Although he already had a relatively accurate guess about the sender, to be on the safe side, Klein still asked one more question before opening the letter:

"Who sent it?"

Reinette Tinichole's four blonde heads with red eyes said in turn:

"Dirty..." "Darkness..." "The..." "Container..."

This nickname... Klein was stunned for a moment when he heard it. He couldn't immediately react to match the descriptions of Triss and Miss Messenger.

But if you think about it carefully, this description is very appropriate.

As far as Klein knows, the witch who was renamed Trischik is likely to be one of the mediators of the original awakening or arrival.

In this case, it is not impossible to call it a "container".

Anyone who knows enough about the mysterious world knows that the "Original Witch" is an evil god who claims to be the "ultimate one" who ends everything. Her purpose is to create doomsday and destroy everything, and she holds some power over emotions and emotion-related desires. , He is described as dirty and dark, which cannot be considered too appropriate, but it is also understandable.

Similarly, dirty and dark can also describe Triss who was polluted by the evil god to a certain extent.

As expected of an angel, he dared to say "original witch" like that... Klein secretly admired it and opened the letter to read.

At this time, he suddenly remembered something, looked at the messenger lady and said:

"How does the sender behave towards you?"

"She..." "Very..." "Scared..." Three of Renette Tinichole's heads spoke one after another, and the one who couldn't take the turn could only simply open her mouth.

Klein's expression became slightly more solemn, and he asked thoughtfully:

"Did you mark her?"

The head of Renette Tinichole who was unable to speak just now spoke first:


The remaining three heads with blond hair and red eyes immediately added:

"Because..." "She..." "There is..."

"Original..." "of..." "breath..."

Klein was silent for a few seconds and nodded:

"I see."

Seeing that the messenger was about to leave, Klein quickly said:

"Please tell Sharon and Maric that something big may happen to Backlund during this period, and that a strong man suspected of being Zaratul has come to Backlund. Let them be careful. It's best to contact the Brave Man. 'Don't go to the bar either."


This time, all four heads of Reinette Tinichole spoke at the same time, and it seemed that it took a certain amount of energy to remember who it was.

"The leader of the Secret Order, an angel who once went crazy and is now normal again, is conservatively estimated to be Sequence One." Klein added.

Reinette Tinichole nodded and said nothing more. He was about to leave, but Klein said again: "I am about to do something. This matter is dangerous to a certain extent and may require your help." help,."

The four heads spoke in turn:

"This time..." "To..." "Deal with..." "Who..."

So direct... Klein sighed, smiled and said:

"The King's Speech in two days."

"I suspect this may be His becoming a god, so I will try to destroy George III's plot next. Your help may be needed at a critical moment."

Reinette Tinichole's four blond heads with red eyes replied immediately:

"This..." "Sounds..." "Very..." "Dangerous..."

"It takes..." "A lot..." "Reward..."

"I wonder what you need?" Klein had already guessed that this kind of thing could never be solved with gold pounds.

Reinette Tinichole thought for a few seconds, and the head that had been silent for the second round slowly spoke: "The spell..."

...Klein forced a smile and said:

"Is it the 'repeat yesterday' charm that was sent with the letter before?"

The principle of this talisman is that "ancient scholars" obtain power from history, use the talisman to gain power from their past selves, and catch the Source Castle to restore the best moments of the past to angels... Hey, yes, I can still use it Use this kind of talisman to seduce Will and Pales Zoroaster, and give them a few more so that they can have more self-protection capabilities. Whether Will wants to come or not, I have to ask...

"no problem."

He nodded and agreed:

"But I also need to conserve my strength for this matter, so I may not be able to give you much."

This is because he has not been separated from the "Insect of Spirit" recently. He has just been promoted and has enough spiritual energy to spread out a lot of reserves. He is far from the time when he needs to rest. The second reason is that he feels that even so, he cannot give too much at once. , he still needs to accumulate strength and prepare for action.

"I want..." "Three..."

Three, Klein's forehead twitched, recalling the soul-rending pain when killing the spirit insect, he forced a smile and said:


"I'll try to, um, leave it to you tomorrow."

Reinette Tinichole's four heads shook up and down with the help of her hair, indicating that there was no problem.

Klein immediately wrote a text message to Leonard and Pales Zoroastrian, and picked up another gold coin:

"Put it in the mailbox at Zotlandstrasse 17, Tingen."

He had done some divination before and discovered that Leonard had left Backlund at some point, returned to Tingen and became the captain of the Beyonder team, and lived on the street where the newly built "Blackthorn Security Company" was located. superior.

Leonard didn't even say a word to me... Klein had the urge to sigh. They still trusted each other and cared about each other, but there was already a conflict between the favored ones of the "Fool" who secretly existed and the official extraordinary people of the Church of the Night. A deep ravine.

Reinette Tinichole's head swayed, and she gently bit the letter and gold coins with her teeth.

After watching the messenger lady step into the void, and leaving here, he unfolded the paper and quickly read Triss's letter.

Provided information about "White Saint" Katarina, suggesting that I can cooperate to deal with it and reduce the opponent's combat power before the destruction begins? ...Isn't this exactly what I want to do... Klein's eyes flickered a few times and he immediately found a black paste-like thing.

Then, he transformed into Gehrman Sparrow and spread the mass evenly on a small mirror in the room.

But he waited patiently for nearly ten minutes, until all the paste-like black things evaporated out of thin air, leaving nothing behind. Klein was unable to contact the witch Triss.

Sure enough, Triss, who had been polluted by the "Original Witch" to a certain extent, recognized the level of the messenger lady and was frightened by the angel who delivered the message... In a short time, she may not be able to interact with Gehrman Sparrow. Contacted... Hey, if I had known that Miss Messenger was an angel with a special status, I would definitely not have allowed her to appear in front of Triss, or told her that if a witch summoned her, she could send her along with the message... Klein I sighed silently, but I can only say that this is really unlucky.

But the information had been sent. Klein thought for a while and began to arrange the ceremony, preparing to sacrifice the letter to the "War Angel".

"Your Majesty the Archon."

"The Angel of Temperance."

Azik Eggers immediately identified the owner and location of the voice. He put down the pen in his hand and looked indifferently at the sky in the distance. He saw a figure slowly appearing there, with his feet stepping on the railing of the balcony.

Richard left the spiritual world, landed lightly on the ground, and asked straight to the point:

"The God of Death has tacitly allowed you to go to the Northern Continent to stop King Loen's ceremony?"

Hearing these words, Azik subconsciously glanced into the distance. In his field of vision, the looming black mist still enveloped the coastline of the Southern Continent. He breathed a sigh of relief, nodded, and reminded:

"Yes, don't mention this outside the Southern Continent."

“My Father God has given me the authority to handle this matter.”

"Then High Priest Heter?"

"He will also go with me." Azik nodded slightly, as if he had read Richard's doubts, and added, "It won't be long before Father God will temporarily protect Balam and the Southern Continent on our behalf."

"Oh, thank Him."

Richard pretended and asked: "Your Excellency, can you reveal a little bit about who is secretly gathering people to prepare to destroy the ceremony? I hope that my actions can give some blow to the Northern Continent and King Loen, instead of becoming someone who The game of great existence.”

Azik's eyes wandered for a moment, he cleared his throat randomly and said seriously:

"This is an offer from someone I trust."

"Appreciate further details?"

"He is also a favored person of the hidden existence, but please believe that his actions are purely based on his own sense of justice, rather than the instructions of the hidden existence."

Richard was a little dissatisfied with this answer: "Who knows if it was an instruction? After all, there are countless ways in the world to make people have ideas that are not their own, but I don't know anything about it. You and I can do it."

As if to set a demonstration, Richard raised a hand, attracted Azik's gaze, and then lightly snapped his fingers.

"excuse me."

This crisp sound was like a switch, and a large amount of crazy and chaotic memories and consciousness suddenly appeared in Azik's mind - like the memory of his own participation in human sacrifice, and the madness of the Rose School of Thought. The twist of blood sacrifice. Azik's eyes suddenly became bloodshot, but he didn't have time to be affected. In the blink of an eye, these consciousnesses were easily suppressed, and there was nothing in Azik's mind that shouldn't be there.

Azik was stunned for two seconds, and then took a deep breath to clear away all the chaotic spirituality and self-awareness.

As an angel from the same camp, of course Richard couldn't really take action against Azik. He crossed his arms and said casually:

"I will definitely give my best, but if I finish my duties exhaustingly and suddenly someone pops up at the end and says thank you for your efforts, my master's goal has been achieved, then I will do it on the spot. Entering into a state of extreme manic indulgence.”

The image of "Klein the Fool" giving Klein an oracle appeared in Azik's mind, and he said in his heart: No, absolutely not, definitely not. How could Klein himself give him the order? But he still had to maintain a serious attitude and persuaded meaningfully:

"The hidden being doesn't bother to do that."

"Disdainful..." Richard frowned. He knew such an existence and trusted this statement a little more.

The Archon of Balam, the biological son of the God of Death, is secretly colluding with other hidden entities? Is this also the wish of the God of Death? A hidden ally? Richard thought of many things at once.

And Azik didn't speak any more. The less he said, the more he could help Klein maintain his sense of mystery.

About half a minute later, Richard asked: "Activity time?"

Azik shook a copy of the "Backlund Daily" that his subordinates had sacrificed.

"Less than sixty hours."

"Sir Zaratul, you have been staying in Backlund. Have you found what you are looking for?"

Deep in Thordrak's palace, on the shadow-covered throne, the voice of George III came lazily, carrying the magic power that twisted people's hearts.

The Marionette in the corner of the palace transformed into Zaratul. The old man with a hood covering his face, revealing a large white beard, let out two vague chuckles and laughed at himself:

"I have bad luck. When I was in Intis, my target was in Loen. After I arrived in Loen, my target moved to Intis."

"Perhaps the Creator's protection is the greatest luck and the guidance of fate. I cannot compare with it."

He lowered his voice and posture very low, but George III still fell silent on the throne. The air pressure in the palace seemed to drop in an instant. Zaratul closed his eyes and hid silently in the shadows. Not bold enough to peek at the throne.

"Oh, sir, what do you mean?"

Spirituality outlines the overwhelming shadows, and a golden lamp beside the throne seems to be a plaything that cannot be put down.

The shadow slowly enveloped it like a sea, and Zarath's location suddenly turned into an isolated island in the center of the shadow.

"In any case, you are now considered my favored one. You can even say that you are favored by the God of Thunder and the Lord of Truth. Do you think this favor is not as good as that of the true Creator?"

Zaratul was slightly depressed. Fortunately, Marionette did not feel out of breath. He just felt that his body became heavy, and the threads and limbs of his spiritual body seemed to be skewing in strange directions. He lowered his head and whispered said:

"Don't dare."

"It doesn't matter." The increasingly moody king smiled again, "Facts will prove that fate is on your side, because -"

The future Black Emperor laughed softly a few times, stroking the "wishing lamp" made of gold with his fingers. He was confident that fate and victory were on his side, so he was satisfied and smiled without saying a word.

Sure enough, something was wrong. How could an ordinary plaything make the being who was about to become the "Black Emperor" unable to put it down? The "Black Emperor" seemed completely unaware that his love for this "sealed object" and "cultural relic" was a bit beyond common sense... which is exactly what happened. It is for this reason that the God of Thunder gave me a separate oracle, asking me to investigate and be wary of this sealed artifact... Zaratul's beard trembled twice, but he did not dare to speak out what was in his heart.

The original George III was simply arrogant, but he also had more or less arrogant capital.

He was able to mediate with the three major churches in his country for so long, and also got the support of the one in the "Twilight Hermits". He was only one step away from success. Of course, he had enough scheming and cruelty.

but now……

Zaratul couldn't explain the feeling clearly, but his spirituality told him that George III seemed to be affected by something and became moody and strange. This may not be the distortion caused by the "Black Emperor" path.

There is definitely something wrong with this "magic wishing lamp" that has never been obtained by any organization!

"I excuse myself."

He remained calm, lowered his eyebrows and spoke smoothly. His posture and self-promotion made the king very satisfied. George III waved his hand casually, and Zaratul immediately withdrew his consciousness from the current marionette and transferred it to the other marionettes in Backlund.

With His departure, silence returned to Thordrak's palace.

Occasionally, low laughter and voices could be heard deep in the dark palace, as if someone was talking to the air.

The next morning.

Klein got up on time, washed up, and prepared to start the day's schedule.

There is no noteworthy information in today's daily report, it is just a warm-up for the upcoming event.

When Klein went out, he found that the streets were obviously lively, and Backlund seemed to be in a relatively excited state.

Firstly, there were more people, and secondly, the frequency of mentions of countries and kings in chats became significantly higher. With his demigod hearing, Klein easily identified several informants who were spreading the title "His Majesty the Emperor" among the crowd. .

Some are ordinary people, and some are low-sequence extraordinary people, probably people from MI9 or the Psychological Alchemy Society.

"What influence does the Black Emperor have on the people? He hasn't become an emperor yet, he's still just a prince...can he already mobilize people's emotions through newspapers?" Klein couldn't help but feel vaguely uncomfortable, "It's through the spread of information. Media? Newspapers, radio, magazines... He secretly calls himself emperor, and those who accept this claim may be influenced by him..."

Even his own servants showed varying degrees of fanaticism. Overall, the butler Walter was the calmest, probably because the third prince who was once kind to him became a political victim, and he consciously resisted political incitement.

Klein didn't say anything, and got into the carriage step by step. He was going to go to the charity first to check the work during this period, and then pray at St. Samuel's Church near noon, and then listen to Bishop Electra's sermon. By the way, he invited Have lunch with each other.

On the way, Klein accidentally glanced out the window.

Just at this moment, a breeze lifted a corner of the carriage's gauze curtain, and he looked through the carriage's glass and saw the street.

He saw an unattractive old man with a white beard, wearing an old cloak and resting under a streetlight with a cane.

There were three or two crows standing on the street lamps constantly scanning the surroundings.

Looking from a distance, the number of crows is far more than that. It can be said that there is one at almost every height in this block!

Cold sweat almost broke out on Klein's back. He immediately withdrew his gaze and stared at the decorations in the carriage in a daze. He meditated constantly and excluded all the emotions he had just felt.

Crows don’t have white circles on their eyes.




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