The Feneport man stumbled away.

Edward reopened the newspaper in his hand. There was a small page on it that told the news about "Feneport farmers beat the pastor of Thunder Church to death." Almost the entire article was about how the pastor who died tragically was innocent. The photo was There was a crying woman and an ignorant child. There was also a small page that briefly summarized the chaos that occurred in the East District, and a larger page was a notice from the Church of the Mother Earth:

"Starting from the 10th of this month, normal trade with Loen will resume."

In other words, the free bread at church relief sites is about to disappear, and the low-priced, high-quality food in major food stores will soon return to the original price when it was imported.

This news has just been reported, and it seems that there will be some looting in the future... But the restoration of normal trade can at least give some people in Feneport some comfort, and it can also divert conflicts to a certain extent.

"Should we let the Demon Family take the opportunity to sell some food and go out?"

"...Forget it. Intervening so early will change the opposing sides. It would be better for them to do it themselves."

at dusk.

After the last believer left, Emlyn was about to close the church. Suddenly, he felt a line of sight behind him. He looked in that direction and saw the man who left angrily two hours ago reappearing near the church.

He has calmed down, thinking that he is a demigod and there is no need to be angry over such a trivial matter. He still has many things to do.

But seeing the other party coming, Emlyn still asked:

"The church is closed tonight. If you want to stay overnight, I can arrange a place for you."

The Feneport man looked at him, his expression softening. But then he became serious again. He stepped forward and asked seriously:

"Father, I found the murderer who used extraordinary powers to kill my neighbor. He was the pastor of Thunder Church."

Emlyn's eyebrows furrowed:

"Don't do impulsive things."

"...No, I won't." The Feneport man whispered, with a trace of hesitation that he didn't notice. Then he looked at Emlyn with expectant eyes, "Father, I won't be stupid. Yes, but I want to take him to court and I hope he can get the punishment he deserves. Can you help me?"

There's no point in going to court... Emlyn opened his mouth. Facing these longing eyes, it was really hard for him to say harsh words:

"If you have evidence, I can indeed help you think of a solution... But the key is whether your friend was innocently involved and was accidentally injured and lost his life, or he actively participated and was finally taught by Lei Lei in the chaotic fight. Killed by a priest?"

"He - he went to reclaim wasteland outside the city. His salary was deducted and he wanted to get it back, so he participated in the parade -"

"It wasn't a parade at all, it was just a dispute. And why was his salary deducted?"

"Because he had a quarrel with a priest... It was just a few words! Nothing like that! Our salary is not much to begin with!"

"Okay, don't get excited. Is the priest who had the altercation and killed him the same person?"

"I-I don't know."

"...If that's the case, then I'm afraid I can't help you." Emlyn said regretfully, "This lawsuit cannot be fought at all, and it is impossible to win. I'm afraid your neighbor can only get some subsidies from the church. It’s a pity, but you’d better give up on this idea.”

"Is it really not possible?" the Feneport man begged, "Father, please!"

"...You can also go to the Church of Flowers and ask, as well as the Church of the Earth, which is being renovated. That may be the future headquarters. If the priest there is willing to help you, there may be a way to call out the Extraordinary to give you a message. Sorry." Emlyn said, "Besides this, I have no other choice... Also, Harvest Church has many injured people and people who want to be treated every day. I am very busy, so you should You can see that I really can’t help you with similar things, so don’t ask again in the future.”

Emlyn's eyes dimmed instantly when he saw the other party. He turned away and closed the main door of the church.

Therefore, he did not see another surge of crazy emotions suddenly rising in the other person's eyes.

When Allen returned to the room, it was completely dark.

The Kris family chatted in the room for a while, Ms. Velma gave the child a bath, and Allen stopped by to discuss with the waiter about ordering a few bottles of direct-selling beer to be delivered to Backlund's home by train. Now the weather It's not difficult to preserve even if it's cold.

After settling the matter, Allen went back and took a bath. Thinking that he would have to get up at 6:30 tomorrow, the family turned off the lights and went to bed early.

I don't know how long it took, but Allen suddenly woke up in a daze.

He barely opened his eyes and saw a long railway track ahead.

He looked down in confusion and found that he was already dressed, wearing a tie, and carrying his suitcase, standing on the platform of the train station.

Velma was also standing next to him. Allen really couldn't raise his head to look at the other person's face. He only knew that the other person was there and was pushing the child's stroller. Will, who was lying in the stroller, was wrapped in silver-white clothes. Silk quilt. The family was standing on the platform peacefully, and there seemed to be vague figures walking around, but when Alan tried to look, those figures disappeared.

There seemed to be people coming and going, voices speaking various languages ​​were noisy, and it seemed dead silent. There were only three of them in the huge station.

Allen felt as if he was separated from everything around him by a layer of frosted glass, unable to see or hear clearly.

As soon as a feeling of doubt arose in his heart, he calmed down again in this weird and strange scene... Yes, their family of three was going to travel, to a far away place, a strange city, a... …They are now waiting for the train to start.

Allen couldn't lift his head and could only open his eyes a little. The surrounding things turned into blurry blocks of color in his field of vision. After waiting for a while, a voice sounded in Allen's ears, echoing intermittently around him:

"Utopia... the express train... has... entered the station..."

"Everyone...passengers...wait for the bus...in an orderly manner...as soon as possible..."

This voice was somewhat familiar, as if I had heard it somewhere. Allen looked at the empty railway track in front of him. A trace of doubt arose in his subconscious. He turned his vision left and right to find the location of the train.

Then he saw a pair of boots.

The reason he only saw one pair of boots was because the high leather boots were just at eye level with him. The tall train conductor was hanging in the air with his head lowered, his body swaying slightly, his mouth opening and closing. The sound came from the "trumpet" on the edge of the pillar, echoing mechanically over and over again in the station.

Other train station staff were also suspended in mid-air like this. Allen looked into the station and saw the conductor behind the glass also hanging on the ceiling. This was probably a feature of the Utopia train. Their heads were blocked by the eaves, and they could only see their legs hanging down some distance from the table. There were bills and notebooks on the table, as well as a cup of steaming coffee.

So Allen nodded slowly and greeted the conductor in mid-air.

Utopia... yes, after hearing that voice, Allen remembered that he, Velma, and Will were going to Utopia.

But where exactly is the train?

Allen hadn't figured it out yet. At this moment, from the corner of his eye, he noticed Velma moving. Velma pushed the stroller towards a pillar in the station. The silver stroller was at the front, looking like It was like Will was guiding Mom and Dad. Allen didn't think much and followed his wife and children almost instinctively. There were four pillars in this station, and the three of them walked towards the third of them together.

The silver stroller hit the load-bearing column directly, and then "crashed in", followed by Velma, and then Allen also walked into the column.

In an instant, what appeared in front of Allen was a brand new station, and the track in front of him was no longer empty, but a long black and white "train" was already parked.

A light lit up in the train, and as the orange light lit up Allen's vision, the door opened, and the vague passengers around him began to board the train. Allen followed naturally. When passing by the hanging ticket inspector, he reached into his coat pocket and took out a familiar postcard and a brightly colored poster.

A corner of the poster fell off out of thin air, and then the ticket inspector's body shook slightly and the car door opened.

A family of three entered the train and sat down in the empty seats.

After a while, the train seemed to start moving. The scenery outside the window quickly receded. Cities, plains, rivers and mountains flashed by one by one, and finally drove into a heavy snow.

Allen turned around and saw the train speeding over an endless snowfield, with towering mountains vaguely visible in the distance.

The passengers were either sitting quietly or hanging. The metal trolley pushed by the flight attendants staggered steadily from the aisle between the seats, with cups of steaming cocoa drinks and coffee placed on it.

The interior of the car was very warm, and there were no unpleasant smells that were inevitable on steam trains. Allen did not see the gas pipe, but he saw a small circular outlet above his head blowing out hot air.

In this comfortable and comfortable environment, Allen closed his eyes, his consciousness became blurred again, and he fell into a deep sleep.

The dining car stopped next to him, as if there was an invisible steward standing beside him, and then a cup of hot cocoa flew out from the second level of the dining car and landed on the small table in front of the silver stroller, along with a small box of ice cream. .

The food truck moves on.

Will sat up from the stroller, held the white porcelain tea cup in his hands, blew on the hot cocoa inside, and then took a small sip.

"This city has a counterpart in the spiritual world... Sure enough, it not only exists in reality, but it is not only accessible by practical means."

Dreams, wandering in the spirit world, trains, and other methods should be able to travel to Utopia.

Will does not intend to go to Utopia immediately, but this does not prevent him from seeing how dangerous this city is for him before going. Ourolius can lay a big net to catch him, and he can also find a way to avoid the other party's capture. Their fates have indeed intersected in the future, but if it is not inevitable, Will still I want to postpone it for a while.

It is obviously safer to go from the dream, and there are many people going to Utopia at the same time. Will uses the "Dice of Probability" to slightly hide his fate and blend in, trying to hide it from Ouro Leus. Not impossible.

After an unknown amount of time, the sky outside the train gradually became brighter, and the heavy snow gradually became lighter. On the plain ahead, a rather small city appeared in the view of the train window.

Will's spirituality was suddenly touched. He looked towards the city outside the window, and was shocked by everything he saw.

"A house made of glass?"

He saw a building with a height of more than five floors. The style and style were particularly strange. Not only did it look like a rectangular parallelepiped, but the outer walls seemed to be all made of glass. It reflected light incredibly in the heavy snow, and a human figure could be vaguely seen inside.

But this only surprised him. Some special buildings were nothing. Later, he discovered that there was no spiritual splendor in the entire city.

There isn’t even a single Beyonder secret puppet inside?

A city made entirely of ordinary people?

If there were only ordinary marionettes in the entire city, then the only extraordinary person would be Ourolius! Will suddenly felt a subtle emotion in his heart. If this was the case, they would be as eye-catching to each other as torches in the middle of the night. Ouroleus must have hidden himself tightly, waiting. Destiny guided them to meet by coincidence.

When the train roared into Utopia's station, Will carefully observed the station again.

The station has a high glass dome, and the hanging staff wear similar but different uniforms to Luen. There are no gas pipes anywhere, but you can clearly feel the continuous influx of heat.

Just as the car door opened, the alarm clock rang at half past six in the morning.

Allen woke up from his dream and let out a long yawn.

The memory in the dream gradually disappeared, and Allen looked at the ceiling of the hotel. After a moment of confusion, he remembered his itinerary.

"Why do I feel like I'm already in the car..."

He muttered and stood up, starting to rummage for his razor and toothbrush. At this moment, he discovered that the poster that the young man had given him last night was missing a corner and seemed to have been torn off.

Maybe it was torn accidentally... Allen didn't think much. He woke up his sleeping wife and child, and they got up to wash up, and then wiped Will's face and body. After packing up, the family entered the restaurant at seven o'clock and had something to eat.

Afterwards, they checked out and left the hotel, got on the carriage, and arrived at Ton Station at 7:40.

His train had already started. Allen habitually turned his head to look and found that the train heading for Utopia parked opposite had disappeared.

"Leaving so early?"

Allen muttered to himself and walked into the train bound for Desi Bay.

The central open space of the Cathedral of Light with its beautiful gardens.

Under the noon sun, the sunflowers are all in full bloom. Audrey had just entered, and before she had time to appreciate the garden carefully, she saw a carriage driving over. The driver was an ordinary middle-aged man wearing an old top hat and a dark jacket.

However, in Audrey's eyes, this coachman does not exist at all, because he has no corresponding spiritual island and conscious activities.

In other words, the coachman is just an illusion, a dummy, and the leader of the carriage is the horse itself. Even when driving, the wheels of this carriage did not leave ruts on the garden path, and it seemed that it was an illusion from beginning to end.

A few seconds later, the carriage stopped in front of Audrey, and the carriage door creaked open.

"Please come in." A deep male voice came from inside.

Audrey lifted her skirt slightly, got on the carriage, and saw old Mr. Hermes, who was already sitting on the seat with white beard and hair.

He had a slight smile on his face as always, looking old and gentle. Her hair was neatly combed back and there were some wrinkles on her forehead. After seeing Audrey, He said hello and then invited Audrey to get in the car.

"Your Highness Hermes."

Audrey saluted, then held up her skirt and got into the car.

"I thought you would question me driving the car in the garden." Hermes winked at Audrey, as playful as ever. He moved back, but in fact the space inside the carriage was very large, and Audrey could sit down and relax directly opposite him, "Don't worry, others can't see this carriage, nor can they see the two of us. Good afternoon - I know you want to ask me why I changed the visit to this afternoon, because I planned to take you somewhere by the way."

"Where is it?" Audrey asked politely while watching the car door close automatically from the corner of her eye.

Since Hermes did not ask her directly or indirectly about the Tarot Society and Mr. Fool, Audrey was not in a hurry to speak. She also wanted to see how Hermes would treat her as a new member, and she had already confirmed the change. Believing demigod.

This old-hearted angel stretched out his hand and pulled open the silk covering the window, and Audrey felt the carriage begin to move forward:

"A place you need to know in the future can be understood as the headquarters of the Psychological Alchemy Society."

"Well, to be honest, we're talking about changing the name of this place for heaven's sake."

Change your name?

Audrey nodded lightly and sat down calmly without much doubt.

Then, she cast her gaze out the window without any concealment, and was slightly shocked to find that in just a blink of an eye, the park turned into a strange city, shrouded in night.

There are gorgeous buildings with a mysterious and dark feel in the city. There are gentlemen wearing top hats and windbreakers and women with complicated and gloomy dresses walking around.

Audrey glanced around and saw a gentleman beside the carriage with short black hair on his face and sharp canine teeth exposed in his mouth.

This is a werewolf.

"What is this place?" Audrey asked without much change in expression, as if she was asking about the location of tonight's dance.

Hermes seemed to have been waiting for this question. Hearing this, he smiled and said:

“This is the city in everyone’s heart.

“Wherever there are people there is it.”

Audrey nodded thoughtfully: "In other words, you can enter here from any corner of human society?"

"That's right."

He didn't explain much, and instead pointed to the sidewalks outside the carriage window:

"Everything here has corresponding psychological symbols, they are called 'animal desires'."

Beastiality... Audrey repeated the word silently, and looked further away while maintaining a dignified sitting posture.



Its daybreak.

The Fenneport man recited that address over and over again in his mind, and walked to Second Street in the Jowood District with empty steps.

After arriving at the location, he raised his head and looked at the beautiful townhouse in front of him, his Adam's apple rolling. The cold morning wind made his face stiff. He rolled up his sleeves, mustered up his courage, and entered the small building. (End of chapter)

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