Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 512: Farewell to Princeton


Two days have passed since the manuscript was donated to the Shishi Library.

After contacting the local housekeeping company, Lu Zhou cleaned his villa from the roof to the floor.

Then on the third day, he sent an invitation to his mentor, friend, and familiar professor in Princeton, and held a lawn party in his home.

One came as a farewell to Princeton.

Secondly, it can be regarded as congratulations to several of their students for their successful graduation.

Almost half of them, including Professor Deligne and Dean Goddard, have always had a good relationship with Fefferman, Edward Witten, and lifelong researchers at the entire Princeton School of Mathematics and Physics.

Because of his good popularity, Lu Zhou has a good relationship with everyone he has contacted.

It is for this reason that after hearing the news of his intention to leave, many people expressed their retention.

"... I remember more than twenty years ago, when I heard that Faltins was going to go back to Germany, I almost laughed while I was sleeping that night. But my friend, I heard that you were leaving, I felt very Sorry. "He hit the glass with Lu Zhou, and Professor Peter Sanak was full of regret when he said this.

As a former editor-in-chief of the "Mathematics Yearbook" and a great bull in the field of number theory, when he was also the editor-in-chief of the "Mathematics Yearbook", he was one of the reviewers and reviewed Lu Zhou's proof of Goldbach's conjecture. .

Compared to his old friend, Faltings, Professor Sanak most admired Lu Zhou's humbleness.

Although he and Faltins have a good relationship, this does not mean that Faltins' arrogance will show mercy to his men.

Although he did not have the opportunity to verify the truth in person, Lu Zhou still chose to believe that "Chess Terrier"-"You-are-better-on-chess", but-I \ 'ma- much-better-mathematican. "(your chess player is great, but I'm better at math), probably not for no reason.

Deligne: "Are you going back?"

Lu Zhou: "Yes."

Unlike others, Deligne didn't say anything about retention. After a pause, he said briefly: "My mentor ... the letter Mr. Grothendieck gave you, do you still have it? ? "

Lu Zhou: "Of course it still remains."

Deligne nodded. "Don't lose it. Give it back if you don't need it."

Lu Zhou coughed slightly: "... how could I lose it."

It's just ashamed. Although his research involves many fields of mathematics, the only important branch of algebraic geometry is that he has not made any major research results.

When he needs to use his wisdom, he will consider going to France.

but not now.

After staring at the landing boat for a while, Deligne slowly said, "I have brought a lot of students, some of them excellent and some of them. If you let me evaluate, your mathematical talent is probably what I see The tallest scholar I have ever seen, but it is also the one that I do not understand the most. "

"In any case, I hope you don't waste your talent. No matter what kind of research and work you are engaged in, I hope you will continue to go on the road of mathematics as always."

Lu Zhou nodded happily.



There is no never-ending feast.

As dusk approaches, the farewell party is coming to an end.

In the next two days, several of his students successively got their diplomas and degree certificates. Lu Zhou also took advantage of the time before returning to China, by the way, to solve the problem of further studies or work for them.

In fact, he didn't need his help at all, and his students were excellent.

As he said, no matter which math institute or university you go to, no one can refuse their resume.

In the end, on the recommendation of Lu Zhou, Wei Wen finally decided to read Ph.D. under Master Edward Witten, and Witten gladly accepted the potential student. Although the mentor's reputation made Wei Wen feel stressed, he still accepted the challenge.

As for Jericho, he didn't stay in Princeton. Materials science is not a strong specialty of Princeton. It is difficult for him to study further development of computational materials science here. So, on the recommendation of Lu Zhou, he finally chose to go to MIT for a doctorate.

As for the three graduated doctors, they have chosen to stay on campus.

In this way, Lu Zhou, who had lost his last thought, could finally set foot on his way home.

After spending several hours packing up the things to take away, Lu Zhou came downstairs with a suitcase and sat on the Ford Explorer parked at the door.

Qin Yue was sitting in the driver's seat at this time.

Although usually going to the airport, Lu Zhou usually troubled Jericho to help him drive.

But this time, Qin Yue offered to send him, and Lu Zhou naturally would not refuse.

Driving the Ford Explorer, Qin Yue sent him to the airport.

After getting out of the car, he went to the back of the car and took out the trunk from the trunk.

Taking the suitcase from his student, Lu Zhou nodded to him.


Qin Yue: "You're welcome, this is what I should do."

Lu Zhou smiled and was about to bid farewell to his students.

But at this moment, he suddenly remembered something, so he reached into his pocket and pulled out a bunch of keys from it.

"By the way, I almost forgot something ... and then."

Looking at the key thrown into his own hands, Qin Yue staggered slightly.

"……this is?"

"The key to my house," Lu Zhou said with a smile, "I probably don't have much time to come here in the future, and I don't think I will have a chance to live. Just after a while you will move out of the student apartment, I guess you haven't Find where you live. My house, I'll leave it to you. "

Staring at the bunch of keys in his hand for a while, Qin Yue suddenly said, "Can you tell me your bank card number?"

Lu Zhou: "What's wrong?"

Qin Yue solemnly said, "I'll hit the rent on your card."

"No," Lu Zhou smiled and shook his head. "I don't lack that money, just have time to help me clean and clean the room. Right, try not to touch my study and fireplace, although I don't know if I come here next time What time is the side, but I still hope these two places remain the same. "

Qin Yue nodded earnestly and wrote down this sentence.

"I know."

After not staying at the airport for too long, after saying goodbye to Lu Zhou, Qin Yue turned back to the car and drove towards the road outside the airport.

Watching the Ford Explorer disappear into his vision, Lu Zhou waved his hand with a smile, then grasped the handle of the trunk and turned towards the airport entrance.

But at this moment, not far from him, a familiar voice suddenly came.

"Lu Zhou--"

When Lu Zhou heard his name, Lu Zhou stopped.

When he looked back, he couldn't help but stunned slightly.

I saw an unexpected figure flying towards this side ~ ~ Stopped in front of Lu Zhou, as if having just experienced a long-distance run, Wei Wei Pulling both hands to support the knee, a small drop of sweat slid down the golden hair and dropped to the ground.

Unexpectedly, she would appear here, watching the little girl panting, Lu Zhou wondered, "How did you come here? No, how did you come here?"

"I ... I'm ... a train ... come here."

Exhaling gas, Willa explained intermittently.

Lu Zhou: "... There is no need to come to the airport to see me."

"I ... didn't ... come to you. I just forgot to tell you that one ... is very important."

Looking at her panting, Lu Zhou sighed.

"Aren't they the same on the phone or in the mail?"

What surprised him was that Vera, who had always been docile, became unexpectedly stubborn at this time.


Taking a deep breath, Vera stood up straight, sorting out some messy hair.

I have to say that this timing is really terrible.

At least, she should put on the prettiest dress in her wardrobe, put on a little light makeup, and dress up a little.

However, there is no chance to hesitate.

Or, she has been hesitating for too long ...

The thin lips opened slightly and spit out a word gently.


Lu Zhou: "... me?"

If you continue to hesitate, there will be no more chance ...

Taking a deep breath, Vera finally aroused her courage and closed her eyes.

With a desperate voice, she shouted the long-buried words.

"I like you!"

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