Secret: Those years when I was a foreign aid for the Aurora Club

Chapter 403 George III performed his godhood ceremony


Because they arrived earlier, Melissa and Benson were able to choose a pretty good location. They could directly see a strange thing on the gray and white stone pillar in the center of the square. It was bigger at one end and smaller at the other. It was painted with dark blue oil paint and connected to Some kind of cable.

Below this thing, guarded was a group of soldiers with red shirts and white trousers. They were carrying gray-white metal backpacks, holding rifles with complex structures and large calibers, and were watching all directions with great vigilance.

As citizens came in one after another, the square became more and more crowded and lively.

At exactly nine o'clock, the strange thing on the stone pillar suddenly made a rustling sound, which eventually turned into a deep voice:

“Ladies and gentlemen, I am your emperor, ruler of Loon, East Balam, Rhoad Islands, Lomborg, Marseille and Segal, protector of the people, George Augustus III. "

...that thing can talk? Based on the principles of telegraphy? Melissa's eyes suddenly widened, and her attention instantly shifted from the content of the speech to the strange thing.

She recalled the speech of a woman who belonged to a terrorist organization a few months ago. The voice was spread throughout Backlund at the same time through some kind of device. It is said that many unscrupulous workers and poor people thought it was a kind of miracle.

It turns out that in addition to those terrorist organizations, our country also has such technology... Melissa had infinite curiosity in her heart.


“Ladies and gentlemen, I am your emperor, ruler of Loon, East Balam, Rhoad Islands, Lomborg, Marseille and Segal, protector of the people, George Augustus III. "

In the city square in Hillston District, in the area designated for the nobles on the west side, Audrey was standing near the high platform with her father, mother and brother, looking at the king in formal dress and listening to his speech.

Because she knew in advance what direction George III would focus on today and what kind of atmosphere he would create, Audrey did not wear her favorite clothes that were girlish in color or style. Instead, she wore the same skirt style as Countess Caitlin. Simple and conservative, pure black color, no jewelry.

"...I am very happy and heavy-hearted to tell you that in the past six months, our soldiers who fought bravely in the Amanda Mountains have defeated the Fusac attacks time and time again, prevented their invasion, and crushed the Their plan to destroy us..."

Standing on a high platform, wearing a formal dress, the solemn and solemn George III's voice became deeper and deeper, full of emotion.

He did not place a speech in front of him, but scanned the audience with sharp eyes. The officers and generals in the front row who he saw lowered their heads involuntarily.

"Then, Fusac used the ally Fenebaud to extend an olive branch to our long-standing friends, Lundborg, Marseille, Segar and other allies, tempting them with benefits to steal our military secrets, with the intention of allowing us to The balance maintained by the Amanda Mountains is completely shattered."

"However, one of our intelligence officers discovered the Allies' conspiracy. He passed this information back to the country at the cost of his life, allowing us to respond first, take over the Allies' land, prevent the leakage of secrets, and not waste this information. A heroic sacrifice."

"Under the threat of the country and justice, the countries of Lemberg, Marsi and Sehgal realized the shame of their betrayal. The king took the blame and abdicated, and I, George Augustus III, was crowned in Lemberg and became The new rulers of the nations.”

There was some agitation among the people, but they were basically cheering. No one would not be happy for the expansion of their country's territory.

The opposition and boos from the very few people in these small countries were much weaker, and were easily overshadowed by the people's emotions.

The betrayal of the alliance by Lundborg and other countries sealed the deal. To this day, people from these countries are still unwilling to believe the reality. But George III was happy to show generosity and freedom of speech, and the country was already in the pocket, and these puny opponents simply did not matter.

"I want to take this opportunity to address you today because we have reached a critical moment of war and change."

The corners of George III's mouth were slightly raised, and his eyes drifted to a blue-haired old man wearing a gorgeous robe and a triple crown in the building behind the high platform. That was the Pope of the Church of Thunder and Truth, the Beloved of Thunder, on the ground. Archangel Gad II.

The serious old man closed his eyes slightly, showing no anger or authority.

He came all the way from the church temple "Thunder Church" on the sea to attend this king's speech. And His task was to wear the crown of God on George Augustus during the coronation ceremony when the speech reached the second stage, representing the support of the church.

The Pope of the Church of the Night was one step lower than him and did not receive the honor of crowning the emperor.

Zaratul hid in the darkness, hiding in the mausoleum and unable to leave. He attended His Majesty the King's speech with only a marionette.

Therefore, the "wishing lamp" made of gold was placed on a stage about ten meters away from Gad II, waiting for a miracle to come true after the coronation ceremony.

——George III had some objections to the "Black Emperor's" godhood ceremony, because the ceremony actually required taking the magic potion in the mausoleum, not at the emperor's coronation ceremony. It was clear that he wanted to become a god and a ruler, but it turned out to be such a sneaky way. The "Wishing Magic Lamp" also showed disdain for such a ritual, which made him feel particularly unhappy, but he had to do it.

"Just two months ago, the Fusac Empire suddenly attacked and invaded our country. Their airships and bombs suddenly fell like raindrops over the city of Backlund, and Fusac's army massively violated our country's borders."

His voice was steady as he narrated.

At that time, the witch Panatia's speech before her death spread throughout the streets of Backlund and many cities in Loen, causing an uproar.

However, under the action of the Psychological Alchemy Society, these waves were quickly calmed down. Numerous spectators and psychiatrists hidden in all walks of life were dispatched to cooperate with the MI9 of the church and state to process people's memories on the grounds of "reducing the influence of terrorists on the people." After a period of hard work, basically everyone has received certain psychological suggestions and treatments. The public only has a vague impression of the witch's speech. They remember only a few words, but they cannot connect the cause and effect with the great smog. .

Audrey, who knew about the smog, bombings and everything else, was not incited by the King's speech. She even wanted to roll her eyes or sneer less politely, but she just felt that He must have a talent for drama.

But she heard tiny sobs coming from the crowd around her, and felt the sadness emerging bit by bit.

These sorrows and pains converge and brew, forming a huge tide.

This inevitably made Audrey feel a little sad.

"I saw them guarding their homes, their mothers and wives praying - yes, everyone prays sometimes, for the safety of their loved ones, for the return of their caregivers, fighters and protectors."

"I saw that there are tens of thousands of villages in Loen. The people there rely on the land for clothing and food. Although life is very difficult, they still have basic human pleasures. Girls are laughing and children are playing."

"I saw the war machine crushing them and carrying out a vicious massacre."

The king's speech was false, but people's sorrow was real enough, especially Audrey, who had met many relatives of the fallen in her foundation and helped those poor people who lost their children, husbands and fathers overnight.

She has seen young men who were discharged from the army due to injuries. The eyes of those young soldiers who were missing arms or legs were full of fear for the world and the future. If their families could take care of them, they would feel guilty for the rest of their lives for being a burden to their families. If these young people are already from poor families, or even hope to use their death in exchange for pensions to supplement their families, not dying will only make them more uneasy and have nowhere to go. Audrey's foundation is not responsible for these people, so she can only donate some money as much as she can.

There was even a father whose family couldn't support him anymore and wrote to the officer, begging him to let his child die in battle and get some pension.

For a while, she even avoided the idea of ​​going to the foundation because there might be people with mutilated bodies in military uniforms lying on the roadside.

The memory slowly emerged, and Audrey's eyes turned slightly red, and she couldn't help but reach out and wipe the corners of her eyes.

This is a huge emotional resonance, and this is the best occasion to take the "Manipulator" potion. This kind of emotional resonance can be provoked by one person, but there may also be an audience guiding the people's emotions... Audrey suddenly She had some understanding, but couldn't use it because not only had she not finished digesting the "Dream Walker" potion, but she also hadn't made enough contributions to the Psychological Alchemy Society.

She took a slow breath, controlled her emotional fluctuations, looked away from King George III, and let her thoughts spread out without restriction:

"Mr. World is very concerned about today's speech and doesn't know how to use this matter..."

"I hope it won't bring any big surprises..."

While Audrey was having a lot of thoughts, the serious and old-fashioned George III, with his two mustaches, had finished the first paragraph of the description and solemnly said:

“Let us here mourn our heroes and pray for victory, ladies and gentlemen, repeat after me in your hearts:

"In the name of Emperor George III, may the spirits of the dead find peace, and may they live forever in the country where they believe in their gods."

This sentence was filled with indescribable majesty, causing all the listeners, including Audrey, to lower their heads involuntarily, clasp their hands, and recite silently:

"In the name of Emperor George III..."

On the other side of the Hilton Plaza, Klein, wearing a black woolen coat and an ordinary face, began praying at the same time as the people around him, and his behavior was normal.

Then, Klein swapped places with Enuni, the secret puppet hiding in the sewer, walked four steps backwards, entered above the gray fog, and observed the square with "real vision" with the help of the crimson stars representing Miss Justice. Condition.

——He is already in Sequence 3 and does not need to use the "Poseidon Scepter" to expand the scope. Of course, compared to the "Ancient Scholar", the "True Vision" area of ​​the "Poseidon" is obviously larger, but this time there is no need.

Klein had a clear goal and looked directly at the high platform where George III was. His eyebrows instantly knitted together because there was no one there at all, or in other words, there was only a false "phantom"!

"Sure enough...this is his ceremony to become a god."

Before Klein started his speech, he had been wary of this problem and made a special observation to confirm that it was the real George III. Who would have expected that in just a few minutes, without him noticing, the real George III The third generation became the imagined George III.

At the same time, he also remembered the requirements of the "Black Emperor" path to becoming a god——

Drive the people to secretly build nine pyramid-like mausoleums, and then enter one of them, and take the sequence 0 magic potion in the corresponding sacrificial ceremony scattered in different cities in which most of the people participate!

King George III was bound to appear in the mausoleum at some point. Klein had expected it, but he didn't expect it to happen so soon.

During the moment of silence, he made a "distortion" with the ability of the "Black Emperor" path, and silently replaced himself as a substitute? George III should have entered a secret mausoleum by now, taking magic potion and trying to get promoted! Klein had an idea and hurriedly examined the situation in the surrounding area, and found that there was abnormal and extremely majestic dark power secretly growing in the ground beneath the podium.

Klein immediately picked up the "Black Emperor" card on the surface of the long bronze table and sensed it, using the law of extraordinary characteristic aggregation to confirm that the power belonged to the "Black Emperor" pathway and came from "distortion".

It's so awesome, it's almost too late... Klein tensed up and immediately returned to the real world. In the sewer, he recited in Giant language:

"The emblem of iron and fire, the lord of turmoil and strife;"

"The great god of war!"

There is no doubt that this is the honorific name of the "War Angel" Medici. Until now, this divine three-part honorific name can still be accurately pointed at Medici and received a response, which fully proves the power of Medici. and unique.

Medici's strategic thinking and abilities are far stronger than his own, and Klein doesn't think he can formulate a more complete strategy than him. So he had already informed the other party of all the information he had obtained, allowing Medici to act freely according to his own ideas.

After reciting his name, Klein suddenly felt that his spiritual link was opening again.

Immediately afterwards, there was a rustling sound behind the marionette Enyuni who stood in the square in his place, and an unattractive-looking man stepped forward and patted the marionette hard on the shoulder. The man raised the corners of his mouth and pulled the brim of his hat down slightly to block his eyes that were glowing red.

The marionette made a startled sound: "You..."

"Oh, the hunters can be broken into pieces at any time. I had people sneak in a long time ago. I didn't make any preparations in advance last time. As a result, I was blocked from the outside and wasted the Lord's spell before I came in. I won't make this mistake again. "

The man who was obviously Medici smiled at the Marionette:

"What are you going to do?"

The Secret Puppet quickly whispered: "George III is now hiding in a certain mausoleum and preparing for promotion. I decided to go to the secret mausoleum in Ahowa County to investigate."

"Medici" raised his eyelids to look at George III on the high platform in the square, narrowed his eyes, then looked at Klein, looking him up and down:

"Originally, I wanted the snake to wish you good luck, but he didn't want to. Only when I saw it with my own eyes did I know that you are lucky enough."

His meaningful words made Klein nervous, but then, "Medici" smiled disapprovingly and said casually:

"Don't be nervous, I'm not an idiot who can't tell the difference between friend and foe."

"I'm very happy that my comrades are lucky enough, because this will make our battle easier to succeed. By the way, I have a person on my side who is willing to join this battle. If you feel that the battle situation on either side is tight, you can use the psychic link to tell Me, He will pass.”

Klein didn't expect anyone to be willing to join at this juncture, but he didn't know what the purpose of the visitor was, so he didn't show any joy:

"who is it?"

"Medici" laughed: "Don't you have a very good relationship with Bailang's son of the God of Death? It should be that boy Eggers who brought you help. The new god of the Rose School, Richard Ernst, He happens to be in Intis right now, so I called Him to come with me."

"Frank's wheat seed three kopecks a pound."

"Don't be like this, I have already wholesaled it, and I am still an old customer who often takes care of your pirate group's business. How about a discount of two coins per pound?"

"I want to, but Frank said that the cost of cultivating this kind of wheat is very high. Three crops is the cost price, but two crops is not enough."

"Two and one-half Koppe?"

"...Do you have to lower the price? Our output is not very large, okay, I'll ask Mr. Frank."

"Okay, sorry to trouble you."

"Godly Evil? Wasn't the original Godly Evil Si'a? It seems that there is a new person now..." Klein remembered this person. His skilled mummification skills and bargaining skills were still fresh in his memory. "He was still a Sequence Two before. , I actually got promoted, it’s really amazing.”

"Is there anything else?"

Klein nodded: "I hope you can control the damage as much as possible and not harm innocent people."

"Medici" narrowed his eyes and smiled unsurprisingly: "That's what you kid would say. But the horror of war lies in the disasters it creates. What happened in Backlund, to kill It’s the king, you don’t want the crowd to get hurt, how could that be possible?”

Klein was a little disappointed, but he still thanked Medici for his help. Then, he did not dare to delay, and the marionette disappeared directly on the spot.

"Ha, it's pretty good that you're already at Sequence 3 and still like this..."

"Medici" shook his head and whispered:

"Change the plan, the legion is on standby, the vanguard is ready for action, use the backup plan to decapitate the action!"

In the city square, George III gave a false welcome and ended his speech:

"...Then, our ceremony will enter the second stage. I, George Augustus III, will change the Kingdom of Loen to the Empire of Loen, declare the authority of the empire, and crown me Loen, East Balam, and Lundburg. The emperor of other countries and the Rhoside Islands!"

This sentence carried unspeakable majesty. Although the people did not understand why the speech developed like this, they lowered their heads in unison. The words praising the emperor appeared in everyone's minds. In addition to awe and approval, they felt Nothing else.

"Sure enough, the king is going to become the Black Emperor..." Audrey also lowered her head and pursed her lips.

A smile appeared on the corner of Phantom George III's mouth, and his body suddenly grew taller, becoming like a shadow covering the sky.

In the No. 1 ruins on the outskirts of Backlund, the smile of George III, who had begun to accommodate the uniqueness, became more and more obvious.

In the square outside, Pope Gad II slowly stepped forward, read out the will of God, picked up the imperial crown of the Balam Empire from the attendant's tray decorated with red velvet cushions, and slowly walked towards the phantom George III who bowed his head in prayer.

In the ruins mausoleum, He wore a black crown and took the magic potion.

His body is transforming in the direction of the shadow of order, expanding and extending in a wonderful state.

The nine mausoleums are islands in the ocean of nothingness and are part of the entire rule. The "Emperor George III" that the people recited at the same time during the ceremony is countless, and the densely packed lighthouses jointly anchor this person. The ruler of Roen, East Balam and the Rhoside Islands prevented him from completely breaking away from reality and becoming part of the shadow of order.

As the ritual progresses steadily, feedback is constantly flowing into His spirit, allowing Him to merge with the Oneness. His body seemed to be rising higher and higher, looking down at the country and everything he owned from above. The roads are connected into blood vessels, the people are the blood and cells, He is surrounded and ascends!

If George III felt something, he raised his head and looked up. His eyes could already see the mysterious starry sky. One star was getting darker and darker, and another star was gradually taking shape. That was a symbol of him!

George III almost wanted to laugh. He stretched out his hand in the mausoleum and grabbed the dim star in his hand.

"In a while, no more than two minutes, I will become the eternal god, the 'Black Emperor' who rules reality..."

"It's all mine... I will get the whole world with this!"

He gradually merges with the spiritual imprint in his extraordinary characteristics and uniqueness, and his thoughts and illusions continue to diverge.

George III turned around suddenly and saw in the spiritual world, the two black emperors who passed by were standing behind him, Russell Gustav, with chestnut hair and blue eyes, was looking down at him, and the distant history was filled with Casting endless shadows, the gaze of Emperor Solomon, who once dominated the entire northern continent, cast his gaze from the depths of history, inspecting the newly-promoted emperor.

"Oh, seniors, you are all going to die, but I am still alive... I will be stronger than you in the future, do more, and get everything!"

It doesn't feel good to be scrutinized, but He doesn't mind the scrutiny of the dead and dying.

At this moment, George III was more contented than ever before. At this moment, he suddenly felt that he had lost contact with the phantom outside.

Someone attacked my phantom?

The emperor's majesty was provoked, and he was furious. He suddenly looked in the direction of Backlund, trying to see the traitor's face clearly.

In his vision, nothing happened in the city square, only his phantom——

——Standed up.

——No longer praying, no longer hanging their heads waiting for the coronation of Gad II.

His phantom strode over, took the crown from Gad II's hand, and put it directly on his head!

Gad II's eyes widened, the sky suddenly darkened, and the sun was instantly shrouded in dense clouds.

"I'm really sorry. Originally, I wanted to endure it and get over it, but the fact that an angel crowned the true god really made me laugh."

His phantom sneered at Gad II.

Then, he looked in the direction of Mausoleum No. 1 and sneered at the phantom that had lost its identity in the mausoleum.



Finally got the djinn out.

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