"Stop them!"

Dr. George spoke coldly. At the next moment, he saw the broken sound coming from countless nutrition tanks with biochemical human around him. Then the biochemical human rushed out like a tide and rushed towards the entrance.

The next moment, a golden sword came out, just like chopping melons and vegetables. It directly cut off the oncoming biochemical man and swept a large area.


In the dragon group, there was a big shout, and then thousands of people rushed out, holding ion laser rifles and shooting away at countless biochemical people. Instantly, a large number of biochemical people were directly pierced to the ground under the laser.

Just behind Dr. George, a figure suddenly rushed out at an extraordinary speed, almost indistinguishable to the naked eye. Several members of the dragon group felt a flower in front of their eyes, and then they were directly pinched by a huge force. With a click, their whole throat was crushed and collapsed.

Throwing the two corpses aside, SISO's cold eyes swept to the other members of the dragon group. Just as he was about to take another shot, suddenly a figure appeared in front of him, with a blow and a strong wind howling.

SISO's eyes were fixed, his fist was shot out, and he collided with him, then both sides retreated behind him.

"It's you traitor."

Fixed an eye to see, looking at the front of the crazy king, SISO grinned, cold spit out a word.

"If it had not been for you, Medusa would not have suffered so many years here."

Crazy King's low magnetic voice came out, the energy core was running wildly, and a fierce color burst in his eyes.

He has been waiting for this day for a long time.

Sisso sneered, disdaining to say: "with you, the half defective product who escaped half the way, you also want to defeat me?"

Voice down, crazy King body has suddenly come forward, the operation of the energy core has reached the extreme, a red light in the metal body welding gap cool air, red eye pupil light flashing, dazzling!

Sisso's eyes were slightly fixed, and his face was moved.

"Your body has been transformed? I'm curious about who can improve you except the Institute. "

"Go to hell and ask the king of hell."

Crazy King's voice came, and then boxing was coming.

"I can't help myself."

With a sneer, sisso reached for the fist of the mad king.


The next moment, a dull sound came, and the crazy King's fist suddenly fell down. However, SISO was still, and his palm was firmly on the crazy King's fist, without retreating.

"Do you really think this level can threaten me?"

Sisso said faintly. When he raised his head, his blue eyes had turned into purple at this moment, showing a strange light. Then purple lines appeared on his whole body, which were arranged as neatly as circuit boards, all over his body.

At the next moment, sisso raised his left fist and smashed his fist directly on the crazy King's face, throwing his metal body out directly. Half of his face collapsed directly, and the metal parts fell to the ground. The brightness of the energy core weakened to the extreme.


Crazy King eyes full of unwilling, struggling to get up from the ground, but in the next moment, SISO has appeared in front of him, raised his feet towards crazy King's head.

The strength of this foot is enough to crush the crazy King's head!

Crazy King watched this scene, his eyes full of endless anger and unwilling.

He went to great lengths to come back here again in order to save Medusa and find revenge for the people who had prevented Medusa from escaping with him.

However, at the moment, this man is standing in front of him, but he has no fighting power, and even is about to die in the hands of the other party.

Just as sisso was about to step down, suddenly a golden sword gas swept over him. Sisso's pupil suddenly shrank, quickly stepped back, released all his strength, and stretched out his hands to resist the golden sword gas.


At the next moment, a loud noise and a huge wave swept SISO out. He bumped against the wall to stabilize his body. He raised his head and looked straight at Ye Ling who was walking towards him with the golden sword.

"Who are you?"

SISO said coldly, in a more serious tone than just now.

Intuition tells him that the person in front of him is enough to pose a threat to him.

"You don't deserve to know."

Ye Ling light mouth, did not put the West rope in the eye of meaning.

"Good, I'll make you regret what you said now!"

SISO said, suddenly moved, the whole body lines cool air, a destructive force gathered on the fist, and then across the air a punch toward Ye Ling, instant air was suddenly squeezed together, and then "boom!" The sound of a burst, a terrible wave with a very strong impact towards Ye Ling, where the dragon group or biochemical people have no time to escape, are directly blown to pieces!

However, in the face of such a powerful blow, ye Lingfei didn't avoid it. Instead, he faced it head-on. Holding the sword, he chopped it. A sword passed by, and the powerful punch was broken in two in an instant, and then it broke away.

"All back!"

Ye Ling light mouth spit out a word, this kind of level of battle, not many people can decide the outcome, no matter how many people will only increase casualties.

Smell speech, dragon group people dare not neglect, quickly toward behind, make enough space for two people.

"Intuition tells me that you will be a tough opponent in the future, so I have to kill you as soon as possible to avoid future trouble." Sisuo walked away towards Ye Ling step by step, said coldly, his eyes were full of fighting spirit.

Ye Ling didn't speak, but at the next moment, the sword will soar to the sky. The power of the holy way will cover the space in an instant, and the spirit of the sword will emerge, turn into a five clawed golden dragon, roar out, hover in the air and kill Sisuo.

Ye Ling stepped out, jumped up directly to the top of Jinlong's head, holding Xuanyuan sword. Under the crazy injection of internal power, the body of the sword was shining, accumulating a very powerful force. Holding the sword in both hands, the body of the sword turned into a hundred meter startling goose, and directly cut down at Sisuo.

With a loud shout, SISO's facial features became ferocious. Next moment, he held his hands tightly together, squatted slightly, pushed his hands suddenly, and a shock wave came out in an instant, which collided with the 100 meter sword Qi.

In an instant, a wave of domineering air swept away, and the whole hall was shaking wildly. I don't know how many biochemical people were crushed in the place where they passed. Fortunately, all the Dragon regiments had the protective cover of ion laser rifles, so as to avoid no casualties.


At this time, not far away, Dr. George suddenly gave a loud drink. At this time, a submarine had surfaced, and Dr. George had come to the entrance of the submarine and called at sisso.

Voice down, cisso has no hesitation toward the submarine.

"Don't try to go!"

Ye Ling yelled and flashed to catch up with Sisuo.

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