Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1142: "Scourge"

There was unusual silence in the lecture hall.

A more advanced civilization appeared within the horizon.

The lawmakers present looked at each other, exchanging the astonishment in their eyes.

This problem is very tricky, because there has never been a similar situation in the history of the empire. The only intelligent alien creatures they found were nothing more than a group of border fires that could not even make a fire and would only use it. Uncivilized biped lizards of some natural tools.

The Galan Empire is not interested in establishing diplomatic relations with alien races, and it is not interested in communicating with alien races. They can produce and meet all consumer goods needed by the people. Once the diplomatic relationship of mutual confirmation of coordinates is established, it means that they must redevelop arms that have been eliminated for many years, beware of possible threats, and face the risk of collision of ideas.

And it is certain that backward civilization must be at a disadvantage in the conflict of thoughts.

The other party does not even need to do anything extra, and relying solely on the passive output of values ​​can bring great danger to their society.

Seeing the trouble that the widely-spread "sacred god" has caused so far.

There were panic sounds everywhere.

Sensitivity to information is not only an advantage in the civilization of Jialan people, but also a defect that they are difficult to remove.

Two fingers rested on his forehead, and the archon was lost in thought.

This is a common habit of Jialan people when thinking about problems, which will make them feel that their consciousness is infinitely close to the great cosmic spirit. However, even the Spirit of the universe could not answer the question in his heart.

The silence lasted about ten minutes.

He said.

"You said he contacted us."

"Yes," Dr. Lane nodded to the questioning curator, and said in a serious tone. "At first we thought that strange drop was some kind of detector or some kind of weapon that could destroy the planet, but after careful research After that, the results were beyond what we all expected. "

"Like I said, he left a discontinuous trajectory like soap bubbles on our gravitational wave detector, and the information contained in each bubble is highly coincident."

"It is obviously impossible to be a detector, because there is no information in theory-at least the information transmission path we know cannot catch up to its speed."

"At the same time, it can't be a weapon. Without a weapon, it will tell you with such fanfare that I am on my way. Even if the hyperspace channel is elongated, it will increase its privacy innumerable times."

"So we reasoned that it might be something like broadcasting, which constantly releases fixed gravitational wave signals to the surroundings with the help of some hyperspace medium."

There was no sound in the chamber.

Everyone frowned.

Although complex physical theorems may be difficult for them, Dr. Lane has already explained the principles very easily.

And it is indeed true according to the general logic of war. If it is a weapon, it will certainly do everything to conceal its existence, and there is no need for such a high profile.

The Minister of Technology frowned and asked.

"You say it's radio ... but how do you understand their language?"

Dr Lane looked at him and replied calmly.

"Physics is the universal rule of the universe, and mathematics is the universal language of the universe. All we need is a right-angled triangle and a simple formula such as 'a2 + b2 = c2' to let the other party know that there is civilization. On the basis of these two pieces of information, the next mathematical proposition that we have just solved or not yet can let the other party know our level of civilization roughly ... because to a large extent, the level of mathematics is positively related to the development of the latter of."

Archon: "... So what?"

Ryan: "They did something similar."

"We parsed the information transmitted in the gravitational waves to get a series of complicated mathematical expressions, and things like password tables. Although it took some effort, we finally understood them ..."

The fist resting on the table tightened, the Minister of Defense said immediately.

"What did those messages say? Was it a diplomatic request? Or was it a declaration of war? Or—"

"None," Ryan shook his head. "They honestly and honestly showed us their level of civilization, and then conveyed to us ... that 'god'."

The light blue light particles slowly floated in the air, converging into an image composed of special operators. These images paused in the air for a short time, and soon dispersed into countless particles of light and recombined, replaced by three lines of short but incapable text.

['Scourge' is approaching. 】

[Our universe is facing an unprecedented crisis. 】

[Be vigilant! 】

In a sense, this kind of warning is more chilling than a brief declaration of war.

What exactly is a natural disaster?

What is an unprecedented crisis?

What needs to be vigilant?

Only the most critical part is left without a word.

Glancing around the silent Chamber, Dr. Lane said with affirmative tone.

"Gentlemen, this is what I call‘ **** ’.”

"Although the information we can translate from it is only three lines ... but I believe its content is enough to attract our attention."

"Now, do you still think that the rumor about the" **** "is just a rumor?"

No one answered.

Even those parliamentarians who had previously watched him "acting" with a playful gaze, at this moment, showed a panic and could not even look at him.

Looking straight at the scholar under the stage, the archon was silent for a long time.

Finally, he asked slowly, in a serious tone.

"Last question, did you answer them."

"No," Dr. Lane shrugged slightly. "Even if we think about it, there is no way for us to catch our slow signal."

Hearing this sentence, the consul was relieved.

It's not just the consuls, almost everyone is relieved.

If you think about it, for a distance of tens of thousands of light years, even if they have mastered the secret of super-light speed communication, there is no way to spread the information to such a long distance in a short time.

Not to mention, that "strange drop" is moving towards the center of the entire galaxy at a faster speed.

The expression was obviously a lot easier, and the Archon leaned back slightly on the chair, watching the scholar under the stage, and continued to speak.

"Whether it is true or not, you have no right to make it public without authorization."

Dr. Lane nodded with a heavy expression, as if the Archon would have said so.

"I know, this is my problem, but it is also the choice I have to make. Because I know exactly how weak our civilization is under the strong shell. To keep things from going to the worst Someone has to come out and do something. "

Raising his chin slightly, it seemed to be dissatisfied with the scholar's wording, and the Archon raised his voice and said.

"So what do we think we should do? Believe a broadcast of unknown origin? Believe those ugly alien species with goodwill? Then destroy our solid peace that has been built for thousands of years? Who can guarantee that this is not a trap? Not to mention if they Facing unprecedented troubles, why not solve it on your own? Instead, place your hopes on a civilization weaker than them? "

"If they really have good intentions, at least they should tell us what the 'natural disaster' is!"

Dr Lane shrugged indiscriminately.

"The possibility is not ruled out, but IMHO the possibility is not high. If it is only for simple persecution, as far as I can think, they have at least a hundred more efficient ways to achieve this purpose, such as letting that one The singular drops fly directly to us. "

Speaker: "Maybe they don't know we are here."

Dr Lane laughed haha.

"Don't make a noise, such a large ring-shaped world surrounds the star a full circle, even the blind man knows what's here."

"That's enough!" The consul stared at the scholar standing on the stage, saying, "You have been arrested. The charges are sedition and subversion. Your academic title will be withdrawn, and Yong Yexing will be withdrawn." Your prison will be your last destination. "

Dr. Lane: "When did the trial begin?"

The governor said blankly, "Before you come here."

The Garam Empire had long since abolished the death penalty, and the upper limit of punishment was exile to prisons in the outermost perimeter of the Empire, where they would spend the rest of their lives.

In a sense, this is a more painful punishment than death. After all, for most Jialan people, death is nothing more than the embrace of the spirit of the universe, but permanent exile means to endure at least hundreds of years of suffering.

With a slight slack in his shoulders, Ryan was silent for a moment and said.

"This is the worst option, but it doesn't matter."

Gently nodding at the archon, he calmly handed his hands to the guards who were walking by.

"Give me it, my mission is over."

There was another commotion at the meeting.

Pretending not to hear the same thing ~ ~ The official's eyes were covered with haze, staring at the man who was frankly handcuffed under the stage, wondering what he was thinking.

Before being taken away, Dr. Lane, who was standing under the stage, suddenly raised his head, glanced carelessly, and then looked at the governor sitting first in the conference table.

"I had a request before sending me to Yong Ye Xing."

Archon: "Say it."

"About the disposal of my property," Ryan continued, "I have no children and no other immediate family members who are alive. I want to deal with my property before I am detained."

Empire law protects private property.

As long as it is not illegal income, even if it is the most sinful, it will not be collected.

The Archon exchanged sight with the Minister of Justice, saw the latter nodded, and looked at Dr. Lane.

"According to the law of the Empire, your request is reasonable, and you can identify the successor before being sent to Eternal Night Star."

Raising his already cuffed hands, Dr. Lane pointed to the boat on the side of the hall with little hesitation.

"I hope to give him all my property."

"At least, he sent me here safely."

Glancing at the little humble person standing on the side of the hall, the clerk lifted his finger carelessly, and stroked in the air.

Two dark green holographic identification cards popped up, and as his index finger moved, a stream of data quickly passed from one of the holographic panels to the other.

"Is Reinhart? From now on you inherit all the property of Dr. Lane."

Before leaving, Dr. Lane glanced at Lu Zhou in surprise, as if he was surprised that he did not tell himself the "real name".

He didn't say anything, however, and followed the sentry very obediently.

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