After a brief exchange, the two Sefirot incarnations quickly separated.

"I go first."

Edward waved his hand and said goodbye to his old compatriots with very human etiquette: "I plan to go to Loen, but the God of Thunder has a bad temper. I may have to find a way to sneak in and bring God's words to Klein. arrive."

After saying that, he walked towards the Cathedral of Light in the distance.

The Demon of Knowledge thought for a while and felt that he might not have reversed the direction to Loen. But it doesn't matter if it's the other way around. The earth is round, and as long as Edward goes around it in a circle, he can finally get to Loen smoothly.

He took a walk on the street for a while, roughly observed the development of the city, answered prayers for a while, and then gathered the source matter that eroded reality, and let his incarnation disappear into the streets of Intis, in Terry. Awaken in your temple of truth.

"There are not many people who are pious and talented. Most of them are just mediocre."

"There probably won't be any problem if 90% of the believers are given over to the Creator." He thought, "They are all mediocre people anyway, ordinary simple sheep, no matter who shepherds them to. The God of Steam and Machinery just wants to Let me protect these people, but I didn’t say that these people must be under my protection, so sending them to the sheepfold of the Omniscient and Almighty to gain simple happiness is not better than putting them in my hands to be screened out.”

The Demon of Knowledge thought for a moment. As a believer, and as a god who manages both mysterious and realistic information and knowledge, he can easily change the believer's belief state.

Whether it makes pagans suddenly change their minds, or makes devout believers give up their faith, it only depends on His thought. If God wants to do this, even the most staunch non-believers will be brainwashed into becoming the most fanatical believers, even saints.

As long as He makes a decision, He can send these people to the Creator Church at any time and withdraw himself.

Through simple communication and getting along, the Demon of Knowledge believes that the current actual leader of the Creator Church, the "War Angel", will not refuse to accept these believers. To put it another way, even if He refuses to accept them, He will not kill them all.

"He is right. Cooperating with the Lord of Mysteries requires more wait and see...but 'omniscience' must be striven for. To confirm the status of the Son of Chaos, we must ensure that he cannot escape before I cooperate with him. .”

The Demon of Knowledge thought for a moment, then turned and entered the spiritual world.

In the spiritual area corresponding to Intis, there are two symbols of the divine level at the same time. One is the sun, and the other is the tree of life with twenty-two branches extending from the main trunk. It is the source and symbol of all mysticism, and the sun It is looming among the tree trunks and the ends of the infinite range. The Demon of Knowledge's gaze swept across the various symbols flourishing in the spiritual world. No matter the woman rowing a boat, the sky with a human face or the giant tower in the distance, it did not attract his attention. However, when his eyes touched the distance, it was obvious The moon wheel was slightly larger than before and was slightly startled:

"Because of the transposition of the 'Black Emperor', the Fallen Mother Goddess is indeed more concerned about the situation within the barrier than before... Tonight will be the full moon."

Under the curious and inquiring gaze of the seven lights in the spiritual world, He modified the astronomical phenomena of mysticism and reality in the next 24 hours.

Tonight was supposed to be a clear night filled with mist and stars, but at this moment, the full moon would rise in the night.

This sudden astronomical change will confuse astronomers from various academic institutions and private citizens. They may look for various reasons to explain this "blood moon" that does not follow the rules, but the reason is only God's Just a casual wave and ritual needs.

Then, He returned to reality and returned to the Temple of Truth. He walked through the temple like a scholar or professor who could be seen everywhere, occasionally observing the church members who were intensely discussing academic issues, and casually giving some suggestions and improvement plans. Let the former have a sudden enlightenment.

The Demon of Knowledge followed the usual path into the underground sealing chamber, and the sealed objects that were having intense interactions fell silent.

He came to an inconspicuous small room, pulled out a chair, straightened his clothes, sat down, and opened the silver mirror that was covered on the table.


The Demon of Knowledge asked, "What do you know about Bethel Abraham?"

After a moment of silence, the surface of the silver mirror floated like water waves, revealing a straight line of silver-white text:

"Dear, great sage, according to the rules, you also have to answer my question. Do you accept it?"

The demon of knowledge is accustomed to say: "Accept."

"Thank you for your answer, great sage, Bethel Abraham is the ancestor of the Abraham family, active in the Fourth Age of the Solomon Empire..." Large paragraphs of text quickly appeared on the silver mirror, accompanied by many Ancient materials and incomprehensible occult texts quickly narrate the life of Bethel Abraham from fame to being sealed, with pictures and texts.

If ordinary people can no longer keep up with the speed, they may even suffer from dizziness, nausea and many other adverse reactions.

But the Demon of Knowledge has no dazzling troubles at all, and even feels that the current way of transmitting information is too slow - if it weren't for the fact that "Silver Mirror Arrodes" comes from the Sea of ​​Chaos, is a product made by God, and contains a small part of Chaos. With the "omniscient" power granted by the sea, the Demon of Knowledge will completely dismantle it at the first sight, integrate it into itself, and become an information retrieval unit.

"Bethel Abraham himself had the potential to become a god, so he lacked reverence for gods, and the same was true for Emperor Solomon."

"In the rebellion against Solomon's First Empire, Bethel Abraham sided with Alistair Tudor and Trunsoest, and then abandoned Trunsoest, who was protected by the Six Gods. Special, we chose the weak Alistair Tudor.”

"According to the requirements for promotion through the 'Gate' path, He roamed the starry sky many times, and also led his juniors to roam, but the 'safe route' that He considered was not safe. He was contaminated without knowing it, resulting in many future generations. There have been cases of sudden death caused by the pollution of the starry sky... He was polluted by the fallen Mother Goddess... and was later sealed away by the then Night Goddess and the Lord of Storms, unable to return..."

"But Bethel Abraham has completed the requirements of the ceremony to become a god. As long as he returns, he can become a true god!"

What is Sequence 0 of this path called...the Door God? Listening to Arrods' description, the Demon of Knowledge couldn't help but complain in his heart.

He pictured in his mind the paintings that the people of the Western Continent had posted on their doors, and then tried to put the face of Bethel Abraham on it.

The Demon of Knowledge shook his head and put the image behind him.

After thinking about it, he felt a little emotional. As one of the most dazzling angels in the Fourth Age and the person closest to the throne of God, when Bethel Abraham's thousands of years of life were conveyed as information, it was only a few dozen pages. , almost a biography.

"Dear Sage, are you satisfied with my answer?" Arrodes asked cautiously.


After using Arrodes to check and fill in the gaps, the Demon of Knowledge asked again:

“Do you have a ritual to connect with Bethel Abraham?”

At No. 39 Berklund Street, Klein, who had divined in advance, met Congressman Macht who was about to go to the West District as he wished.

"I plan to let Liana and Hazel hide in Elk Manor." Councilor Macht pinched the sides of his eyes and smiled bitterly, "Dawn, you should also go to Meige Manor. His Majesty the Emperor has been assassinated, and we don't know yet. Who will be the next emperor? Our country is really in trouble."

I don’t know when this kind of sequelae will disappear, but the people have basically accepted the titles of "Loen Empire" and "Loen Emperor"... Klein looked away from the other party's actions and sighed:

"I have to prepare some weapons for the manor, so I came to you for help."

Congressman Macht has some contacts with military members of the Conservative Party. Although the results of the last cooperation were not satisfactory, Klein feels that under the current circumstances, no one will refuse to do money business.

"Also, if you have a way to get food, you can help me buy some too."

In his opinion, the people at the bottom cannot hoard food because they have no money at all. They can only prepare a few days' worth. Therefore, your purchases will not affect them for the time being. When food starts to become scarce, you can donate the excess purchased through Miss Audrey - before the temporary bill on food control is introduced, Klein will not hoard, and others will Rich people also hoard and may not donate it.

"No problem." Representative Macht agreed without any embarrassment.

Klein didn't ask about the price, because he gave the housekeeper Taneya a full 5,000 gold pounds as the cost of this.

Of course, Zaratul is in Backlund. Heading to Mei Ge Manor rashly may give the opponent a chance to take action. Staying in the city can also give him a little breathing space. He has decided not to return to Mei Ge Manor, but to change his identity, use Source Castle's anti-divination to secretly leave Loen, digest the potion, and play the role of an ancient scholar so as not to affect those innocent people.

As for excuses, the simplest is to go on a trip and not be able to return for a long time.

If you have any charity activities that you need to cooperate with, please go to the Dawn Dantès Foundation to consult Miss Audrey Hall.

As for where to go, Klein doesn't have an accurate idea yet, but he must make a decision as soon as possible. Zaratul will not wait for him.

On the way from Berklund Street to St. Samuel's Church, Klein passed by the "Loon Charitable Student Fund" at No. 22 Paisfield Street and was surprised to find that the door was still open.

As a founder and current director, he was quite concerned about this, so he postponed moving forward and turned around.

As soon as he entered the door, Klein saw Miss Audrey walking down from the second floor, followed by a maid, a golden retriever, and several staff members.

"Good afternoon." Klein greeted her. Unexpectedly, he felt that Audrey seemed a little different from before, with a more capable temperament.

When several people met, they all saluted and greeted each other. Audrey glanced at the staff behind her, and the staff understood and left first with the documents and two large bags of supplies in their hands, leaving the director to talk to the owner of the foundation.

"Good afternoon, M. Dantès."

"You seem to be busy." Klein watched as the backs of several staff disappeared around the corner where the office was.

Audrey held the newspaper and a list in her hand. She looked at Dawn Dantès and said with a smile:

"The assassination of His Majesty the Emperor did not have a great impact on us here, but unfortunately some people were injured in the stampede. I just visited them and arranged for follow-up treatment."

Audrey talked normally, walking down the stairs and coming to Dwayne Dantès. Her words were concise and her actions were quick. She was no longer the same as in Klein's memory - in his memory, some time ago, this aristocratic lady rarely went to the charity hospital, and her eyes would always be slightly red when she came back. , it seems that I saw all kinds of sad things in the hospital.

Miss Justice seems to have matured a lot... Klein thought to himself.

Then, Klein noticed that Audrey seemed to make a slight tiptoe movement, as if she was not used to the current height.

I've become shorter... No, it's Letty Orr who's a lot taller than me, and her shoes are about eight centimeters... Mr. Dawn is about the same height as Mr. Taufik, and I usually don't have to look up to see him. ...Audrey quickly adjusted and her smile was impeccable.

"May the goddess bless them." Klein was infected by the smile and drew a crimson moon on his chest.

"By the way, here's a list."

Audrey took the thin pamphlet from the hands of the personal maid Anne, and showed it to Dawn Dantès with some joy:

"This is a list of poor children that I collected from Ahowa County. After my screening and confirmation, the children on the list are all children with stable personalities, good reputation in the local area, and eager for knowledge. "

"I decided to sponsor these children to complete three years of basic education and let them calculate their own expenses for one year and report them to me."

Then, her expression became slightly disappointed:

"Mr. Dawn, guess how much one year's tuition and living expenses they want to get?"

Klein thought for a while and recalled his life during the Tingen period. Benson's weekly salary was more than 1 pound, which was enough for the three siblings to have a place to live, eat brown bread of acceptable quality, and maintain a relatively basic life. Let Melissa receive the most basic education. If there is only one person, then the most basic payment should be about one pound a month, plus study... Klein pursed his lips and asked tentatively:

"Fifteen pounds a year?"

"No, can you believe it? These children don't dare to ask me for money at all. Generally, it is less than ten pounds, and the lowest one only only needs three pounds." Audrey said softly, "Three pounds a year can make them Live on, Mr. Dawn, I can't even imagine their lives."

It is impossible to save all the miserable people in this world, and it is impossible to see all the painful things in this world.

In just one or two weeks of working in the Southern Continent, Audrey has seen and heard too many tragic, horrific things that challenge the limits of the imagination of this well-educated noble lady, and sometimes even her "Sequence 5" Audiences" all need psychological treatment for themselves, and may even suffer from depression and depression.

The real world is always unhappy, and people's injuries cannot all be healed, but Audrey still works hard to maintain a good attitude. Even if she wants to escape, she still works hard to adjust her mood, smiling and Listen to your patients.

Although there were only two hours a day, when she got used to this kind of life, she actually looked forward to working time, looking forward to those young, similar to herself, and older people waiting for her and calling her "Oh" with a smile. Miss Er..." the voice.

Klein looked at Audrey's slightly serious expression and was about to comfort her when he saw that Audrey had returned to her usual cheerful smile and closed the list in her hand.

"This is within my ability. I selected 60 children and supported them at the standard of 13 pounds a year. At the same time, I also contacted the local poor children and sent them some food and water on a monthly basis. and clothes.”

She felt joy from the bottom of her heart:

"There is only so much I can do at the moment, and I will try my best within this scope to make their lives as good as possible."

Klein was slightly shocked by Audrey's change. He was silent for half a minute and couldn't help but smile:

"Miss Director works so hard, then I, the person in charge of the foundation, can't lag behind."

He took the opportunity to express his thoughts that he had prepared for a long time:

"I plan to donate some more money to the foundation to purchase food, medicine and medical equipment. In this world, we have the ability to change and help others, and we can do more."

"What a great idea. Those who are suffering will be sincerely grateful to you, Mr. Dantès." Audrey also nodded four times clockwise on her chest, with obvious joy in her eyes. "I will too. Keep doing the best you can.”

As the owner of the foundation, Klein has to provide funds and attract funding, and as a director, she has to organize the corresponding things.

But Audrey didn't feel tired, she even felt happy. One is because she is already a Sequence 5 Beyonder, with strong physical fitness and enough energy to do many things. Even if she is busy all day, she only needs a short few hours of rest to regain her energy.

Second, she has gradually become accustomed to such a busy but fulfilling life, participating in salons, tea parties, hunting, socializing... Chatting with friends is certainly fun, but the happiness and satisfaction gained are far from what her current job can compare with.

In just a few dozen seconds, Audrey had already begun to think about where to invest the newly donated money from Mr. Dawn.

Klein nodded and said:

"No need to praise me, I just did what I should do."

"In addition to donations, I will also donate food. You can negotiate these matters directly with my butler Walter. Well, Miss Audrey, I can write a power of attorney to you now so that you can transfer in my name. The resources of Mei Ge Manor.”

"What about you, Mr. Dantès?" Audrey asked vaguely.

This is the most normal reaction in this context.

"I'm planning to go somewhere else for the time being, maybe traveling, maybe returning to Disi Bay to continue living. In short, I won't be able to return to Mei Ge Manor for a long time." Klein told the reason he had made up before. "Miss Audrey, my time at the foundation has allowed me to understand your character and abilities, and your origin and status also determine your vision and structure. I believe you can make the best choice. Entrusting you with this matter is the best I can think of."

Klein didn't expect his lie to be hidden from a senior "audience". What he wanted to deceive was only the people around "Justice" Audrey, well, not including the dog.

Is Mr. World temporarily giving up his identity as Dwayne Dantès so he can do something in hiding? Audrey pretended to think clearly, and after pondering for a few seconds, she said:

"In this situation, I cannot refuse such a request."

Klein secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately asked his valet Enuni to go upstairs to get paper and pens. Then, in the presence of all the staff, he personally drafted a power of attorney, signed his name, and signed it. The fingerprints were taken and the seal was stamped.

They communicated briefly for a while, and Audrey sent Dwayne Dantès away.

After exiting the foundation door, she was suddenly inspired and looked at the sky above a house in the distance.

A crow happened to pass by, leaving behind two swirling and falling feathers.

There seemed to be a lot of crows recently... Audrey didn't think much and turned back to the foundation. She still had a lot to do.

At night, the world unsurprisingly ushered in a full moon night.

In a room with floor-to-ceiling windows illuminated by crimson light, the demon of knowledge, still dressed as a vicissitudes of scholar, stood in an altar, surrounded by rubies, sapphires, emeralds, diamonds, pearls, lapis lazuli and other ritual materials.

After more complicated preparations, He lit a piece of paper on which He had written, as a medium for occult connection, and placed it into the cauldron.

When the firelight turned into a layer of darkness, the Demon of Knowledge found a suitable position in the altar, and recited in Giant language with a solemn expression:

“The gate of ten thousand doors;

“Leader of the endless starry sky;

"The key to all mysterious worlds..."



Door: Let me see who called me.

Door: Has the hidden sage become a god?

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