Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1192: Send a letter successfully!

Semiconductor Research Institute of Jinling Advanced Institute.

A majestic old man stood in the spacious laboratory.

In addition to him, there is a circle of people with obvious status behind him. Among them are Director Li who is more familiar with Lu Zhou, and some leaders who are just nodded.

At this moment, everyone's eyes are condensed on the uniquely shaped circular tube device and the back of the man standing on the single-photon entangled transmitter, waiting for his next move.

Looking at the time on his watch, Lu Zhou turned his gaze on the researcher standing in front of the computer and nodded at him.

"You can start."


Two short conversations are over.

The researcher standing in front of that computer pressed the button.

Almost the same scene as Academician Xue saw at the beginning, the entangled photon pairs were emitted from the single photon entangled transmitter at an ultra-high frequency, forming a stream of information composed of single photon pairs, and the signal lights on the quantum repeater Light up and be amplified and transmitted to a receiver hundreds of meters away from the laboratory.

At the same time, the traditional communication channel parallel to the quantum communication channel also released huge data at the receiving end, which was decoded by the special decoding device based on the received quantum key.

The whole process involves extremely complex physical and informatics principles, but it is only a momentary thing for the person standing next to the entire set of equipment.

Except that the experts from the Chinese Academy of Sciences surrounded by the computer showed shocking and surprised expressions, the ministerial leaders who stood behind the old man did not even realize that the experiment was over.

It wasn't until Lu Zhou reminded them that the experiment had been successful, and their faces were bewildered and shocked.

The first time to return to God, Director Li quickly walked to the group of experts, and anxiously confirmed.

"The experiment was successful?"

Academician Gao Junwen from the Institute of Information Engineering blinked his face indifferently, then exchanged a surprised look with an old friend next to him, then looked at Director Li and nodded.

"Undoubtedly ... a transmitter sends a 'helloorld' and the corresponding quantum key through the traditional channel and the quantum channel respectively. As a result, without using the key, even using our most advanced It is impossible to decode these two words. "

"So we can assume that even if the attacker has unlimited computing resources, we still cannot decipher our cryptosystem ... no doubt this is the unconditional secure communication technology we are looking for."

Using two sentences without any doubt to express the excitement in his heart, the expression on Academician Gao Junwen's face seemed to be indistinguishable whether it was a dream or reality, and Nightmare admired it.

"... I didn't expect to see such a perfect system in my lifetime."

"It's almost like dreaming."

When speaking these words, Academician Gao did not deliberately control his own volume.

It's not just Secretary Li who heard it.

The old man not far away, as well as the ministerial officials standing behind him, all heard this speech, and the expression on his face was replaced by the inconsistent shock.

After a long time, the old man said.

"This is quantum communication technology?"

"Yes," Lu Zhou nodded, saying in as popular a way as possible, "as Academician Gao said, in theory no one can intercept the information passing through this channel. For communication over medium and long distances , Our technology will be absolutely secure and reliable. "

The old man nodded, but soon thought of something, and immediately asked: "What if someone controls the repeater? For example ... deploy a nuclear submarine on the Pacific Ocean."

Lu Zhou shook his head: "It is useless. The only thing a nuclear submarine can do is destroy the quantum repeater or cut the quantum fiber. And if the channel is destroyed, once the quantum key stops being distributed, the data transmitted through the traditional fiber will also be invalid. Into invalid information that can never be decrypted. "

A complete quantum key is not represented by a single entangled photon pair. When one of the entangled photon pairs collapses because it is observed, it cannot reach the next "checkpoint", and subsequent signals are also interrupted.

In the face of such communication technology, the information sent is theoretically absolutely safe, unless someone can observe the entangled photon pairs without causing exploration to collapse.

However, from a physics perspective, this is simply impossible.

At least, it is impossible for the physics of earth civilization.

Looking at this uniquely shaped device in front of him, the old man was silent for a long time, and suddenly said with a sincere heartfelt expression.

"It's almost like magic."

After hearing this analogy, Lu Zhou smiled and said, "If you only look at the results, any scientific research results can be included in the category of magic, especially when they are just discovered."

Facing Lu Zhou, the old man said solemnly.

"Information security has always been one of the most important difficulties we have encountered in the transformation of industrial information technology. Even quantum computers, including quantum computers, have quantum communication technology ... I am afraid that the impact on our society is no less than that. Controlled fusion. "

"I have to say thank you to the people of the country."

Lu Zhou nodded slightly, politely.

"You're welcome."

"It's also my pleasure to witness this moment."


Go to Beijing.

Financial Street, Xicheng District.

A man in a suit and leather clothes stood at the door, stretched out his necktie and straightened his head, and walked into the building.

His name is Tony Azov, and he is a manager from the US subo company.

As the giants of the global submarine cable business, three companies, subo, Japan, and Alcatel-Lucent in Europe, have monopolized more than 90 global submarine cable market shares.

As for why he stood here.

That was naturally because of smelling Franklin ...

"Can you please contact me, President Wang? I have an appointment."

Speaking fluent Chinese, Azov revealed a confident and charming smile to the front desk.

"Just a moment, I'll contact you."

After waiting patiently for half a minute, a man who looked like a secretary soon came over in the direction of the elevator.

"You are Mr. Azov, are you? President Wang is waiting for you in the conference room, please come with me."

After that, the secretary made a call gesture, took him up the elevator, and went all the way to the conference room on the second floor.

When he arrived in the conference room, a middle-aged man in a slightly blessed dress stood up from the conference table and stretched out his right hand with a smile.

"Welcome to Huaguo, Mr. Azov. Did you come for the Asia-Pacific Submarine Cable Project No. 3? It's been hard along the way!"

"Thank you." Sitting at the conference table, Azov took out the documents in the business bag he carried with him and spread it out on the table. He looked at President Wang who was also sitting opposite him and smiled slightly. "Since you have already Yes, let's get started. "

With the increasing demand for trans-Pacific communications, the original Asia-Pacific submarine optical cable line has become somewhat stretched, and the construction of Asia-Pacific submarine optical cable 3 (apn3) has become an urgent matter.

Long before he came to China, the communication departments of South Korea, Japan, and Malay have reached a preliminary intention of cooperation, intending to set up a committee of multi-nationally appointed personnel components to build this apn3.

The main task of his trip to China this time is to promote China to participate in this project and to promote their submarine optical cable business to the three giants of the communications industry in China.

After all, no matter whether it is China, the United States, or other countries in the Asia-Pacific region, there is an urgent need for this submarine fiber optic cable. Azov couldn't think of any reason why the Chinese nation might refuse.

Now for him, the problem is just how to use the art of negotiation cleverly, using landing sites and communication needs as chips, so that their potential customers pay more to pay for their submarine cables.

The negotiations went very smoothly.

For communication companies, submarine optical cables are just needed, and their choices are relatively small. Azov succeeded in making the total expression on the face of the president with almost no words.

However, at this moment, the sound of mobile phone vibration suddenly sounded.

A glance at the caller ID on the phone screen revealed a embarrassed expression on President Wang's face. Although he didn't really want to interrupt the progress of the meeting, the call was not something he could hang up.

"Sorry, I'll answer the phone." With a sorry expression to the manager of this subo company, President Wang stood up from the conference table.

"It's okay, I can wait."

Looking at the Chinese who left the office, Azov was not in a hurry, took the coffee on the table, took a sip, and waited quietly.

Time passes by every minute.

Azov, who had been patient before, frowned slightly.

He originally thought the call would end soon, but he did not expect that there would be no movement outside after ten minutes.

Just as he wondered if he was going out and looking at his watch for the fourth time, the door of the conference room finally opened, and the king walked out from the outside.

However, this time his face seemed a little dignified.

It was also this dignity that was quite different from the previous one, which made Azov feel a little uneasy.

Sure enough, as if it confirmed his guess, the king always said in an apologetic tone.

"Sorry, we are not interested in this Asia-Pacific submarine cable project ...

Azov's eyes narrowed suddenly, and he almost did not get up from the chair.

"Wait, what does it mean not to be interested?"

"I'm really sorry, literally," maintaining the expression of apology, but the general manager Wang had no intention to change his mind and continued to say, "we have no plans to add submarine optical cables for now, at least not now. Or you stay Just call, and if we change our minds, we will contact you. "

After hearing this, Azov almost did not vomit blood.

What do you mean by changing your mind?

He even brought the contract!

Today he came here with a deal-or at least signed a letter of intent to cooperate!

"I sincerely suggest that you reconsider! According to the current growth rate of the demand for communication bandwidth, only the Asia-Pacific submarine optical cable line 2 cannot meet the needs of information development in the Asia-Pacific region at all!"

Mr. Wang, who was sitting opposite Azov, nodded, and said that his expression remained unchanged.

"We will consider it."

This concludes the talks.

Later, UU reading Azov continued to go to China Unicom, moved there, and visited two other communication giants in China, but the answers were almost the same.

Even worse than his experience at Telecom, the latter two had no intention to discuss the issue with him, and even sent them away without even five minutes.

Intuition told him that everything was because of that call.

However, he didn't understand what kind of phone call actually had such a large amount of energy, and turned everything into a good situation.

When he finally came out of the moving headquarters building, Azov's entire face was aggressive, and the original expression on his face was gone.

Could it be that Ne or Alcatel-Lucent has snatched their business?

But it doesn't seem very similar.

He is only distressed about one thing now. How should he write this report so that he can report the incident truthfully and make the three negotiations' losing streak look less shameful ...

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