Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1135: Temporary confidentiality (Mon./Wed.)

Of course, it is necessary to discuss, and it is too much to let the talk go.

As for adoption, that's another matter.

Experiments are inexhaustible. Everyone wants to start with their own topics. If the discussion is allowed to continue so endlessly, I am afraid that the first experiment may not start smoothly by the middle of the year.

Lu Zhou is an efficiency-oriented person and naturally will not allow this to happen.

Commanded the Secretary-General, Brother Luo, to publish the conference resolutions signed by himself. Lu Zhou immediately assumed his responsibility as an academic leader and convened various departments to hold a short working meeting. After arranging their work, Then, he was put on the front line of the scientific research front.

It's been a while since I last worked on physics. Although the knowledge in my head hasn't disappeared, it is still a little rusty.

Fortunately, picking up these things is also fast, especially after the mathematics reaches LV10. For those papers that have been brushed before, when Lu Zhou reopens it, he has more new understanding.

Not just about 750GeV.

It is more about the unified theory of strong electricity he made before.

And even physics ...

"In an email from the U.S. Department of Energy, they asked us to reconvene the board for discussion, otherwise we may re-evaluate IMCRC credit and reduce or even cancel IMCRC spending in 2024."

Chairman's Office.

Standing at his desk, Luo Wenxuan reported to Lu Zhou the phone call he received this morning and the information revealed behind the phone call.

There are various indications that the impact of that conference seems to have spread from the physics community to the political level. The United States seems to be planning to withdraw from the IMCRC, or at least intend to use the withdrawal as a bargaining chip, in order to force the organizers of the IMCRC to give in to the council.

However, after listening to Brother Luo's report, Lu Zhou's face didn't have much expression of surprise, but just calmly replied.

"What about funding for 2023?"

"They paid in November this year ... probably about 70%."

Lu Zhou: "That's fine."

Luo Wenxuan said: "What is it?"

"Literally," Lu Zhouyan said concisely, "they can't withdraw, at best they are asking for it. If they really suspend funding, we will freeze their seats in IMCRC, and gradually reduce their research staff in IMCRC and monthly. The post in the medical examination station eventually marginalized them from the IMCRC. I believe that many countries will be willing to replace them, especially in Europe, they seem to be impatient. "

Every year, the budget of the European Union takes up a large amount of EU funds. Now that some people are willing to take over the envelope of the physics community and carry forward the future of humanity, they are naturally happy to "outsource" this responsibility.

If the United States withdraws, it is very likely that American physicists and influence in the physics community will migrate to the east of the Atlantic Ocean.

After all, most people are very realistic.

If Yankees don't think it matters, Lu Zhou's side doesn't matter.

As long as IMCRC's funding is sufficient for his experiments, he doesn't want to worry about other things.

Luo Wenxuan said hesitantly.

"It's not good. It's just marginalizing partners from the beginning. Will it lay a hidden danger for the future?"

"I didn't do this without leaving any hidden dangers to the future. Or who would be so upset about the resolutions of the board in the future, would we not be able to do research?" Lu Zhou said without a doubt. Now, we are the collaborators of the conference, and the only actual controller of the petaflop in the world. It is not that we ask them to join, but we give them a chance, do n’t take the lead Wrong! "

Looking at Luo Wenxuan who seemed to understand and nodded, Lu Zhou paused for a moment and continued.

"What's more, I prefer to use the results to convince opponents, everything else is more false."

Luo Wenxuan: "... I see."

Lu Zhou nodded and continued.

"If you understand, go back and send an email to the US Department of Energy. Remember, it's enough to express our regrets politely."

"As for the others, we don't have to look at their faces."

Out of the office, Luo Wenxuan brought him to the door.

Just then, he happened to see an old man walking with a middle-aged man from the other side of the corridor.

The moment he looked up, Luo Wenxuan's face suddenly showed a surprised expression, and he greeted with a smile.

"Director Li? What brought you here?"

"It's not your Academician Lu," Director Li sighed, glanced at the door next to him, and said with a headache, "Is he in there?"

Luo Wenxuan: "Uh, here ..."

"Get out of the way, I'll talk to him."

After confirming that Lu Zhou was here, Director Li instructed the secretary to wait for himself at the door, bypassed Luo Wenxuan without delay, opened the door by holding the door handle, and walked towards the office.

As soon as he entered the door, there was no greeting. Director Li directly put the cut newspaper in his arms in front of Lu Zhou and said earnestly.

"I read the newspaper today to know that the Brookhaven Institute of Science held a press conference to protest that the U.S. Department of Energy intends to suspend funding for the IMCRC? What the **** is going on and how to get such a big dispute.

Hold a press conference to protest?

Is this so?

After scanning the headlines in the newspaper, Lu Zhou didn't look at the specific content, so he looked back and turned to Director Li.

"Do you believe me?"

"Crap! Does anyone believe you more than I do?" Director Li said with a headache. "But that's two different things."

Lu Zhou: "Since you let me be the chairman of the board, at least during my tenure, just follow me. Or you can find someone to sit in this position, and I will relax a bit."

Hearing this sentence, Director Li suddenly burst into tears.

Where is this IMCRC director qualified for appointment? That was decided by the elders after the meeting of the Presbyterian Church. Change this person to sit in this position, he still does not have this permission, it is impossible to do so.

After all, although diplomacy is not a trivial matter, academician Lu's affairs are not trivial ...

Seeing that Director Li had something to say and didn't know how he should speak, Lu Zhou suddenly smiled and said in a mild tone.

"Don't worry, in fact, if you know it for a while in the physics world, this kind of thing is too common. The U.S. Department of Energy is playing on the topic, and the protest at Brookhaven National Laboratory was nothing Big deal. "

Director Li: "... common?"

Lu Zhou sighed: "Too common!"

Well tearing.

Doesn't it mean academic circles?

It is nothing more than that the stakes this time are too great and the conflict is a little bit fiercer.

After all, this has to do with whether dozens or even hundreds of quasi-Nobel laureates can win Nobel prizes, and whoever has the final say on billions or even tens of billions of dollars of investment.

All opportunities are cut off by him alone, it is impossible not to be hated.

Perhaps with a gentler approach, through the exchange of interests or other methods, more than half of the members of the board of directors agreed to their resolutions ~ ~ The other people were forced to accept, and the response may be slightly milder.

But Lu Zhou didn't have that much time, and he didn't ask that artistic cell.

Moreover, as long as the results are in front of everyone, the same effect can be achieved.

The latter, he is better at it.

Lu Zhou: "If you are still not assured, stay here in Shanghai this time, and it will be good if I make this experiment."

Director Li shook his head and said, "How can I stay in Shanghai all the time ... Anyway, take your time and make yourself a little bit more room to do things. Anyway, don't let a few members go off in a hurry. After all, they will be fine. They are also international friends. Behind them are governments of all countries, and they all want to pay. Even if it is in the face of funding, we ca n’t live with money, right? ”

Lu Zhou smiled and nodded.

"Rest assured, I'm not that unpretentious yet."

Thanks for that!

Director Li murmured silently in his heart, but did not say it.

Looking at Director Li who did not speak, Lu Zhou smiled and switched the subject.

"Speaking of which, is the Longteng chip easy to use?"

"Easy to use ... Why do you suddenly mention this?"

Lu Zhou smiled and continued, "It's nothing, I just ask, it's easy to use. In addition, I plan to come out with a whole new thing after a while."

As soon as he heard this, Director Li, who was still wondering whether the landing boat was going to diverge from the topic, immediately became enthusiastic, no matter what the council and the Department of Energy across the Pacific Ocean asked immediately.


Looking at the eager Director Li, Lu Zhou smiled mysteriously and dropped four words.

"Temporary confidentiality."

Director Li: "..."

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