After hearing these words, Klein was slightly stunned, then nodded.

"My name is Richard Ernst." The tall young man said with a smile, "This is truly an unforgettable first meeting."

This name? Founder of the Ernst Foundation? The foundation has a history of about two hundred years, and it is said that it was originally established in Intis. It is understandable that Ms. D can contact it. If the founder was a saint or an angel, it wouldn't be surprising if he is still alive today.

"Hello." Klein simply kept the appearance and persona of Gehrman Sparrow, "Call him whatever you want."

Ms. D seems to have summoned an extremely strong person. The founder of the charity foundation is actually a strong person from the Rose School... Looks very restrained? Temperance? The Rose School of Thought in the Southern Continent seems to have lost a lot of information since Sia's inexplicable madness... Klein felt that his world view was shaken. He reached out and pinched both sides of his cheeks, turned his head and tried to behave in a less gloating manner. He looked at the Amon clone mummy and the monocle mummy lying upright on the ground.

Then, Klein tried to control his "winner" marionette again. The parasitized marionette arched its back and coughed hard. Not long after, it coughed out a small transparent worm with twelve links from its throat. .

"It's a demigod-level material, not bad."

Richard Ernst looked at the mummy as if he were looking at pork waiting to be cut on the market board. After a few seconds, he turned to look at Gehrman Sparrow, who kept a cold adventurer's face. The smile on his face widened again:

"Can you donate some of these Worm of Time clones to me?"

Since Mr.

"...donation?" Klein tried to hold back and looked at the men and maids standing upright in the house. Through the perspective of the marionette, he even saw that Congressman Macht's home seemed to have pressed the pause button for an instant. , they stood there stiffly, maintaining the same action of pinching their eye sockets or wiping their monocle. In the corner, the frightened Hazel Macht hugged herself with her arms tremblingly, sobbing softly.

This young lady may need psychological treatment... Klein became distracted.

"Yes, donate, these things have a price but no market."

Richard suddenly thought of something and looked at Klein expectantly:

"Mr. Dantès, you seem to be very interested in investing in the charity industry in the Southern Continent? Our foundation has been established for nearly two hundred years. It has sufficient funds and foundation, a mature operating system, and many industries to provide funds and materials. , can basically operate independently. It also has some influence in the northern and southern continents. If you have any intention in this regard, we can have a good chat."

Klein couldn't help but be startled. Did you get into investment mode so quickly? You must be a demigod or even an angel, right? So skilled?

"I have this intention, but I need to think about it."

"No problem. If you are determined, our foundation is the best choice. We also welcome funders to visit our institution for on-site inspections at any time."

Heading to the Southern Continent? There was a trace of resistance in Klein's heart, but after having the experience of cleaning toilets at the Charity Hospital and seeing what he saw in the Southern Continent, there was only a trace of resistance. He nodded reluctantly: "I believe you."

Do Ms. D and Aurora really think that Dwayne Dantès is a rich man with a fixed estate? In fact, Dwayne Dantès only has tens of thousands of pounds on hand, and must rely on wisdom and shame to work hard to make money. Only in this way can he barely maintain the image of a millionaire... Klein muttered a few words in his heart and asked his most curious question at the moment:

"Are you a member of the Rose School of the Southern Continent? Sorry, my question may be a bit sharp. Will you let the children helped by the foundation believe in the 'Bound God' or the 'Mother Tree of Desire'?"

Richard touched it and shook his head: "I implement the plan of freedom of belief."

"As long as the children have completed the necessary basic grammar and sewing courses and have the ability to make a living, they can leave. We will not interfere with their future beliefs - but this is not necessarily the case in the Southern Continent. They will basically fail. To the 'Bound God'."

You will naturally have a good impression of someone you are helping. There is nothing you can do about it.

Through a simple exchange, Klein initially judged that the other party was probably a more reasonable and easy-to-talk type, and his vigilance gradually decreased. He asked seriously: "I know something about the Rose School of thought. I would like to ask, who are you?" Are you a temperance sect?"

"You do understand very well, but this..."

Richard scratched his head, a little worried about scaring away potential investors: "...I actually belong to the indulgence school? Or in fact, there is no strict division between the moderation and indulgence schools in the Rose School now, only the 'temporary moderation-indulgence school' State', for example, I have maintained a state of restraint most of the time, leaving aside those who are still fleeing in the northern continent, basically everyone in the southern continent has gathered."

After hearing the first sentence, Klein felt a sudden change in his heart. He almost immediately exchanged places with the remaining Marionette in the courtyard, and tightened his grip on the paper crane in his arms. However, the kindness and sincerity expressed by the other party made him feel disappointed. He couldn't help but calm down and listen to these words.

Has there been such a big change within the Rose School?

Are those still on the run in the Northern Continent referring to Sharon and Maric?

Facing this powerful man who claimed to be an indulgent faction, Klein thought for a while and decided not to reveal their names: "I understand."

After a moment of silence, he asked again:

"There is one more thing I want to know. When I was in the Southern Continent, I entrusted two helpless people to Ms. D's estate. Do you know the current living conditions of those two people?"

"Is it the disabled man, the uncle and nephew of a thirteen-year-old girl?" Richard found the corresponding person almost without thinking, "Ms. D's industry in the Southern Continent is cooperating with us. Two textile factories have introduced some new machines that can also be operated by disabled people. They are now working in the textile factories. Although the efficiency is somewhat low and the salary is not high, our foundation has provided them with accommodation and basic medical care. Two people now work in the textile factories. Their weekly wages add up to £1 each."

The two of them earn one pound a week, which is indeed a bit low, but they will not starve to death at the prices in the Southern Continent... The little girl is actually 13 years old, and she cannot show any growth due to long-term malnutrition... Klein is slightly I felt a little more relieved and had a smile on my face:

"That's a good thing."

"Our foundation is very good."

Richard took out a small book from the small pocket on his chest, and the small book turned into a promotional brochure like magic:

"We care for children and the helpless elderly, provide basic education and medical care, and we will also teach them necessary livelihood skills. Mr. Dantès, would you like to consider visiting our southern continent institution? Every festival and investment On people’s birthdays, our children will also make handicrafts as gifts. We also have a wealth of extracurricular activities and various education methods suitable for every child..."

The corners of Klein's mouth twitched slightly.

Although it was blasphemous and impolite, the other party's skillful sales posture and line skills made him feel more and more familiar with the door-to-door sales of this strong man who seemed to be an angel, just like when he was a child, he was in the highlight of the TV every time. The TV commercial that started playing repeatedly only had a loudspeaker shouting "Good news! Good news!"

"I will consider it!" Klein did not dare to interrupt, so he could only say during the pause, "I will..."

"Klein! I'm here to help-"

At this moment, a green-eyed young man flying in the sky - or rather being dragged flying by a cane in his hand - arrived directly above the courtyard. Before he could finish speaking, he immediately saw the man lying on the ground. A mummy, and a young man who was talking passionately to Gehrman Sparrow.

Leonard is stuck.

Klein looked away with some annoyance, and before turning his head, he used his eyes to hint to Leonard to land or leave quickly.

Leonard landed in the distance with confusion, and nervously and warily stared at the young man who seemed to have Fusac ancestry. He felt that the young man seemed a bit familiar - Oh, maybe he had seen him on the wanted poster again. Does that look familiar?

In his mind, Pales sighed: "It's too late. I can only ask him first if he is willing to exchange for something else."

"Him?" Another Him? Leonard almost blurted out the question.

Richard glanced at Leonard strangely, startling the latter.

"With the hearing of an angel, I think he has completely heard what you are saying now." Pales snorted, "You are a rising star who will become an angel within two hundred years, and one of the most outstanding 'lunatics' in the Rose School. You You’ll know when you go back and look through the files.”

"Madman?" Leonard looked at the other person again, "Is he the Prisoner's Sequence 8?"

"Yes." Pales replied casually, "He did something he couldn't wait to do, and it might even scare you to say it... He turned more than two thousand people into bread and meat in one night, and then Divide them among the people of the Southern Continent.”

Leonard was stunned for two seconds, and then suddenly his hair stood on end.

Turn people into food? Share it with others?

madman! This is a complete lunatic! They must be the most vile and indulgent group of the Rose School of thought!

Leonard's scalp was numb and he could hardly help but want to remind Klein to leave quickly.

After scaring Leonard, Pales smiled in a good mood: "What are you afraid of? He is usually very normal. He can be said to be one of the most normal 'prisoner' angels. As long as you don't try to provoke him , He can even be called kind.”

Why do people like this always appear around Klein... Leonard couldn't help but swallowed his saliva, his hands were still shaking slightly from the horror story just now. Why did the other person appear this time?

Leonard hesitated for a moment, then reluctantly moved forward at Palles' urging.

"..." Klein looked at Leonard and thought of the old man who was weak and in need of supplements. He had no choice but to ask the angel next to him, "How many Worms of Time do you need?"

Richard's smile suddenly became more sincere:

"To be honest, sir, I don't understand the characteristics of this path. I only know that the demigods of thieves can use the insects of time to parasitize others to create clones, but there is no way to safely peel them off from the parasitized person. …”

He looked at the motionless people around him like corpses and spread his hands: "What I can do is to prevent the parasites from deepening and stop their activities. It would be best if you have a way to safely peel them off. As for the time of the Zhong, I don’t need this strongest one, I just want eight.”

Palles roughly estimated the number of time bugs in the house:


Leonard winked at Klein, who immediately nodded: "No problem."

Richard looked at Leonard again, somewhat curious about how such a young man could peel off the Worm of Time. He stepped back slightly, leaving enough time for Leonard and Palles to prepare, and then immediately released the restraints on all Amon's clones.

The next moment, all the people parasitized by Amon suddenly started to move and began to run away in all directions, even preparing to steal other people's identities and continue to hide and leave!

The mummy Amon lying on the ground immediately stole the distance, and his legs were still "bound". No matter how he stole, he would always stay in place, unable to move or leave.

At this time, Leonard followed the old man's instructions, slightly stretched his arms, and relaxed his spirit body.

In his pair of green eyes, a slightly dim "worm of time" with twelve translucent links was immediately reflected.

These two "worms of time" are connected end to end, forming the same circle vertically.

The ring rotated slowly, revealing a huge, ancient and mottled shadow behind Leonard.

This phantom is like the surface of a wall clock carved from stone. It is divided into twelve grids. Each grid is either gray-white or blue-black. They are intertwined with each other and have clear boundaries. They have different symbols. Klein just glanced at it. A feeling that my life is passing faster.


The bells sounded as if they had traveled through history, swaying far away in the "empty" hidden world.

Everything Klein saw before his eyes slowed down, and an indescribable invisible torrent emerged, rolling up the phantom of Amon and rushing towards the huge illusory stone wall clock.

It was actually the "Insect of Time". The clone of Amon, who was wearing a monocle, suddenly reached down and aimed at Gehrman Sparrow with the palm of his hand.

Suddenly, Klein saw that the skin on the back of his hands was drying out quickly, wrinkled a little, and less obvious age spots appeared.

The speed at which Amon's shadow was absorbed slowed down a bit, but it was still unable to interrupt the process, and finally retracted into the form of a link insect. The restraints on his legs were released in time, and he threw himself behind Leonard and into the illusory ancient stone wall clock.


Another bell rang, and a mottled hand appeared on the gray-white and blue-black surface of the clock.

The pointer jumped several steps downward, causing the bell to reverberate more rapidly.

Within No. 39 and No. 160 Berklund Street, multiple bright rays of light flew out, and were drawn and absorbed into the illusory ancient stone wall clock one after another.

Just then, the bell rang again.

On the illusory ancient stone wall clock, the mottled gray hands began to rotate in the opposite direction!

One grid, two grids, three grids, Klein saw that his skin quickly regained its luster, and the spots faded and disappeared one after another.

In just a few seconds, he returned to his original appearance, and his life seemed to have never passed.

Richard watched this scene curiously. He looked at the house next door and found that the trembling little girl had not been reduced to extraordinary characteristics and was absorbed. Finally, he cast his eyes on Leonard.

"Is this an extraordinary aggregation after strengthening? Angels of the Thief Path?" The corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up, "Backlund is more lively now than I thought... Angels of the Thief Path, could it? Attract the legendary 'Amon'?"

He suddenly wasn't in such a hurry to leave, and even planned to stay in Backlund for a while with some arrogance before leaving.



I have difficulty concentrating, my fever is gone, but I feel like my IQ has decreased.

I just recovered and I don’t have much energy. Wait until I feel better...

Also allergic! I go! Why didn't anyone tell me that this thing is allergic? (Take anti-allergy medicine)

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