"Richard," I called him, "what are you doing?"

The boy who was squatting on the ground and didn't know what he was doing turned his head, wiped his dirty hands on the clothes that were not much clean in a panic, stood five meters away and lowered his head to me: "Teacher."

"There is an old man in this village who used to help me. She is now in poor health and can't see clearly. The children are not around, so I will take care of her when I have time." In the satchel on Richard's body were the things he wanted. Matches, pens and newspapers were sold. In this era, newspapers had not been widely promoted. Newspapers were only circulated in the capital Trier and surrounding large cities. The newsboy sells newspapers in the streets and alleys. He also has a shoe polishing tool in his bag. "I will read the newspaper to her, boil water to make tea, and talk to her, and she will be very happy."

Richard Ernst was a special human being.

But it's not very special. I looked at him, and through the unique induction of my authority, I saw dozens of transparent thin threads wrapped around his hands, which were souls "saved through him and with whom important connections were established." Although he saved some people, he always did what he could. He helped those he was able to save, such as saving people from war, but never tried to prevent it from the root cause, such as promoting the concept of peace, Or openly oppose the radical aggressive ideas that blindly worship Russell.

From this point of view, he is indeed just an ordinary person.

"You're dirty." I said, "You can't go back with me like this. Why did you get yourself like this?"

"...Sorry, she lives in an alley in a slum area, where there is no complete sewer system." Richard was a little embarrassed.

I nodded slightly: "Then go back to my manor through the small door of the stable and clean yourself up in the bathroom, just like before."

"Yes." he said. He lowered his head and followed me two meters away.

The road was very quiet, which surprised me. Because he always has a lot to say about various aspects. After all, as a young human being, he has already had a rich life experience. For example, not long after he became an Extraordinary, he was persecuted by his companions with different ideas in the organization. He was led by his teacher and other seniors to escape with him, and then he encountered the indulgent sect on the road. The pursuit and attack killed more than half of them, and finally managed to escape to a noble's manor, and then discovered that the noble was a "demon" of a similar sequence...

"You have something on your mind." I said.

Did he realize that being sheltered by the devil was not a glorious thing after all, or was it that the remnants of the temperance faction came to find him and took him back?

"...Teacher, I'm confused."

Richard spoke softly, his voice coming from behind: "Obviously people can obtain funds through their own labor, it is obvious that nobles also help the poor, the gods established churches to protect the old, young, women and children, and it is obvious that the Sons of Steam implemented the Civil Code to protect people's livelihood. "The Code", various injury and illness subsidies and compensation for the families of those killed in battle have also been gradually improved. Why do people still live in such pain?"

"Because in fact, no one cares about the life and death of the people."

He looked shocked, which made me feel strange.

Human beings all act for their own interests, the gods do it for anchors and reputation, the nobles just leak a little money from their fingers, the codes and subsidies promoted by Russell are to make the people enthusiastically participate in the war, and no one works for the people. Isn't this obvious?

I thought he could figure it out, so I didn’t add anything to it.

"Okay, okay, what you said...maybe..." After about five minutes, Richard responded hesitantly, as if his concept had been shattered and was being reorganized, "Well, then, how to change all this... …?”

"Change?" I asked him, "Why change? People are as humble as blades of grass and are everywhere. There is no need to care at all. Even if they are burned by fire, drowned by water, or killed by disease, there are always more More survivors. People will build their own nests, forage, reproduce, and only need a period of recovery to continue to thrive. This is a cheap renewable resource, why should we care about them?"

His eyes widened. His decades of life experience were not enough to react quickly to my answer after his worldview was shattered. His emotions kept changing like a revolving lantern. After a while, he finally calmed down, but his whole body seemed to lose all color in an instant.

"...Do you actually see the people like this?"

Richard regained his language skills and his former calmness, and quickly began to think: "The times have been like this for thousands of years...could it be said that gods and high-ranking people look down on humans from this perspective?"

"You can think of it this way."

"No, that's not right." He suddenly realized something, "What about you, teacher? You have always been different. As a demon, you often kill only once and don't enjoy it. As an angel, in mythology From God, you never care about your own believers, nor about your own sect. Since the gods are all for anchors, why don’t you need anchors?”

...the true god? I chuckled inwardly.

"Because I am a god more powerful than all the gods currently on this planet." I answered him calmly. Although it is somewhat ridiculous to say these words as a Sequence 2 demon, the demon path is inherently crazy and unreasonable, " The weak do not want to forget where they come from, so they cling to their humanity. They obviously rely on humans to sustain themselves, but they cannot love others equally. This is their cowardice and hypocrisy."

"I don't need humanity. Because I know what it is."

"However, if you want to save the people, I have another theory that I can explain to you." Before he completely despaired, I changed the topic. His talent was outstanding and his performance was also excellent. He was quite famous among several groups of abstinent escapees. Although he was also disliked by other groups, he finally gained a firm foothold and was not afraid of being pursued by the indulgent faction. This is a valuable chess piece, a prop that can only be cultivated. I don’t mind wasting a little time to help him re-understand the world.

"What is it?" he asked me expectantly.

"The world is now in an era of righteous capitalism."

"I know." The good student nodded, "This term was proposed by Mr. Russell, and it has epoch-making significance."

"..." I felt speechless for a second, and then I said, "Theoretically, there is indeed a more advanced era where material resources are extremely abundant and no one will starve or freeze; everyone If you have a good education, you won’t compete with each other; you don’t need to work hard, as long as everyone works eight hours a day, you can feed everyone.”

"...Oh my God, a world where everyone can have enough food, clothing, education, and no need to work to death? I can't imagine it." Richard murmured to himself, "Then when will this era come?"

"It will never come." I interrupted his fantasy and watched his expression change again, "In that era, everyone was equal. Everyone could live well by themselves, so what else did God need to do? ?”

Richard's expression suddenly changed.

"You, you mean." A row of dense cold sweat suddenly appeared on his forehead, "The gods... won't let that era come? God, the gods won't allow us to live on our own, because that day people will If we no longer believe in God...we will never be saved?"

I smiled and did not answer the question directly. Instead, I called him to my side: "There will always be people who are saved, such as rich people and devout believers. Now that you know that this road will not work, do you still want to continue studying? "

Richard hesitated for two seconds and nodded firmly.


"On October 29th, the leader of the Secret Order, Zaratul, secretly visited me again. I can't guess his true intention. He seems to just want to strengthen communication and understanding between the two parties?"

"I feel that Zaratul is more powerful and mysterious than the two strong men of the church I have met. It feels very similar to my fellow demons. So I casually asked him if he was also an angel without any hope. As a result, he actually answered me!"

"He said he is the 'Miracle Master' of Sequence 2!"

"Sequence 2? He, no, he is actually an angel too!! I am surrounded by two angels. Compared to the halo of the protagonist of the era, I suspect there must be some deeper reason behind this that I don't understand."

"Miracle master? A master who is good at creating miracles? The name of this potion makes people think about it! Is this the Sequence 2 of 'Soothsayer'?"

"I tentatively asked Zaratul again, is the so-called miracle a miracle of fate? Is the 'divineer' path a path to gradually understand and manipulate fate? Zaratul skipped the first question, and he told me destiny It’s just a part of the ‘divineer’ path, the path that really represents destiny is the ‘monster’!”

"He gave several examples of the "monster" path for this purpose, Sequence 7 'Lucky One', Sequence 5 'Winner', Sequence 2 'Prophet', and the one at the top of the sequence, 'Snake of Mercury'! This is also known as 'Snake of Destiny'. This was the first Sequence 1 I knew and it totally hit me!"

"Zarath has accumulated very coveted knowledge. Out of curiosity about fellow demons, well, I admit I'm still a little scared, I asked him about the Sequence 2 name of the "Devil" path."

"He glanced at me and seemed to see through my inner thoughts. He bluntly said that it was because of the existence of the fellow villagers that He delayed the first visit, because demons are always crazy and cold-blooded. He said, "Devils "He is not sure about the Sequence 2 corresponding to the path, but the name of Sequence 1 is "The Filth King". This is also a quite extraordinary name. When you hear it, it sounds like the big boss in the dungeon! In order to play the role of the Filth King, is the fellow demon? Want to establish a demon empire? Hiss, it’s scary to think about it.”


"As far as I know, the 'monster' path should be controlled by the school of life. This school seems to have a partial sequence of the 'pharmacist' path. They advocate the three-fold division of the absolutely rational world, the spiritual world and the material world. Well, also Pretty cool.”

"Zarath also meaningfully added that the School of Life worships the moon. Why the moon? And not the further goddess of the night?"

The long diary was finally read, and the amount of information was huge. Klein once again experienced the feeling of being filled with knowledge. This was also the first time he learned the name of Sequence 1, and it was two at a time!

"Serpent of Mercury" and "King of Filth" all sound very desirable. Although "Miracle Master" is also very powerful, I always feel that it is still a little less powerful than "Prophet". I don't know the sequence of the fortune teller 1 What's the name of the potion... Based on the sequence name of the "monster" path that he had already learned, Klein judged that Zaratul was not lying. The following diary still contains a lot of information, such as that extraordinary characteristics will be passed on to future generations. This also answers some questions about extraordinary creatures and is consistent with the law that the number of characteristics does not change. While scrolling back, he also learned that the current "King of the Five Seas" Nast Solomon was born in the era of Emperor Russell, and is a high-sequence powerhouse who is over 150 years old!

After reading the entire diary this time, Klein's myriad emotions were obscured by the gray mist. He paused for a moment, tapped the tabletop of the long bronze table with his fingers, and said with a smile: "I want to issue a mission."

Task! Audrey's eyes widened, feeling nervous and excited at the same time. At the same time, she found that "The Hanged Man" seemed to have remained unchanged, but in fact he had become extremely nervous. Only "The Sun" was still confused and everything was as usual.

"You can choose to accept it, or not." With the help of "Joker"'s ability, he spoke in a normal tone, "One of my favored ones arrived in Backlund. He wanted to accomplish something, but it was inconvenient for him to come forward. "

Seeing that "Justice" and others did not speak, but were thinking independently, Klein issued his mission:

"What he wants to accomplish is to assassinate the ambassador of the Republic of Intis to the Kingdom of Loen, Becron Jean Madan."



A small collection of memories.

In the beginning, Richard was just an ordinary good guy. Later, he learned to do things beyond his capabilities and to fly into the flames.

Edit: Oh, by the way, I have always felt that Edward's character image gives me a familiar feeling. When I think about it carefully, Bai Qihei + has hobbies that scare people in some aspects + has a very favorable appearance and personality + A middle-aged man who is very good at fighting + his wife passed away and he has a child + a cross.

Isn't this Kotomine Kirei?

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