Above the invisible gray mist, inside the majestic palace.

As soon as Leonard Mitchell's figure appeared on the side of the long bronze table, he subconsciously stood up and wanted to salute Mr. Fool.

However, when he glanced around, he found that the seat was empty and no one was taking a seat.

Is Mr. Fool usually not here? Leonard had a flash of thought and cast his gaze to the bottom of the mottled long table.

The "world" just sat there silently, as blurry as if mixed with gray mist.

"...Since there are only two of us, there is no need to deliberately use the image of Gehrman Sparrow." Leonard said casually to "The World" as he sat down again.

At the same time, he quickly thought: Since Mr. Fool is usually away, how did he and Klein come together so quickly? It’s impossible that The Fool brought Klein and then left before I came up, right?

Or does it mean that Klein actually has the ability to bring people up? Is this a special privilege granted by God to those favored by God?

Something fishy.

"Habit." Klein responded briefly.

Leonard couldn't help but take a second look at the cold, reserved and calm Gehrman Sparrow. Although he felt that this man who might be blessed by two gods did not need to be reminded by himself, he still hesitated to speak:

"Klein, your current appearance is very consistent with the image of Gehrman Sparrow in the outside world. Your performance is excellent, but you must remember that you are only acting and don't get lost in the identity you play."

Acting method? In this comparison, the old man in Leonard is much kinder than the "teacher" of Miss Hazel who is parasitic on the mouse. The latter taught almost nothing, and even if he did, it was distorted knowledge. It was obvious that he had evil intentions and would not regret his death... Klein was really just used to it, but now that he was praised like this, he felt a little embarrassed and changed back, so he casually asked:

"The law of acting and 'just acting' were also what Pales Zoroaster told you?"

"Yes." Leonard responded calmly.

After chatting for a while, Leonard ended the greetings and turned to the topic:

"Where did you find new traces of Amon the Blasphemer?"

Klein picked up the key points and said:

"I was tracking a 'thief' path demigod who was almost out of control. As a result, I met Amon on the outskirts of Backlund. I had no choice but to escape directly with the help of Mr. Fool's power..."

It was late at night, and Fusac's warriors set up a bonfire, with dried vegetables and compressed biscuits boiling in the pot.

The aroma of the dinner filled the clean house, and books and scriptures were burning in the fire. The blazing firelight reflected the statues of the saints of the Church of the Night and the paintings with allusions to mythological stories in the house, illuminating the whole place. Both pairs of blue eyes from high latitudes.

"It's not as delicious as my jerky."

The brown-haired chief of staff was drinking the dry food soaked in water and the pickles he brought with him. He loudly commented on the taste of the dry food rationed by the troops. Then he took out a small bag of salty food from his arms in the eyes of everyone with envy or jealousy. Fragrant cured meat. He tore off a small strip as big as his little finger, put it into the porridge made from compressed biscuits in front of everyone, and made an exaggerated tut-tsk sound.

The official rank suppressed everyone, and everyone immediately became angry but dared not speak out. The atmosphere of the dinner became lively, and the soldiers with an average height of more than 1.9 meters began to discuss the delicacies of each other's hometowns with great interest. Arnold sat on the periphery of the crowd. He was not very talkative and did not often talk to others. But after finishing the last mouthful of thick porridge in the iron bowl in his hand, the colleague beside him also turned to him with a smile and asked:

"My hometown is in the east of the empire, very close to the Sea of ​​Beluga. There are many flavored whale meat products, whale oil with many uses, as well as delicious cured meat and seafood soup! I came out this time, and my wife You even brought me delicious dried seafood, what about you, Arnold?"

Another person also turned around and asked loudly: "I don't seem to have heard you mention your family much!"

"My home is near Jianhai. There are also cheap seafood and fresh fruits. I do some simple business at home..."

Arnold lowered his head and wiped the iron bowl with a piece of cloth. His colleagues were still discussing heatedly. Suddenly, he felt a gust of cold wind blowing in front of him, and the surroundings seemed to quiet down.

He immediately tightened his grip on the sword hilt and fire gun at his waist, and saw that the room suddenly darkened, and the bright bonfire suddenly went out. People sat strangely around the extinguished fire, with their backs to him, leaving behind a The eerie silence.

The colleague who was talking to him just now turned into a headless corpse sitting in front of him. His head rolled down into the pile of books on the side. Blood spurted out from the cut surface of his neck and splashed all over him.


He suddenly understood something, and his hands and feet trembled violently. Although he held the weapon, his legs seemed to have lost all strength, and he could not even stand up. The drawn weapon fell to the ground with a crisp sound. sound. In his field of vision, the companions with their backs to him suddenly turned their heads, revealing faces with deathly white faces and blood-red lips, as if they had turned into dead spirits in an instant!

Then, he noticed a figure flashing behind him.

He hesitated for a moment, and at that moment, a flame that reached the ceiling suddenly burst out from the dark fireplace, and his vision suddenly became bright.

The temperature and light instantly illuminated everything around him. Only then did he look back and saw a middle-aged man with black hair and typical Loen appearance who had arrived behind him at some point. gloves, holding a blood-stained dagger in his hand.

Arnold pulled out his gun and fired two shots, but the figure of the middle-aged man disappeared in an instant, and the bullets shattered the glass frame on the wall.

"Enemy attack!"

The moment these two words appeared in his mind, the dark house shattered like an invisible lens, revealing the real world.

The chief of staff was still holding the unfinished porridge in his hand, with a stick of bacon sticking out of it. He drank most of the steaming porridge in one gulp, his eyes swept over everyone in the room, and then he clicked his tongue in displeasure. There was a sound.

"Send a signal to the Legion."

He spoke in a low voice, not knowing who to tell: "I took the bait."

Arnold took a deep breath. He wanted to stand up with the others, but suddenly he felt something heavy pressing on his leg. He lowered his head and saw a continuous sound on the back of the head of the colleague who was talking to him. A wound that bleeds outward.

As he stood up and moved away, his colleague fell to the ground, and blood slowly gathered into a small pool on the ground.

Arnold's eyes widened slightly, but after experiencing the baptism of war, he was able to accept it all calmly. He took a step back, half-knelt down, held the Holy Emblem of the God of War, chanted in a low voice, and gave a simple requiem for the deceased. Others squatted down in silence after he finished, skillfully removing the weapons and equipment from their dead companions, as well as some dried food and a photo of a young woman.

"He did not die in a heroic battle..."

"He lives in the east. Is there any fellow villager who can bring the relics back?"

The others exchanged glances and whispered among themselves with mixed emotions.

"It's getting dark, so be vigilant to the highest level!"

"We are just here to explore the road. Without backup, even if you die here, no one will collect your body!"

"Keep your eyes open, and don't doze off. Followers of the cunning evil god of the night don't need to sleep!"

The captain said loudly, then he looked at the two people lying on the ground in the crowd and whispered: "May the temple receive their souls."

Then, he pulled out the big sword from behind and thrust it into the ground. The bright morning light suddenly illuminated the entire house and built a barrier.

The "Nightmare" was forced back by the morning light. In a small corner far away from the stronghold of Fusac's army, Vincent, who was hiding in the darkness and praying, opened his eyes, stood up, and sighed angrily:

"Only two were killed."

He was very frustrated. Without a large force from behind to attack, the church would most likely be unable to respond to the guerrilla harassment they encountered, and could only rely on themselves to deal with it.

The goal of tonight's sneak attack is to find out the strength of the vanguard troops, and if possible, annihilate them here. Even if it fails, we must gradually reduce the opponent's combat power so that they will not attack immediately. Without killing more than five low-sequences at once, this sneak attack ended in failure. Fusac's soldiers probably wouldn't sleep a wink for the rest of the night, and the success rate of the assassination was greatly reduced.

"I have sent a message to the church asking for help."

The gray-haired archbishop reassured his junior: "Hide, we will prevent them from moving forward."

Vincent was about to nod when suddenly, the surrounding environment suddenly lit up, and blazing white flames broke out in the town, lighting up half of the night sky.

The source of the fire was the chapel. The Night Church in Fanxing Town was swallowed up by the blazing white flames, and the gauze curtain embroidered with the Holy Emblem of Night burned away.

The knife-like cold wind carried the flames and spread through the town. The white flames continued to explode, and the fire rain spread in all directions. The burning sparks exploded in all directions, gradually igniting the entire deserted city.

The fires in the city had no intention of extinguishing. They continued to burn until the entire city was turned into a torch in the darkness.

"Hey, hey, is there anyone here, audition!"

Suddenly, a voice was amplified by the loudspeaker and came from the direction of the Fusac Vanguard stronghold:

"Members of the Church of the Night in the city, can you hear me? Please put down your weapons and don't be nervous."

The sound betrayed their current location. They were still there, not migrating! Vincent and the Archbishop looked at each other, and the Archbishop made a gesture, and then his body gradually disappeared and faded, entering the spiritual world.

This behavior proves that the enemy has not figured out the number of people coming to attack tonight and is stalling for time!

The voice coughed a few times, cleared its throat, and continued:

"Is this the Reverend Saint Gallian who is here? We have heard of your deeds and know that you are an upright, kind and kind man. Although we are enemies, we also respect the pagan saints. "

It's a lie! Thinking of the experience that pagans would receive in Fusac, Vincent sneered at this sentence.

"We come for peace!"

The speaker kept chattering:

"Perhaps you still don't know that the 'Great Smog' incident in your country was orchestrated by the king. He brutally killed his own people, but your church was indifferent! Shouldn't you resist the royal family for the sake of the people? For peace , for the sake of human rights and to help the people of Loen escape from the control of the king, we came to the Amanda Mountains. If you are willing to talk to us, we can promise not to harm the surrounding towns..."

"You don't even feel guilty for your lies!"

Vincent couldn't stand it anymore. In order to refute the opponent and continue to stabilize the enemy so that the archbishop could move smoothly, he summoned a spirit body and shouted in another direction far away from him:

"When you massacred our people, were you also using the banner of peace and human rights?"

"Of course." The hunter who shouted didn't seem to feel ashamed at all, "Because they attacked us first..."

Before the end of this sentence fell, and before Vincent could not help but scold the other party for being shameless again, the sky suddenly turned dark. The darkness was extremely sudden and fast, and the blazing white flames all over the city disappeared in an instant, as if someone had turned off all the lights in the city!

Vincent had a smile on his face, but the next moment, he keenly heard some strange sounds suddenly appearing here.

No... they didn't appear suddenly, they had already arrived here, but they were just covered up by the sound of trumpets!

He raised his head. Although he could see nothing but the stars and the night sky, he could feel that there was something unknown hidden behind it.

They have arrived in the sky above the City of Tranquility and are accumulating strength in the dark, waiting for the moment to explode.

"Damn it!"

The chief of staff's expression suddenly changed. The moment he felt sleepy, he immediately reached out and pinched his waist hard, using the pain to stay awake. However, his subordinates did not react so quickly, and they all became confused. The ground fell. Their breathing gradually became weak, their expressions were ferocious, and they were about to die in their sleep one by one.

Only the vanguard captain of Sequence 5 was still standing nearby, crumbling.

His eyelids became heavier and heavier, the pendant on his chest glowed red, and the hot temperature temporarily made him sober again. But he still fell asleep uncontrollably, and someone whispered in his ear. At first it was the kind voice of an old man, but the next moment it turned into the call and laughter of his long-awaited wife. There was a loud bang in my ears, and probably the vanguard captain couldn't hold on anymore and fell down.

He opened his eyes with difficulty, but saw his wife appearing in front of him and reaching out to touch his face.


In his sleep he put the gun to his chin.

"damn it!!"

The chief of staff barely remained half awake, and gradually he couldn't tell whether it was his wife's hand or his own gun that was pressing against his chin. He applied what he had learned throughout his life after becoming a provocateur to the pagan saint he had never met. At the same time, he used his last strength and sobriety to pull out the dagger at his waist and slashed at the false wife in front of him.

Suicide is the most despised way of death besides dying peacefully in bed. Even if you die, you must die with dignity!

The metal passed by, and the illusion of his wife in front of him was instantly cut off. At the same time, the continuous sleepiness was also cut off.

The chief of staff suddenly woke up, as if a basin of cold water had been poured on his head, and the charm hanging on his chest was burned out. He was stunned for a moment. He had never thought that he had such a powerful ability and could actually escape from a targeted assassination by a demigod. He quickly moved the gun against his chin and took a look. The sword in his hand didn't feel like it was cutting anything.

Then, the chief of staff discovered that the roof of the house was missing, the cold wind was blowing directly in his face, and the starry night sky was above his head.

In the distance, there was a deep scratch on a house, and blood slowly fell on the edge of the scratch.

He finally noticed that the light of dawn suddenly illuminated this place again at some point. The giant sword in the hands of the young and pious young warrior who was not very gregarious shone ten times brighter than the vanguard captain. The surrounding warriors They are waking up from their nightmares wailing.

Seeing this, the chief of staff breathed a long sigh of relief and relaxed completely. He was finally convinced that he was not here to die.

With a team of about thirty people and more than half of them being Beyonders, the first reaction of the people of Loen who were nervous during the war must be that a high-sequence hunter would lead them.

But in fact, the chief of staff is just a Sequence 6 with a demigod charm.

He was asked to behave like a hunter demigod, such as pretending that he had a psychic link. He not only had to talk to the air from time to time to pretend to be profound, but he also had to confidently lead the troops of the highest sequence 5 through a small gap. Breaking away from the large troops of the Second Army, as the vanguard of the path exploration - or the death squad - they arrogantly entered the outskirts of the City of Tranquility.

When receiving this assignment, he repeatedly thought about whether he had offended anyone in the army. Before Arnold fought back, he didn't know if there was a demigod hiding in this team.

Arnold held the broadsword high like a bright torch. The enemy is nearby, but he doesn't seem to be in a hurry to attack him.

Following his movements, others couldn't help but raise their heads, trying to see something from the sky——

I saw that the starry sky suddenly trembled, and the blazing white light fell from the sky like meteors, one after another, destroying everything around the landing point like cannonballs.

The flames tore apart the silent night.

After being attacked, the sky suddenly collapsed, and the huge airship crushed the night clouds. The propeller cut through the air at high speed, and the disturbed air flow cut everyone's faces like a knife blade.

On the huge balloon of the airship, the symbol of the Einhorn royal family of the Fusac Empire was painted, as well as a bright red number "2".

The chief of staff stretched out his hand to hold down his hat to prevent it from leaving with the evening breeze of the Amanda Mountains, and the smile on his face grew bigger and bigger.


He cheered in his heart, but his hands and feet were actually trembling: "This gamble is worth it! The chance of promotion is guaranteed!"

Hunters rely on their teams and subordinates to fight, but warriors don’t!

"The last saint outside the City of Tranquility is here."

Arnold blinked and seemed to be speaking to someone: "Don't let him leave alive. As long as he is dead, we can attack directly to the outside of the city. As long as we are fast enough, we can catch him by surprise and cooperate with the first Legion, the army that attacks Loen’s front line from the side.”

"Didn't we make a bet before? Can we break through the defense line of the Amanda Mountains before His Highness Ajomatova arrives?"

"Keeping the town clean up will also damage our reputation and now that a breach has opened, don't waste this opportunity."


He smiled, with the frankness of a young man and the cruelty of a warrior: "After all, we are here to help Loen with justice."

The young demigod scanned the distant sky, and two dark green symbols appeared in his transparent blue eyes.

"Pagan saint!"

He shouted: "Lay down your arms! For your people!"

The sky as bright as day did not last long. The propeller of the huge military airship seemed to be suddenly tripped by something and began to tilt sideways - the two unlucky people fell into the sky. Their bodies and clothes completely strangled the rotating precision structure, and the airship had to temporarily find a place to make an emergency landing for repairs.

Arnold looked up at the airship that was gradually obscured by night, and the sky that became dark again: "It seems you are unwilling to cooperate."

"You slaughtered our compatriots and broke our peace, but you said you came in peace."

The old man's mellow voice echoed in the night sky, moving left and right, up and down, making it impossible to determine his location. With the powerful vitality of "Night Watcher" and perhaps the help of sealed objects, the sneak attack just now did not cause much damage to him:

"Will the God of War welcome people who tell lies into His Kingdom? Is He actually such an evil God?"

Arnold nodded slightly:

"Absolutely not so. Fusac was born in the cold winter and died in the fire. Death in battle is the blessing and requiem given to us. The correctness of war is always in the hands of the great gods and victors. Pagan saint, you Are you delaying your subordinates' escape?"

The moment he finished saying this, Arnold turned his head slightly and looked at a corner of the city that was gradually reduced to ruins. The dark green symbol seemed to see through the concealment imposed by the archbishop, and a figure slowly emerged in his field of vision. In the darkness, Vincent saw those eyes looking at him, giving him the feeling that the two were facing each other. He didn't know if the other party had seen his eyes, but he had been discovered!

"only one person."

After Arnold finished speaking, he suddenly opened his tightly wrapped coat and poured the entire bottle of ointment onto the broadsword.

The ointment filled the inscriptions on the sword, giving off a hazy golden light.

He moved his wrist lightly, like a child holding a toy wooden sword, and swung out a stream of slightly shiny air.

Vincent's alarm bells immediately went off. The attack had a strange deflection as soon as it left his hand, but it still blocked all his escape directions. He had to continuously summon spirits to resist this damage.

In less than a second, he was shaken by the huge impact and flew out. Several spirits in front of him were chopped into pieces by the silver-white sword light.

The strong blade wind hit him even though he was mostly deflected, and his body lost all consciousness in an instant.

The body was thrown high and crashed into the ruins, leaving bright red traces on the black and white gravel and bricks.

The numbness gradually faded away, severe pain was released explosively from every cell, and all the limbs lost control in the severe pain. He coughed up blood, twitched violently, and tried to stand up, but the demigod's casual blow seemed to break several bones in his body. My hands and feet are completely out of control. Vincent struggled to bring his head to the pocket on his chest, bit open the button with trembling teeth, took out a bottle of potion from the pocket, bit the cork and then tilted his head back to swallow.

After an unknown amount of time, the pain finally subsided. He gradually regained the position of his hands and feet, and the noisy buzzing in his ears gradually subsided. Only his vision was still bright red. He blinked hard and used physiological tears to wash away the blood flowing into his eyes.

"stand up!"

The archbishop's shout echoed in his ears, and Vincent's eyes were filled with tears. He saw the light of morning and the black night sky frequently alternating in the sky, and the golden sword light occasionally cut through the sky, revealing the real night sky. in the clouds. Fusac's warriors were hiding in the corner, and someone suddenly closed his eyes. If his companions didn't wake him up immediately, he would immediately die in a nightmare with a hideous face.

"stand up!"

"Go back! Go back alive! Evacuate the crowd! Take them to the city!"

The Archbishop roared in his ears, and Vincent tried his best just to get up from the rubble.

Towns...there are nearly ten thousand people in the towns waiting to be evacuated! If he died here, they would all be killed unconsciously by the approaching Fusac people... Vincent took a deep breath, supported the ground with his hands that were exhausted, and leaned forward to walk on the ruins. , and after walking for a long time, he stood up with difficulty with the help of Ling.

In front of him were large chaotic color blocks and snowflakes, and his hearing had not yet recovered. It seemed as if countless sounds were exploding in his ears, forming a crazy tune. It seemed to be the shouts of people, it seemed to be the roar of artillery fire, it seemed to be the hymns that the Archbishop once sung. He could even feel the reality from these sounds - when the sound of artillery fire sounded, the ground under his feet began to tremble violently, and he I also began to experience tingling pains in different parts of my body.

Vincent's thoughts were hazy, like a dead man being dragged forward by a spirit body. Everything he could see was ruins. Shrapnel and gravel were embedded in his body, and he was bleeding continuously, but the medicine he had taken before was constantly making him recover, regenerating his flesh and blood, and pushing these foreign objects out.

Ordnance and fire rained across the horizon, and the world burned.

For a moment, he felt that he had fallen into "hell", or maybe it was just that the world was slowly overlapping with hell.

He seemed to be running, or just squirming on the ground.

After a long time, a ammunition just landed near him, and Ling was annihilated in the shock wave without saying a word. He also flew out and did not stand up again for a long time.



At this time, it was the early morning of a new Monday, and Klein was about to hold a Tarot session.

Ah, this time in the Tarot Club, everyone worked together to imprison a vampire who had tricked someone into the Harvest Church.

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