Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 581: This is not the body I want!

After leaving the underground laboratory, Lu Zhou went straight to the building of the Institute of Computing Materials and found Yang Xu in the laboratory for battery testing.

When he arrived, Yang Xu had just finished a set of experiments and was recording experimental data.

Lu Zhou didn't bother them, quietly waited for them to finish, and then called Yang Xu aside and handed him the sample box in his hand.

"Help me with a component analysis."

"Okay," Yang Xu didn't ask much. After taking the thumb-sized plastic box, he glanced inside. "Hurry?"

Lu Zhou: "It's not urgent, just give me three days."

"That's OK," stuffed the sample box into the coat of the white coat, Yang Xu continued to ask, "Are there any requirements?"

Lu Zhou said: "Infrared spectral characteristic peak detection, and transmission electron microscopy ... for the time being these two."

Yang Xu: "No problem, I can give it to you the day after tomorrow at the latest."

"Well, please," Lu Zhou nodded, then his eyes fell on the battery monitor next to him. "Yes, what are you doing?"

Yang Xu said with a smile: "Try to improve the anode material of lithium-sulfur batteries. We changed the pore former and tried to adjust the pore size of the hs2 material. The limited data seems to indicate that the improved hs2 can further suppress the The rate at which sulfur compounds diffuse into the electrolyte, thereby increasing battery life ... We are verifying this. "

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "It sounds like a promising project ... By the way, I ask you one thing. Do you know about industrial robots?"

Yang Xu glanced strangely at Lu Zhou, wondering why he suddenly said this.

"Industrial robots? What do you ask that thing for?"

Lu Zhou: "It's a bit useful in the experiment. I plan to buy a few to study it. If I don't understand, I'll ask someone else to go."

"Industrial robots ... this, I don't really understand," Yang Xu said, touching his chin, thinking. "But I have a brother who does this."

Lu Zhou: "MIT's?"

"That's not it. It's my undergraduate brother. He used to study materials as well, but later transferred to the automation major and followed the mentor to make industrial robots. Remember that when our classmates met for the Chinese New Year last year, he also sold them to me Industrial robot, I laughed and laughed at him that our advanced research institute is not an automatic assembly workshop, where did they put these things for them. "

Having said that, Yang Xu smiled and continued, "Anyway, his factory is in Jinling. If you need it, I'll find some time to introduce it to you?"

Lu Zhou: "Just give me a business card."

Yang Xu: "Okay, it seems to be in my office. I'll get it for you."


Yang Xu's brother is Zhao Zhongshu.

Although it is impolite to make fun of other people's names, Lu Zhou almost couldn't help laughing out when he got this business card.

However, although the name is a bit stupid, this man is a bull.

According to Yang Xu, his brother originally read materials, and after graduating from undergraduate, he didn't know what to think. He jumped into the other big pit from the material pit and decided to start the industry with the mentor who was also a halfway monk. robot.

Before 2010, industrial robots were not very popular. The factory run by his tutor mainly imported equipment and then resold it to some domestic logistics centers and assembly factories.

At that time, the real economy can only be said to be hungry, but it will not make much money. They follow the manufacturing company to eat rice, and the food is just average.

However, by 2015, the situation was turning for the better.

At that time, the 2025 plan of China Manufacturing was officially issued, and the development of manufacturing industry became a national strategy. As an important part of this, industrial robots ushered in hundreds of billions of dollars in subsidies. As in the photovoltaic industry, hot money and state subsidies flooded into the industry.

He was working as a blogger at the time and saw the opportunity to get rich.

After thinking about it, he finally gave up the temptation to stay in school to teach, and went out with a few teachers and brothers alone.

The final result was beyond his expectation.

Based on the experience accumulated over the years, I didn't expect that it would only take less than five years. He was a fake bag company with a deceptive nature, and it turned out to be a model manufacturing company.

To be honest, I am afraid that even Zhao Zhongshu himself is incredible about what has been achieved today.

After all, in the beginning, he really planned to cheat ...

Jinling suburbs.

In a large and bright factory building.

Various types of robotic arms are displayed on both sides of the aisle. The large stretch is almost as high as three people, and the small one is almost as long as a human arm. There are also some indescribable equipment. A variety of processing tools are connected to the steep straight arm.

Judging from the letters printed on the side of the machine, the things here are not as if they were produced by themselves, or that the self-produced equipment and imported equipment each account for half.

Entered into the factory building with the reception of Director Zhao, Lu Zhou looked around and asked.

"What models do you sell here?"

Zhao Zhongshu said with a smile: "There are more models, the smaller ones are horizontal articulated robots, vertical articulated robots, about 5 kg. Large ones also have a load capacity of 1.35 tons. There are also some imported equipment, such as abb "Yumi's intelligent collaborative robot, Kuka's iiwa, but these devices are not in stock, you have to place an order in advance and we will be ready to prepare."

Lu Zhou: "Is there anything good to recommend?"

Zhao Zhongshu: "It mainly depends on what you plan to do to buy the robot?"

Lu Zhou: "Experiment."

"Experiment?" Zhao Zhongshu froze, suspecting he didn't hear clearly, and asked again, "Experiment with industrial robots?"

Lu Zhou: "No?"

Zhao Zhongshu smiled: "It doesn't work ... it depends on what you are doing. If you want to operate a precision instrument or do more delicate work, I'm afraid the accuracy will not reach the standard."

Lu Zhou: "Can you take pictures?"

Zhao Zhongshu smiled and said brightly: "Shoot, it won't be a problem. I also hope that Professor Landing can help us introduce more major customers to our factory."

To be honest, he didn't expect how much Lu Zhou could buy. After all, industrial robots are doing awesome work, and they are only doing physical work that doesn't require much mental effort. No matter how much they can not replace the scientific research dogs in the laboratory.

However, like this kind of learning valve in the academic world, there are many inextricable links with people in the industry. What really made him so enthusiastic was the relationships behind Lu Zhou.

Seeing that Zhao Zhongshu had no objection, Lu Zhou took out his mobile phone, took a picture of the several robotic arms in the factory building, and sent it to Xiao Ai.

He doesn't know much about industrial robots. Instead of making random selections, let Xiao Ai choose them by himself.

So after sending the picture, he generously attached a line of text.

Which one do you prefer? Send me a picture.

After a while, a string of bubbles popped up on the screen.

Xiao Ai: ... this is not the body I want o╥﹏╥o

Lu Zhou: "..."

You didn't say what kind of body you want?

I didn't expect this guy to be picky by accident ~ ~ Lu Zhou sighed and typed back.

… In short, use it first.

Underdeveloped earth technology is really hard for you.

Xiao Ai: The other party didn't want to talk to you and threw a small skirt at you.jpg

Lu Zhou :? ? ?

Seeing Lu Zhou looking at the phone and not talking, Zhao Zhongshu tried to ask: "If you are not sure, I can introduce you."

Lu Zhou's mouth twitched slightly, and continued to poke the screen to type.

"... No, just wait for me."

Zhao Zhaoshu nodded though he was confused.


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