On the outskirts of Naples, Italy, a black Mercedes slowly drove down a curved, flat road into a small town near the hills.

Looking at the slightly old and shabby street scenes on both sides of the highway, Hoorns holding the steering wheel frowned slightly.

"Did we go wrong?"

"Impossible ..." Repeatedly confirming the information in his hand, the assistant sitting in the co-pilot said in a positive tone, "whether it is the freight information or the registration information of the Italian Ministry of Commerce, it points here."

Horns didn't speak, but the unpleasant feeling in his heart grew stronger.

To be honest, it doesn't look like a place suitable for industrial development. Even if the factory is not located near the railway or port area, it has to be built in a relatively labor-intensive area? Even a stupid business owner cannot open a factory in such a broken place.

The roads are getting narrower.

The car couldn't get in any further.

After they got out of the car, they walked along the country road for about 50 to 60 meters, and came to an old neighborhood next to the community fair. Most of the people who live here are farmers working in nearby orchards, or elderly people who have retired. Except for the few children playing around in the alley, there was no sense of youthfulness.

He walked to a hut made of bluestone bricks, and Horns took his assistant to the gate of the courtyard and stopped. He looked around for a few moments, and felt that he jumped twice hard.

"... is this a factory?"

His assistant also had an aggressive look on his face, and was a little overwhelmed with the information again.

Perhaps he noticed the two weird outsiders standing at the door, the door of the cabin squeaked open, and an old Italian man with a knitted hat walked out with vigilance.

"who are you?"

"Horns, this is my colleague. I'm sorry to bother you, we are just looking for a company called AI Industry. The address we learned is here," Horns made a friendly smile. Make your face look a little better.

"AI industry?" Did not eat this set, then the old Italian man frowned, staring at Hohens with suspicion and continued, "I have lived here for so many years, I have never heard of any AI industry, this There are no factories nearby. "

The moment he heard this sentence, Horns and his assistant looked at each other, and saw a dignified color in each other's face.

At this point, the beginning and end of things are clear at a glance.

The other party forged their identities, not only cheating the Italian government, Siemens, or even the German customs and the EU Import and Export Management Committee!

When he thought of the ongoing exchange of controllable fusion technology between the EU and China, he could not help but sweat a little in his forehead.

The other equipment on the list is okay, but if these two missing machine tools finally appear in the port of China, there will no doubt be an important bargaining chip for their negotiations.

In any case, the two devices must not fall into the hands of the Chinese!

Glancing behind the old man, Horns tried to make a final remedy, took a deep breath, and continued to ask.

"Is there anyone around here called Saatchi Fabile?"

The equipment has just arrived in Italy shortly, and theoretically it will take a certain amount of time to smuggle out of Europe from the port.

Now the only clue he has in his hands, except for the other party has a skilled hacker team, there is only such a name.

As long as you can find that Saatchi Falbile, you can find the key to solving this problem!

After hearing the name, the old Italian man frowned, then shook his head.

"I haven't heard of it, at least there is no one named by this name on this street."

The silence lasted about half a minute.

Horns took a deep breath, and when he was going to say thank you to the old man, and then brought his assistant back to the car, the old woman standing in the yard overheard listening to the two of them talked suddenly.

"Both of you, know Farbyle?"

The moment he heard this sentence, Hohns was a little stunned, and his heart was ecstatic for a moment, and he immediately stepped forward to ask.

"Of course, I'm his friend, may I--"

"You're his friend? That's right, you wait."

Then, in the unexpected sight of Horns, the old woman turned and walked into the room.

Without waiting for a long time, he saw the old woman come out holding a big slap parcel, and walked while talking in disbelief.

"A few days ago, a parcel from overseas was delivered to me, and the recipient's name was Saatchi Falbil. But I didn't know this person at all, and it wasn't called on the street nearby. I wonder if the postman sent the parcel wrong, but I have repeatedly confirmed that the address is correct ... Since you are his friend, bring it to me for me. "

"Thank you ... I will pass it to him."

Struggling to restrain the excitement in his heart, Horns took the package from the old woman and immediately returned to the car with his assistant.

Just as he was about to unpack, his fingers suddenly snapped.

Watching the sergeant stop his movements, the assistant standing beside asked a question.


With a slight cough, Horns looked at his assistant.

"I need you to do one thing now."

The assistant hesitated and asked, "What is it?"

Passing the package to his hand, Horns said solemnly.

"Open it."

What came to mind at a moment ~ www.readwn.com ~ The assistant's face changed slightly.

Although he refused in his heart, under the pressure of his superiors, he took the parcel with his head and took it to the open space beside the road and carefully opened it.

Fortunately, the accident did not happen.

There were no weapons, such as bombs, in the package, nor was there anything that threatened personal safety.

Looking at the envelope lying in the empty package, the assistant breathed a sigh of relief and took it out of the package.

"Sir, there is a letter here."

As he said, he opened the envelope and pulled out a note from it.

However, the moment he saw the contents of the note, the whole person suddenly seemed to be glanced at by Medusa, and he was still there.

Taking note of the note and the expression on his assistant's face, Hoorns, who thought he had found an important clue, hurried forward and snatched the note from the assistant's hand.

"What is written on it--"

Only half of what he said, he seemed to be stupid as a whole, and stung there.

I saw a series of unclear symbols on the note.

[? (^? ^ *)]

Horns: "... ????"

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