After all this, Ye Ling can't remember exactly how long it has been. She only knows that when her consciousness returns to the noumenon and lies beside the saint, the sky seems to have brightened up, and then she is exhausted. A strong sense of sleepiness strikes her and she falls into a dream quickly.

Dazzling eyes shine into the room through the curtain. Ye Ling's eyelids move. Finally, she opens her eyes again. Her eyes sweep the mess around her and the naked saint in her arms.

Looking at the alarm clock at the head of the bed, it's already one o'clock in the afternoon.

At this time, the scarlet lines of the saint's body had completely faded, her skin was as white as snow, and she was like a flawless cream jade, as if it was not something in the world. She lay quietly on her side and curled up in Ye Ling's arms. Her pretty face was as if she had fallen asleep without her previous pain. In the comfort, there was a little radian hanging on her mouth, and Ye Ling stayed there for a long time.

"I have to say that besides mentioning chopping people all the time, she is really a woman who can't be picky."

"System, what's the status of the virgin?"

In the bathroom, Ye Ling took a shower and asked the system in her mind.

"The situation has basically stabilized. Because of the help of the host consciousness, the spirit of the evil Sabre has returned to the body of the sabre, and there will be no chance to cause harm to the saint in the future. On the contrary, the saint will be able to give full play to all the power of the evil Sabre village in her sober consciousness. It can be said that when the saint wakes up again, Her strength will be improved by leaps and bounds. "

Smell speech, Ye Ling can't help but some not poor curled his mouth, said: "also recognize the Lord, why the evil knife village is completely recognize the Lord, the little girl can play all the strength, Xuanyuan sword in my hand even one tenth of the strength can't play out?"


As the voice fell, Xuanyuan sword Spirit gave a cold hum: "that knife is just a baby of spiritual consciousness. Even if the power burst out completely, it can't cause much load to the little girl. And my power is too strong for you now. If the load brought by the whole burst out, I'm afraid you can't hold on for a moment, My caster obviously thought about this at the beginning, so he sealed my strength with secret method when casting. He must have enough internal power to gradually untie the seal. "

"One day, you will be able to fully bear the load of all my strength when it breaks out, and naturally you will be able to fully release my strength. Of course, when you reach the critical moment, you will also have a chance to completely release your strength, but if you do so, you may not survive even if you solve the crisis."

Listen to Xuanyuan sword say so, Ye Ling can't help but some depressed.

It's as if I have got a treasure chest, in which there are immeasurable gold coins and treasures, but because my strength is too small, I can't pry the chain around the treasure chest, and I can't get the treasure close at hand. This feeling is more maddening than not having it.

However, the only consolation is that the virgin is now basically out of danger. What we have to do now is to wait for her to wake up, so that the task can be successfully completed.

After bathing, Ye Ling put on her clothes again and walked out of the bedroom. When she came to the living room, she was stunned.

I saw a delicate body curled up on the sofa in the living room, only wrapped with a thin bath towel. It seemed that I had been waiting all night.

Ye Ling suddenly remembered that yesterday, because of the saint's affair, she told han to hang out quietly all night. Looking at the figure curled up on the sofa, Ye Ling could not help but feel a pain in her heart. She quickly took a piece of clothes and put it on her. At the same time, she gently prepared to lift her to bed.

But don't want to Ye Ling in touch her body moment, Han Jingjing will be sensitive to detect, Jiao body tremble, open eyes, and Ye Ling four eyes relative.

"Sorry, I..."

"It's OK, ye Shao. There's no need to explain..."

Han quietly shook his head, showing a smile, but ye Ling could not relax.

Although it is still that kind of understanding words, Han Jingjing's smile is extremely far fetched, and even his eyes are slightly red when he speaks.

"I'll get dressed."

Han Jingjing stood up from the sofa and ran to the room. When he closed the door, he burst into tears like a torrent.

For a long time, Ye Ling saw Han Jingjing come out of the room and put on the clothes of last night. However, compared with last night, she couldn't see any vitality at all. Her eyes were red and swollen. She had just cried.

They just stood face to face, and neither of them spoke.

Although Ye Ling is also a veteran in love, this is still her first experience.

"Quiet, are you all right?"

After a while, Ye Ling wriggled his lips and asked.

"I'm fine. I'm sorry to worry you, ye Shao."

Han Jingjing smiles, looks at Ye Ling and says, "by the way, ye Shao, Jingjing is a little uncomfortable. She may not be able to work normally these two days. Can I take a leave here?"


Ye Ling nodded: "then you have a good rest, raise the body in the back."

"Well, thank you, ye Shao."

Han quietly nodded, then ran to the exit to open the door, turned around and waved to Ye Ling. After saying goodbye, he closed the door and left the presidential suite.

In the elevator, two lines of tears fell from the corner of Han Jingjing's eyes. In a choking voice, he said in a low voice: "maybe I won't see you again in the future..."

"Also, how can a common girl like me be worthy of Ye Shao? Really, Han Jingjing, you are too sentimental. "

Han Jingjing doesn't care if ye Ling has any other women and how much position she has in her heart, so her understanding is that she doesn't want to bring any pressure to Ye Ling and hopes that Ye Ling will be relaxed when she is with her.

But she is a girl after all. What happened yesterday is just like trampling on her dignity, hurting her whole body, even more like humiliating her, as if telling her that she is not worthy.

Although all this is not Ye Ling's original intention.

In the presidential suite, I watched Han quietly leave. The whole suite fell into silence. For a long time, Ye Ling didn't react. Her brows were frowning. There was always a feeling of psychological emptiness, as if she was about to lose her life.

"To apologize?"

Ye Ling thought of it in her heart, tangled.

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