In front of the vast gray fog with no end in sight, two figures walked quietly one behind the other. Compared with the fog barrier that connected the sky to the top, they were so small that they could hardly be seen.

The sun gradually sets in the west, moves away from the zenith, and gradually approaches the distant horizon.

"You actually chose to come here like this." Edward couldn't help but say, "Does this make you feel calm?"

"The feeling of walking on the earth is very nostalgic." The true creator whispered, "A few epochs ago, I was walking in the Eastern Continent like this, looking for traces of human beings, looking for the reason why I came here, and what I want to do. Everything I do seems like yesterday.”

However, the terrain of the Eastern Continent has changed greatly. During his walk, he found that many mountain peaks disappeared out of thin air, rivers and lakes dried up into huge cracks and basins, and the remains of some destroyed towns and villages were hidden in the vegetation, becoming nests of extraordinary creatures. .

After dark, the Land Abandoned by God revealed its true appearance, gradually covering the scene of the Eastern Continent in the distant memory of the true Creator.

"Looking at your reaction, I can't help but think about what 'human nature' is."

Edward observed the profile and facial expressions of the real Creator for a while, and then said slowly: "Is this human sociality, human instinct, human virtue, or a way for human beings to understand the world as themselves? How do you feel?"

"I feel like you're looking for feelings from the past, and that kind of behavior makes you feel more."

The True Creator tilted his head:

"You have so many different identities and experiences, and you have imitated humans for so long, but you can't understand human nature?"

"It's not that I can't understand it."

Edward narrowed his eyes and looked into the distance: "It's just that the manifestations of human nature in you are very different. Half of the seven gods are not human, but you still think that they have human nature. This makes me very curious, how do you do it? I find commonalities among them and think that this is human nature, not something from other races. So human nature is not only for humans, but also for other races? Then how do you judge whether this is instinct, not the social nature of the dragon tribe, or not What about the social nature of the giants, but that of humans?”

"It actually doesn't matter."

The True Creator replied: "They have now placed themselves in the human social system and participated in the human way of life. To abide by these rules and not deal with human beings according to the original habits of their own race is a kind of 'possessing human nature'" 'Performance."

What's more, for the vast majority of human beings, it doesn't matter what God is, just a vague impression. This is just a belief and a living habit. Praying to gods and going to church to confess is like buying a lottery ticket. People buy lottery tickets in the hope that something good will come out.

After hearing this answer, Edward frowned and nodded slightly with understanding:

"I see, it can be understood this way."

"It's interesting to say that there are many people who think that I am human, even if they know that I am not even a human being. When you say this, I seem to understand a little bit - I participate in human society to a certain extent and abide by the rules. So it looks human."

"I understand them a little better now."

After the brief exchange, there was a long period of silence and trekking. No one spoke to the other and concentrated on doing their own things.

The sky slowly became dark, and the outline of the city gradually appeared in front of us.

There seemed to be vaguely human figures moving around. Considering that there was a true god of the demon path following him next to him, and there might not even be an angel in the city opposite, it was estimated that just standing there would have caused quite a lot of negative effects. It will bring danger to the city. So the True Creator turned his head and glanced at Edward, and found that Edward was also looking at Him.

Edward pointed to the gray fog barrier in the distance.

The True Creator nodded.

They parted ways immediately (and impatiently).

The True Creator watched the Outer God gradually move away, approaching the direction of the gray fog. He lowered his head and stared at the cross in his hand. After being silent for a while, he put the cross away. Through the ability of the "audience", His appearance in the eyes of others began to change, becoming an ordinary person wearing a simple priest's robe, and it was difficult for people to remember his characteristics after seeing him.

"The Fool" now has neither a holy emblem nor a symbolic thing, but only an honorable name, so he has no choice but to go empty-handed.

“Being a missionary again?”

He said in a voice that only he could hear, and then laughed: "Everything seems like yesterday..."

Although there is nothing related to the Three Mysterious Paths or anything related to the "Origin Castle", it doesn't matter. Since Silver City can normally connect with the "Origin Castle" through rituals, then this city can definitely do the same. . Although the spiritual world in the Land Abandoned by God is almost completely isolated from the outside world, the supreme power of the spiritual world is so unreasonable.

In fact, the missionary's methods and sermons are all false, and the most important thing is the response from the god himself... The true Creator tidied up his appearance, took out the oil lamp he had prepared long ago, and slowly approached the person far away. A procession of moving torches.

In the hunting party, a man with a weird and disgusting tumor on his head stopped and looked into the darkness in the distance.

The team member walking next to him noticed his reaction and asked nervously:

"Is there something there?"

His mouth is severely tilted to the left, and it is almost impossible to close it. From time to time, he needs to wipe the liquid from the corner of his mouth. He also speaks with an uncomfortable accent. In the outside world, a person with such a severe deformity will receive all kinds of comments from everyone. Human mercy, but here, this is something people are accustomed to, even mild cases - the facial deformity does not affect fighting, and his limbs are not uncoordinated.

The deformities of people in Yuecheng are often reflected on their faces, because it is difficult for children with deformed limbs to survive.

"Something is approaching here..."

The man with the large tumor on his head stared fixedly into the distance. He subconsciously reached out and scratched his hair. The small knot on his head burst open at the touch of a finger, oozing out pus and blood, dyeing his messy blond hair into an unsightly color. Dirty color of direct gaze.

But the people around him, including himself, had no unnecessary expressions, and this was already commonplace.

The hunting team suddenly became nervous, and they got into a fighting formation. The leader of the team coughed twice, his eyes became dark, and he said in a mellow and melodious voice that was completely different from his ugly appearance: "Be alert."

His words had a soothing magic. The team leader asked the team member who felt it first:

"How do you feel? What type of monster is this time?"

This low-level priest in his team is not good at fighting, but his inspiration is extremely high, and he also has the ability to purify. He can fight against many dangers with the help of an extraordinary item from the "Destiny" path distributed by Moon City. A prophet of uncertainty. With his ability, the hunting team was able to avoid many fatal crises, and even successfully escaped before the arrival of a weird wolf-shaped extraordinary creature that was too powerful to understand.


The priest with the power of purification hesitated for a moment, his voice trembled slightly, but there was doubt in his tone:

"Very powerful, very powerful, just like that terrifying wolf..."

"...But I didn't feel any danger...it was very warm. Could it be that those were not monsters, but people from other city-states...?"

Hearing this sentence, the faces of these people with deformed faces all showed the same confusion as the priests. They looked at each other. Yuecheng had never seen anyone from a foreign country in more than a thousand years of exploration after the cataclysm. The priest's sense of danger and powerful things will only be used to avoid monsters and dangerous areas, and has never been used to find humans.

Foreigner? People outside Moon City?

Does it really exist? A secret expectation arose in everyone's hearts.

But at the same time, they were also prepared for the worst, and their expectations were dashed almost as soon as they appeared.

Except for the newly born and uneducated children, everyone in Moon City knew that in this land that had lost its miracles, no one except humans would use fire to create light in the darkness. Even monsters that are good at controlling flames lurk in a lightless environment before launching an attack. As for other humans, all the city-states discovered so far in Moon City have long been destroyed and turned into ruins, with no survivors.

But before the priest could give further instructions, everyone heard the sound of steady footsteps approaching.

Along with it, there was a faint light.

The team immediately set up a vigilant formation, while nervously and expectantly staring at the approaching fire.

It is a two-legged creature... The distance between its steps is similar to that of humans... Its weight is similar to humans... The team leader did not relax his vigilance for a moment. He clasped his hands together, put them in front of his lips, and hummed a song that has been circulated in Moon City for many years. The lullaby, the quiet power permeates the surroundings.

The footsteps did not slow down.

The squad leader stopped humming and gave the team members behind him a look. The team members struggled for a few seconds and began to retreat slowly and orderly.

According to the team leader's estimation of himself and his team members, the fastest "Wind Blessed" in the team may still have a chance to escape with the help of carrying sealed objects, and he himself has been leaving traces along the way to facilitate Yuecheng in the future. to recover their extraordinary properties.

The fire gradually approached, and the team members had retreated ten meters away.

In the warm dim yellow flame, first a pair of hands walked out of the shadows, and then, a middle-aged man with black hair and blue eyes, an ordinary appearance that made people subconsciously focus their attention, appeared in the darkness.

He is ordinary, but he does not have strings of sarcomas on his head and body, has no missing nose, ears or other body parts, has no crooked eyes and mouth, and does not wear tattered leather clothes.

Even the squad leader with a strong psychological quality was stunned. Although a monster no matter how human-like it is, he was still a monster, but for a moment he doubted what the other party was - was it a fantasy? A fantasy about what humans “normally look like”?

Then, with some surprise, he subconsciously reached out and touched his crooked and twisted cheek. The bones on one side of his face were bulging and squeezing his eyes. The other person looked like a human being who had not yet developed deformities in ancient classics. Even more normal and healthier than some people who are lucky enough not to have many mutations.

After thinking about it, the team leader reacted immediately. He immediately aroused the spirit bodies sealed in his body, but all his own resistance disappeared without a trace the moment he looked into the opponent's blue eyes. The spirits were killed one after another before they appeared. Forced back. A feeling of ease and comfort suddenly arose in the captain's heart, as if he was lying on the roof bathing in the sunshine during the day, and his whole body was soaked in warm water. His spirit and body were wrapped in joyful emotions, which made people unable to lift them. A little nervous.

In this state, it was difficult for him to even think of being "vigilant".

"Which city-state are you from?"

The True Creator asked preemptively. His eyes swept over these twisted and deformed faces and bodies one by one. Even though he was mentally prepared, he still had the urge to close his eyes.

But He couldn't show too many abilities related to the "sun", so he only had some subtle influence.

In the team more than ten meters away, the sun priest, like all his companions, was attracted by the face of the true Creator, and subconsciously replied:

"We are from..."

The player next to him nudged him hard with his elbow, interrupted his answer, and spoke loudly:

"Are you human? What are you?"

"where u from?"

Let’s get to the point. The True Creator felt that the cross should be raised at this time, but unfortunately the symbol of "The Fool" itself had not been made up by the Fool himself, and there was not even a gesture. So He had no choice but to hold the lamp, motionless, and replied in a calm tone:

"I come from a world beyond this land."

He paused: “…I bring salvation to the ‘fool’.”

After hearing this answer, all the members of the hunting team were in a trance, wondering if they were looking forward to it so much that they were hallucinating.

The squad leader was the first to react. He finally used the power of tranquility to get rid of the uninspiring comfort, and struggled to ask: "Fool?"


The True Creator tried to tell some glorious deeds about the "Fool", but found that the other party had no holy scriptures and no propaganda. The most important one of the glorious deeds was probably to prevent his own arrival. So the True Creator began to recall the thoughts of the Aurora Society about the "Fool":

"The 'Fool' is the master of the spiritual world, the ancient creator, and the friend of the Sun God."

"He is the ancient one, the sleeping one, the great one, who awakens in the present era, replaces the old friends, and brings salvation to the land abandoned by God."

The hunting team in Yuecheng listened to these words blankly and looked at each other. The team leader asked again:

"A long time ago, the Lord's words came from heaven, saying that we no longer need to believe in Him. Lord, has he really abandoned us? Why did the Lord abandon us? Why did the Lord let His friends send salvation while turning a blind eye to His believers? Yes. Aren’t we religious enough?”

The True Creator is already very calm in response to similar questions, and He already has corresponding answers in His heart.

"You were not abandoned, but were handed over by the Creator to more trustworthy gods."

The team members hurriedly spoke: "But we are facing the Lord..."

"People in the land abandoned by God." Being swept away by the majestic gaze of the true Creator, they subconsciously became quiet, "...you have been walking alone in the darkness for thousands of years, and have never seen hope or the sun. You have no normal food, and you have been Forced to eat monster meat and accumulate toxins from generation to generation, not only are they miserable, but they also have to reproduce in such pain, hoping that their descendants can escape..."

The True Creator pursed his lips and asked the question he wanted to know most:

"If all these pains are caused by the Creator, wouldn't you, even for a moment... hate Him?"

"Believer of the Ability God, what are you talking about?!"

One of the people in the hunting team immediately roared angrily at Him: "We will not be hostile to you because of our different beliefs, but even if you call your god a friend of the Lord, you should not use such words to insult the Lord and our faith. and piety!”

“But what if He created all of this?”

The true Creator did not hesitate at the words of the other party. Instead, he asked in a calmer tone: "What if it is really He who has acquiesced in the catastrophe that destroyed everything, and allowed this place to change from a human paradise to a place abandoned by God? What if?" He really has not considered saving you. What if He turns a blind eye to your suffering or is even indifferent... Don’t you want to convert?”

Why don’t the souls in the Eastern Continent hate Him? Why are the people in the land abandoned by God still unwilling to convert?

In the past, you had no choice, but now you have a choice. He would rather the people in the Eastern Continent happily convert to the "Fool" after getting the food. After all, he has acquiesced in the destruction and personally massacred the gods of his believers. , the fallen Creator, what qualifications do we have for obtaining these devout believers?

The voice roared again, but lost its content.

In the long silence, the Sun Priest slowly spoke.

"So, is this the answer the Lord gave us?" He looked at the true Creator. "The Lord felt that we had suffered too much because of Him, so he found a god who might be kinder and more merciful to save us. ?”

The correct approach shouldn't be like this, but the other way is to add "The Fool" content to the ceremony, but I may not be able to defeat "God". Adding it rashly will only cause Klein to suffer unimaginable consequences. The influence of...the true Creator answered in silence.

"I'll accept it if that's the Lord's answer."

Just when he felt that he might have messed up the missionary work and was thinking about whether to use the power of the "audience" to start over again, the Sun Priest spoke again. He seemed to have aged dozens of years in an instant, and his tone was Full of deep exhaustion.

"Praise the Lord, your will is the direction I am heading. Praise the Fool, may you give us salvation."

The Sun Priest made the sign of the cross on his chest for the last time, then lowered his arm and hung it by his side. Others watched his movements, with many different expressions on his deformed face, including sadness, hesitation, struggle, and some anger.

The True Creator was silent for a moment, took a few steps back, held the lamp, closed his eyes, and began to recite the honorable name of "The Fool".

"The 'fool' who does not belong to this era..."



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