"Next, do you want to go to Moon City with me?"

After hearing the words of the high priest, Klein turned half-turned and pointed at the solidified gray fog with the lantern in his hand:

"When did you start trying to open this barrier? What were the gains?"

He has basically determined that the high priest is just being parasitized and is not currently controlling his mind, nor is he deceiving him. At the same time, Klein once again asked for the cross from Medici's hand, making it emit the warm golden light like the sun.

The Beyonders in Moon City stared intently at the golden cross in Klein's hand, and their eyes and faces were dyed golden by the light. They knew that this was the Lord’s item, but they also knew that it was probably the Lord’s relic.

In this way, no matter what the reason, the high priest could not lie to him.

High Priest Nim said calmly:

“It started as an oracle from the Lord, and He told us to try to find a way through this fog while we watched.”

"After the earth was cursed, in order to find hope, we took this as the main direction, but there was no real gain. No matter what methods we used, this solidified mist did not respond..."

Having said this, Nim hesitated and said:

"It wasn't a complete lack of reaction, but it wasn't the reaction we wanted."

Klein suddenly saw hope, kept his speaking speed normal, and asked:

"What was the reaction?"

Nimu said: "More than 1,730 years ago, the high priest at that time had an inspiration in the face of the cruel fact that Moon City's nearly two thousand years of attempts had not yielded any results."

"He feels that he cannot purely treat this mist as a barrier that needs to be opened, or a seal that needs to be broken through, but rather as a great existence."

"He designed honorary names, prayers and corresponding symbols for this fog, and held rituals here again and again, trying to communicate and pray."

...This is really an idea that normal people would never think of...I didn't think of it just now...Sure enough, after so many years, Yuecheng must have produced many people with strange ideas...Three thousand years of time are not in vain... ...Klein felt a sense of emotion in his heart, nodded slightly and said:

"Any feedback after that?"

Nim replied in the affirmative with a nasal voice, and then said:

"Once, the high priest changed the first sentence of his honorary name to 'Eternal Mist...', and then, at the end of the ceremony, he vaguely heard bursts of sounds coming from deep in the mist. , it’s a pity that I can’t hear it clearly, so I can’t try to decipher the specific meaning.”

"From then on to now, we have held countless ceremonies, and found that not every time there is a response, and even if there is a response, it may not be so timely, and we need to wait patiently."

"You designed an honorable name for the seal?" Medici was surprised, "That's great. How does your high priest's brain look like that?"

So this gray mist is a kind of seal? You guys seem to know more than us... Nimu glanced at the red-haired man in confusion, not sure whether he was praising or belittling, so he nodded and said nothing.

Klein's mind was spinning rapidly, and he asked while thinking:

"Approximately how many times can it be successful?"

"There are no rules. Sometimes it succeeds in one go, and sometimes there may not be any feedback within a month." High Priest Nim sighed, "We have made many improvements, but they are all useless."

"Did you hear clearly what those voices were saying later?" Klein asked instead.

"No, maybe our sequence is not high enough and our strength is not strong enough." Nim shook his head.

If this is the reason, then I can give it a try... Klein considered it for a few seconds and politely requested:

"Please tell me the time, approximate location and materials for your ceremony. I want to give it a try."

Colin looked at the young man in front of him calmly and said in a calm tone:

"Derrick, you came to the library of the Round Tower again today. You also came yesterday. What are you looking for?"

When Derrick's name was suddenly called, he reflexively put down the hard-cover book in his hand, his eyes a little blank.

Hearing the chief's words, he tried his best to think, but he felt as if he was just repeating the process of "coming to the round tower - looking for things - leaving the round tower". He himself was very strange. He had been looking for something, but he had forgotten what he was looking for.

Between the bookshelves of the Round Tower Library, an old man and a young man stood like this, less than two meters apart.

"I...I should be...looking for something..."

Colin nodded and asked again: "Then what are you looking for?"

"Since last week, you have been coming here every day, staying here for a few hours and then leaving. Sometimes it is me and sometimes other elders who talk to you, but you seem to have no memory of the past at all. Every time you come, you act like It’s like the first time.”

"Today is the fifth day." After the sunrise and sunset, Silver City received another clock sent by "The Fool" from the outside world, which can record the time and date changes more accurately. Colin paused and said Unchanged, "Remember carefully, you forgot something."

Forgot something? Derrick's eyes were dull for a moment, and he couldn't believe his ears:

"I...come every day?"

Colin looked at him silently.

Derrick was a little unsure of what the chief meant - there was only one person in Silver City who could do such a thing, but they couldn't rashly say each other's names - they all felt that the current scene was a bit familiar. Some strange images vaguely appeared in his mind, the process of him entering the round tower again and again, which reminded him of the "loops" he experienced when he saw Jack a long time ago.

Is His Highness the "Angel of Destiny" trapping me?

But... why does He ask me to come to the library every day? What are you looking for?

Derrick was puzzled. He didn't know where he had done something wrong. Nothing happened in Silver City recently. His prayers to the Lord and "The Fool" and some small sacrificial activities had never gone wrong. Why? The "Angel of Destiny" who had never intervened in the internal affairs of Silver City would suddenly take action and use "circulation" to hint him?

But Derrick, who had experienced so many things, was no longer a simple teenager. He quickly looked at the ancient book he was holding - it was a general textbook about the history of Silver City. He blinked and felt that An inspiration quickly slipped out of my mind.

Derrick turned to ask the chief and asked seriously:

"Chief, may I ask what books I have been reading in the library these days?"

Colin looked into Derrick's eyes, and then looked at the general textbook in his hand:

"Just this one."


"Every day you come here, you come back to this place, open this book, and then look at the contents in a daze." Colin Iliad said slowly, "This is why I think you are trapped in a 'loop' One of the reasons...you keep doing the same thing over and over again."


Derrick's eyes widened.

The chief didn't seem to be affected by the "loop", and could even observe and summarize his behavior patterns. The implication of the chief's words was simply to let him think about it carefully. What he was looking for must be in this book. , but only he himself knows.

Derrick immediately lowered his head and looked at the book in his hand.

I saw that the general textbook on mythology and history that I was holding in my hand happened to be the one that he had borrowed specially for other members of the Tarot Club to study a long time ago. On the edges of the pages, there were light fingernail marks that he had left to record at that time. .

The page that is currently on the page also tells the relevant records of the ancestors of Silver City about "the Lord who created everything, the omniscient and omnipotent God", and also briefly introduces the "eight 'kings of angels' surrounding the Lord. '"... Derrick has already learned the names of these people with the help of "The Fool", and has passed on the truth about the "Catastrophe" to the chief, which is also something they are familiar with.

There seems to be nothing wrong with this page... Derrick read this page carefully several times and found no clues.

What exactly does "Angel of Destiny" want to imply to me?

"...The Lord is surrounded by eight angel kings, and there are records of them being called..."

Derrick frowned and read the entire page again. He stared at the unfinished sentence at the end of the page, and finally hesitantly turned the page over.

——The first line reads "Angel of Time".

Derrick stared at this line of words, thinking, silent, and finally, slowly closed the book.

"Time Angel"? Amon?

Did Amon appear in Silver City again? This time, why didn't Mr. Fool send the warning, but in theory it should be the "Angel of Destiny" under the same master who reminded him?

Too many bad thoughts flashed through Derrick's mind. Derrick looked at the chief standing not far away from him, and he suddenly felt fear in his heart.

——Is the chief credible?

Could the Chief have been parasitized by Amon?

Was he asking about something unusual about me, or was he testing me to see if I had noticed Amon?

The lack of information was frightening. Derrick's scalp was numb. He simply didn't know what kind of expression he should use to look at Chief Colin now. At the same time, he thought of another thing - adding that this is a "loop", this How many times had I realized something was wrong?

"What's wrong with you?" Colin looked at him a little strangely.

"It's nothing." Derrick licked his lips, his voice was dry, "It's nothing..."

Colin glanced at Derrick suspiciously and didn't press for anything. Seeing that he didn't want to say anything, he quietly turned around and left.

Derrick's Adam's apple rolled. He wasn't sure if his idea was right, but he didn't dare to keep his guess to himself. So, after Colin left, he quickly moved his fingers and inadvertently left a small scratch under the name "Angel of Time".

Then, he closed the book and put it neatly on the bookshelf.

After trying again and again, as the altar projection disappeared, Moon City High Priest Nim considered it and said to Gehrman Sparrow who was holding up the strange lantern:

"It doesn't seem to work today. You can wait until tomorrow and try again. It won't take more than two months at most."

At this moment, Klein was thinking about another question:

Could it be that the ceremony was not successful because of the perfunctory use of historical pore images?

He deeply reflected on himself and decided to listen to the words of Yuecheng High Priest and try again tomorrow. When the time comes, he must let the other party bring real materials.

Just as he was about to nod, a vague voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

The sound came from the depths of the gray mist, layer upon layer, faint, and extremely blurry.

Is it effective? This ritual is really effective, but the delay is too high... Klein felt happy and immediately raised his right hand, pressing it down slightly to signal the Beyonders in Moon City not to speak.

He immediately held his breath, gathered his thoughts, and began to listen attentively.

The sounds that echoed in the gray mist seemed to come from multiple different objects. They were intertwined, sometimes interfering with each other, canceling each other out, sometimes overlapping, and resonating.

Gradually, the voice became clearer in Klein's ears, especially when it resonated.

It seemed to be a language he was familiar with, and it seemed like countless people were chanting the same name together.

That name is:

"Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun".


When he clearly heard the voices deep in the gray mist, Klein shuddered slightly, and the back of his head instantly felt numb.

This feeling quickly spread to the top of his head and to all parts of his body, causing tiny bumps to appear on the surface of his skin.

This is the second time he has heard the name "Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun" from "others" in the real world!

At the edge of the legendary "Western Continent", outside of his disappeared hometown, Klein heard the incantation that caused him to "travel" for the first time in the real world, and heard one of the most important secrets hidden in his heart. I heard the Eastern-style honorable name that I didn’t know exactly pointed to.

He stood there, his mind almost blank, and the sounds of chanting and shouting that were sometimes vague and sometimes clear echoed in his ears:

"Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun...

"Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun...

"Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun..."

When the voices became lower and lower and almost disappeared, Klein finally regained his thoughts.

As a false god who has done a lot of "bad things", his first reaction was:

"If I change 'Fu Sheng Xuan Huang Tianzun' to 'The Yellow and Black King of Good Luck', will I be punished by God?"

Many strange thoughts popped up in Klein's mind uncontrollably. Then, he tilted his head calmly, wanting to see if the Beyonders and others in Moon City heard what Gray just said. The call to prayer came from the mist.

At the moment he turned his head, Klein's expression suddenly froze.

He saw the Extraordinary from Moon City rubbing his eyes, then he squinted his eyes, took out a monocle from his pocket, wiped it, and brought it to his right eye.

"..." Klein was a little numb. He temporarily forgot about other things and stared directly at the Beyonder.

The High Priest of Nim felt something was wrong with the divine envoy. He looked back and explained to Klein:

"This is a decoration that has recently become popular in our Moon City."

"It can also be used as an auxiliary device to treat eye diseases... It is said that this is one of the items of The Fool, and we all like it."

The last words added by the high priest were out of place, and they were obviously meant to curry favor with the envoy of The Fool, but when they fell into Klein's ears, they gave him goosebumps on his back and even made his hair stand on end.

He looked at the ordinary-looking Beyonder and felt that every expression, every movement, and even the slight rise and fall of the corners of his mouth seemed to turn into Amon's sneer.



Southern Continent.

"You said that your food factory over there is willing to sell off part of the compressed grain that was squeezed before and is about to expire at a low price?"

While crossing the document in his hand, Richard answered Audrey's words without raising his head: "The name of the food factory you said you wanted to buy is... Oh, you go and buy it - you go and buy it. Okay, hahahaha, but buy some of it first, don’t buy too much, and show it to me first after you buy it.”

Letty Orr didn't know why, but when she heard that this angel was willing to help her control the quality of food, she still smiled:

"thank you."

Then, she looked around the room and saw no sign of Tawfik.

The saint had recovered, had done so last week, but was still reluctant to appear where Letty Orr was.

"Is there anything else besides this?" The manager looked very busy.

There was a little noise outside, as if something was going on. Letty quickly shook her head and smoothed the wrinkles of the light-colored apron on her knees with her hands: "No, I'm going to the hospital to continue working. By the way, please continue to pay more attention to Kajia's affairs. She is a very good person." A good kid, and he can do handicrafts."

Richard flipped through the documents, which were all written in Dutan language. Audrey had never learned this language and could not understand the content on it. She could only judge from Richard's expression that the content on it did not seem to be something she liked to hear.

"Oh, I know what you mean."

Richard nodded: "I was thinking about the factory. Gathering girls together and letting them learn handicrafts is the best way to make handicrafts, but we don't have much money now... Well, if we have money, I will do it later. Send a resentful soul to build a factory school."

Letty breathed a sigh of relief: "Thank you."

She stood up and was about to leave, and then she saw Richard standing up first and throwing the three documents in his hands out of the window.

"A middle-class noble who plunders people's wealth to please the Northern Continent, a plantation owner who betrays the country and sends money and slaves to the Northern Continent, and a man who pays workers a maximum salary of only 6% and does not pay compensation for work-related injuries."

"My family has quite a lot of money. It totals more than 500,000 pounds... I'm so happy that it's finally time to liquidate these guys!"

The Temperance Angel stood up and stretched, a sunny smile on his face.

He seemed to be doing something he had been waiting for for a long time, and his whole body exuded a happy atmosphere that could make the ruins full of flowers. I saw Richard leisurely walking to the bedside, looking at the bustling people on the street below. The three documents he threw out clattered down like three doves, attracting the attention of the excited crowd below. Under people's gaze, the white dove turned into a hemp rope, accurately hoisted the three people standing on the high platform, and hung it on the bulges of the buildings on both sides of the street.

Under the huge force, with just a scratch, the spines of all three people were instantly pulled apart, and their necks suddenly grew longer.

The broken spine was barely connected together by flesh and blood, and the tongue spit out uncontrollably, and together with the neck, it became longer and longer.

"The property has been liquidated and will be distributed to each household according to the list of poor households and workers. There are no street lights... no street lights! Modernization must also be put on the agenda. Let's send people over to learn some skills from Intis. Without street lights, I always feel less Something happened..."

"Well, the child of this family is still young and has not enjoyed the dirty money of the parents for a few years. She was sent to an orphanage for a good education. As usual, when she grows up, she will be told the true situation of the family and let her choose. The only son of this family has already inherited part of it. Family property? Very good, very good. After being captured, you will work for twenty years, undergo labor reform, and be deprived of political rights for life. Depending on the outcome of the reform, you will decide whether you will become a civilian or..."

Richard yawned and waved to Letty, who was stunned:

"Help me get that pile over there, too."

"Well, today I will hang up the rich people who have saved for a long time. Don't stand there in a daze, save time."

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