Secret: Those years when I was a foreign aid for the Aurora Club

Chapter 364 It’s time to prepare for promotion


"I see, there are still so many secrets in the world, but when it comes to the true gods, you can't tell them easily..."

"Yes, Your Highness the Hidden Sage, our Seven Lights in the Spirit World have been produced since the beginning of this era and have witnessed many changes."

"You have no authority, but you are also an important symbol of the spiritual world and are closely related to the real world..."

"Yes, in the past few years, we also designed the manuscript of the second generation of the difference engine."

"That thing Russell once mentioned - Russell did not mention the second generation, but said that there was a new concept after the difference engine, which should be called the analytical engine, but he was the emperor of knowledge at that time, and there was no Sora doesn’t plan to design an analysis engine either…”

"Analysis machine? Your Highness the Hidden Sage, please tell us more details about this thing."

The big eyes of the Hidden Sage stay next to the seven strips of light, which looks like a surreal scene:

"No problem, then, I have one thing to ask you. What is the legendary Phoenix Gray Carrie hiding behind the resurrection of Calderon? The destruction of the Phoenix family and the fate of Gray Carrie herself. How big is the relationship? There is the source material 'River of Eternal Darkness' in Calderon, so does he want to use the brand he left in the River of Eternal Darkness to resurrect?"

"Grey Carrie has been dead for two epochs. You can call her by her first name. Can you guys help me clear up my doubts?"

The seven light belts entangled with each other for a second and exchanged information for a second - if you think of it as a human being, it would probably be a group of old men wearing different colors of clothes gathering together and whispering - then the red light belt spoke:

"We don't know much about the ancient gods involved in the compounding of powers... but it is very similar to your guess. It is some speculation and use of the power of the River of Eternal Darkness by Phoenix Greycarie..."

"... He himself doesn't know whether he can succeed, but now there is no way out..."

They communicated quietly for a while, and finally Ju Guang came to a conclusion:

"...Unfortunately, we are not sure whether such a resurrection can be successful, but Gray Carrie's act of uprooting her entire believer town and throwing it into the spirit world is tantamount to annihilating its foundation. The Phoenix family has also weakened since then. Later, it was The feathered serpent replaced him and became completely silent. And in the end, he was unable to get out of Calderon. All the means of resurrection were wiped out by the current God of Death, and all his efforts were in vain."

The Hidden Sage rolled his eyes, thinking that he was a human being. He was probably sitting here looking attentively at these colorful old men, holding a bag of melon seeds in his hand:

"Grey Carrie is an ancient god, so what paths does he mix with?"

The colorful old men looked at each other and said, "In addition to the 'Corpse Collector', there is also a mixture of the 'Gate' approach."

"How do death and doors get mixed together? Does Gray Carrie regard death as a concept that leads to another world?" The Hidden Sage was very curious, and at the same time he felt physically and mentally happy because of the influx of a large amount of secret information. His pursuit of knowledge Desire burning, "Then..."

The indigo light swayed, and the colorful old man coughed, quickly interrupting the Hidden Sage's steady stream of questions:

"His Royal Highness the Hidden Sage, according to our previous consensus, it is us who should ask you questions now!"

"...Then what kind of mixed paths did the other ancient gods that existed at that time have?" The Hidden Sage insisted on finishing this sentence and replied reluctantly, "Well, now it's my turn to answer your questions. It was activated later than you, what do you want to know?"

The red light shined brightly again, as if the eyes of the red old man El Moria lit up:

"Dear His Highness the Hidden Sage, we want to know some information behind the seal, which is the mysterious Western Continent."

Orange light followed closely:

"We are existences in the spiritual world, and we are naturally isolated by the seal of the 'Great Master of the Spiritual World'. Not only can we not respond to the call over there, but we can also not see any situation there. We dare to ask, what is the world on the other side? What is it like? Are there humans?"


The Hidden Sage's eyes moved up and down, as if he was nodding: "Yes, the humans in the Western Continent have developed very well. They had developed the Analytical Engine about three hundred years ago, and within two hundred years they 'Tiangong ' began to use electricity simply."

Seven rays of pure light entangled together, and the colorful old men exchanged surprise and curiosity with each other: "Tiangong?"

“A group dominated by the ‘Wildness of Knowledge’ and worshiping the personified image of the ‘Wildness of Knowledge’, similar to craftsmen.”

The Hidden Sage didn't intend to answer the questions involving himself in detail. The data flow wrapped around his eyes changed its form, from ancient Hermes, ancient giants, and ancient elves to a special square character. This is a special kind of symbolic text, and most of the texts that have ever existed are alphabetical texts. The seven lights of the spirit world surrounded them, got close to these square characters, and tried to decipher their meanings.

"This is the lingua franca of the world over there," He said.

"It's a bit like the ancient Elf language." Ju Guang said, "The ancient Elf language also used symbolic characters."

"But because it was difficult to write symbolic characters, alphabetic characters were gradually added, and later letters were the main ones." Lan Guang said.

"Russell Gustave's diary uses this kind of writing, but it's more abstract."

"Intentionally changing the glyphs to preserve the secret? But how did he learn how to write this kind of characters? Did he have any contact with the civilization of the ancient elves?"

"According to the Elf King, each symbol represents the birth of a high-level Elf. It is a symbol and a name. According to the legend of the 'Western Continent' of the ancient elves, I think we can make a preliminary assumption that the ancient elves were affected by the 'Storm' 'The so-called 'each symbol represents a higher elf' influenced by the ancient Western Continent humans may be a distortion of the historical event at that time that 'the ancient Western Continent humans who used these square characters tried to spread symbolic texts'..."

The colorful old men whispered among themselves again. They failed to decipher the square characters, but they discussed with great interest the possible origin and change history of the ancient Elvish language:

"It makes sense! Can it be understood that the creatures who were taught these words at that time could not understand the meaning of this symbol, and because the names of the upper elves used this kind of words, they could only think that these were those upper elves. Where’s the status symbol?”

"This is landmark speculation!"

"The deciphering of the secure part of Roselle's diary can introduce the ancient Elvish language as a comparison!"

The purple light looked at the red light:

"But the existing ruins of the ancient elves have long been destroyed, and most of the research on the history of the ancient elves was funded by the Church of Storms. The "Book of Natural Disasters" found by the Moss Ascetic Society was also brought by the Church of Storms After leaving, the ruins of the elven palace in Kavituwa, which was inherited, were also destroyed, and even if you want to dig out a mural from it, you can’t do it.”

Hongguang said nonchalantly: "Then we have to introduce this idea..."

Ju Guang was thoughtful, and suddenly wanted to grab a candy and throw it into his mouth: "It makes sense, I have to find a way to reincarnate and spread this speculation to the world of occultism, linguistics and archeology..."

Later, they thought of the hidden sage who brought the news, and became even more eager:

“Can you teach us this language?”

The Hidden Sage was unmoved: "I cannot make this decision."

"Then we kindly ask you to ask the noble 'Crazy Mystery, Demon of Knowledge' for us." Lan Guang asked again, "Then, in the world of the Western Continent, since the personified existence of the 'Knowledge Wilderness' will be worshiped, there are also churches, and there are God?"

The Hidden Sage did not answer directly: "You can understand the organization there as a church, but there is no belief or excessive personality worship in the Western Continent... There is also no division of potions and paths in the Western Continent. They often rely on authority to form different groups. organize."

"For example, 'Secret Peepers' have the skills of prophecy and astrology, there are also 'General Knowledgeers', and there are also 'Soothsayers'. Then people who have been given the ability in this area may gather together and receive the 'divine secrets'. 'Or the leaders of 'Destiny', there are still a few people who will worship the Tianzun, but the current development prospects of the Tianzun Dojo are not very good, and it is a bit difficult to find employment..."

Qi Guang listened eagerly. Suddenly, the Hidden Sage paused. They all looked at the star world in unison, and saw a black flame piercing the sky like a rainbow, heading straight into the distance.

The original witch left.

He in the spiritual world directly ended the battle.

Perhaps in his view, when the supporter behind Medici revealed his identity, there was no need for him to continue to entangle with this hunter. As long as he could leave alive, it would be considered a success!

Although it has nothing to do with the original witch who the "Lord of Mysteries" is, and it doesn't matter whether she has humanity or not, but now that the "Lord of Mysteries" has taken a firm stand and has someone to help, he will be waiting to be caught on the spot if he doesn't run away. Make it into a marionette and feed it to Medici?

Since Chic is the true god and Medici is only Sequence One, Medici cannot stop the original witch who wants to leave. She can only watch her leave the battlefield and take control of her body.

The God of Steam and Machinery is falling into an angry and unstable state due to the reduction of a large number of anchor points. Fortunately, humans all over the world are using his technological crystals. Although Intis lost tens of thousands of anchors in the blink of an eye, he You can still survive by relying on impressions that don't even count as faith.

Therefore, he was even a little happy when Chike stopped entangled with Medici and was ready to leave.

The original witch used all her strength to break free from the torture rack, and then used snakes, black flames and spider silk to wreak havoc inside the chest container of the God of Steam. Half unwilling to endure and half selfish, the steam and The God of Machinery did not use all his strength to suppress it - not to mention that they are both true gods who have been famous for a long time. Their power is about the same, and their current conditions are also about the same. After the power strengthened by the Creator on the torture rack that bound the witch disappeared, Chike was still able to leave, but he had to suffer a lot more.

From a normal perspective, Medici, who made this plan, did not even think about melting Chic directly... Think about it, this is also impossible. How can a being who has never been a god do it? What about overcoming the will of the true God?

All Medici wanted was to hold Chik back so that the God of Steam and Machinery could fight the Hidden Sage with the help of "The Fool".

Using the mechanism of historical projection "at the same time, the ontology and the historical projection can only have one existence consciousness", you can use this mechanism to change your position instantly. Medici temporarily withdrew from the Red Angel and came here through projection. If He wants to evacuate, he only needs to push Sauron and Einhorn down, and the historical projection here will naturally become an empty shell without consciousness.

By the way, Medici also wanted to test Chike's control over the witch's path through spiritual fusion, so he sent in his resume.

At present, it seems that Medici's resume submission is not successful. Not to mention that the success rate is only 30% or even lower. Even if it is just an ordinary corporate recruitment management, the only resumes submitted are the candidates' resumes from forty years ago. Experience will also consider rejection.

Now, for some reason, the Hidden Sage only tried it once and left, and Chick suddenly wanted to run away. It was a perfect development that neither of them could have imagined before the fight started.

Just like that, it didn't take long for Chike to break free from the torture rack, and then break free from the shackles of the God of Steam. The original witch quickly hid her breath and flew away from the star world at a speed that was too fast to be seen, as if there was a creator behind her. As if chasing Him.

——The divine war that was originally prepared for a life-and-death battle ended in a ridiculous and unexpected way.

The God of Steam immediately began to provide help to his followers, using all his strength to protect his poor anchors.

After a while, the Medici descending vessel that stayed in another cabin of the God of Steam and Machinery gradually came to life. Medici breathed a sigh of relief after the mental game was over, then smacked his lips and said with some emotion:

"This 'Fool' is really good at bluffing people."


"Don't worry, just do your thing in peace."

Medici moved his shoulders, removed the image of wearing a monocle from his mind, and took a long breath.

Later, he noticed that the current development was that Intis was flooded, and one-fifth of the country in Intis was already buried under the water, with heavy casualties. The God of Steam and Machinery was helping, but those who pumped the water Can't even clean it. ——Nonsense, usually water is pumped from one place to another place, but now the entire ocean is connected to pour water into Intis. Isn’t it the same wherever the water is pumped?

Medici watched for a while, then patted the steam:

"Do you still have the strength?"


"If you have the strength, don't waste your efforts here. Why don't you go help the old snake."

Medici sighed in despair, despairing of his colleagues' tactical thinking: "You go and help Lao She stand by, and I'll give you Bointis. Otherwise, if you try to clear the flood yourself, Leodro will I am coming to target you. Is it possible that you want to use the power of the true God to compete with Him?"

The God of Steam and Machinery suddenly understood.

At the same time, in Backlund, Klein sat blankly on the Origin Castle, vaguely guessing what consequences he had caused, but now his mind was blank, with only one thought echoing -

——I can still drink ten more bottles of "Cunning Mage" potion.



Klein "MVP": It's quite sudden. Just, after digesting it, I don't even know the main material of Sequence 3.

Klein "MVP": Who should I look for? Dark Saint? Is the Dark Saint here? Do you have any idea about my "Ancient Scholar" formula and ingredients...

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