In the dream world, Sost is concentrating on maintaining the dream, cooperating with other Red Gloves, trying to drag Utravsky into the dream again to fight against his own senior deacon. Suddenly, he noticed that Leonard's figure behind him was a little blurry.

He frowned and looked at the others. When he saw that no one was paying attention to him, he scolded softly:


Leonard's somewhat blurry figure immediately became real. He also looked around and cautiously said to Sost:

"Captain, I'm worried about the people in Harvest Church. I was paying attention to their status just now."

"You don't need to worry about those things. Some of us are dedicated to maintaining their dreams and vital signs."

Sost said: "Only a very small number of them are believers of the Mother Goddess of the Earth, and they are basically all Fenebots of blood, or Fenebots who come to Loen to settle, do business, and work. The others It’s just ordinary people who are taking refuge here. After completing the mission, we still have to take over here and requisition nearby houses to provide more shelter.”

"What you have to do now is to concentrate on maintaining the dream and providing help to the deacon. The longer you delay, the more dangerous they will be."

After hearing this, Leonard could only nod his head. He closed both eyes, and the figure in the dream became clear again.

Who is this, fighting so casually?

Emlyn blinked and suddenly reacted: "Mother Goddess, he is a 'star'?!"

really! It must be him! In the message sent by Mr. Fool, the "star" said that he would follow him to the Harvest Church, and he happened to be near me! Is he hinting at me to move on from him? I can indeed tell Bishop Utravsky to leave in this direction if he wishes! As long as "Xingxing" and I act well enough, maybe we can actually escape!

Emlyn's eyes lit up, and he felt an indescribable feeling of relief all over his body. Thank you to the Tarot Club, thank you to "The Fool", thank you to your mother, no, thank you to the ancestors, it's so refreshing to have someone across from you! In such dangerous situations, there is still a chance of escape!

The premise is that the priest is not killed during this period. After all, he is only Sequence 6, and I have to provide some support... Emlyn quickly turned his head to look in the direction of Utravsky, and saw that he was elderly. The "Dawn Knight", whose power is still undiminished, carries the bottles of potions he gave him in his pockets, resisting the power of sleeping dreams and the attacks of the senior deacon "Spirit Witch".

The atmosphere suddenly became more relaxed, and even the ferocious punisher looked much more pleasing to the eye.

"Shackles of the Abyss!"

Just in time, the Punisher also glanced in the direction of the senior deacon, as if he was wondering whether to provide some help. Emlyn, who had been greatly enhanced under the moonlight, immediately saw the opportunity and threw out an extraordinary ability. The liquefied shadow suddenly It wrapped around the limbs of the punisher who was surrounded by strong winds, seeming to strangle him directly. The punisher snorted indifferently, and the dense dark blue scales under the skin emerged like dark lines, and he easily broke free of the shackles wrapping his arms.


He was not in a hurry to break the shackles on his legs, because this would attract the vampire viscount to attack. The path of the storm is not good at spiritual tracking or divination, but the moment Emlyn launches the attack, some of the bats will definitely condense back into reality, which will hinder the flow of the wind!

The wind behind him suddenly changed its trajectory, as if a wave had hit a rock.

In an instant, the Punisher turned around suddenly, and the white thunder and lightning on his fist flashed crazily. Along with his roaring singing voice, he collided with an exaggerated, pure black claw that was shining with blood!


Seeing that the blow failed to have much effect, Emlyn immediately used the moonlight environment to teleport back to the shadows and hibernated again.

"What a great strength. His physique and strength are comparable to those of our vampires. He is indeed a barbarian living on the sea!"

He shook his arm and felt as if more than one of his finger bones was broken and was now repairing itself with soreness and pain.

The highly corrosive claws also left a medium-deep mark on the body of the punisher, scratching the dark scales under the skin and trying to penetrate into the flesh. It was as if hydrochloric acid had been poured onto the metal, making a sizzling sound.

Sailors will master some water-based healing spells at low levels. The Punisher treated the wounds and washed away the corrosiveness, and the dark scales began to gradually regenerate.

"Just a hit?" He was a little confused. "Under the moonlight, he has the speed of almost teleportation. I almost didn't react just now. Didn't he try to attack me continuously?"

"Maybe it's a disguise. He doesn't want to reveal more power..."

"...but why does he want to hide himself? Does he have other means? Want to delay time and wait for support?"

While thinking about it, the punisher raised his leg and stepped on the shackles. He frowned and looked around. The red moonlight environment made him dazzled after looking at it for a long time.

The spirits and spiritual creatures bathed in the red moonlight seemed to be more aggressive, with different enhancements appearing on them. Although Utravsky's Dawn Storm repeatedly drove them away, it could never be completely eradicated.

Although the attack of the Dawn Knight looked very bluffing, in fact the senior deacon was not damaged at all. Not only did he move flexibly in the attack of the Dawn Storm, but even the contracted spirit was only injured. die!

Emlyn thought of something and his pupils narrowed.

Members of the Church of the Night are good at trending spirits and undead creatures. They can obtain power from the spiritual world. The negative enhancement brought by the moon is also a suitable environment for them... Emlyn suddenly realized that in an environment with strong negative power He was not the only one who benefited. He quickly hid the moon in this area, fearing that he might accidentally cause a disaster.

"What are these vampires doing, using the moon as a lantern?"

The red moonlight disappeared, disappearing along with the enhancements provided to the dark and necromantic realms. The punisher was a little confused, but adhering to the principle of not looking down on the opponent, he took out a round object from his arms and held it in front of his chest with both hands.

"Just in time, you stole the moonlight environment first, and now this thing is finally useful."

He slowly lifted the round object. When it was lifted high above his head, in an instant, the area that had just darkened was filled with golden light again, as if it was noon in an instant! The few bats shrouded in the light instantly turned into black mist and disappeared. Emlyn suddenly felt a slight sting in his spirit. He was horrified and immediately hid at the back of the church, hiding in the shadows and peeping. sun.

"If the moonlight environment is not maintained, I will be in danger, and if the moonlight environment is maintained, the priest will be in danger!"

"In this case, it is impossible for me to get close to the direction of the 'star'..."

Emlyn's face became more serious than ever before. He regretted not renting the notebook from the "Magician" in advance that could record extraordinary abilities. Even if the extraordinary abilities were weak in any other way, they would be completely destroyed than they are now. He is much more useful when restrained!

At the same time, Bishop Utravsky squinted his eyes, feeling uncomfortable with the strong sunlight.

Then, he yawned and seemed to be unable to open his narrowed eyes.

The senior deacon never stopped using dreams and tranquility to influence him. As time went by, the effect of the potion to resist sleeping was about to disappear.

In the battle, which was not long but certainly not short, the spirit was stretched to the limit until the brute strength was finally gradually exhausted.

"The power of admiration," said Crestel Sesima.

One of his legs and the hand holding the bone sword were both a little weak. Maria kicked his calf bone and then persevered in preparing to break the other good leg. Although the Night Path was also good at fighting, Not good at head-on confrontation with barbarians.

If the bone sword had been replaced by an ordinary sealed object or shield, it might have been smashed by now.

To be fair, as one of the senior deacons of the Red Gloves and a future saint, Crestel Sesima clearly knows the behavior of the Pilgrimage Sect and its many affiliated organizations. Cooperation with cults such as the Aurora Society can only be said to be the most effective way. It is a point worthy of impeachment, but it also cooperates with the church, secular authorities, the Rose School, and the Morse Trappist Order. Other than that, there is nothing much to say about this secret organization.

He also frequently went in and out of the East District, saw the behavior of Maria and other members, and also inspected the security of the subordinate institutions of the Pilgrimage Sect, and obtained good results.

"Yes, it is admirable. When you become a sealed object, I will admire you even more."

Maria responded indifferently. She casually tore off a corner of her clothes, twisted it into a long strip, tightly wrapped the back of her hand, blocking the bloody part, and looked at the blond with green eyes, who also described "embarrassment" "Sword of the Goddess" sneered: "Ah, I actually have one more thing to thank you for. Thank you for not taking action before our children were evacuated. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to buffer and transfer... But this is also what you did wrong. Because now I don’t have anything to worry about, I won’t hold back on you anymore.”

She's not worried about Admissor - she's not worried at all, that's the "lucky guy"!

He can pick up jackpot lottery tickets while walking on the road. When the robbers pass by him and rob him, their guns will go off. What should such a lucky person have to worry about? When the people around you are unfortunate, the luck of the "lucky person" is more vividly reflected. What a coincidence, Admissor was not in the East District today because he had to connect with other factories, and because he had to transport goods, he also took Gavin with him.

Mr. Z has passed on the message in the secret way. There are definitely many members of the Aurora Society hidden around the East District. As long as one of them can see the message, the Dark Saint will have a chance to fight back.

At this time, Maria noticed that her shoelaces were untied. She directly ignored Crestel Sesima, who seemed to want to speak, squatted down as if no one else was around, and reached out to tighten the leather straps on her shoes. Tie on the ground.

After reinforcing the laces of both shoes, she stood up on the ground.

The next moment, the distance between her and Sesima was suddenly distorted. She appeared directly in front of the other party, and the other party also reacted at the same time and quickly raised the bone sword in his hand, filled with misfortune and fear. Breath resists the laws of the East End.

If the law here is accepted - the one who controls violence is the master, then Crested, who is slightly inferior in strength, will be at a disadvantage.

Suddenly, a stone hit the bone sword, and Crestel's arm suddenly became extremely heavy. The power of bribery made him take a posture ready to be killed. The bone sword emitted a shining white light, and he tilted his head slightly. , the hand that seemed to be able to tear his neck directly was affected by bad luck, and scratched his shoulder, tearing open the clothes on his shoulder and even a piece of flesh.

The wound automatically started to stop bleeding, and the holy object enhanced its self-healing ability. Cresty was shocked to find that the "bribery" seemed to still be in effect, and the flesh and blood on his shoulder suddenly seemed to be out of control, as if another will was born, tearing apart The cracking pain kept coming!

The bribery effect of a stone should have worn off! He stepped back and distanced himself, and asked through gritted teeth:

"What did you give me?"

Maria smiled and avoided the blade of the relic.

There was a cold and murderous intent in her eyes:

"I give you a precious piece of my dear companion's flesh and blood."


Crested's shoulders sprouted eyes one after another, faces one after another, and arms were growing, as if many tiny humans were about to come out of it!



Double update.

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