Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1132: The collision of 0 trillion electron volts! (Thirty-three)

Shanghai International Convention and Exhibition Center.

The scene of Conference Hall 1.

In the video footage from 360,000 kilometers away, the astronaut in uniform with the Chinese national flag and national emblem armbands was standing in front of the console with a solemn look.

A clear voice sounded through the conference hall, and also passed into the ears of everyone who looked forward to it.

"The track has been cleared, and it's clear!"

"Target energy level: 1 trillion electron volts."

"The circuit is in good condition."

"Start power!"

As soon as the powerful voice fell, the astronaut standing in front of the console reached out and pressed the button.

Almost at the same instant, huge amounts of energy gathered into a ring below the crater.

Driven by the energy that can simulate the moment of the Big Bang, the emitted protons collide together, radiating sparks and debris that cannot be captured by the naked eye.

Looking at the energy spectrum image presented on the detector, the atmosphere in the conference hall was instantly pushed to the peak, and everyone couldn't help but stand up, gave thunderous applause, and applauded from the heart.

The protons and the protons collide with each other at the center of mass of 1000TeV!

Compared to the LHC with the largest proton collision energy in Europe of 14TeV, the proton collision energy of this lunar hadron collider is two orders of magnitude higher!

With it, humans will be able to artificially create trillions of electron volts of neutrinos, simulate the moments when the big bang and black holes occur, and even face the deepest darkness in the universe-mysterious dark matter and dark energy.

The thunderous applause drowned all the voices. Looking at the big screen behind him, Lu Zhou's heartfelt smile appeared, and the fists behind him were pinched tightly.

Seven years.

Seven years have passed since that summer.

This long time is enough to change many things, but it cannot change the world that he believes in and "sees" through logical calculations.

He believes he is right.

Even if everyone is not optimistic about this direction.

At that time, he was just an intern. His ability and academic status determined that his voice could not be taken seriously, and the Chinese physics community did not have enough resources to support him to test his theory.

But now, there is nothing left to stop him from doing the experiments he wants to do. He is looking in the direction of human physics in the future.

at this moment.

Finally coming!


The morning of December 19, China time.

Only half a day later, the news of the successful launch of the lunar hadron collider seems to have invisible wings inserted from Shanghai, an international metropolis, to every corner of the world.

The related reports made no surprise on the headlines of major newspapers the next day.

[Proton Collision Experiment Breaks 1000 TeV Energy Level For The First Time! High Energy Physics Research Enters a New Era! 】

[Exploring the origin of the universe, the IMCRC takes us back to 15 billion years ago. 】

【Shock! Chinese scientists are making black holes on the moon! 】

[NASA issued a warning that conducting high-energy physics experiments on the moon may seriously affect the stability of the Earth-Moon system! 】


I took coffee from a tall female assistant and sat on the boat in the office of the IMCRC Chairman who hadn't been here a few times. I looked at the newspaper in my hand and took a sip.

"Suddenly I understand."

Playing with the potted plant on the windowsill, Luo Wenxuan with one hand in his pocket looked back at Lu Zhou and asked curiously.


"Why the public has such a big misunderstanding of physics and high-energy physics experiments," said the newspaper in his hand, and Lu Zhou shook his head with a smile. "But I really like my nickname."

"What does it call you?"

"TheCrazyAtomicDestroyer, translated as a crazy atom destroyer, or could it be translated into a crazy atom destroyer?"

The corners of his mouth twitched, and Luo Wenxuan resisted not smiling.

"... Are you sure?"

Lu Zhou: "Any questions?"

Luo Wenxuan: "It sounds like Japanese media style."

Lu Zhou smiled and shook his head without comment.

Of course, the more classic is actually the abstract picture. A man who looks like a villain holds the earth and the moon around it in his skinny hands.

Although he knew that he was deliberately vilifying his features, and even apparently applied the template of the Asian image, Lu Zhou couldn't help but laugh out of their amazing brains.

If a collider with a multi-billion-electron-volt unit can create a black hole, it would be too underestimated. If you want to destroy the solar system, at least you can build a star collider.

In addition, it was difficult for them to paint such an ugly face that was so handsome and broke through the sky.

When he saw the painting, Luo Wenxuan originally wanted to laugh, but somehow he suddenly thought about the Africa Institute, and finally he resisted, and he coughed.

"The meeting is about to begin. Should we pass?"

Lu Zhou watched the time on his watch.

"Or you go."

"It's such an important thing ... It's not good, I think you'd better go there for yourself." Thinking of what Lu Zhou planned to say at the meeting, Luo Wenxuan's expression was a bit subtle.

What Lu Zhou intends to do, in fact he already knows.

He did not oppose Lu Zhou's approach, but he announced the matter by himself, and he might not be able to calm the scene. After all, although the headquarters of IMCRC is in China, and the organizer is also China, after all, it is still an international organization. In order to participate, each country has paid a lot of money.

Compared to the academic bulls who participated in the conference, their own rank is still a bit worse.

"Don't I train you? Who can hold it for the first time?"

Looking at Brother Luo's helpless expression, Lu Zhou smiled and shook his head, set the newspaper aside, and stood up from the chair.

"Let's go. Let's go together."


The next day's meeting was held in Conference Hall 2.

Compared with yesterday's conference room 1, the area here is much smaller, only the next conference table, and the decoration is also much refined.

Sitting here are basically board members appointed by various countries.

They may not be the top bulls in the physics world, but at least they are quite prestigious.

Not only that, they can be assigned here, without exception, are executives who have held important positions in official scientific research institutions in various countries and have certain negotiation and negotiation skills.

From the serious expressions on the faces of everyone here, it is obvious that compared to yesterday ’s grand event celebrating the completion of the Lunar Hadron Collider, this meeting is not only more important but also more affected by the physics community s concern.

No reason for him.

At this meeting, the council will discuss experimental arrangements for the coming year.

Not surprisingly, there will be at least 25 Nobel Prizes in physics in the next 50 years.

High-energy physics has been leading experimental physics for many years, and the theory of physics has already penetrated into the unpredictable black hole, the elusive quantum world.

However, the theory needs to be tested in the experimental area.

Everyone wants this miracle of physics, a wishing machine, to test their theory and push themselves to the throne of the temple of physics.

Under the calm surface of the IMCRC's council before the meeting began, there was already an undercurrent. Just like any Vanity Fair, the academic world is not much brighter than other circles.

Especially when it comes to the Nobel Prize and higher honours than the Nobel Prize, there are only a few people who can be indifferent to fame and fortune in academics.

Everyone was ready for a thick red neck at the meeting.

Either for yourself.

Or for the school behind them, or even the country ...

Under the atmosphere where the air was almost solidified, the hour hand reached 10 o'clock in the morning, and the meeting officially started.

As the undisputed first chairman of IMCRC, Lu Zhou came to the first seat of the conference table.

The opening remarks are very his style, as always concise.

After a short "beginning of the meeting," we got to the topic.

However, when everyone expected him to put the topics they expected on the conference table for discussion, Lu Zhou's next sentence was to hold everyone apart from himself and Brother Luo.

"Below, let me briefly talk about work arrangements."

Without the slightest discussion, even almost arbitrary, opened the Lu Zhou of the conference era and continued in a statement.

"I re-examined the experimental records of 2015 in the database, and the 750GeV characteristic peaks appearing on both ALICE and the detector are absolutely not accidental. At least I don't think this is a simple summary of a quantum fluctuation.

Professor Tarrant from Europe frowned, and swung the pen in his hand, hesitantly said, "I know the experiment you said, but we can detect the signal with a confidence level of less than 3sigema. sign……"

"That's because our tools are not advanced enough ~ ~ and the troubles that bother us now are gone, at least for a while. Besides, I believe in my calculations, there must be something there . "

Turning the page of the meeting minutes in his hand, Lu Zhou glanced at the conference table with a calm atmosphere, and continued to speak in a calm and unquestionable tone.

"The work schedule of IMCRC throughout 2023 will be around the anomalous 750GeV characteristic peak."

"Now we have enough theory and powerful tools."

"I will use facts to prove that my conclusion is correct."

The moment the voice fell, the entire venue was strangely quiet for many seconds, and then the voice of commotion spread.

Just like the expressions on the faces of the board members when they looked at each other, the sound contained surprise, shock, and incredible emotions.

It happened so suddenly.

So much that was not expected.

It was clear what they were wondering about, and Lu Zhou didn't explain, just nodded with a smile, and put the minutes of the meeting on the table gently.

He can spend a lot of time explaining.

But there is no need for explanation at all.

He will come up with evidence that he is correct.

What's more, if you can get to where you are today, you can say half of the credit for him?

Use your own collider to test your theory first, don't you think it's too much?

Not convinced?

Then you build a puppet yourself.

Although it may be a bit unkind to say so.

But thinking of how difficult it was for him to do an experiment before, Lu Zhou's mouth couldn't help but smile.

Not being kind is not being kind.


What a pleasure!

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