
After grabbing a new issue of Science from Liu Hong's hands, Wang Haifeng spread the periodical on the table and studied the lines of fine print and pictures carefully.

Although Luzhou was extremely upset in his mouth and heart, he also had to admit that this kid was indeed a personal talent.

Many scholars can publish papers in "Science" and "Nature", but there are very few scholars who can link two corresponding author papers in the same issue.

The first essay was theoretical, and he couldn't understand it even if he wanted to read it. After a glance, he put it aside.

The second article is about hcs-1 materials, as the name implies, it is applied. This part of Wang Haifeng looks particularly carefully.

But when he saw the first picture, his eyebrows twitched fiercely.

He also has a scanning electron microscope in his laboratory, but uses a lanthanum hexaboride electron gun.

Although this kind of electron gun is much higher-grade than the tungsten filament electron gun, the resolution of the secondary electron image can reach 2nm, and the image is 5 to 10 times brighter than the tungsten filament gun.

There is no doubt that this picture in the paper was taken with a field emission electron gun, and it is also a cold field emission electron gun with better performance.

Such a person is really abominable!

When I first came up, I didn't do anything. Instead, I showed off my wealth.

The thought of having been organic for more than 20 years is not as good as a junior who has just stepped into the field of materials, and Wang Haifeng's heart is twisted with jealousy.

But looking down the paper, he quickly calmed down again.

Seeing the last line all the time, Wang Haifeng snapped the journal in his hand and threw it back to Liu Hong's hand.

"It's just a phased result."

While making this conclusion, Wang Haifeng was relieved.

If this hcs-1 material has been changed by Luzhou to the same degree as the modified pdms material, let alone he is willing to bet on losing, as is the exchange of those international chemical giants and carbon and sulfur composite materials. .

Obviously, this hcs-1 material is not perfect.

Of course, even the phased results, the superior performance of this hcs-1 material is quite impressive. If the problem of the production process is solved, it may not be used in some fields that have higher requirements on the energy density of the battery but not high requirements on the reuse rate.

For example, drones ...

Liu Hong hesitated: "In case they only delivered the staged results, there are more important results that have not been released ..."

Wang Haifeng gave him a sideways glance: "Will you take off your pants and fart?"

Liu Hong froze for a while, smirking for a while, and grinning, "... Isn't it possible to send more papers?"

Amused by his own students, Wang Haifeng laughed aloud: "Then you talk about it, is he missing a doctorate? Or does he have a poor job title? You need to care about one or two theses?"

Realizing that he had asked a stupid question, Liu Hong closed his mouth and stopped talking.

Indeed, ordinary scientific dogs need a dissertation to accumulate their academic capital, so that they can find a decent job in the laboratory and one day they will be able to survive.

Ordinary professors also need a thesis to prove their academic ability and complete the school's scientific research indicators. At the same time, the next time you apply for a scientific research fund, your resume can be written beautifully, and the staff can be polite.

But for people who have become scientific bosses, is this a problem?

For research in the field of engineering, especially the horizontal subject of getting money from companies, patents are the most critical thing.

If you don't get a patent, even if you do more work in the front, it is only a step for others to succeed. For some large-scale research projects, even if they are 90% sure of the results, they will not release the staged results.

Unless you are really short of money, you need to use staged results to stabilize investor sentiment, and at the same time bait new investors, so that they have the illusion that they can see the results soon.

Obviously, Lu Zhou does not belong to this category.

The layman may not know how valuable the modified pdms material is, but Wang Haifeng, who is in the material business, knows it. Umicore not only paid 400 million for this patent, but also gave away a large amount of continuous profits.

Then there is only one possibility left ...

Smart eyes flashed in Wang Haifeng's eyes: "This kid is not easy. I'm afraid that before the paper on modified pdms materials was submitted in July last year, we were already doing related research. Everyone was playing a mystery at the last seminar, so he just said it by himself With this understanding, I guess he may have worked out some results. "

Most people start writing papers after getting a patent number, and almost no one waits until all international patent authorizations have come down before starting to submit a manuscript. Taking into account the patent registration cycle, all documents are in place, at least twelve months.

That is to say, although the paper was published in the summer of 16 years, the real research results are likely to have been made in 15 years.

Now he has taken another paper so quickly. Wang Haifeng has 10,000 reasons to suspect that Lu Zhou actually started research on this hollow carbon sphere as early as a year ago, after the development of modified pdms thin film technology.

Liu Hong vaguely thought of a possibility, but still not sure: "What do you mean?"

"His research is probably stuck in the bottleneck," Wang Haifeng said with a deep smile. "Being in peace, the young man is still tender. I can't wait for this time."

In the case of stagnation in research progress ~ ~ In order to prevent others from making major achievements first, it is also a very common method to release the staged results first. Although the research progress will be exposed, the relative initiative can also be exchanged for greater initiative.

After all, the longer the results are held in hand, the greater the risk. Especially in some hot research fields, waiting for two months, maybe others have made the same results.

Considering that there are so many research institutions doing hollow carbon spheres, this possibility is really not low. And once others publish their own results in advance, it will mean that all the previous efforts are wasted.

In Wang Haifeng's view, Lu Zhou is typically young and vigorous. Although there are some cities, he can't hold his breath, which can't bear the pressure.

"Our subject continues," after thinking for a while, Wang Haifeng looked at Liu Hong, and then said, "In case, please help me inquire about the situation at the Jinling Institute of Computing Materials and find a way to find out What's going on with their research? "

"But I don't know Jin Da's people," Liu Hong said. "And even if you know them, do you think they will tell me?"

Wang Haifeng scolded: "Are you a pig? I have arranged everything for you, but what use do you have!"

Liu Hong was shut up with a spray and was afraid to speak.

After a pause, Wang Haifeng's tone eased, and he continued to speak.

"Also, we need to change our opening report."

At the beginning of the topic, he just described the direction of hollow carbon spheres for carbon-sulfur composites in general. Now that Lu Zhou has released the staged results, if he still uses such a general description, he is likely to be hit back because of the "novelty" rule.

But this thing is easy to change.

At least it wasn't a big deal for him.

This book comes from

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