The atmosphere in the luxuriously decorated conference hall was depressing. The demons who had been kneeling on both sides since the person sitting at the top entered were still not allowed to stand up, and it was obvious that they would not receive this honor in the next hour. .

The manager of the family, who rose from being an outstanding Sequence 7 in the direct line to the demigod leader in one year, is standing respectfully in front of the figure above, as the only person who can stand temporarily, with A calm but still trembling voice reported:

"...As you can see, I wanted to seek opportunities in the chaos to bring the overall strength of the Demon Family to a higher level, but I missed the opportunity to plan because of my miscalculation of the situation..."

"Now the situation in the Northern Continent has been relatively stable. Feneport has officially recognized Loen's status as a vassal state. The mutual hostility between various classes in Loen has also been greatly weakened. The religious atmosphere has increased. Food from Feneport has always been Large quantity, high quality, and transported by demigods, in a short period of time, the social order we were waiting for collapsed. With the help of these foods, the Church of the Earth Mother successfully entered the golden age of missionary work. They promoted efficient and cheap food. Priests provide free group therapy, pharmacists and doctors squeeze our living space..."

The further he talked, the more cold sweat broke out on Milan North's back.

He felt as if he was explaining from every angle, "The North family made a mistake in their decision-making, it is no longer useful, and it has completely failed your expectations." And useless things have only one end in the devil's society.

Edward didn't think he had any expectations for the Demon Family.

He casually flipped through the report that had been compressed to the extreme but was still a thick one. The contents were meticulously prepared according to the date and fully expressed that the North family wanted to continue to have the opportunity to be favored in front of him, but Edward He threw it aside casually, and the "Apostle of Desire" who was hit didn't say a word.

"I can tell these things just by looking at them when I'm walking on the road, but I'd like to trouble you to tell them again."

The Church of the Mother Earth has already opened a chain. What's the use of writing that crap report in such a hurry now? Who taught you formalism... Edward said kindly: "I'm more curious about the plan for the future direction of the family? I mean all the demons, not your family.”

Does this sentence mean that I have become a member of the devil family... my nature is hard to change. Even when faced with the accountability of the gods of this path, Milan's greed for power still made him instinctively confused for a moment.

After this moment, he suppressed his excitement and said nervously:

"After our discussion, we thought that we might have missed the best time to evacuate. We invested a lot in Loen and now we have obtained the title. If we evacuate in a hurry, we can only return to the Southern Continent, and we will be attacked by Thunder on the way. The possibility of church sniping..."

Milan was really a little uneasy - because of the "omniscientness" of the God of Thunder.

His eyes watch everything, and His divinity is reflected in every drop of rain. Waves and tides are His gifts, as well as His anger and majesty... In Backlund's social scene, Milan's belief is naturally "Thunder of Thunder". "God", he is a devout believer, he knows the important chapters of "The Book of Thunder" by heart, he spends money generously, and he doesn't have the bad temper of other Thunder believers.

The bishops were naturally close to him.

This status made him very popular in the social scene, and it also made him tremble every time he approached or entered the church, and he took the initiative to hand over more money, taxes and land as atonement coupons.

At this time, he promptly interrupted his fear of the God of Thunder. After all, with the overall strength of him and the Demon Family, the fear of being killed by that god himself or by order was too high for him.

The Demon family emphasizes bloody competition and the law of the jungle. Maybe the Extraordinaries in other organizations can be lucky enough to have a tall person to hold up the sky when it falls, but as a Demon, he would never dare to have it. Not only him, he believes that as long as he encounters In times of crisis beyond his ability, he, a demigod, would not only run faster than other demons, but would also selectively break the legs of other demons to delay time.

"...But the situation in the southern continent is not clear, and it may not be a good location. Therefore, we decided to let some people search for items related to 'Traveler' and continue to take risks in Loen to look for new opportunities. "

Fleeing to the Southern Continent is actually not a good idea.

The Southern Continent is no longer a hotbed of disaster and crime shrouded in extreme emotions, where ordinary people are worse off than dead, extraordinary people are murderers, and high-sequence people are insane. Not to mention Bairam, who has become quieter and quieter because of his faith, the angel in the Highlands, Richard Ernst of the "Rose School" is not an easy person to get along with... Although it has long been heard in the mysterious world that he is with " "Abyss" has cut off the relationship until death, but Milan does not believe that a demon will keep the life of a disciple who has "severed ties with each other".

Either the relationship has not been severed at all, or the other person's life is what he wants, and he is a clear bait.

Therefore, the Demon Family cannot guarantee who the "Abyss" will be watching if they and others have a conflict with the "Angel of Temperance" - in this case, or the "Abyss" will sit back and watch them kill each other. The best development.

"The sunk cost is too high, but it is not convenient for you to do anything now. You want to run but are afraid of being struck by lightning and flooded halfway. In the end, I plan to stay in Backlund and wait for an opportunity to let you come back. Book?"

Edward's face was filled with the words "You can't teach a child":

"It is indeed disappointing. It seems that demons should not be in groups. I can do whatever I want when I am alone. You should use money to manipulate people's hearts, but now you are worried that without money and status, you can no longer do whatever you want."

"It's fun to buy people's lives with money, but it's fun to kill people invisible with machines and public opinion, right? Don't you dare to take risks now?"

The demons in the conference hall were all startled. Milan, the only one standing, also trembled violently, and his voice still tried to remain steady:

"It's my responsibility. I misjudged the intensity and subsequent impact of the war between gods. It's my fault. I dare not ask your forgiveness..."

Edward sighed again, his tone suddenly turned cold:

"Kneel down."

The blood of the demons was all cold when they were brushed. Milan didn't even think about it before he plopped it on the ground. He didn't dare to breathe. The sound of the majestic "devil" kneeling on the ground sounded nothing like a bag of potatoes falling to the ground. different. There were a few house owners who were shocked that being considered a "favored one" would receive such a harsh punishment. But as soon as they raised their heads slightly, they lowered their heads even further. The faces of the demons seemed to be longer than the gorgeous dark red carpet. Together.

"Don't be so nervous. I also know how you, a demigod, can predict the changes in the situation in the war between gods."

His tone and voice changed again, as if the indifference just now was just an illusion:

"But, Milan, I still remember the time when you led the North family to defy all odds and pledge allegiance to me. At that time, the fire of desire was burning in your eyes, and you even dared to go there with some of the family's cronies." In the "Capital of All Capitals", Backlund purchased properties under the eyes of the gods. Why, now that there are more properties, you have become a 'devil' and are more cautious and timid?"

Edward looked around and saw that the "Apostle of Desire" who had just been hit by the report he threw out was kneeling not far away, but he was paying homage to the marble floor tiles, obviously not aware of the needs of the god who was two meters away. .

So Edward gave up the idea of ​​taking another look at those beautiful and delicate handwritten reports.

"What's your responsibility? Such a general answer is not convincing. I don't want to criticize you harshly. I even feel sorry for you. After all, it's not like you lose the opportunity to become a 'Whisperer' or even become an angel in the future." I."

Before he finished speaking, the back of the "devil" kneeling at the front began to tremble.

Falling back, Edward said casually with a regretful tone, not caring at all how much psychological pressure it would bring to the demons.

The sun has not yet risen, but the Demon Family can directly see the distant Holy Wind Cathedral outside their window.

Edward took one look and closed his eyes, but anyway, he is not here in his true form, just an emotional clone. He is mainly here to examine Backlund's current situation.

Anyway...it is indeed alive, but it still has nothing to do with "harmony".

No one in the living room dared to speak for a moment, and Edward didn't speak either, adding to their psychological pressure and waiting for them to think of a solution.

The location of the Demon Family's mansion is indeed good. It can be seen that a lot of money was spent on it. The interior furnishings and decorations are also in preparation for one day obtaining the noble title of Loen - what is it now? It seems that after contributing a lot of land and money to the church, he somehow succeeded in inheriting the position of a dead viscount?

Well, in the early days, the Thunder Church turned a blind eye to the Demon Family and regarded them as a tool to balance against other gods. Then when the Demon Family’s assets began to expand, they began to recruit a large number of workers frequently and paid for their lives with money, and used their own methods to "stabilize the middle and lower classes." The Church of Thunder has seen the value they can play in social order and the money they can give them. They continue to turn a blind eye and occasionally attack, and they begin to worry about their own lives and keep giving the church money. relation.

Later, if you need a title, you must first find a way to find connections with nobles who are related to the royal family. In the end, you cannot avoid the powerful Church of Thunder. In order to find connections with the royal family, it is best to choose to believe in the God of Thunder. The relationship is like this one by one. The point is brought closer.

Now he has been "given" the position of viscount by the church through connections. In addition, there is indeed no fresh blood in Loen's aristocratic class. The devil is trying to gain a certain influence and status in the upper class, and it cannot afford to let go of sunk costs. .

Oh my God, it’s really shameless. Isn’t this completely trapped by the Thunder Church?

His name is Leodro, right? Or maybe these were done by a certain demigod or angel below, who is really smart... Edward clicked his tongue again, frightening the little devils below.

"Dear, respected 'Abyss', I have a remedy."

After a full minute of silence, Milan summoned the courage to speak.

Don't get me wrong, I never have much expectations for what you can do. Even if you become an angel, what does it have to do with me? Edward ignored him or spoke to him. He looked at the corner of the living room and suddenly said to a person:

"Are you from the Southern Continent?"

A person in the corner immediately made a move of "wanting to raise his head", but his head was only ten centimeters away from the carpet before he lowered his head. Only a muffled voice came from the corner:

"Yes, yes. I come from the Southern Continent, from the Rose School of Thought."

Just when he was eager for the gods to ask more questions, Edward turned his eyes to another person in boredom: "You kid from the Beria family? Did you join North, or did you come as a partner?"

The member of the Beria family also suppressed the ecstasy in his heart and nodded. Edward asked casually: "Is the Beria family still cultivating extraordinary animals to be their partners? It seems so, and they can only delve into various rituals." Compared to the magical Andrelad, you are indeed more fond of me. By the way, your current senior management shouldn’t still hold grudges against me, right?”

The member of the Beria family who was questioned was Sequence 6.

"Why, how could it be possible?" He stuttered in reply, feeling a scorching gaze staring at his back and top of his head. He broke into cold sweat, "He... the former patriarch was defeated by you, it makes sense." Among them, we will only follow the strong.”

Edward nodded without answering, and left Milan alone for a while. After five minutes, he looked at the trembling, sweaty, and somewhat suspicious head of the North family in front of him, and felt that his patience was not enough. :

"The remedial measures you came up with just now, do you think you have any confidence to ensure that your remedial measures will be effective?"

"Do you think you have this ability now? How many manpower does Becklandry have? Is there a plan? Is there a personnel scheduling arrangement? Are there any remedial measures to remedy this after failure? Don't do it just because I have trained you a few times. You just want to do something out of your head, so relax, your 'cold-blooded' doesn't need to be re-digested, right?"

"Don't think I'm too strict. Where can you find a good god like me who guides believers as carefully as I do now?"

The "Devil" was sweating profusely, his two legs were fighting, and he was almost unsteady on his knees. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that the idea he just had was just a slap on the head. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was full of loopholes and vulnerable to a blow. He wished he could Choke the self you were a few minutes ago to death. But just then, he heard Edward speak.

"Tell me about it," Edward said. "Just do it if you want to. I'm very open-minded. Anyway, it's not me who dies."

Milan took a few deep breaths.

"...Inducing the people of Feneport to have conflicts with Roen." He said in a low voice, as if coming from the cracks in the ground, "I have met several merchants in Feneport, a flour The merchant looked down upon the quality of Loen's wheat, but he had to sell me his fine flour at half the market price in Fenebaud. He was a temporary grain merchant. His parents were the real merchants, but they had been It was struck by lightning and turned into ashes. He doesn’t want to do business with the Loen people. He hates it to death every time, but he must accept my money in order to satisfy his hunger."

"There are also civilians, people who have been forced, or have lost their land and their families, who want to come over and exact horrific revenge."

Edward began studying his cufflinks.

"They are all the epitome of the current situation in Feneport. They will explode at the slightest provocation. However, the power of mortals is not enough to shake the covenant between gods. If so, the demon family will need to contribute a lot to eventually attract the attention of the church... …”

"What's more, it's the honeymoon period of the alliance between the Church of the Earth Mother God and the Church of the God of Thunder. Anyone can see that there is something wrong with sowing discord during this period - this is, this is the reason why I have never dared to take action. .”

The reason is sufficient and the logic is normal. Anyone with a normal mind will know that if they take action at this time, they will be attacked by the two major churches.

After Milan finished speaking, he couldn't help but licked his lips and waited uneasily for his words.

"Very good." Edward was completely unimpressed. If people can shake the church by themselves, what's the use of these demons? "You go ahead and do it."


Ding. Something fell in front of him, it was a solid gold cufflink on Edward's left sleeve.

"Whether you are manipulating desires or amplifying evil thoughts, you are already a mature 'devil'. Don't forget your own job just because you have been a factory owner for a long time. I believe you will find a way." Edward said softly. , “Either die now and find someone else to do it.”



Good night!

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