After getting on the train, Allen handed his luggage to the conductor and carefully took his wife and children to the first-class carriage reserved for them by a friend.

There were not many people in the carriage, and it was very quiet. It seemed that every passenger had something to do, and there were not many people to communicate with. Allen walked past the two carriages and found that there were less than fifty passengers in this car.

It seems that although the economy has rebounded slightly and social conflicts have been alleviated, people are still unwilling to leave their long-term residence until they are completely stabilized... Allen breathed a sigh of relief. Now he does not have to worry about the noise in the car. The younger son woke up.

His wife had already sat down in a very spacious place. After Will fell asleep, he looked like the cute little angel he usually was at home.

After sitting down, Alan bought a newspaper from the newsboy outside the window as normal and started reading it leisurely.


Soon, the whistle sounded, the steam train started to run loudly, and the scenery outside the window sped past one after another.

Allen and Velma chatted quietly, discussing the scenery of the seaside city and the delicious grilled fish, and looked forward to the leisurely vacation life in Disi Bay in the next few days.

Leonard rested in the cabin for a few hours, then walked out of the room again, climbed onto the deck, and casually looked at the scenery of the river bank on the side of the ship.

"It's colder here than in Loen."

Leonard put his hands to his mouth, exhaled a breath muttering to himself, and saw the white steam blown away by the wind.

He changed his clothes as the Romans did when he went to the countryside. He no longer wore the formal clothes he was wearing. Instead, he used the gold pounds in his hand to exchange some Intis currency in the city to buy new clothes and personal belongings.

He put on a shirt and jacket that were common in Intis, but seemed a bit fancy to the Loen people. The coat is dotted with some golden accessories here and there, and it makes jingling sounds when he walks. This is a very novel experience for Leonard, who often needs to move quietly.

The holy emblem and the pair of red gloves owned by the senior deacon of the Church of the Night were neatly folded together with other scattered items and placed in the small suitcase he had just bought. In Leonard's opinion, these two things are the most valuable things in it.

Now, he looks like an Intis young man who is traveling. When his green eyes meet a certain lady or gentleman inadvertently, they can always make some ripples rise in the other person's heart.

Wanting to travel more comfortably and quickly, he chose to board a steam-powered passenger ship heading north along the Serenzo River. The Serenzo River intersects with the Line River in Trier. At that time, he can consider staying in Trier for a while to meet his companions in the Tarot Society, and then continue to the north.

He has nothing to do now, as if he is spending a long-lost vacation in a foreign country.

It was very cold on the river. There were almost no passengers on the deck coming out to enjoy the breeze. Breakfast in the restaurant would not be served until a few minutes later. Leonard straightened his collar and looked at the relatively new houses on both sides of the river and the ones in the distance that seemed to have experienced some huge impact. Buildings showing many signs of collapse. However, he was not interested in the scenery in Intis. What he liked most on the whole ship was the soft bed in his first-class cabin.

Although there is no need to sleep, it is very comfortable and comfortable to lie down on it.

"Klein is in Fusac now..."

There was no one around, so Leonard whispered to himself: "What is he doing in Fusac?"

Pales didn't say anything. After a few seconds, Leonard said again: "By the way, old man, is the place we are going to a marionette town? It's just like the 'Land of Night' you mentioned. The kind that doesn’t have a single living person?”

"I asked Klein at the Tarot meeting when I could give him the cards, and he said I had to go to Fusac to find him."

"You know what a small town is, old man?"

Pales clicked his tongue: "Don't ask me everything. You can't think about these things by yourself? Take a step back. Those are your former colleagues, not mine. If you have something to say, you can't ask directly... him?"

"I did forget to ask him about the means of contact - but for this, I can pray to Mr. Fool." Leonard muttered, and just as he was about to say something more, he saw the doors of other cabins opening one after another, and there were some passengers. Walked out and started heading to the restaurant.

Time for breakfast? Leonard heard the sound of the bell ringing. As a foreigner, he had great expectations for the catering on this kind of high-end domestic ship. He temporarily stopped bickering with Palles and followed the passengers quickly towards the restaurant.

Leonard didn't ask, and Pales was too happy to say anything.

He happened to be unable to understand these things about "The Fool". Pales was now very lucky that he did not tell Leonard the information that "Secret Puppet City is the first ritual of the 'Soothsayer'", otherwise the two of them would definitely We are at a loss together.

Palles was really stunned by this obvious "Servant of Secrets" promotion ceremony. This completely overturned his own previous confident speculation that "the one who is now on the Source Castle should be the one who has been hiding." The Secret Waiter'". Obviously, if the other party is already the Secret Attendant, then it is nothing to prepare the ritual again under the current circumstances. He should focus on accommodating the uniqueness and gathering other Sequence Ones as soon as possible.

"Secret Puppet Town" obviously belongs to "The Fool", and it belongs to this camp no matter what, but why would Leonard's former colleague prepare the Sequence One ritual while "The Fool" exists?

Anyway, that couldn't be Zaratul, that guy might still be secretly calculating the time for resurrection. And it is absolutely impossible for Antigonus to want to visit Secret Puppet Town again - this is obviously not to rebuild the "Land of Night". So now there is actually only one answer, and that is - "The Fool" is indeed Klein Moretti, and this is the promotion ceremony for the other party to become Sequence One - but from Leonard's description of the other party's power and personality, and Judging from each of his "decryptions", the identity of "The Fool" is clearly...

Pales stopped thinking.

His spiritual intuition did not give any warning, but he still felt that there would be no results if he continued to think about it, so he stopped thinking about this matter and stole the piece of roast that Leonard had just tasted. The smell of fish.

It's quite fragrant, but there's a little too much sugar... Pales thought leisurely and instructed Leonard to try other desserts.

"What's wrong with you, Audrey?"

Irena once again invited Audrey to have afternoon tea with her in her restaurant. Seeing the unpleasant look on her face, she couldn't help but ask: "You seem to have something on your mind but don't share it with me. Could it be that Is the lady from Loen always so reserved?"

As she spoke, she poured Audrey a cup of hot tea and pushed over an envelope with the holy emblem of the Church of the Creator:

"this is for you."

"There is a big shot in your psychological alchemy who wants to see you. I hope you can visit him when you are free. Just go to the garden behind the cathedral. You happened to be taking a nap at that time. He said that you should know his identity. I I’ll accept it for you.”

Audrey had already guessed who it was. She was silent for a moment, picked up the teacup and took a sip, then asked casually:

"Did this gentleman just leave?"

"It turns out to be a gentleman."

Irena laughed and said lazily: "I don't remember his appearance or age at all, nor whether he is a boy or a girl. So I know that this must be a senior member of the Psychological Alchemy Society. You have an ability called 'psychology'." Learn to be invisible'."

"He came twenty minutes ago. Since He doesn't want me to know His identity, I won't ask you."

Twenty minutes ago... Hermes' sudden visit made Audrey clearly aware of the subtle relationship between the two gods again, which made her feel a little complicated. She suspected that the other party had already discovered her going to the "Tarot Club". No, Audrey felt that Hermes should have discovered that she was connected to the god "The Fool" a long time ago. This should be one of the reasons why he found her. It seems that the other party has clearly expressed his curiosity about the "Tarot Society" and "The Fool" and wants to find out the information.

There is no use keeping secrets or lying to an audience angel who is stronger than herself. Audrey plans to tell the truth directly and try her best to say something nice to Mr. Fool - anyway, those are her feelings from the bottom of her heart.

"I... will visit again in the evening." Audrey said.

She accepted the letter without opening it. After saying that, Audrey looked at Irena across from her. All she saw from this lady who was not much older than herself was frankness and sincerity. She knew that the other party also saw the world very thoroughly and understood the relationship between gods and heaven. Xu Nuo also saw it clearly, but because she knew it clearly and knew her abilities, Irena never showed distress.

"I told you before, I have something to do with an elder."

Audrey took a sip of tea and said with a wry smile:

"Well... I told him my troubles and what I was thinking about recently. He expressed his support for my idea in a tactful way, but also said that since he decided to join the Church of God sincerely, there was no need to talk to him again in the future. Come and go.”

Irena just picked up a piece of brownie and was stunned for a moment when she heard these words, and then said thoughtfully:

"That elder of yours is a believer in the God of Thunder?"

"No, I don't know his faith." Audrey blurred the question and thought happily, "I'm very sad, but I'm not overly sad or angry about it. Although he doesn't want me to change my faith, But he still supported my choice and did not express any other dissatisfaction or hostility towards my behavior - which further deepened my respect for him and the regret in my heart."

"I'm sorry too," Irena said. "It sounds like he is an elegant and reasonable person, and he is indeed not a believer in Thunder."

"Not all followers of the God of Thunder are rude and rude." Audrey said tactfully.

Irena smiled: "Let's not talk about it. After all, I haven't been to Loen a few times." After saying that, she took out a folder from her side and handed it to Audrey: "This is The transfer orders and dispatch plans given to you by the church include hospitals, schools, and official charities, both in Trier and in other cities. As a demigod, you have the freedom to choose. After all, you are an archbishop. . Although it’s good to be in Trier, many other cities are still under reconstruction, so it’s also a good opportunity for you to build connections and influence.”

Audrey heard the implication of Irena's words. She took the folder and looked at the thick stack of more than ten pages of paper inside. Thinking that even the diocese itself could choose these jobs, she felt it again Here comes the importance of strength.

"I will reply as soon as possible." She felt better.

A few hours later, Allen cast his eyes out the window with concern.

Because heavy clouds had accumulated above his head and in the sky in the distance, a storm was inevitable.

This meant that steam trains would stop at a station early and wait until the storm was over, or even continue their journey early the next morning, rather than arriving at the intended location.

"Have we arrived in Disi County?" He called the conductor without any hope and received a negative answer as expected.

However, he had no way to stop it. He could not change the weather like the "God of Thunder".

The only thing he could do was pray, to God.

The child woke up while the vehicle was moving forward. He was as well-behaved as usual, sitting quietly in his mother's arms and no longer cried or fussed like in the morning. This led both Allen and his wife to believe that the morning's abnormalities were simply because the child did not want to leave familiar surroundings.

Will's eyes were also looking out the window. The dice held by the fingers hidden in his swaddling clothes was facing "six o'clock".

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the first drop of rain to appear on the window. The rainwater was pulled out by the high-speed train and left a long trace. Then there was a flash of lightning in the sky, and the heavy rain suddenly poured down.

"I'm afraid we have to stay in another city for one night." Allen shrugged and said with a smile, "There is actually a chance to experience the scenery of other cities in four days, which is quite a profit."

Some passengers on the train began to complain to the conductor, and some began to write letters or ask if there was a telegraph machine on the train. Their scheduled schedule and things were delayed, but for Alan and Velma, this unexpected situation was indeed a bit unexpected, but it could also be regarded as a small episode during the trip.

Facts have proved that praying has no effect most of the time. When it gets darker and darker, the platform in front has used lights to signal the train to slow down and stop on the spot.


The whistle blew again, and the train became slower and slower, finally stopping at a platform that seemed a bit unfamiliar to everyone.

The next second, the mechanical door opened near the front of the car that was spewing thin steam. The conductor stood at the entrance. The heavy rain blocked the road ahead. He had no choice but to shout to the staff on the platform from a distance:

"What happened in front?"

"It's raining heavily and I can't see anything!" the site staff member, whose temples were already a little gray, replied loudly.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a muffled thunder in the sky, making everyone tremble.

"Damn!" the conductor cursed, "Which station is this?"

Because it was an abnormal stop, he didn't quite know which station it was at. After all, the train he was responsible for didn't stop at every stop along the way.

"Tone City in South Wales! A small station! You can make your own arrangements next!" The staff member yelled a few times before running to the other end of the platform with a glass lantern, "I have to signal the train behind me!"

The train conductor had no doubts about the attitude of the staff, because this was a normal dispatching process, otherwise there would have been a rear-end collision between two steam trains.

He could even conclude that other staff at this station were already sending telegrams and reminders to other stations.

Of course, they must have only known that the area ahead had been covered by heavy rain after receiving the telegram.

"We're in South Wales."

Allen didn't find any useful information in his mind, but there were too many small stations and cities he didn't know, so he was in a good mood: "Velma, I like the beer in South Wales very much. Now you can come and try it. Since the local wine is produced, I might be able to bring some specialties back to them.”

Of course, he didn't pay too much attention, because there were many unknown steam train stations in the entire Loen Kingdom, which was a reflection of the comprehensive strength of a country.

The conductor looked at the dark sky, muttered a few words, and then used the newly equipped loudspeaker to say to the passengers:

"The storm is approaching and the train will be at Tone station until eight o'clock tomorrow morning."

He expects the storm to continue into tonight.

"You can stay in the car, or you can leave on your own and go to the city to find a hotel. You only need to provide your ticket stub to get on the train again tomorrow. Remember to be on time." The conductor gave two options.

Allen did not hesitate. They took their children with them and had to find a hotel to rest. So he picked up his suitcase and helped his wife out of the train.

After the Chris family entered Ton Station, before they left the station, they saw another train stopping on the opposite side of the track where they were. The vehicle must have stopped at the station early due to a heavy rainstorm. All the lights inside had been turned off. It seemed that all the passengers had gotten off the train and left. Only a man dressed as a conductor was sitting on a bench at the station to rest.

Having just arrived in a strange city, Allen was ready to ask the conductor for information, so he walked forward.

"Good evening, sir." Allen took the initiative to greet the other party. The train conductor turned his head. He had three-dimensional features and broad shoulders. He did not look like a Loen man. Allen didn't think much and asked directly, "Excuse me, are you the conductor of that car?"

The other party hummed, and then said in common language with an accent:

"This is my first time here. If you want to ask me what accommodation and restaurants I recommend, I can't answer you."

"Oh." Allen had no choice but to retract the idea of ​​continuing to inquire. He asked instead, "We are going to Disi Bay for vacation. Where is your car going?"

"Miner Minsk Mountains." The train conductor looked at the family of three and said angrily, "Because it is on the border between the two countries, it has the feel of the Fusac Empire. It is a small resort city at the foot of the snow-capped mountains."

"Sounds good." Although Allen was not interested in the customs of the Feysac Empire, he still said politely, "If there is a chance in the future, I would also like to visit a city like this. I heard that Fusac's The bacon and spirits are both excellent…”

After he said this, he suddenly heard the sobbing of his child.

The sobbing grew rapidly, and Allen and Velma had no choice but to hold their children and quickly leave the station.



I just came back from something.

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