Bringing a lost piece of history back to the current era.

Silver City.

Klein suddenly woke up and even felt as if the last piece of the puzzle had finally been put together.

He had long been thinking about why the True Creator had to force the people of Silver City and other cities in the Land Abandoned by God to him. It was clear that there was no need to do so, not to mention that this behavior would also damage His own image. Just like what Little "Sun" said about the Holy Book of Silver City, there are eight angel kings beside the Creator. Believers can choose to believe in only one Creator, or they can choose to believe in other angel kings. As long as the True Creator changes the Holy Code of the Aurora Society, Klein will be able to obtain anchors in units of tens of thousands in one fell swoop. There is no need to start from scratch in the Eastern Continent.

It turns out that’s what He thought.

Klein sighed slowly and heavily.

The Creator has prepared everything, and Silver City has now become a city-state with The Fool as its main belief. After light returned to the Eastern Continent, these survivors also took active action and began to explore the surrounding areas to find other city-states.

After having sunshine and relatively safe daytime, Silver City got enough food again.

It can be said that the progress of exploration in just these two months has exceeded the previous five hundred years of accumulation.

I heard from Little "Sun" that the chief and the six-person council are discussing whether to explore east and south based on the ancient map to find the ruins and survivors of other cities and rescue them, or to go west and pass through the King of Giants. Court, looking for a way out.

They are also waiting for Mr. Fool's revelation.

Do I have the ability to bring them out now? Klein thought about it and felt that this worry was completely unnecessary, because "Silver City leaving the Eastern Continent" was the Sequence 2 promotion ceremony scheduled for him by the True Creator. He definitely has the ability and must be able to do it.

Klein breathed a slow sigh of relief.

The enhanced divinity of Sequence 3 allows him to view the True Creator's expectations for him from a more detached perspective. The purpose of these actions is to place bets. As long as Klein follows the route planned by the True Creator step by step, he will be able to go smoothly. Reaching Sequence 2 smoothly, and after Sequence 2, he can also have a chance to defeat Zaratul and advance to Sequence 1 with the help of Medici and other angels of the Aurora Society.

Then, as long as he knows the requirements of the godhood ceremony, he can try to enter the hidden town in the Honakis Mountains again, replace Duke Antigonus there, and become the real "Fool".

In a sense, I am indeed unique and special...

Klein was thinking as if he was aloof from the incident.

Although he was not chosen by Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun because of his own specialness, the true Creator trusted him because he was also a remnant of the past.

In the process of cultivating himself by the true Creator, he first gave Klein the feeling of being "chosen" as a remnant of the past and with the grand desire to save the world. Fortunately, he has been out of the second grade of middle school for decades. , the first reaction to such a great dream is that if I can’t do it, please find someone else. Then came the conspiracy-like "Now that you have contacted Silver City, the land abandoned by the gods will be left to you." Klein didn't feel that he had the ability to save a continent, but he also couldn't struggle to deal with it. people turned a blind eye.

So he was half pushed and half pushed to become the mainstream belief in Silver City, with an anchor and the conditions for the ritual.

During this process, the True Creator has been waiting, waiting for Klein to take the initiative to reach out and ask for something. Only with desire can he have the motivation to move forward. It's a pity that Klein hadn't done a good job of psychological preparation before. By the time he figured it out, the true creator had already left.


No resentment, the true Creator gave the land abandoned by God to him, and he ignored it, but he also sincerely hoped that they could be saved.

Give up?

This is even more impossible. He has made up his mind. He has come this far and even has an idea of ​​the sequence two ceremony. How could he give up?

While Klein was brainstorming, Medici yawned.

"The Hidden Sage wants to see you."

War Angel lazily leaned against the wall, and the sky outside gradually became brighter: "He is very interested in your identity as an ancient remnant, but you can choose whether to talk to Him. I suggest not, because He may You talk to death."

Klein thought for a few seconds:

"He seems to know the Western Continent very well."


Medici opened his mouth to say something about the Wilderness of Knowledge and the Demon of Knowledge, but then he thought about how the newly promoted brat in front of him could not yet listen to information about the source of matter and the past, so he swallowed these words in a roundabout way. : "Are you also from the Western Continent?"

Klein shook his head.

Medici became somewhat curious about Klein's specific situation. The "Fool" who had the audacity to play Amon was really like that at first, making him and the God of Steam and Machinery think he really had such control. Sequence One of Source Castle is assisting. But the Hidden Sage's curiosity about Klein and his crazy revelations of knowledge and intelligence made Medici have suspicions.

Just now Medici tested it out, but Klein didn't react at all.

He looked at him and said:

"Since you are from ancient times, ancient scholars should digest it quickly. If you don't act well, go to the church and find some history books to read."

"Okay." Of course Klein would not refuse.

"You are really the 'Fool'." Medici looked sideways, "A kid from Sequence 4 dares to participate in the battle of gods. It's really scary! Why are you not a hunter? If you were a hunter, I would have to consider whether to take you under my command or not Treated as prey."

Klein thought Medici had learned about it from the true creator, and showed no surprise at all. After all, the most embarrassing moment had to be when he blew himself up in front of Mr. Azik during Sequence 7.

Now that he is Sequence 3, since he has divinity, calling himself a fool is justifiable, right?

"I have to go now."

The hour hand pointed to 7, and Klein decided to ignore the matters in the Western Continent for the time being and go back first to show off.

If that Amon can really bring all this false information, it will be able to give Klein some more cover - besides that, what he is most worried about now is Benson and Melissa.

In other words, he seems to think they are more important now, probably due to the influence of the original "Klein". Promotion to Sequence 3 is equivalent to a life after disaster. After breathing a sigh of relief from the huge promotion pressure and intrigues, Klein found that he couldn't wait to see the faces of his brother and sister.

I don’t know if Amon is in Backlund or not... Zaratul’s character is hard to say... If he only targets me, I will respect him three points, but if he uses Benson and Melissa, it is natural...

Klein sighed, got out of bed, tidied up, and said goodbye to Medici.

Medici also waved to him casually, with a somewhat nostalgic look in his eyes: "I really look forward to what your boy will look like when he is promoted to Sequence 2. When do you plan to bring out the people from the Eastern Continent? How many living people are there in the Eastern Continent?"

"There are many more." Klein said generally, "tens of thousands of people."


Medici closed his eyes and shook his head: "Let's go."

"You can take a walk around before you leave." He added. "If you want to leave, just say my honorable name and I will open the door for you."

Klein left silently.

As he left the corridor, he glanced back. Medici was still standing there, looking at the rising sun in the distance.

He inexplicably felt a slight sadness rising in his heart, but those past events had nothing to do with him. The remaining humanity is expressing its sadness, while the newly added divinity is thinking about acting as soon as possible and how to get the people out of the Eastern Continent.

This hospital is very large, and the equipment is very new, giving people the impression that it was just built not long ago, which may be true in reality. Klein walked along the corridor looking for an exit. There were many people in the ward recuperating. Warm light filled every corner of the hospital. A mid-series Beyonder of the Sun Path was patrolling here, using his spirituality to help the patients. Relieve mental and physical pain.

The medical staff were busy but did not feel nervous, which greatly improved the success rate and cure rate of the operation.

On the streets in the distance, craftsmen were driving alchemy dolls to perform efficient and simple tent construction work. The city was almost destroyed, but the people who survived would continue to survive. There is a huge vending machine in the corner. No money is required. Just pull the lever and you can get a constant-temperature food. People queue up there spontaneously, and the food in the lunch box is steaming.

He saw a familiar person among the team of generalists who were busy building simple container-like houses.

A former member of Backlund's "Heart of Machinery" and the senior deacon of the Church of Steam, Ikanser Bernard.

Deacon Ikanse left a deep impression on him together with Arrods at the beginning. Later, the missionary rights of the Steam Church were taken back by Roen, and this native Backlund had to leave his hometown with the others. Came to this strange land.

...By the way, Arrods was also brought here.

Deacon Ikanser was leading his team to make drawings with a drawing. Once a decision was made, they quickly started working and in just a few minutes they were able to build a container house large enough for a family of three. There are many of these simple houses in relatively empty areas, and they are all painted white. Although they may give people some bad associations, having a shelter that can protect them from wind and rain is now beyond the imagination of refugees. Something happened.

If it weren't for the fact that he was surrounded by true gods and angels, Arrods would have suddenly appeared on a certain mirror, setting off fireworks to congratulate himself on his successful promotion... The corners of Klein's mouth raised slightly.

He walked around Trier for a while and saw people burning relics by the river, doctors busy in the hospital, craftsmen working hard to rehabilitate the land and repair houses, and some wizards. A costumed voyeur.

Then, Klein found an empty house without anyone and prepared to go to Source Castle to see what changes there were.

"Well, when summoning the images in the pores of history, there is no dialogue or communication. In other words, it is impossible for 'ancient scholars' to interfere with history and change the past. From a performance perspective, this can be summarized as witnessing destiny and influencing the present. , cannot reverse the past..."

"In addition to transferring diseases, wounds, curses, attacks, prophecies, and gazes, the 'Paper Man Stand' also has the ability to transfer a certain part of the paper man to the target. Before he finds out that it is a fake, it will look like the real thing. It works the same, haha, if anyone meets me in the brief moment when his heart is lost and his brain is not dead, I can give him a paper heart, which will get the power from history to beat and circulate blood..."

"The initial control time of the 'Spirit Thread' is shortened to two seconds, and it takes ten seconds to completely transform into a puppet. The range to complete the above two operations is five hundred meters... When driving the marionette, the limit of swapping positions is five kilometers... …”

"'Flame Jump' is also at five kilometers...the air cannon shells can freely control the power, up to the equivalent of coastal defense artillery..."

"Huh, this is the 'ancient scholar', the 'ancient scholar' who has digested half of the magic potion..."

After examining himself, Klein slowly stood up.

Soon, above the boundless gray mist, Klein's figure appeared in the ancient palace.

He just looked around briefly and noticed several differences.

Among them, the most obvious point is that the state and layout of this mysterious space are completely projected into his spirit body, allowing him to see the gray clouds condensed in the air and the weird light door even from a long distance away. .

Except for the palace I manifested and the light gate that originally existed, there is nothing here. It is empty, boundless, and full of high-level power... Klein whispered, sat down, raised his right hand, and gently Push it up.

In an instant, the entire gray mist boiled, and the mysterious space it carried also vibrated inexplicably, emitting one after another of slightly dark brilliance.

These brilliance gathered together, and according to Klein's thoughts, they formed a translucent angel with illusory wings on its back, an angel with corresponding personality and power, a majestic, holy and extremely oppressive angel.

"There is no need to add the 'Black Emperor' card, the 'Tyrant' card or the 'Red Priest' card, and there is no need to use the 'Poseidon Scepter'. I can maximize the power of this mysterious space by myself. Let the angel of the 'Fool' become a real Sequence 2 angel. Of course, this angel cannot answer prayers and cannot last for long. It only exists in 'Embrace' and a few attacks, and has some abilities in the 'Miracle' field..."

"Sure enough, my resurrection is a gift from the 'Origin Castle'. How many more times can I be resurrected? The True Creator told me that there will be one more time... It's not a bad thing. It reminds me to be cautious and cautious... This is The diviner's way of survival for extraordinary people..."

"It's a pity that this 'miracle' can only work on myself for the time being..."

It can only affect myself and is very powerful, but it is also limited. If it can affect others, can I directly move the entire Silver City out of the Land Abandoned by God? Klein thought.

Around eight o'clock, he chanted the honorable name of the Red Angel and asked Him to open the door and send him back to Backlund.

As he left, the transparent eyes that had been suspended in the air turned into starlight and disappeared. In the distant Western Continent, the old man with white hair and childlike face brushed the water mirror in front of him, and Klein's image and figure disappeared.

"Why is it over?" said the fat Taoist who craned his neck to look at the screen. "I still want to know the name of Little Tianzun?"

"He doesn't trust us yet."

The incarnation of Tianji said: "But why do you think he is Little Tianzun?"

The slightly fat Taoist smiled: "He is the successor chosen by Tianzun... Of course I know that there seem to be many descendants of Tianzun in the world over there, but I have to live until the end. He is still alive now and has many responsibilities. Isn’t the will of Tianzun the little Tianzun?”

"That ritual is also interesting. If we know it, can we also communicate with Tianzun?"

"Hey, don't talk about this. Tell me about how divination is done in the world over there. Crystals, pendulums, gems, and playing cards? It's really fancy. If I learn how to do it, I can continue to compete for business with your horoscopes. Got it!"

The incarnation of Tianji was noncommittal, stroking his beard and smiling. When he saw the cards in the Taoist's hand, his expression changed.

"Who asked you to use playing cards to tell fortunes?"

On a street in Lemberg, a young man with a thin face, a wide forehead and a monocle was sitting in a roadside cafe, holding a pen and thinking seriously.

He raised his other hand and pinched his monocle, and finally wrote a sentence:

"Beloved ones of the spirit world and Origin Castle..."

Then, the pen stopped motionless again, as if it hadn't figured out how to write next.

Amon put down his pen and capped it. He had no idea of ​​the name, appearance, and deeds of the holder of the Source Castle. He could only wait for the avatar who was still serving as a pioneer spy in Intis to bring back specific examples before making any guesses.

"So be it."

Amon read the information with great difficulty. Under the polish of Medici, a top conspirator, now he can't tell whether the information is true or false.

According to the modifications made by the two of them, the soul of Klein Moretti is a half-giant man from the Third Age. I don’t know why he took the diviner path by accident. Because his whiteboard data is very strong, he is keen on melee divination ( Refers to beating a suspect to make him reveal the truth). However, one of Klein's former identities, "Gehrman Sparrow", seems to unexpectedly fit this description. He is obviously a faceless man, but he always faces the front when fighting. , and the results are quite impressive.

There seems to be traces of "ancient souls", "hidden divine messengers of the Aurora Society", and "being watched because of their pious beliefs".

Amon looked more and more confused. Combined with his own understanding of Klein, his "decryption scholar" began to report errors crazily, but in fact he couldn't find any problems. If he had to say it was not good, it would be that the writing was too outrageous.

He decided to quickly feed these things back to the main body in a normal identity, and then quickly forget about these things.



Body: Let me see what information the clone sent back.

Ontology: 6

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