Second Yuan Love Story

Chapter 157 The Identity of Miss Lich

Su Yu turned his back to Berdia, but didn't worry at all.

Because he knows exactly what kind of person the other party is.

Berdia, who was a knight before his death, couldn't make a sneak attack behind him.

The reason why he said that sentence was naturally to reassure Berdia.

If he can suppress Verdia without injury, then the opponent may not dare to go to Axel at all.

Berdia returned to the abandoned castle.

This time against Su Yu, he also gained a lot.

Huihui and Akua stood up with worried expressions on their faces.

They also heard that sentence, and they believed it to be true.

After all, Su Yu's ability to suppress Berdia in terms of sword skills comes at a price.

"You two, what's wrong?" Su Yu looked at their expressions and chuckled lightly.

"Su Yujun, I think we should abandon the crusade against Berdia." Huihui said seriously.

"I think so too." Akua nodded.

"Do you think I can't beat Berdia?" Su Yu said in silence.

"No, I know you can defeat him, but the secret technique at the expense of burning lives is too dangerous." Huihui stared at Su Yu closely, her eyes full of worry.

"Meihui is right, there are many ways to make money, so there is no need to work so hard." Akua also had the same expression.

"In order to have a home, this is the fastest way." Su Yu said softly.

Huihui and Akua were taken aback.

Then, their hearts warmed.

It turned out that Su Yu worked so hard to give them a home?

However, even so, they cannot accept this kind of thing.

"Jun Su Yu, the price is too high. I would rather sleep in the stable than see you continue to burn my life." Huihui said in a judo.

"Me too, I don't allow you to continue burning your own life." Akua said with her small fist.

Su Yu looked at the expressions of the two of them, smiled lightly, and hugged them in his arms.

Akua and Huihui were taken aback for a moment, their faces flushed.

"Thank you two for your concern, but that was actually my lie to Berdia. I didn't expect you two to believe in this kind of thing, two little idiots." Su Yu whispered and let go of them. , Left with a smile.

Akua and Huihui stayed for a few seconds, then turned to look at Su Yu who was walking away.

"Jun Su Yu!"


Adventurer's Guild.

Su Yu submitted the task and received his reward.

Akuya and Megumin were pouting expressions along the way.

Even if Su Yu gave them one hundred thousand Eris, they had the same expression.

"Okay, don't be angry, leave the task of decorating the room to me, you two go shopping, later, gather in the guild." Su Yu looked at the two girls.

"Next time, if I tell that kind of lie again, I will really ignore you." Huihui whispered.

"If you frighten us again, we will really be angry." Akua gave Su Yu a blank look.

"Yeah, I know." Su Yu patted their little heads.

The two girls slapped Su Yu's hand and left the Adventurer's Guild together.

Su Yu watched them leave and walked towards the rented room.

On the way to the room, it was natural to encounter a woman from the succubus family.

When they saw Su Yu, it was like a monster saw Tang Seng, especially the succubus of a few imperial sisters, their eyes seemed to be charged.

However, Su Yu showed no interest in them at all.

He came to the room, simply cleaned the room, and used a magnet to arrange a barrier around the room.

This kind of enchantment, once the succubus approaches, it will feel the pain like a needle stick.

Su Yu arranged the barrier, locked the door, and left.

Several succubus wanted to get close to Su Yu's room, feeling the power of the enchantment, they were frightened.


In front of an ordinary grocery store.

Su Yu opened the door.

"Welcome... Jun Su Yu, hello." The brown-haired woman in the store raised her head and found that it was Su Yu, and quickly walked out of the counter.

"I am here for tea as agreed." Su Yu sat at the table.

"Please wait a moment, I'll make tea for you." The brown-haired woman smiled sweetly and turned to make tea.

Su Yu looked at her back.

Her name is Weitz, which is the mysterious Miss Lich.

Before becoming a Lich, she had a resounding title, the Witch of Ice.

When she was still the Ice Witch, she was so disgusted with monsters that the Demon King City issued a reward for her.

Later, in order to save her companions, she took the initiative to transform into a lich.

Although she became a lich, very few people knew about it, so she could still live in a human town as a retired adventurer.

Her current status is one of the cadres of Demon King City, responsible for maintaining the barrier leading to Demon King City.

Of course, because there are very few people who know her, and in addition, she has never done anything to harm humans, so even if she is attacked, there is no reward.

By the way, she and Barnier, one of the leaders of the Demon City, are good friends.

She was able to become a lich, and it was Barnier who helped her.

Neither of them is actually a real cadre of the Demon King City, but just holds the title of a cadre of the Demon King City.

On the surface, the Demon King City has eight cadres. In fact, the number of cadres has definitely exceeded eight, and there are even more monsters than cadres.

Barnier's title is Duke of Hell, and his strength is much stronger than that of the Demon King.

His body is located in hell, ruling all the demons in hell, and the body of this world is a mask on his face.

Because of the status of the duke, his etiquette is very good.

Hell, like the heavens, is an existence beyond this world.

The Duke of Hell is almost the same as the Lord God of Heaven.

However, for some reasons, he could not use his ontology to influence the world, he could only use his mask to act.

Su Yu guessed that this was probably an agreement between hell and heaven.

Of course, Barnier's personal thoughts cannot be ruled out.

For example, he didn't want to destroy the world.

As the Duke of Hell, the head of the seven demons, his life span is close to eternity, and he rules all demons.

Such an existence would indeed be very lonely in hell.

He casts a mask into this world, I am afraid he also wants to experience life in this world.

From the fact that he does not kill people, only absorbs the negative influence, he can also see his thoughts.

To give a very simple example, it's like the big game in the game is tired, open a small account and continue playing.

While Su Yu was thinking, Wiz had already made black tea.

"Please use it." She put the black tea in front of Su Yu, and sat opposite Su Yu.

Su Yu picked up the black tea, tasted it, and looked at Weitz.

"Although you are a lich now, from your black tea, I can taste that you have human feelings, and this feeling is very warm."

"Thank you." Hearing Su Yu's comment, Wei Zi smiled sweetly on his face.

In her heart, she always thought that she was still human.

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