Trier, on Saturday afternoon, Audrey was invited to have tea with Miss Irena.

Audrey was led by the dessert maid to the afternoon tea restaurant exclusively for ladies. The footsteps of the two of them echoed back and forth in the mansion which seemed empty due to the lack of people. They occasionally bumped into one or two servants with other responsibilities along the way.

The social customs in Intis are obviously much more relaxed and casual than those in Runen. When Audrey entered the tea restaurant, Irena was lazily leaning on the "chaise chair" that is very common in Intis, holding a There was a stack of documents and letters, and exquisite snacks were placed on the small round table at hand. When she saw Audrey coming, she waved her hand and said hello without getting up.

If she was in Loen, Audrey would have thought about whether to show humiliation and turn around and leave, or think that the owner was too negligent and didn't care about the feelings of the guests she invited.

But this was Intis, so Audrey went to the table naturally, and the dessert maid behind her also closed the door and left.

Audrey observed the servants of the Montemar family last night, and she saw that every servant seemed to be busy, but without any complaints.

This mansion seems to have gone through a lot of layoffs. It was supposed to be a Loen-style "one servant for each house, one servant for each job", but now it is very streamlined, leaving only one or two servants with the same duties. , all the rest were cut off, resulting in every servant having no feet to touch the ground. The "dessert maid" who brought her here was responsible for the snacks for the whole family, the snacks before and after three meals a day, and the snacks for afternoon tea, so that she could not serve the guests and the host. Audrey simply didn't dare. Imagine how busy the dress maid and the shoe maid must be.

Audrey was deeply unaccustomed to it, and she had experienced this kind of chaos in servant responsibilities in the Southern Continent. However, the customs in the Southern Continent were ultimately different from those in the Northern Continent. At the same time, more doubts enveloped her:

All the letters and invitations in this mansion did not call themselves "Marquis Palace", but directly stated the name of the family and the invitees.

This was so strange, after all, it was precisely because of the title and title of this distant relative that Earl and Lady Hall were willing to send Audrey. But when Audrey came here, she found that she didn't even need to be a marquis?

Yesterday, she had a brief chat with Miss Irena, and then ended the simple and short conversation with the concern of having a good rest after a long journey, and invited her to have a good rest in the mansion tonight, and come back to talk in detail and participate today. After the baptism, a welcoming banquet will be held for her. The exchange was too short, and Audrey couldn't judge the other party's specific character, so she took a rest as soon as she came.

Since the other party is a demigod and a high priest of the church with certain real power, he is of course the real master. Audrey thought that today's conversation was suitable to raise these questions. It was not certain that this girl was the real heir to the title.

After she sat down, as if there was a tacit understanding of the time, Irena also put down the paperwork in her hand and pushed up her sunglasses.

With a casual push, the sunglasses got stuck on her orange curly hair like a hairband. She smiled at Audrey and said:

"Good afternoon, my dear, I was worried that the sunshine in Intis in the afternoon would be too great, which would make the guests coming from afar uncomfortable. Unexpectedly, your beauty is what makes my small living room shine the most."

This was a normal compliment, but it still gave Audrey the urge to retreat tactically.

It was just impulsive, and she didn't even hide her slightly frightened expression.

After knowing that she had to go to Intis, Audrey had already done a lot of homework. With her extraordinary ability, she learned everything very quickly. Although, in Loen, most of the content related to Intis' social interaction is ironic and negative.

"Your compliment is so warm, Miss Irena."

She smiled and said to the hostess of the mansion, while blinking naturally:

"In terms of Luen's social style, you should first praise today's weather, or implicitly choose one or two pieces of jewelry on my body, then improvise, and finally praise my appearance."

Irena also smiled:

"It sounds like a pretty rule-abiding country. I haven't been there much except for missions."

After that, she pondered for a moment, put on a serious expression, and said seriously:

"Dear Miss Audrey, the gold jewelry on your chest matches your hair color so well, it adds luster to my afternoon tea——" Before she could finish her words, Irena laughed and said to herself As expected, his pretending to be serious style still didn’t suit me, so he spoke with interest:

"But Audrey, although you were born in Loen and are a standard noble lady, I feel that you are as adventurous and active as me - the Southern Continent is a good place, and the children there are very cute. Not all people there are crazy, right?"

A woman who was not willing to become a marriage prop and contacted the Aurora Society on her own initiative, and a woman who longed for the extraordinary path and became an extraordinary person in ignorance but finally found her own direction. The two looked at each other and agreed in unison. There was laughter.

"Well, I should be welcoming a sister from afar instead of talking about things like faith."

Irena stood up from the chaise longue, but her movements were still lazy. Her hair was not tied up and hung loosely behind her head:

"It's break time now, and I never like discussing work during breaks - that's troublesome enough. Try a macaron, Audrey? It's our favorite dessert since the Russell era .”

Audrey blinked: "Of course."

She observed Irena's reaction and felt that the other party did not seem to be that concerned about her faith. She even complained about the heavy work assigned by the church. She heard along the way that "Miss Montemar has a pure heart. The image of "following the Lord when he was young, having devout faith, and finally becoming a saint" is quite different from the image of "kind and gentle, with a bright heart, and serving the Lord devoutly". If it weren't for the fact that the other party's path was obviously "the sun", she would have some doubts about whether Ms. Irena also made up a false identity for herself.

But in the final analysis, it is not surprising that an aristocratic woman who does not go out much has a "social impression" that is slightly different from her own but conforms to other people's aesthetics. The same is true for Audrey herself.

The dessert on the plate was divided with a knife and fork, and Audrey put this dessert, which was really rarely eaten in Loen, into her mouth.

It was a very unfamiliar feeling to not have a maid waiting by my side at all times, but this environment was also more private and relaxing. While tasting the desserts, Audrey made some simple speculations and thoughts, and finally, she showed curiosity:

"Miss Irena, the church said that I will hold a baptism ceremony tomorrow. Is there anything I need to prepare for?"

Irena was cutting the chestnut cake in her hand. When she heard this, she put down her knife and fork and comforted the newcomer:

"There is nothing to pay attention to... Baptism is a way to express your determination to the Lord and express your willingness to be baptized into the Lord. The ceremony itself is not special. In addition, baptism has two types: water ceremony and immersion. The former is a water ceremony. Make the sign of the cross on your hands and forehead, and the latter is immersed in the pool and picked up by the priest. You are a converted demigod. Although the latter is more sacred, you should choose the former."

After speaking, she thought for a moment and continued:

"Of course my family's belief is the Eternal Burning Sun. I have been baptized by the baptism ceremony since I was born. When I secretly joined the Aurora Society, they didn't even have a ceremony to join the religion. They simply gave you some inspection tasks. Once successfully completed, you are invited to join us in collective prayer.”

"But now, the Aurora Society has been standardized, so the initiation ceremony has become more and more formal..."

Speaking of this, Audrey saw a trace of helplessness and exhaustion on Irena's face:

"Some people think that there is no need to stick to formalities, especially from the analysis of the Bible. The ancient saints also received water rites for people. The more open faction does not advocate any form, so there is no baptism. In the heart Longing for the light and praying to the Lord counts as conversion.”

"Amidst this, the saints and angels who originally belonged to the Aurora Society strongly demanded that the real baptism ceremony be reproduced according to the ancient Bible, that is, 'baptism', in which the whole body of the baptized person is immersed in water, and then Being lifted up by the clergy, you can feel the aura of God when you wake up the moment you open your eyes. What's more, it must be in clear and pure living water like rivers, rivers, and streams... But you can rest assured that since the tsunami, The city is full of seawater, and even the most fundamentalist Aurora believers no longer make suggestions in this regard.”

"Well, it actually concerns your own thoughts?"

Irena thought for two seconds and took the initiative to speak: "You are a saint after all, and you are also a person who joined the Psychological Alchemy Society when you were in Loen. You have the right to choose your own way of baptism. If you have any ideas, I will help you. Just tell the church.”

So that's it... Audrey really didn't feel much devotion to faith and gods from the other party's words. In other words, Miss Irena would involuntarily sit up straight and speak in a serious tone when talking about gods, but She became more relaxed and casual when talking about church-related clergy matters, which led her to make a guess.

"I understand, thank you for your kindness, I will think about it carefully."

Audrey felt that she had completely understood what the other party meant, and she could also see the kindness Irena had given her. She pretended to be casual and said: "When I was in the Cathedral of Light, I saw someone I knew from Loen. An acquaintance of Mr. A from the Aurora Society."

"It's him... I am also the divine envoy of the Aurora Society, but there is no communication between me and him."

"Yes, he has also become a saint, and he is still as pious as before." Audrey said pointedly.

Irena's hands cutting the cake paused for a moment. There was no emotion on her face. Instead, she said with a smile: "You are right, he is still exactly the same as before, even getting worse. Audrey, what we have in the church is Pious people, but Mr. A is still in the minority. Are you a devout believer? - I think you may not be, otherwise you would not be able to come to me."

This is too direct!

Audrey suddenly felt that her implicit temptation turned into pretense, but even a "manipulator" would not have the confidence and arrogance to think that everything would develop as she thought. In this case, she simply went along with it. In the words of a direct and passionate woman:

"I originally thought that my belief in the goddess was devout and unshakable, but later I realized that this was a habit. I am in awe of every god, but... now, it is really difficult for me to be devout. Believe in any of them.”

Irena smiled and joked:

"You can't say this kind of thing outside, but it is true that no matter when you go, don't forget to respect the gods."

"Of course, I'm not considered pious. If I were a pious believer in the Burning Sun, I wouldn't take the initiative to join the Aurora Society, would I?"

The two young demigods looked at each other and laughed at the same time again.

The atmosphere at afternoon tea was harmonious and lively.

Klein has a headache because he has tried to randomly call passers-by into "Utopia", but until now he has not received relatively normal feedback that can be used as a basis for the performance of "Secret Puppet Town".

It was even worse at the beginning. Somehow, an "ancient scholar" ran in before the city's bugs were fixed, messing up the order of the entire city and the relationship between marionettes, causing great harm to everyone. Klein had to temporarily wake up and kick him out.

"Is it more difficult than I thought?"

While suffering from a real mental headache, Klein thought hard:

"My current condition seems to have improved, but it doesn't seem to have improved. It would be bad if I can't get some stable feedback."

Regarding the marionette town, Klein had actually been thinking about how to create it a long time ago.

Although it was all a rush to get products on the shelves before, now we are basically on the right track:

If the interference of external factors is eliminated, his best choice is to directly let the secret puppet town rise from the ground overnight somewhere in a country in the northern continent, and connect it with the surrounding cities through railways, rivers, highways, etc. connected.

In this way, marionette towns will have a large number of outsiders arriving every day, and will have a very strong interaction with the surrounding areas: on the one hand, towns without attached villages will definitely buy grain, salt, cloth, ore, and cane sugar from other places. On the other hand, it will also have its own output, which can be sold to surrounding cities, towns and villages. In this case, businessmen, laborers, travelers and other groups will travel back and forth very frequently, and at the same time, they will have a lot of interactions with the residents of the Marionette town.

Under the influence of various strong interactions, it won't be long before a secret puppet town is born in the corresponding area in the spirit world. When the fate of the residents becomes more detailed and real, Klein can complete the ritual and temporarily stabilize the state. .

It may take less than three months, and the utopia may even be built overnight.

——This is why he immediately chose the snowfield of Fusac.

Now the town has barely interacted with the outside world. Yesterday, there was a hunter who was trapped in the forest by the snowstorm. The residents of Utopia rescued him and provided him with some help. Seeing that the town was lacking some supplies, he tried to Establish trade with the town where you live.

But the problem is that this plan cannot be kept secret.

In the current era, if a town suddenly appears in a certain place, it cannot be hidden from anyone. Government employees, police, and reporters will soon come to investigate, and various strong interactions that follow will also let more and more people know about this. Understanding this city is a problem that cannot be solved through the illusion ability, unless the secret puppet town does not interact with the surrounding cities, towns, and villages at all, or interacts less, but that goes against the needs of the ritual.

When the news of Secret Puppet Town spreads, Klein will undoubtedly be targeted by the God of Thunder.

At that time, it will definitely be easier to destroy than to protect. He can only move his marionette town with him, which will cause the early interaction to lose its effect, just like the experience of the Dark Demonic Wolf.

With no other choice, Klein did so because he was relatively certain that the Demon of Knowledge would not sit back and watch his town being destroyed by the God of Thunder. Although there was an element of gambling, it was still very stable at the moment.

At the same time, Klein will rely on the partial authority of Origin Castle to "graft" a certain node of some roads, rivers and railways outside the secret puppet town, making this a stop on some people's journey.

This cannot be completely kept secret, but when the "weird phenomenon" spreads, Klein can easily undo the original "grafting" and change the "entrance" irregularly.

Under this strategy, only the "entrance" is transferred, not the marionette city itself. The impact of various interactions on the spiritual world can be retained without being interrupted, and the ritual can be steadily advanced.

Of course, there are also big problems with this solution, that is, the scope of interaction is limited, and it cannot have an in-depth daily impact in all aspects. In addition, the frequency and intensity of interaction will not be too high.

Just as Klein was thinking, he suddenly heard a strange prayer.

"Is it Klein? Hello, Fool?"

This prayer completely caught Klein's attention. He looked in shock and saw an extremely familiar red-haired figure in the praying scene, and next to him was a figure with silver-white hair who looked very familiar. A boy of two or three years old.


And Ourolius? ?

Klein looked at the silver-haired boy twice in surprise. The boy seemed to be aware of Sefirah Castle's gaze and took two steps uncomfortably on the spot. Upon seeing this, Medici knew that Klein was looking at him, and immediately said:

"Hey, Fool? I heard that you just captured Fusac. Is there any place where I can go and hang out?"



Good night!

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