Extraordinary people on the "destiny" path can always bring themselves some happiness. Their perspective is the most special, close to the symbols of mysticism, and they have unique and special feelings on the same things.

Edward had no authority over fate, and could only observe at best. Even after meeting the true Creator for the first time, the King of Decay saw that He had one and only one future—to become God. This future is like a huge black shadow, just like humans standing behind ants, swallowing up all the possibilities of the true Creator's extension, making Him look like a marionette - but this does not prevent Him from treating the True Creator as an independent being. Treat them individually, after all, their personalities are very different. For example, as long as a caterpillar lacks metamorphosis, it will never be the same species as a butterfly.

But he was also curious about what the original ancient sun god looked like in the eyes of Ourolius.

"Just returning to the original appearance?"

Edward asked seemingly unconcerned.

"Can you really accept it? From the ancient sun god to the true creator and then to God, can you really think that they are all the same? Without any thought or resentment, but just think that they are like this?"

After a few seconds, Ourolius answered him again:

"Destiny has only one outcome."

"I have also been angry and wandering about the future when Medici died, but when I tried to change, I realized that it was also the Lord's expectation. The Lord is looking forward to a cruel future, and the Lord will sacrifice His angels, and there is nothing I can do."

The resurrection of the ancient sun god's divinity in Adam naturally meant that Adam inherited his destiny. In the eyes of Ouroleus, although it was still worse than the true creator, it was still a weak claim. Before you can see clearly whether the final outcome is human nature or divinity, and before reaching the critical time node, not making a choice blindly can be regarded as a unique way of drifting with the flow of destiny.

Edward felt that what Ourolius said was a bit unbelievable, but after seeing so many strange people and strange things, he was not surprised.

"Then why were you willing to join Redemption Rose in the first place?"

"Shouldn't you say no to the man who will eventually become God and assassinate himself to escape his fate?"

The Angel of Destiny briefly fell into memories. That past seemed to remind him that his destiny was unchangeable. Betrayal and killing made the Snake of Destiny's body stained with blood. And after that, He chose the imperfect and crazy true Creator over the perfect Adam.

"Because... that was also my attempt."

Ourolius calmly recalled the past without denying it, as if it was an ignorant and childish reckless behavior and not worth mentioning:

"The result of trying is failure, it is fate, it is destined."

The True Creator went crazy, but the fate of becoming God still hung over Him, and the shadow of that fate was never far away.

This act even spawned another puppet of God. Whether it was true or false, the former "angel of fantasy" died, leaving only Adam full of divinity.

Destiny has made so many sacrifices, but judging from the results, it is all in vain.

After that, the devil made a deal with his Lord. Ouroleus didn't know the content of the deal. The only thing he could see was that God had never gone away - and now, the little ant in front of the shadow had completely disappeared. , the shadow takes on a body and a face.

This is true, and it has never changed.

After a long silence, Edward laughed:

"But after this incident, you still tried to save Medici?"

Ourolius opened his eyes slightly, and the silver-gray-haired child standing in the corner raised his head, turned his back to him and looked at the sky:

"Everything in the world has a price. By paying Medici, Alistair Tudor can gain the power to become a god. My attempt is to replace Medici with other things. However, nothing else can replace Medici. Pay.”

But He did it anyway, and then watched Medici go to his destined death, like a mountain fire suddenly extinguished by heavy rain.

"However, according to your Lord's will, Medici was going to die completely in that sacrifice."

"But He survived in an unimaginable way, and He could still speak, and He could defend Himself, and He could express His disgust."

Edward lowered his head and looked at his feet. A small group of patrolling low- and medium-order warriors were passing under the city wall, showing no reaction to the demons appearing above: "Medici should have died directly in Tudor's promotion ceremony. If He had died directly, there wouldn't have been so much trouble. So do you think your Lord made a miscalculation, do you think He was lucky, or do you think it was your Lord who spared his life?"

Ourolius was silent.

He jumped down from the city wall and strolled into the Silver City.

Looking around, it is obvious that the style of the ancient giant kingdom is still preserved here. The walls of every house are strong and tall, as if they are small fortresses. It seems that it is not only to house these tall half-giants, but also to prevent monster invasion.

Various weapons such as shields, axes, and swords are hung on the walls of many households. Daily necessities are almost made of wood and are often made of bones. Candles made of fat can not only be lit but also eaten in emergencies. Cups used for drinking water look like hollowed bones or horns.

Strictly speaking, this is the first time Edward has seen "a city-state that continues to exist in the land abandoned by God."

The church belonging to the Creator is still there, but the church of "The Fool" is also very lively, as if one symbolizes the past and the other represents the future.

People have not forgotten Him or their past beliefs, but they are looking forward to a future that will gradually get better.

The aroma of cooking mushrooms and the delicious taste of various meats float in the air. Everyone is eating a lot of food to keep their bodies in the best condition. And the strength and bravery that exists under the joy and delicious food of Silver City really fits this idea. The only thing I'm not used to is that the people here are too tall. He can usually use his height to gain some unnecessary pride outside, but here, the average height of underage children is just calculated, and his vision will be blocked wherever he goes.


Edward walked along some roads in Silver City for a while and discovered a small problem.

Ourolius followed Him with his eyes closed and said nothing. When He stopped, He also stopped.

"What it is?"

The devil looked at a small bakery in the distance, where many people were queuing up to receive food, just like other food distribution points. What really caught Edward's attention was the strange black bread given by the bread bakers, which contained spirituality and curses. The dough they were kneading was also dark, and it was not made of dye. The effect, but the raw materials are different.

Black-faced grass bread has been a traditional staple food in Silver City for thousands of years. Even now when foreign delicacies are widely praised, it still occupies the position of staple food. Until Silver City has normal soil that can be cultivated, nothing can shake the status of black-faced grass.

After a brief pause, He quickly walked over.

He walked to the front of the line nonchalantly and took away the black bread that was meant for the first person in line.

The first person reached out and took the air. Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly scratched his head in confusion.

Edward turned the black bread in his hand over and over for a while, then broke off a small piece and stuffed it into his mouth. It felt very delicate. Unlike the brown bread baked with low-quality semolina outside, it is ground more finely and does not contain impurities such as wheat bran and wood residue.

"What special crop is this?"

Edward plucked one piece at a time and ate half of the black bread in his hand, and then laughed:

"This crop is accompanied by a special curse, which seems to curse the eater and his/her blood relatives? Is this a curse of blood cannibalism?"

"It seems to be an extraordinary plant. Well, that's right. If it wasn't extraordinary, how could it survive in the environment of the land abandoned by God..." Edward broke off another small piece of bread and put it into his mouth to chew. , "What way can such a curse of immorality grow?"

"The Witch of Pain? It doesn't look like that either."

When it comes to growth, plants, and food, the "cultivator" path should be the best.

But growing a curse from the ground is even more outrageous than growing flesh from a plant. And this kind of bread seems to be a staple food, which proves that this crop must be grown in a large area... The curse of growing in a large area is such a curse that destroys families and destroys families? Does Silver City have that much population that can be consumed internally? The devil couldn't figure out for a moment what stimulation this "cultivator" received during his lifetime to leave such a special curse.

He turned around and asked the young man who was following him from a distance: "Do you know? Ouroleus?"

Ourolius did not answer.

Edward was not very curious about the answer.

The carriage drove into Mei Ge Manor, passed the fountain pool and small garden surrounded by the main house, and stopped outside the main entrance.

As soon as Klein took the butler Walter out of the carriage, he saw the manor's deacon Richardson leading two rows of male servants and maids, standing by the door, waiting for their employer.

Compared to No. 160 Berklund Street, there are more servants here, all of whom are second-class or below, but there are many beautiful maids.

After looking at Richardson, who was dressed neatly and with a new look, and then at the maids who had received normal jobs, shelter and food, and seemed to be in much better spirits than when they were first sent to them, Klein revealed Smiling from the bottom of his heart, he nodded and said:

"Well done."

Without waiting for Richardson to respond, he took off his hat, handed it to his valet Enuni along with his cane, and asked directly:

"Is the living room ready for the ladies to chat and play cards?"

"It has been prepared. Cards, tarot and some board games have been placed, and common musical instruments such as pianos and violins have also been moved in." Richardson replied smoothly.

Klein passed the door, nodded gently and said:

"Where's the gentlemen's smoking room?"

"Same as the ladies, they are all on the second floor of the main building, five rooms apart." Richardson gave the answer without any reminder from the servants in the manor, or even thinking about it.

——In order for the first hunting activity initiated by his employer to go smoothly, he took care of every little thing. Although he was physically exhausted, he was extremely energetic.

Klein asked more about the dinner and guest rooms, and confirmed that everything was in place.

Today is the day when the rich man Dawn Dantès invites friends to the manor for a banquet. This day has been mentioned repeatedly by Dawn during social gatherings. The venue of the event, Meige Manor, is also a long-established aristocratic property, so there will be no doubt about it.

Before today, Klein had met many times with Qonas Kilger, who was probably the "Corrupted Earl", and had established a pretty good relationship. Naturally, his name was also included in the invitation list for this banquet.

He actively held hunting activities with only one main purpose, and that was to hunt the Major General Deputy Director of MI9.

Therefore, the other party’s preferences are taken into consideration in all aspects.

However, Klein was not eager to start this hunt because he still did not have enough understanding of Qonas Kilgor, the man who concealed the power of a demigod. Here, you can grasp the other party’s behavior preferences, vigilance level and belongings.

As a "magician", Klein does not perform without preparation!

Tingen, the new location of Blackthorn Security Company.

Leonard, who had been busy for a day in his new jurisdiction, finally stopped.

After the previous incident of cleaning up the cultists, Leonard finally made up his mind and made it clear that he would give up continuing to perform tasks in the Red Gloves and instead become the leader of a local professional team. Others expressed incomprehension about Leonard's choice, but Soest knew the reason well. He approved Leonard's request and arranged for him to return to Tingen based on his experience and beliefs.

Leonard stretched and waved goodbye to the other team members. On the way back to his residence, he had the opportunity to ask his doubts:

"Old man, what is 'Origin Castle'?"

That was the noun that Pales Zoroaster suddenly pronounced last night.

The slightly old voice in his mind was silent for a few seconds, then said "Hey":

"The place where you gather every Monday is probably the 'Origin Castle'."

"..." Leonard didn't expect to hear such an answer at all, and his mind went blank for a moment. He was surprised, shocked, and mixed with complex emotions such as it turned out to be like this.

After a while, he asked in a low voice, a little hastily:

“Then where exactly is ‘Origin Castle’?”

Pales Zoroaster laughed as if he was sighing or mocking himself:

"Actually, I don't know much about it, I just heard some rumors."

"That's different from the creation myth you know. According to rumors, the original Creator left behind nine different things. Some of them are countries, some are cities, some are rivers, some are oceans, and some are keys. 'Origin Castle' is one of them."

"It may not actually be a castle, but some other shape. You may know better than me what it looks like."

"The reason why I am sure that it exists is because when I was promoted to an angel, I sensed it, but I was unable to see it or establish contact with it."

"My great-grandfather made a guess, saying that the nine things may be related to the 'Essence' recorded on the second 'blasphemous tablet'. Unfortunately, due to various reasons, the content he saw at the time was limited and could not be interpreted." Sefirot' related parts."

Leonard calmed down a lot, leaned back on the sofa, and asked thoughtfully:

"Old man, do you suspect that Mr. Fool is the incarnation of the Sefirah?"

Based on what he saw and heard at the Tarot meeting and what the old man Pales occasionally told, he already had a certain understanding of some things about the level of gods.

Pales Zoroaster was silent for a long time before responding:


If the great being "The Fool" is an object, then it can be understood why Klein was able to appear on the Source Castle a short time after Mr. "The Fool" responded to him. This may be the right to use it, or in other words, part of the authority.

Leonard didn't know what "Essence" was. The fact that the old man didn't say it meant that he shouldn't know about it now. Therefore, Leonard felt that it was understandable to treat it as a unique activation or a sealed object activation. However, some of the behaviors displayed by Mr. "Fool" are not like "living characteristics". This great existence has all kinds of weirdness, but it is also unexpectedly harmonious.

If it is as he suspected, then there must be some deeper relationship between Mr. Fool and his former colleague Klein Moretti, and it may not be the relationship between gods and favored ones.

But what the specific relationship was, Leonard didn't dare to think about it in detail.

Even if it is a "living characteristic" in a certain sense, it is something with the power and personality of a god.

Just like the "Hidden Sage", the "True Creator", and the "Original Witch", they are evil gods, but they are also gods. People just don't believe in them, but they don't deny their power and personality.

Don’t presume to speculate about God.

Leonard's mind went blank for a moment, and then Pales, who had stolen some thoughts, snorted softly, expressing his approval of Leonard's gradually becoming cautious thoughts.

"By the way, you don't seem to know yet."

There was a bit of teasing and a joke in Pales' voice, and there was also emotion that Leonard could hear:

"There is no longer a god of steam and machinery."

"From now on, only the hidden sages remain..."

Leonard, who only heard about the disaster in Intis, slightly widened his eyes: "The God of Steam and Machinery also had his power taken away and fell? According to this, has the Hidden Sage become the new true god? ?”

Although it was unbelievable, Leonard quickly accepted the reality, because the changes in Intis this year were dizzying. The eternal blazing sun fell at the end of June, and the true creator claimed to be the ancient creator and became the new sun. Undercurrents in various countries were surging. Unexpectedly, less than two months later, Intis's other righteous god, the God of Steam and Machinery, would also die soon after, making the old hidden existence the Hidden Sage the new god.

"Zhengshen? Ha, at this rate of change, your existing order and concepts will soon be changed."

Pales said as if he was joking casually.

It seems that his guess is pretty good... Although they are somewhat hostile neighboring countries, they are still countries composed of humans. Leonard recalled the various rumors about the large tsunami in Intis in recent days, while thinking I thought about the current situation of Intis with a sad feeling.

Immediately afterwards, Leonard suddenly slapped his head and thought of another thing.

The "Hermit" lady in the Tarot Club seems to be the "Star Admiral", one of the pirate generals, and she belongs to the "Secret Peeper" path, and belongs to the "Morse Trappist Order", an organization that worships the hidden sage. !

Now the Hidden Sage has become the True God, which means——

——The Trappist Order of Moss became a church? Now Ms. "Hermit" can be considered a member of the Zhengshen Church?



I've been a bit busy these two days, so I won't count it as a success if I don't ask for leave.

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