"The Hidden Sage... No, the wilderness."

The body of the god collapsed piece by piece, and extraordinary properties and huge metal blocks fell one after another, turning into meteors falling from the sky, trailing with flames and thick smoke. The gods who symbolize the laws of physics are dying, and the lights of the world and the roar of gears are dimming at this moment.

Bonova stared blankly at the sky, watching this extremely grand rain of fire fall.

"Lord!" He whispered, "please resurrect your body in me..."

No one answered.

Behind Him, all the Extraordinaries in the entire workshop had similar expressions. They were sluggish, frightened, and restless. Their hearts were full of fear of the death of their objects of faith, and full of despair that their gods would also die. The craftsmen on the earth trembled silently, stared and shed tears uncontrollably, feeling that their understanding of the world had changed with the death of God.

"What's going on now?"

A heavy impact sounded from the side, and Hillan, half of his body still charred, limped over with a cane.

He looked at Bonova's frightened expression and raised his eyebrows slightly in surprise. Then he slowly widened his eyes, turned his head in disbelief, and stared side by side with Bonova at the distant scene with a thick Falling meteor shower of smoke and flames.

After a deathly silence, Hillan glanced at the craftsmen around him and asked in a low voice: "What should we do now? Bonois?"

"I have no idea."

Bonova murmured to himself, his eyes fixed on the sky in the distance, as if trying to see a hole there. He paused for two seconds, his voice was too high, with obvious shock and panic:

"I have no idea!"

Xierlan frowned. His companion looked extremely out of shape, and might even lose control due to the collapse of his faith. At this time, it would be an even more terrifying disaster if one of his own angels was missing. Therefore, he did not continue to talk to Bonova to prevent the other party from further collapse. At the same time, the huge black cloud above the head that encompassed the entire Intis surged up again. The sound of huge water rang in everyone's ears. The craftsmen who were immersed in sadness and despair also slowly raised their heads. I turned my head and felt the sea in the sky through the dark clouds.

Xierlan immediately turned around and instantly connected his spiritual will with the entire mountain workshop:

"The workshop is closed! All valves are sealed!"

"The functionality has been reduced to 30%, and the escape cabin is ready to be activated at any time!"

He looked at Bonova, which seemed to have stopped running, gritted his teeth, and ordered with the authority of an angel:

"The maximum power of the city's drainage system! Use whatever capacity you have, and gather all the nearby residents into the church workshop!"

Immediately, a saint replied: "Yes! Your Highness! All church workshops are now full!"

"very good."

Suddenly, a voice of prayer flashed through His mind, and his expression suddenly became a little startled. He shouted to the craftsmen: "Open the door No. 3 on the side. Come, a few people, go over there to pick up the refugees sent by the Church of the Creator." child!"

Under Hillan's control, the lights in the workshop were extinguished one by one, leaving only the line lights on the baseboards still glowing dimly. The alloy ceiling above the workshop slowly closed. Some craftsmen who had nothing to do raised their heads and watched in fear as the ceiling gradually closed, praying to go faster, faster. The small door on the side opened, and the chief priest of the Cathedral of Light, disheveled, squeezed in with a few sleeping children in his arms, followed by many "Sun" path extraordinary people who also walked in with babies or young children. .

"You made a wise decision. The workshop can accommodate five thousand people."

The deacon who responded to them pressed his hat as a salute: "There are only about three thousand staff in total now, and time is too tight."

The blond and gray officiant nodded and spoke very quickly: "We have brought all the children from the nursery, and some of them were entrusted to us by the believers we met on the road. There are about 200 people in total. Please be sure to Let them live.”

After saying that, the officiant turned around and greeted the juniors who had stood up, preparing to go out again to rescue some people. The Steam Church's workshop is located on a mountain peak outside Trier. It takes more than three hours to travel by carriage from the city to and from the city. Only extraordinary people can travel quickly.

But as soon as they stood up, the ground suddenly shook violently, and a large roaring sea water leaked in from the gap in the ceiling that had not been completely closed. The deacon of the Church of Steam almost subconsciously used extraordinary items to create a square metal shelter. He protected the children around him, and then the arm he used to support the small shelter was broken by the violent impact of the sea water.

His cry of pain was swallowed up by the sound of water and a loud bang. The ceiling was finally closed tightly and rumbled by the impact of the water flow.

Fortunately, the water in the workshop only reached the ankles of adults. After the dark room gradually became quiet, several Beyonders in charge of logistics immediately ran towards the warehouse to check the moisture content of the food reserves.

"……what are you planning to do?"

The god has long been unable to hear the prayers of believers. His consciousness has collapsed to very little, and he may die completely within the next ten seconds. At this moment, there was silence in His ears, only the wind blowing in the wilderness.

The metal peeled off, the pipes burst, and the broken flesh and blood was exposed under the hard shell of silver and gold.

The God of Steam and Machinery accepted his own death, but did not seem to realize that he was about to become food. Instead, he curiously asked questions.

To Him, nothing in the world is important at this moment.

His connection with the real world has been severed, and his believers may have died first, or they may no longer receive an automatic response from his spirituality. Death is always so quiet when it comes, as grand and cold as the wind in your ears. After pouring out all the resentment, He calmed down and even had a little expectation - What can I get in exchange for everything?

Information Wind happily answered this question:

"Using the 'Knowledge Emperor' characteristic you collected, I will be promoted again when I become a god and become a dual-path true god."

The voice in the wind is very strange. It sounds old and young, male and female. The main tone is that of an old and kind old man. Under this voice, the voice of a young man is suppressed, and the quick talk of an immature child is suppressed. The words were suppressed by the woman's soft voice.

"Then, I will protect your followers, your hard-won civilizational achievements, and the world today. I will resist the God of Storms and bring respite to your followers."

"Sounds great."

The God of Steam and Machinery sure thinks that's not bad. If he voluntarily sacrifices himself, he can get the Hidden Sage to protect the people of Intis. If he struggles to his death, it will not change the Hidden Sage's integration of him, and it will also arouse his hostility and unwillingness to protect humans.

"Will you take over my church? Will you always guard it?"

The Hidden Sage paused for a few seconds, then said with a smile: "No, I will not always protect them."

"Because I will eventually leave here and go to the star sea. Our believers will be the most outstanding craftsmen and scholars in the universe. They should not always pray to us for knowledge, but should use their control of knowledge and technology. Keep up with us."

"Every race, as long as they are willing to seek knowledge, are our students, and they will also be subject to the same cruel selection."

"If you are not smart enough, you will be eliminated!"

"If you are not creative, you will be given up!"

"The renewal and iteration of civilization and wisdom is the cruelest battlefield, city-states, wars, everything in the world revolves around the development of knowledge. If you fall behind a little, you will be destroyed. Only the best can be with us."

The words of the Hidden Sage turned into a vast picture in the remaining consciousness of the God of Steam. The universe spread out around them, stars like eyes flashed, and on countless planets, the fire of civilization was lit one by one. The God of Steam and Machinery saw the earth. He saw that there were three continents on the earth at the same time. In addition to the southern continent and the northern continent, there was also a land that was as big as the two continents put together.

Before he could take a closer look, he saw Intis's lights lighting up one by one. A power system that was countless times more perfect than the God of Steam and Machinery could have imagined was established in an instant. It was unimaginable. Huge amounts of electric energy enter every resident's home. Just like looking down at the earth below at night, on the entire dark road, only the bright lights of Intis flicker, as if the stars in the sky have fallen to the ground.

"Aren't you eager to see what the current technology will look like after it develops?"

The Hidden Sage has released the greatest temptation. This is the world imagined by the God of Steam and Machinery after obtaining the right to develop electric energy. However, the Western Continent has already begun to use electric energy on a large scale. It only needs to be copied and improved. Can attract the attention of this god.

The God of Steam and Machinery stared deeply at this world that was far beyond the scope of his abilities, and remained silent for a long time.

However, the communication at this moment only occurs in consciousness, like the interaction of two pieces of data code, which is completed in only a very short moment.


"The so-called updates and iterations are all lies. You are the best generation and you will always be the best."

"We will never be able to surpass you. We can continue to strengthen ourselves and improve ourselves through technological development, but as long as you come, all our efforts will be just a wedding dress for you."

He raised his head and stared at the blurry figure in front of him, who smiled and said nothing. He was wearing a strange layered robe, a wide robe with long sleeves, and a floor-length robe. The God of Steam quickly identified that this style was similar to the ancient elves to a certain extent, but the details were completely different.

"Your ideas are very intuitive and to the point."

"Because that's how our world exists, isn't it?"

The Hidden Sages, or the Wilderness of Old Will Knowledge, answered thus, and admitted it frankly.

——Yes, this world is exactly like this. Gods exist. Gods are the laws of the world and the pillars of the universe. Life is as small as the gravel under your feet. Everything comes into being because of God, and naturally it has meaning because of God.

He is different from God. God just doesn't regard other people's questions as a burden, but He truly loves communicating with others, loves answering and replying. The Hidden Sage was influenced by Him, so he also loved to conduct ascetic retreats with Moss. Interaction, but it is a pity that the uniqueness that is not intelligent enough only learned crazy knowledge infusion and responded to requests, but did not learn more tactful teachings, forcing Moss Ascetic Society to read it no longer.

"I have only one last question. Leodro claims to be the truth, so is what he controls the truth?"

He was captured by the world created by the Hidden Sage, and couldn't help but ask about other things.

"No, no, what you get after exhausting knowledge is only knowledge, not the truth, nor the laws of the world."

The blurry figure of the Hidden Sage seemed to smile. He stretched out his hand towards the God of Steam and Machinery, with his palm facing up:

"There are many truths in this world. Some people think it is status, some people think it is power, and some people think it is money. I don't think they are wrong. But God thinks the truth is only Himself, the motto of the Almighty. Foreign gods, you pursue What is the truth?”

The God of Steam and Machinery thought for a moment and walked towards the Hidden Sage. The metal blocks on his body further peeled off, revealing a bloody face.

There was no intact skin on His face, and the gears in the flesh fell rustlingly, but only his eyes were still bright.

"It is the principle of mechanical operation, the ultimate in precision, and the technology and knowledge that creates everything. I believe that every thing and every living thing is the most precise and perfect instrument. At the same time, we are gears and levers. , serving as an integral part of the larger world.”

"Cells make up animals and plants, animals and plants make up ecosystems, and there are also man-made systems like companies, departments, and churches."

He approached the Hidden Sage, looked at this mortal enemy who had been at odds with him for thousands of years, looking like a seeker, and spoke his thoughts slowly, as if at the last moment of his life, he had regained the consciousness he once had as a craftsman. Enthusiasm and curiosity about the world.

"And the planet is part of the nebula, part of the galaxy, and part of the universe."

"I think that if I can, I can rewrite the existing laws of this world and change the relationship between them. Why can't humans accommodate the stars? Or explore the existence of the universe itself and think about whether the 'universe' is also part of the larger world."

"This is what I pursue, and it is the ultimate that I can never explore."

He stretched out his hand, and the two gods, who symbolized knowledge and technology, clasped their hands, and a smile appeared on the face of the hidden sage.

"That's very well said, God of Machinery. The truth I pursue is different from yours, but we are still one and have the same expectations."

"——Then, before this universe ends and after we leave this star, let's explore the truth of the universe together."

"This is not a dream, not a luxury, but an inevitable necessity that we can achieve!"

The tsunami centered on Trier and spread rapidly outwards, turning the entire Intis into a vast ocean in the blink of an eye.

Huge metal blocks fell from the sky and smashed into the sea, causing large and small waves. The scattered extraordinary properties caused a certain degree of mutation in the creatures in the sea.

"It's really scary..."

The kind-hearted old man with an inconspicuous appearance emerged from nowhere and hid on a small platform higher than the sea level with lingering fear. Looking at the world below being destroyed by the sea, the sea water has not yet come up, but he can see countless people reaching out under the water. Before he can catch it, the waves have already carried these people who may not have died yet. Know where you are running to.

Hermes' outstretched hand was in the air. He sighed and rolled up his sleeves like a truly exhausted old man. He couldn't help but look up to the end of the sky and sea. Under the dark sky, everything took on the color of doomsday.

The howling wind and thunder sounded together, adding to the atmosphere of this horrific war, or massacre.

He could not help feeling sad.

Hermes lowered his head, then opened his eyes wide and made a question mark.

-The water level is lowering rapidly.

The water disappeared.

Leodro was just about to clean up and seal the wreckage of the God of Steam and Machinery. Suddenly, a certain law between heaven and earth seemed to change. He saw that the wreckage that sank on the seabed, like the relics of an ancient civilization, was gradually being digitized. , disappeared into the air.

The remaining humans in the ocean were also digitized at the same moment, and everyone became a part of the ocean of data.

Invisible hands threw these data to a high place in the distance - as if countless mud specks were scattered. They died once, but turned back to human beings again, with appearance, memory, body, and even small scars. .

The seawater dropped rapidly, but it was not transferred to other places, but was transformed according to chemical laws - the oxygen and hydrogen content over Intis suddenly increased to an indescribable level, and these gases quickly moved toward the distance It volatilizes and is sent to the northern continent, the sea and further places, preparing to make a heavy rain in other corners of the world.

The sage no longer hides, the fairy of knowledge comes, and countless mysteries are at your fingertips, and you can use them to your heart's content.

When the sea level in Intis lowered to an acceptable level, in Hermes' astonished eyes, a man wore a "flat hat made of woven reeds" on his head and a "strange hat with no buttons or zippers" on his body. "Short coat", a human appeared out of thin air with a long segmented stick in his hand.

The man who suddenly appeared seemed like a phantom, an illusion that was glanced at inadvertently, but Hermes could see clearly. After the strangely dressed man raised his cane and drew a curve with the ground, he saw the outside of the city of Trier. A high mountain rumblingly rose up, blocking the approaching water flow, and the ground in the city now sunk weirdly, forming a winding and deep river.

The ground was kneaded by him like a sand table to create peaks and valleys, and the sea water in the country actually followed his command and flowed into the distance, turning into a new river in Intis, extending out countless tributaries, large and small, changing the world. The topography of Intis.

Then, the middle-aged man let out a long sigh of relief, raised his bamboo hat with a smile, and looked toward the lightning-thundering sky.

"Honored Omniscient One, God of Thunder!"

"I am not willing to be your enemy, and more than that, I want to thank you for killing my enemies. - But in order to gain everything from Him, I also promise to Him to protect His country and believers."

He spoke loudly, his voice cutting through the obstructing wind, waves and rumbling thunder.

"I hope you can put an end to this fight. After all... the outcome of our fight cannot be determined."



Hermes: (Extremely scholarly)

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