With Ye Ling's order, the senior management and operators of Lingtian group began to act crazily!

With sufficient funds, their operation speed is very fast. Only a little operation by the operator can make those foreign capital still in China suffer a heavy blow.

Half an hour seems very short, but for the industry experts, it is enough.

Within two minutes of Yeling's order, the foreign capital still in China had begun to notice that Lingtian group had once again stretched out its claws to them.

"What? He Lingtian group, even want to fight with us? Is he crazy? "

"Is he going to be against the world?"

"Lingtian group is seeking its own death. Let's satisfy them. "

When some foreign assets heard that Lingtian group had begun to sell to them again, they all expressed surprise and surprise.

Ye Ling's decision is tantamount to a complete declaration of war! That's what they want.

However, there is no reason why they can stay in China for such a long time. As long as they leave China, the economy of China will be seriously affected.

Because of this, the Chinese government allowed them to continue to develop in China.

How did they not expect that the battle between Lingtian group and foreign consortia had just ended, and they could not wait to deal with them!

This guy is a war maniac! He really thinks that he can do everything by himself?

After staying in China for such a long time, these foreign assets have been deeply rooted. They always believe that no one can take them in such a short time.

What's more, now the battle between Lingtian group and the consortium is just over. If you want to deal with them at this time, you can't get all your strength.

Today's Lingtian group is not a strong period. It's obviously a great loss of vitality!

But I'm afraid they don't know that Ye Ling is ready for all this.

So when we heard that Lingtian group began to attack them, some people even looked forward to the next battle.

They want to see whether Lingtian group died or they died!

In addition, many people hold a theatrical attitude in the face of the financial struggle between Lingtian group and foreign assets.

Lingtian group, at this time there are hundreds of operators, are crazy operation. The whole hall was full of people, but it was so quiet that you could hear a needle drop.

When you see a string of information on the big screen, Ye Ling's mouth shows a faint smile.

In just five minutes, some foreign assets have suffered huge losses.

Some of the capital with a little less capital will be directly destroyed within these five minutes, and bankruptcy is a foregone conclusion.

Those who were full of self-confidence, but in just five minutes, they have the heart to retreat.

Five minutes, just five minutes!

I didn't expect that the Lingtian group had already let the capital staying in China suffer the most serious blow in history!

This is not the strongest period of Lingtian group!

It's a dream for all of us. Who could have thought that the performance of Lingtian group was so strong?

After seeing the strength of Lingtian group, some people are ready to sell their shares one after another.

As a lesson from the past, those consortia have lost to Lingtian group. The remaining foreign assets in China are not rivals of Lingtian group at all. Some people have come to their senses.

Without the help of those foreign consortia, what can we do to fight against Lingtian group?

This battle, for them, there is no doubt that the powerful Lingtian group is not what they can resist.

If they continue to fight against each other, they may not have anything left in the end. On the contrary, if they withdraw all their assets, they may have a chance to come back after this storm.

Some people who used to hold a good play in their arms have a burning pain in their face at this time.

"What? Do you mean that Ye Ling has already started to attack those foreign capitals who are still in China? "

Batfi thought Ye Ling should stop, but he got the news for the first time that Lingtian group had begun to sell the capital stationed in China, but he didn't take it seriously at all.

Today's situation suddenly let him take a breath, can't help but secretly sigh, fortunately, he retreated decisively enough.

"Is Lingtian group going to wipe out everything?"

Some foreign assets have begun to stand up to the attack of Lingtian group.

But ye lingcai doesn't care about these. He will not be soft hearted if he can leave these foreign assets behind.

Some of the people behind the foreign assets have been afraid of the offensive of Lingtian group.

But when they want to throw out their own shares, Lingtian group didn't make them happy.

They were suppressed by thunder, and the shares they were going to sell fell again.

Faced with such a strong offensive from Lingtian, they couldn't retreat at all.

Ye Ling's purpose, when Lingtian group just launched an offensive against them, they had already thought of it, but no one could have thought that the speed of Lingtian group was so fast.

"If Lingtian group bullies people so much, don't blame us!" Said Butterfield, gritting his teeth.

Seeing that the attack of Lingtian group is more and more fierce, they are not rivals in the face of the huge operating funds of Lingtian group, but they don't want to wait for death.

They started to fight back!

Of course, when Lingtian group just launched an offensive against them, they had already made corresponding moves. At this time, it is impossible for them to escape or persist from Lingtian group.

Where Lingtian group has been, the stocks of foreign assets have fallen one after another.

For such a result, Ye Ling naturally loved to see and hear, directly let the operator and high-level will swallow them one by one.

In the face of some foreign assets that want to burn, Ye Ling will not care about the loss of money.

So when the other side is fighting to do something with Lingtian group, Ye Ling directly orders those operators to continue to control everything and let their shares continue to fall.

No matter how much their stock market value has fallen, as long as they are finally able to drive them out of China.

As for money, does Ye Ling care about money? Whatever you spend, you'll come back.

With the operation of the operator, those foreign capital enterprises have been defeated and disintegrated.

In the face of Lingtian group's fierce attack, no one can resist it.

Are you kidding? That's five thousand trillion. Five thousand trillion is enough to buy a medium-sized country.

It's more difficult for them to resist such a huge amount of money than to go to heaven.

At this time, Ye Ling is making tea in the office.

With such a strong backup system, he is not afraid of anything at all. Just give it to his subordinates. Anyway, as long as the final result is what he wants, it will be OK.

What's more, the capital stranded in China has lost the support of those consortia, so it can't be the rival of Lingtian group. If Lingtian group can't win the foreign capital under such circumstances, it will jump into the river directly.

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