Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1606: Losing to him is not shameful

"It's incredible ..."

Institute of Theoretical Physics, Pan-Asian Academy of Sciences.

Looking at the news on the holographic screen, Professor Lu Wenmao, who had recovered from the surprise for a long time, sighed softly before speaking with emotion.

"I didn't expect that he really did it ..."

Not long ago, Chairman Li Guangya also personally came here and consulted the experts in the institute about the practical feasibility of superluminal technology.

Professor Lu Wenmao clearly remembers that he is pessimistic about the advanced research of the speed of light. In fact, it's not just his pessimistic view, but most of the experts in the institute are also like this.

So far, although they have mastered the method of opening the hyperspace channel, there is no proper way to keep this channel stable. And it ’s not just that. The energy required to open the channel each time is an astronomical number. It is only impractical to try to complete the voyage in light years in this way.


Now it seems that he is obviously looking away ...

With almost the same expression on his face, Professor Hao Zeyu standing in the office also sighed softly and shook his head.

"Yeah, but who wants to get this stuff? Just a few days ago, when I discussed this matter with the dean, I reached a consensus that even if the problem of the exact expression of the Z particle gravitational wave equation is solved, the theory It is not a short-term solution if it is extended to the application field ... I did n’t expect to be beaten so quickly. "

No one expected that everything would be so fast.

No one thought that this day would come so suddenly.

If even the light-blocking barrier can't stop his pace, what else can stop him in this world?

Suddenly, Professor Lu Wenmao sounded the words he said in the news, and finally understood why he would honestly say that he planned to go to Tiankang Wu to see.

All mysteries in this world are no longer worthy of being called secrets in front of him. Even the word "impossible" seems to be meaningless to him.

For such a genius, perhaps only the world beyond light years can satisfy his curiosity for the universe and truth ...

The feelings of professors Lu Wenmao and Hao Zeyu are only a trivial epitome for the Pan-Asian academia, which was shocked by Qinling ’s achievement of “crossing 120 million kilometers in five minutes”. people.

Just two days after the end of the Pan-Asian Space Agency press conference, the headquarters of IMCRC held at least ten seminars on hyperspace theory and Z-particle wave equations, and was chaired by top scholars in related fields.

As for the researched object, it was naturally the same paper Lu Zhou published on LSPM.

"Obviously, its value is underestimated."

After the seminar, in the face of interviews with reporters from the science and technology column, the current chairman of IMCRC continued with a voice full of regret.

"When it was first published, although we also conducted a detailed study of this paper, we did not pay enough attention to it. Research on hyperspace theory and boat particles is an important research direction in contemporary physics. , But there are many topics as important as it, such as neutrinos, antiquarks, etc ... and these are the hot research subjects of IMCRC in the past two years. "

"But now, the breakthrough of superluminal technology has undoubtedly reversed this situation! I can even say very responsibly that in the next ten to twenty years, hyperspace theory will become the most in theoretical physics. Important proposition! "

"Because it is taking us to a distant future!"

In addition to the chairman of IMCRC, the secretary general of IMCRC and the director of the collider laboratory have also published their views on hyperspace theory.

Especially the director of the collider laboratory.

This theoretical physicist born at the Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies, almost unmasked his admiration for hyperspace theory and the "Luxury Master" who completed this theory, updated a thousand words on the LSPM account The article uses the term "new continent" to describe the impact of this theory on modern physics.

"It's not just the starship that surpassed the speed of light! But he woke up a hundred years later. With his knowledge, he perfected the hyperspace theory proposed by himself a hundred years ago!"

"I can't use words to describe the surprise and shame in my heart. It's like the story of the tortoise and the hare, and we are all the turtles. The only difference is that he didn't just sleep for an afternoon, Instead, he slept for a hundred years, and after he woke up, he still easily took the trophy that belongs to the championship ... "

The announcement made by the Daniel in the LSPM forum has resonated with many people.

Although they asked themselves, for the next century or so, they did not grow as little as the people who eat melons did, and in fact made a lot of beautiful achievements.

But fortunately, the halo above the man's head was so dazzling.

So much so that this century, neither the Institute of Advanced Studies nor IMCRC, has come out of his shadow. Even today, a hundred years later, he still has to be blinded by his aura.

Just when the entire academic community was shocked by the breakthrough of the superluminal technology to the point of being speechless, Professor Bellur on the other side of the earth was filled with embarrassment in capital at the moment ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ He admitted that in an interview, he did have bragging elements.

For example, the sentence "No one knows Z particles better than him except for Academician Lu ..." What is his casually arrogant, hyperspace theory has always been the reserved land of the Lu Zhou School, basically the beautiful research results are Lu Zhou Students or students of Lu Zhou students did not come to what he called the second in the world.

But he knew very well that the really good bull was disdainful about these things with him, so he only behaved so brazenly in an interview.

However, he never imagined that Lu Zhou was not kidding. Not only did he complete the exact expression of the Z particle gravitational wave equation, but he even repaired the pits in hyperspace theory that had precipitated for nearly a century.

Now, not only have the pits been filled, even the high-rise buildings above the foundation have been built up.

The speed of light ...

This beautiful dream has been done by the physics community for two centuries, even because it seems too far out of reach. Numerous theorists in the theoretical circles have overturned it over and over again and picked it up again.

"The next hundred years ... No, this time is probably five hundred years. There can be no scholars who surpass him. It is obvious that who exceeds the speed of light, who surpasses everything in the past ..."

Standing by the window of the teaching building, Professor Bellur with an e-cigarette in his mouth, murmured a small gap between his mouth.

Like being in self-consolation, it's like being in hypnosis.

He paved the way for his next sentence and continued as if dreaming.

"So, it's nothing wrong to judge ... It's not just me, many people didn't expect it, just like who can think of it, the old monster can still crawl out of the coffin."

"In short ..."

"It's not a shame to lose to him!"

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