definitely respond, but even if they are prepared to deal with the shock, they still did not expect it, and this moment will come so suddenly!

And so strong!

Just two days ago, many operational strategies analyzed during the investment bank meetings still remained unchanged, and watched the changes before the official voice of the Chinese State.

If the response is strongly worded, the position will be moderately lightened. If China does not respond or just calls on the United States to calm down, then it may consider restocking Exxon Mobil or Tesla's stock to take a share of this "hunting."

However, there is no doubt that almost all Wall Street traders have lost their abacus.

At this moment, the NYSE is already crying.

"God! They can't do this!"

"Orders are suspended indefinitely for environmental reasons! Is this deceitful reason to treat people as fools? Can't they keep a little contractual spirit?"

"This is the revenge of Chiguo! This group of **** barbarians! Can't they use some civilized means!"

The aerospace sector tumbled across the board!

Western Electric Power-related stocks crash collectively!

Especially for those listed companies that have overturned their value because of their successful participation in the California fusion power plant project, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com seems to have been turned back to the prototype overnight, from a phoenix hanging on a branch to a major one. Speculators are the perfect target for robbery.

I don't know if it is to stabilize the market sentiment or to vent his grievances. The Wall Street Journal wrote in the latest issue of the newspaper and commented that China should not extend its crackdown to areas unrelated to the new energy industry. Helping dispute resolution will only escalate the dispute.

Once this article was published, it immediately caused retweets by countless North American media.

Almost all of the media in North America, related to current affairs, are reporting this sudden change. Even the White House, which has been harassed by the intensive countermeasures, sent a spokesperson to call on the Chinese side to remain calm.

However, for these calls without any practical action and sincerity, obviously no one can buy them.

The storm in the capital market is just the beginning.

Just after Black Thursday, a bigger riot is brewing on the streets of California.

When I heard that California has invested tens of billions of fusion power plants, it may be ruined by a stupid sitting in the White House office. California citizens are the first to sit still ...


(Thank you for the reward of the book owner "32732" ~~~~ I miss the last day of the sand sculpture netizen. Today ’s book review function should be able to be restored, although I do n’t know what time it is. Fortunately, there are comments on the public account. Doesn't feel like it is on a stand-alone TT)

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